Configure IPv6-only networking for Lightsail instances
Lightsail instances support two types of networking: dual-stack networking (IPv4 and IPv6) and IPv6-only networking. With dual-stack networking, your instance is assigned a public IPv4 and a public IPv6 address; you can enable or disable IPv6 as needed.
With IPv6-only networking, your instance is assigned a public IPv6 address and doesn't support public IPv4 traffic. Not all Lightsail blueprints are compatible with IPv6. To learn which blueprints support IPv6-only, see IPv6 compatible blueprints.
Amazon Lightsail public endpoints do not support IPv6 at this time. For more information, see Services that support IPv6 in the Amazon VPC User Guide.
Use IPv6-only networking if you don’t require a public IPv4 address. But first, make sure that your local network, computer, devices, and end-users can communicate using IPv6. For more information, see IPv6 reachability in Verify IPv6 reachability for Lightsail instances. To change the networking type of an existing instance, see Switch instance networking type to IPv6 or dual-stack in Lightsail.