When you are ready automate deployment, you can use one of AWS SAM’s starter pipeline templates to generate a deployment pipeline for the CI/CD system you choose to use. Your deployment pipeline is what you configure and use to automate the deployment of your serverless application. A starter pipeline template is pre-configured to help you quickly set up your deployment pipeline for your serverless application.
With a starter pipeline template, you can generate pipelines in minutes using the sam pipeline init command.
The starter pipeline templates use the familiar JSON/YAML syntax of the CI/CD system, and
incorporate best practices such as managing artifacts across multiple accounts and regions, and
using the minimum amount of permissions required to deploy the application. Currently, the AWS SAM
CLI supports generating starter CI/CD pipeline configurations for AWS CodePipeline
Here are the high-level tasks you need to perform to generate a starter pipeline configuration:
Create infrastructure resources – Your pipeline requires certain AWS resources, for example the IAM user and roles with necessary permissions, an Amazon S3 bucket, and optionally an Amazon ECR repository.
Connect your Git repository with your CI/CD system – Your CI/CD system needs to know which Git repository will trigger the pipeline to run. Note that this step may not be necessary, depending on which combination of Git repository and CI/CD system you are using.
Generate your pipeline configuration – This step generates a starter pipeline configuration that includes two deployment stages.
Commit your pipeline configuration to your Git repository – This step is necessary to ensure your CI/CD system is aware of your pipeline configuration, and will run when changes are committed.
After you've generated the starter pipeline configuration and committed it to your Git repository, whenever someone commits a code change to that repository your pipeline will be triggered to run automatically.
The ordering of these steps, and details of each step, vary based on your CI/CD system:
If you are using AWS CodePipeline, see Generating starter pipeline for AWS CodePipeline in AWS SAM.
If you are using Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, GitHub Actions, or Bitbucket Pipelines, see Use AWS SAM to generate starter pipelines for Jenkins, GitLab CI/CD, GitHub Actions, Bitbucket Pipelines.