Managing your environment variables - AWS App Runner

Managing your environment variables

Manage the environment variables for your App Runner service by using one of the following methods:

App Runner console

When you create a service or update a service on the App Runner console, you can add environment variables.

Adding environment variable

To add environment variable
  1. Open the App Runner console, and in the Regions list, select your AWS Region.

  2. Based on whether you're creating or updating a service, perform one of the following steps:

    • If you're creating a new service, choose Create an App Runner service and go to Configure Service.

    • If you're updating an existing service, select the service that you want to update and go to the Configuration tab of the service.

  3. Go to Environment variables - optional under Service settings.

  4. Choose any of the following options based on your requirement:

    • Choose Plain Text from the Environment variable source and enter its key-value pairs under Environment variable name and Environment variable value, respectively.


      Choose Plain Text if you want to reference non-sensitive data. This data isn't encrypted and is visible to others in the App Runner service configuration and application logs.

    • Choose Secrets Manager from the Environment variable source to reference the secret that's stored in AWS Secrets Manager as environment variable in your service. Provide the environment variable name and Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the secret that you're referencing under Environment variable name and Environment variable value respectively.

    • Choose SSM Parameter Store from the Environment variable source to reference the parameter stored in SSM Parameter Store as environment variable in your service. Provide the environment variable name and ARN of the parameter that you're referencing under Environment variable name and Environment variable value respectively.

      • You cannot assign PORT as a name for an environment variable when creating or updating your App Runner service. It's a reserved environment variable for App Runner service.

      • If the SSM Parameter Store parameter is in the same AWS Region as the service that you want to launch, you can specify the full Amazon Resource Name (ARN) or the name of the parameter. If the parameter is in a different Region, you need to specify the full ARN.

      • Make sure that parameter that you're referencing to is in the same account as the service that you're launching or updating. Currently, you can't reference SSM Parameter Store parameter across accounts.

  5. Choose Add environment variable to reference to another environment variable.

  6. Expand IAM policy templates to view and copy the IAM policy templates provided for the AWS Secrets Manager and SSM Parameter Store. You only need to do this if you didn't yet update the IAM policy of your instance role with the required permissions. For more information, see Permissions.

Removing environment variable

Before you delete an environment variable make sure that your application code is updated to reflect the same. If the application code is not updated, your App Runner service might fail.

To remove environment variables
  1. Open the App Runner console, and in the Regions list, select your AWS Region.

  2. Go to Configuration tab of the service you want to update.

  3. Go to Environment variables - optional under Service settings.

  4. Choose Remove next to the environment variable that you want to remove. You receive a message to confirm the deletion.

  5. Choose Delete.

App Runner API or AWS CLI

You can reference sensitive data stored in Secrets Manager and SSM Parameter Store by adding them as environment variables in your service.


Update the IAM policy of your instance role so App Runner can access secrets and parameters stored in Secrets Manager and SSM Parameter Store. For more information, see Permissions.

To reference secrets and configurations as environment variables
  1. Create a secret or configuration in the Secrets Manager or SSM Parameter Store.

    The following examples show how to create a secret and a parameter using the SSM Parameter Store.

    Example Creating a secret - Request

    The following example shows how to create a secret that represents the database credential.

    aws secretsmanager create-secret \ —name DevRdsCredentials \ —description "Rds credentials for development account." \ —secret-string "{\"user\":\"diegor\",\"password\":\"EXAMPLE-PASSWORD\"}"
    Example Creating a secret - Response
    Example Creating a configuration - Request

    The following example shows how to create a parameter that represents the RDS connection string.

    aws systemsmanager put-parameter \ —name DevRdsConnectionString \ —value "mysql2://" \ —type "String" \ —description "Rds connection string for development account."
    Example Creating a configuration - Response
  2. Reference the secrets and configurations that are stored in Secrets Manager and SSM Parameter Store by adding them as environment variables. You can add environment variables when you create or update your App Runner service.

    The following examples shows how to reference secrets and configurations as environment variables on a code-based and an image-based App Runner service.

    Example Input.json file for image-based App Runner service
    { "ServiceName": "example-secrets", "SourceConfiguration": { "ImageRepository": { "ImageIdentifier": "<image-identifier>", "ImageConfiguration": { "Port": "<port>", "RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets": { "Credential1":"arn:aws:secretsmanager:<region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:XXXXXXXXXXXX", "Credential2":"arn:aws:ssm:<region>:<aws_account_id>:parameter/<parameter-name>" } }, "ImageRepositoryType": "ECR_PUBLIC" } }, "InstanceConfiguration": { "Cpu": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB", "InstanceRoleArn": "<instance-role-arn>" } }
    Example Image-based App Runner service – Request
    aws apprunner create-service \ --cli-input-json file://input.json
    Example Image-based App Runner service – Response
    { ... "ImageRepository": { "ImageIdentifier":"<image-identifier>", "ImageConfiguration":{ "Port": "<port>", "RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets":{ "Credential1": "arn:aws:secretsmanager:<region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:XXXXXXXXXXXX", "Credential2": "arn:aws:ssm:<region>:<aws_account_id>:parameter/<parameter-name>" }, "ImageRepositoryType":"ECR" } }, "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB", "InstanceRoleArn: "<instance-role-arn>" } ... }
    Example Input.json file for code-based App Runner service
    { "ServiceName": "example-secrets", "SourceConfiguration": { "AuthenticationConfiguration": { "ConnectionArn": "arn:aws:apprunner:us-east-1:123456789012:connection/my-github-connection/XXXXXXXXXX" }, "AutoDeploymentsEnabled": false, "CodeRepository": { "RepositoryUrl": "<repository-url>", "SourceCodeVersion": { "Type": "BRANCH", "Value": "main" }, "CodeConfiguration": { "ConfigurationSource": "API", "CodeConfigurationValues": { "Runtime": "<runtime>", "BuildCommand": "<build-command>", "StartCommand": "<start-command>", "Port": "<port>", "RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets": { "Credential1":"arn:aws:secretsmanager:<region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:XXXXXXXXXXXX", "Credential2":"arn:aws:ssm:<region>:<aws_account_id>:parameter/<parameter-name>" } } } } }, "InstanceConfiguration": { "Cpu": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB", "InstanceRoleArn": "<instance-role-arn>" } }
    Example Code-based App Runner service – Request
    aws apprunner create-service \ --cli-input-json file://input.json
    Example Code-based App Runner service – Response
    { ... "SourceConfiguration":{ "CodeRepository":{ "RepositoryUrl":"<repository-url>", "SourceCodeVersion":{ "Type":"Branch", "Value":"main" }, "CodeConfiguration":{ "ConfigurationSource":"API", "CodeConfigurationValues":{ "Runtime":"<runtime>", "BuildCommand":"<build-command>", "StartCommand":"<start-command>", "Port":"<port>", "RuntimeEnvironmentSecrets":{ "Credential1" : "arn:aws:secretsmanager:<region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:XXXXXXXX", "Credential2" : "arn:aws:ssm:<region>:<aws_account_id>:parameter/<parameter-name>" } } } }, "InstanceConfiguration": { "CPU": "1 vCPU", "Memory": "3 GB", "InstanceRoleArn: "<instance-role-arn>" } ... }
  3. The apprunner.yaml model is updated to reflect the added secrets.

    The following is an example of the updated apprunner.yamlmodel.

    Example apprunner.yaml
    version: 1.0 runtime: python3 build: commands: build: - python -m pip install flask run: command: python network: port: 8080 env: - name: MY_VAR_EXAMPLE value: "example" secrets: - name: my-secret value-from: "arn:aws:secretsmanager:<region>:<aws_account_id>:secret:XXXXXXXXXXXX" - name: my-parameter value-from: "arn:aws:ssm:<region>:<aws_account_id>:parameter/<parameter-name>" - name: my-parameter-only-name value-from: "parameter-name"