The Transfer Family server controls the AND logic when you use multiple authentication methods. Transfer Family treats this as two separate requests to your custom identity provider: however, their effect is combined.
Both requests must return successfully with the correct response to allow the authentication to complete. Transfer Family requires the two responses to be complete, meaning they contain all of the required elements (role, home directory, policy and the POSIX profile if you're using Amazon EFS for storage). Transfer Family also requires that the password response must not include public keys.
The public key request must have a separate response from the identity provider. That behavior is unchanged when using Password OR Key or Password AND Key.
The SSH/SFTP protocol challenges the software client first with a public key authentication, then requests a password authentication. This operation mandates both are successful before the user is allowed to complete the authentication.
For custom identity provider options, you can specify any of the following options for how to authenticate.
Password OR Key – users can authenticate with either their password or their key. This is the default value.
Password ONLY – users must provide their password to connect.
Key ONLY – users must provide their private key to connect.
Password AND Key – users must provide both their private key and their password to connect. The server checks the key first, and then if the key is valid, the system prompts for a password. If the private key provided does not match the public key that is stored, authentication fails.