SDK for PHP 3.x

Client: Aws\CognitoIdentityProvider\CognitoIdentityProviderClient
Service ID: cognito-idp
Version: 2016-04-18

This page describes the parameters and results for the operations of the Amazon Cognito Identity Provider (2016-04-18), and shows how to use the Aws\CognitoIdentityProvider\CognitoIdentityProviderClient object to call the described operations. This documentation is specific to the 2016-04-18 API version of the service.

Operation Summary

Each of the following operations can be created from a client using $client->getCommand('CommandName'), where "CommandName" is the name of one of the following operations. Note: a command is a value that encapsulates an operation and the parameters used to create an HTTP request.

You can also create and send a command immediately using the magic methods available on a client object: $client->commandName(/* parameters */). You can send the command asynchronously (returning a promise) by appending the word "Async" to the operation name: $client->commandNameAsync(/* parameters */).

AddCustomAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Adds additional user attributes to the user pool schema.
AdminAddUserToGroup ( array $params = [] )
Adds a user to a group.
AdminConfirmSignUp ( array $params = [] )
This IAM-authenticated API operation confirms user sign-up as an administrator.
AdminCreateUser ( array $params = [] )
Creates a new user in the specified user pool.
AdminDeleteUser ( array $params = [] )
Deletes a user as an administrator.
AdminDeleteUserAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Deletes the user attributes in a user pool as an administrator.
AdminDisableProviderForUser ( array $params = [] )
Prevents the user from signing in with the specified external (SAML or social) identity provider (IdP).
AdminDisableUser ( array $params = [] )
Deactivates a user and revokes all access tokens for the user.
AdminEnableUser ( array $params = [] )
Enables the specified user as an administrator.
AdminForgetDevice ( array $params = [] )
Forgets the device, as an administrator.
AdminGetDevice ( array $params = [] )
Gets the device, as an administrator.
AdminGetUser ( array $params = [] )
Gets the specified user by user name in a user pool as an administrator.
AdminInitiateAuth ( array $params = [] )
Initiates the authentication flow, as an administrator.
AdminLinkProviderForUser ( array $params = [] )
Links an existing user account in a user pool (DestinationUser) to an identity from an external IdP (SourceUser) based on a specified attribute name and value from the external IdP.
AdminListDevices ( array $params = [] )
Lists devices, as an administrator.
AdminListGroupsForUser ( array $params = [] )
Lists the groups that a user belongs to.
AdminListUserAuthEvents ( array $params = [] )
A history of user activity and any risks detected as part of Amazon Cognito advanced security.
AdminRemoveUserFromGroup ( array $params = [] )
Removes the specified user from the specified group.
AdminResetUserPassword ( array $params = [] )
Resets the specified user's password in a user pool as an administrator.
AdminRespondToAuthChallenge ( array $params = [] )
Some API operations in a user pool generate a challenge, like a prompt for an MFA code, for device authentication that bypasses MFA, or for a custom authentication challenge.
AdminSetUserMFAPreference ( array $params = [] )
Sets the user's multi-factor authentication (MFA) preference, including which MFA options are activated, and if any are preferred.
AdminSetUserPassword ( array $params = [] )
Sets the specified user's password in a user pool as an administrator.
AdminSetUserSettings ( array $params = [] )
This action is no longer supported.
AdminUpdateAuthEventFeedback ( array $params = [] )
Provides feedback for an authentication event indicating if it was from a valid user.
AdminUpdateDeviceStatus ( array $params = [] )
Updates the device status as an administrator.
AdminUpdateUserAttributes ( array $params = [] )
This action might generate an SMS text message.
AdminUserGlobalSignOut ( array $params = [] )
Invalidates the identity, access, and refresh tokens that Amazon Cognito issued to a user.
AssociateSoftwareToken ( array $params = [] )
Begins setup of time-based one-time password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication (MFA) for a user, with a unique private key that Amazon Cognito generates and returns in the API response.
ChangePassword ( array $params = [] )
Changes the password for a specified user in a user pool.
ConfirmDevice ( array $params = [] )
Confirms tracking of the device.
ConfirmForgotPassword ( array $params = [] )
Allows a user to enter a confirmation code to reset a forgotten password.
ConfirmSignUp ( array $params = [] )
This public API operation provides a code that Amazon Cognito sent to your user when they signed up in your user pool via the SignUp API operation.
CreateGroup ( array $params = [] )
Creates a new group in the specified user pool.
CreateIdentityProvider ( array $params = [] )
Adds a configuration and trust relationship between a third-party identity provider (IdP) and a user pool.
CreateResourceServer ( array $params = [] )
Creates a new OAuth2.
CreateUserImportJob ( array $params = [] )
Creates a user import job.
CreateUserPool ( array $params = [] )
This action might generate an SMS text message.
CreateUserPoolClient ( array $params = [] )
Creates the user pool client.
CreateUserPoolDomain ( array $params = [] )
Creates a new domain for a user pool.
DeleteGroup ( array $params = [] )
Deletes a group.
DeleteIdentityProvider ( array $params = [] )
Deletes an IdP for a user pool.
DeleteResourceServer ( array $params = [] )
Deletes a resource server.
DeleteUser ( array $params = [] )
Allows a user to delete their own user profile.
DeleteUserAttributes ( array $params = [] )
Deletes the attributes for a user.
DeleteUserPool ( array $params = [] )
Deletes the specified Amazon Cognito user pool.
DeleteUserPoolClient ( array $params = [] )
Allows the developer to delete the user pool client.
DeleteUserPoolDomain ( array $params = [] )
Deletes a domain for a user pool.
DescribeIdentityProvider ( array $params = [] )
Gets information about a specific IdP.
DescribeResourceServer ( array $params = [] )
Describes a resource server.
DescribeRiskConfiguration ( array $params = [] )
Describes the risk configuration.
DescribeUserImportJob ( array $params = [] )
Describes the user import job.
DescribeUserPool ( array $params = [] )
Returns the configuration information and metadata of the specified user pool.
DescribeUserPoolClient ( array $params = [] )
Client method for returning the configuration information and metadata of the specified user pool app client.
DescribeUserPoolDomain ( array $params = [] )
Gets information about a domain.
ForgetDevice ( array $params = [] )
Forgets the specified device.
ForgotPassword ( array $params = [] )
Calling this API causes a message to be sent to the end user with a confirmation code that is required to change the user's password.
GetCSVHeader ( array $params = [] )
Gets the header information for the comma-separated value (CSV) file to be used as input for the user import job.
GetDevice ( array $params = [] )
Gets the device.
GetGroup ( array $params = [] )
Gets a group.
GetIdentityProviderByIdentifier ( array $params = [] )
Gets the specified IdP.
GetLogDeliveryConfiguration ( array $params = [] )
Gets the logging configuration of a user pool.
GetSigningCertificate ( array $params = [] )
This method takes a user pool ID, and returns the signing certificate.
GetUICustomization ( array $params = [] )
Gets the user interface (UI) Customization information for a particular app client's app UI, if any such information exists for the client.
GetUser ( array $params = [] )
Gets the user attributes and metadata for a user.
GetUserAttributeVerificationCode ( array $params = [] )
Generates a user attribute verification code for the specified attribute name.
GetUserPoolMfaConfig ( array $params = [] )
Gets the user pool multi-factor authentication (MFA) configuration.
GlobalSignOut ( array $params = [] )
Invalidates the identity, access, and refresh tokens that Amazon Cognito issued to a user.
InitiateAuth ( array $params = [] )
Initiates sign-in for a user in the Amazon Cognito user directory.
ListDevices ( array $params = [] )
Lists the sign-in devices that Amazon Cognito has registered to the current user.
ListGroups ( array $params = [] )
Lists the groups associated with a user pool.
ListIdentityProviders ( array $params = [] )
Lists information about all IdPs for a user pool.
ListResourceServers ( array $params = [] )
Lists the resource servers for a user pool.
ListTagsForResource ( array $params = [] )
Lists the tags that are assigned to an Amazon Cognito user pool.
ListUserImportJobs ( array $params = [] )
Lists user import jobs for a user pool.
ListUserPoolClients ( array $params = [] )
Lists the clients that have been created for the specified user pool.
ListUserPools ( array $params = [] )
Lists the user pools associated with an Amazon Web Services account.
ListUsers ( array $params = [] )
Lists users and their basic details in a user pool.
ListUsersInGroup ( array $params = [] )
Lists the users in the specified group.
ResendConfirmationCode ( array $params = [] )
Resends the confirmation (for confirmation of registration) to a specific user in the user pool.
RespondToAuthChallenge ( array $params = [] )
Some API operations in a user pool generate a challenge, like a prompt for an MFA code, for device authentication that bypasses MFA, or for a custom authentication challenge.
RevokeToken ( array $params = [] )
Revokes all of the access tokens generated by, and at the same time as, the specified refresh token.
SetLogDeliveryConfiguration ( array $params = [] )
Sets up or modifies the logging configuration of a user pool.
SetRiskConfiguration ( array $params = [] )
Configures actions on detected risks.
SetUICustomization ( array $params = [] )
Sets the user interface (UI) customization information for a user pool's built-in app UI.
SetUserMFAPreference ( array $params = [] )
Set the user's multi-factor authentication (MFA) method preference, including which MFA factors are activated and if any are preferred.
SetUserPoolMfaConfig ( array $params = [] )
Sets the user pool multi-factor authentication (MFA) configuration.
SetUserSettings ( array $params = [] )
This action is no longer supported.
SignUp ( array $params = [] )
Registers the user in the specified user pool and creates a user name, password, and user attributes.
StartUserImportJob ( array $params = [] )
Starts the user import.
StopUserImportJob ( array $params = [] )
Stops the user import job.
TagResource ( array $params = [] )
Assigns a set of tags to an Amazon Cognito user pool.
UntagResource ( array $params = [] )
Removes the specified tags from an Amazon Cognito user pool.
UpdateAuthEventFeedback ( array $params = [] )
Provides the feedback for an authentication event, whether it was from a valid user or not.
UpdateDeviceStatus ( array $params = [] )
Updates the device status.
UpdateGroup ( array $params = [] )
Updates the specified group with the specified attributes.
UpdateIdentityProvider ( array $params = [] )
Updates IdP information for a user pool.
UpdateResourceServer ( array $params = [] )
Updates the name and scopes of resource server.
UpdateUserAttributes ( array $params = [] )
With this operation, your users can update one or more of their attributes with their own credentials.
UpdateUserPool ( array $params = [] )
This action might generate an SMS text message.
UpdateUserPoolClient ( array $params = [] )
Updates the specified user pool app client with the specified attributes.
UpdateUserPoolDomain ( array $params = [] )
Updates the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for the custom domain for your user pool.
VerifySoftwareToken ( array $params = [] )
Use this API to register a user's entered time-based one-time password (TOTP) code and mark the user's software token MFA status as "verified" if successful.
VerifyUserAttribute ( array $params = [] )
Verifies the specified user attributes in the user pool.


Paginators handle automatically iterating over paginated API results. Paginators are associated with specific API operations, and they accept the parameters that the corresponding API operation accepts. You can get a paginator from a client class using getPaginator($paginatorName, $operationParameters). This client supports the following paginators:




$result = $client->addCustomAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->addCustomAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Adds additional user attributes to the user pool schema.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->addCustomAttributes([
    'CustomAttributes' => [ // REQUIRED
            'AttributeDataType' => 'String|Number|DateTime|Boolean',
            'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => true || false,
            'Mutable' => true || false,
            'Name' => '<string>',
            'NumberAttributeConstraints' => [
                'MaxValue' => '<string>',
                'MinValue' => '<string>',
            'Required' => true || false,
            'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                'MaxLength' => '<string>',
                'MinLength' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: Array of SchemaAttributeType structures

An array of custom attributes, such as Mutable and Name.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to add custom attributes.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when you're trying to modify a user pool while a user import job is in progress for that pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminAddUserToGroup([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminAddUserToGroupAsync([/* ... */]);

Adds a user to a group. A user who is in a group can present a preferred-role claim to an identity pool, and populates a cognito:groups claim to their access and identity tokens.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminAddUserToGroup([
    'GroupName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The name of the group that you want to add your user to.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminConfirmSignUp([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminConfirmSignUpAsync([/* ... */]);

This IAM-authenticated API operation confirms user sign-up as an administrator. Unlike ConfirmSignUp, your IAM credentials authorize user account confirmation. No confirmation code is required.

This request sets a user account active in a user pool that requires confirmation of new user accounts before they can sign in. You can configure your user pool to not send confirmation codes to new users and instead confirm them with this API operation on the back end.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminConfirmSignUp([
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

If your user pool configuration includes triggers, the AdminConfirmSignUp API action invokes the Lambda function that is specified for the post confirmation trigger. When Amazon Cognito invokes this function, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. In this payload, the clientMetadata attribute provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your AdminConfirmSignUp request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the ClientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for which you want to confirm user registration.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many failed attempts for a given action, such as sign-in.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminCreateUser([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminCreateUserAsync([/* ... */]);

Creates a new user in the specified user pool.

If MessageAction isn't set, the default is to send a welcome message via email or phone (SMS).

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

This message is based on a template that you configured in your call to create or update a user pool. This template includes your custom sign-up instructions and placeholders for user name and temporary password.

Alternatively, you can call AdminCreateUser with SUPPRESS for the MessageAction parameter, and Amazon Cognito won't send any email.

In either case, the user will be in the FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD state until they sign in and change their password.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminCreateUser([
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'DesiredDeliveryMediums' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ForceAliasCreation' => true || false,
    'MessageAction' => 'RESEND|SUPPRESS',
    'TemporaryPassword' => '<string>',
    'UserAttributes' => [
            'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'Value' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ValidationData' => [
            'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'Value' => '<string>',
        // ...

Parameter Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the AdminCreateUser API action, Amazon Cognito invokes the function that is assigned to the pre sign-up trigger. When Amazon Cognito invokes this function, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your AdminCreateUser request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Type: Array of strings

Specify "EMAIL" if email will be used to send the welcome message. Specify "SMS" if the phone number will be used. The default value is "SMS". You can specify more than one value.

Type: boolean

This parameter is used only if the phone_number_verified or email_verified attribute is set to True. Otherwise, it is ignored.

If this parameter is set to True and the phone number or email address specified in the UserAttributes parameter already exists as an alias with a different user, the API call will migrate the alias from the previous user to the newly created user. The previous user will no longer be able to log in using that alias.

If this parameter is set to False, the API throws an AliasExistsException error if the alias already exists. The default value is False.

Type: string

Set to RESEND to resend the invitation message to a user that already exists and reset the expiration limit on the user's account. Set to SUPPRESS to suppress sending the message. You can specify only one value.

Type: string

The user's temporary password. This password must conform to the password policy that you specified when you created the user pool.

The temporary password is valid only once. To complete the Admin Create User flow, the user must enter the temporary password in the sign-in page, along with a new password to be used in all future sign-ins.

This parameter isn't required. If you don't specify a value, Amazon Cognito generates one for you.

The temporary password can only be used until the user account expiration limit that you set for your user pool. To reset the account after that time limit, you must call AdminCreateUser again and specify RESEND for the MessageAction parameter.

Type: Array of AttributeType structures

An array of name-value pairs that contain user attributes and attribute values to be set for the user to be created. You can create a user without specifying any attributes other than Username. However, any attributes that you specify as required (when creating a user pool or in the Attributes tab of the console) either you should supply (in your call to AdminCreateUser) or the user should supply (when they sign up in response to your welcome message).

For custom attributes, you must prepend the custom: prefix to the attribute name.

To send a message inviting the user to sign up, you must specify the user's email address or phone number. You can do this in your call to AdminCreateUser or in the Users tab of the Amazon Cognito console for managing your user pools.

In your call to AdminCreateUser, you can set the email_verified attribute to True, and you can set the phone_number_verified attribute to True. You can also do this by calling AdminUpdateUserAttributes.

  • email: The email address of the user to whom the message that contains the code and username will be sent. Required if the email_verified attribute is set to True, or if "EMAIL" is specified in the DesiredDeliveryMediums parameter.

  • phone_number: The phone number of the user to whom the message that contains the code and username will be sent. Required if the phone_number_verified attribute is set to True, or if "SMS" is specified in the DesiredDeliveryMediums parameter.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where the user will be created.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The value that you want to set as the username sign-in attribute. The following conditions apply to the username parameter.

  • The username can't be a duplicate of another username in the same user pool.

  • You can't change the value of a username after you create it.

  • You can only provide a value if usernames are a valid sign-in attribute for your user pool. If your user pool only supports phone numbers or email addresses as sign-in attributes, Amazon Cognito automatically generates a username value. For more information, see Customizing sign-in attributes.

Type: Array of AttributeType structures

Temporary user attributes that contribute to the outcomes of your pre sign-up Lambda trigger. This set of key-value pairs are for custom validation of information that you collect from your users but don't need to retain.

Your Lambda function can analyze this additional data and act on it. Your function might perform external API operations like logging user attributes and validation data to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Validation data might also affect the response that your function returns to Amazon Cognito, like automatically confirming the user if they sign up from within your network.

For more information about the pre sign-up Lambda trigger, see Pre sign-up Lambda trigger.

Result Syntax

    'User' => [
        'Attributes' => [
                'Name' => '<string>',
                'Value' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'Enabled' => true || false,
        'MFAOptions' => [
                'AttributeName' => '<string>',
                'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
            // ...
        'UserCreateDate' => <DateTime>,
        'UserLastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Username' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: UserType structure

The newly created user.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters a user name that already exists in the user pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid password.


This exception is thrown when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when a precondition is not met.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


The request failed because the user is in an unsupported state.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


Example 1: An AdminCreateUser request for for a test user named John.

This request submits a value for all possible parameters for AdminCreateUser.

$result = $client->adminCreateUser([
    'DesiredDeliveryMediums' => [
    'MessageAction' => 'SUPPRESS',
    'TemporaryPassword' => 'This-is-my-test-99!',
    'UserAttributes' => [
            'Name' => 'name',
            'Value' => 'John',
            'Name' => 'phone_number',
            'Value' => '+12065551212',
            'Name' => 'email',
            'Value' => '',
    'UserPoolId' => 'us-east-1_EXAMPLE',
    'Username' => 'testuser',

Result syntax:

    'User' => [
        'Attributes' => [
                'Name' => 'sub',
                'Value' => 'd16b4aa8-8633-4abd-93b3-5062a8e1b5f8',
                'Name' => 'name',
                'Value' => 'John',
                'Name' => 'phone_number',
                'Value' => '+12065551212',
                'Name' => 'email',
                'Value' => '',
        'Enabled' => 1,
        'UserCreateDate' => ,
        'UserLastModifiedDate' => ,
        'UserStatus' => 'FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD',
        'Username' => 'testuser',


$result = $client->adminDeleteUser([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminDeleteUserAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes a user as an administrator. Works on any user.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminDeleteUser([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to delete the user.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminDeleteUserAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminDeleteUserAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes the user attributes in a user pool as an administrator. Works on any user.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminDeleteUserAttributes([
    'UserAttributeNames' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: Array of strings

An array of strings representing the user attribute names you want to delete.

For custom attributes, you must prepend the custom: prefix to the attribute name.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to delete user attributes.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminDisableProviderForUser([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminDisableProviderForUserAsync([/* ... */]);

Prevents the user from signing in with the specified external (SAML or social) identity provider (IdP). If the user that you want to deactivate is a Amazon Cognito user pools native username + password user, they can't use their password to sign in. If the user to deactivate is a linked external IdP user, any link between that user and an existing user is removed. When the external user signs in again, and the user is no longer attached to the previously linked DestinationUser, the user must create a new user account. See AdminLinkProviderForUser.

The ProviderName must match the value specified when creating an IdP for the pool.

To deactivate a native username + password user, the ProviderName value must be Cognito and the ProviderAttributeName must be Cognito_Subject. The ProviderAttributeValue must be the name that is used in the user pool for the user.

The ProviderAttributeName must always be Cognito_Subject for social IdPs. The ProviderAttributeValue must always be the exact subject that was used when the user was originally linked as a source user.

For de-linking a SAML identity, there are two scenarios. If the linked identity has not yet been used to sign in, the ProviderAttributeName and ProviderAttributeValue must be the same values that were used for the SourceUser when the identities were originally linked using AdminLinkProviderForUser call. (If the linking was done with ProviderAttributeName set to Cognito_Subject, the same applies here). However, if the user has already signed in, the ProviderAttributeName must be Cognito_Subject and ProviderAttributeValue must be the subject of the SAML assertion.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminDisableProviderForUser([
    'User' => [ // REQUIRED
        'ProviderAttributeName' => '<string>',
        'ProviderAttributeValue' => '<string>',
        'ProviderName' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: ProviderUserIdentifierType structure

The user to be disabled.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user tries to confirm the account with an email address or phone number that has already been supplied as an alias for a different user profile. This exception indicates that an account with this email address or phone already exists in a user pool that you've configured to use email address or phone number as a sign-in alias.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminDisableUser([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminDisableUserAsync([/* ... */]);

Deactivates a user and revokes all access tokens for the user. A deactivated user can't sign in, but still appears in the responses to GetUser and ListUsers API requests.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminDisableUser([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to disable the user.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminEnableUser([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminEnableUserAsync([/* ... */]);

Enables the specified user as an administrator. Works on any user.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminEnableUser([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to enable the user.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminForgetDevice([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminForgetDeviceAsync([/* ... */]);

Forgets the device, as an administrator.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminForgetDevice([
    'DeviceKey' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The device key.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminGetDevice([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminGetDeviceAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets the device, as an administrator.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminGetDevice([
    'DeviceKey' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The device key.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax

    'Device' => [
        'DeviceAttributes' => [
                'Name' => '<string>',
                'Value' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'DeviceCreateDate' => <DateTime>,
        'DeviceKey' => '<string>',
        'DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'DeviceLastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: DeviceType structure

The device.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


$result = $client->adminGetUser([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminGetUserAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets the specified user by user name in a user pool as an administrator. Works on any user.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminGetUser([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to get information about the user.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax

    'Enabled' => true || false,
    'MFAOptions' => [
            'AttributeName' => '<string>',
            'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
        // ...
    'PreferredMfaSetting' => '<string>',
    'UserAttributes' => [
            'Name' => '<string>',
            'Value' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'UserCreateDate' => <DateTime>,
    'UserLastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
    'UserMFASettingList' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Username' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: boolean

Indicates that the status is enabled.

Type: Array of MFAOptionType structures

This response parameter is no longer supported. It provides information only about SMS MFA configurations. It doesn't provide information about time-based one-time password (TOTP) software token MFA configurations. To look up information about either type of MFA configuration, use UserMFASettingList instead.

Type: string

The user's preferred MFA setting.

Type: Array of AttributeType structures

An array of name-value pairs representing user attributes.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date the user was created.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: Array of strings

The MFA options that are activated for the user. The possible values in this list are SMS_MFA, EMAIL_OTP, and SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA.

Type: string

The user status. Can be one of the following:

  • UNCONFIRMED - User has been created but not confirmed.

  • CONFIRMED - User has been confirmed.

  • UNKNOWN - User status isn't known.

  • RESET_REQUIRED - User is confirmed, but the user must request a code and reset their password before they can sign in.

  • FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD - The user is confirmed and the user can sign in using a temporary password, but on first sign-in, the user must change their password to a new value before doing anything else.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you requested.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminInitiateAuth([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminInitiateAuthAsync([/* ... */]);

Initiates the authentication flow, as an administrator.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminInitiateAuth([
    'AnalyticsMetadata' => [
        'AnalyticsEndpointId' => '<string>',
    'AuthParameters' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ContextData' => [
        'EncodedData' => '<string>',
        'HttpHeaders' => [ // REQUIRED
                'headerName' => '<string>',
                'headerValue' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'IpAddress' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
        'ServerName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
        'ServerPath' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: AnalyticsMetadataType structure

The analytics metadata for collecting Amazon Pinpoint metrics for AdminInitiateAuth calls.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The authentication flow for this call to run. The API action will depend on this value. For example:

  • REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH will take in a valid refresh token and return new tokens.

  • USER_SRP_AUTH will take in USERNAME and SRP_A and return the Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol variables to be used for next challenge execution.

  • ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH will take in USERNAME and PASSWORD and return the next challenge or tokens.

Valid values include:

  • USER_SRP_AUTH: Authentication flow for the Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol.

  • REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH/REFRESH_TOKEN: Authentication flow for refreshing the access token and ID token by supplying a valid refresh token.

  • CUSTOM_AUTH: Custom authentication flow.

  • ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH: Non-SRP authentication flow; you can pass in the USERNAME and PASSWORD directly if the flow is enabled for calling the app client.

  • ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH: Admin-based user password authentication. This replaces the ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH authentication flow. In this flow, Amazon Cognito receives the password in the request instead of using the SRP process to verify passwords.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The authentication parameters. These are inputs corresponding to the AuthFlow that you're invoking. The required values depend on the value of AuthFlow:

  • For USER_SRP_AUTH: USERNAME (required), SRP_A (required), SECRET_HASH (required if the app client is configured with a client secret), DEVICE_KEY.

  • For ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH: USERNAME (required), PASSWORD (required), SECRET_HASH (required if the app client is configured with a client secret), DEVICE_KEY.

  • For REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH/REFRESH_TOKEN: REFRESH_TOKEN (required), SECRET_HASH (required if the app client is configured with a client secret), DEVICE_KEY.

  • For CUSTOM_AUTH: USERNAME (required), SECRET_HASH (if app client is configured with client secret), DEVICE_KEY. To start the authentication flow with password verification, include ChallengeName: SRP_A and SRP_A: (The SRP_A Value).

For more information about SECRET_HASH, see Computing secret hash values. For information about DEVICE_KEY, see Working with user devices in your user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The app client ID.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for certain custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the AdminInitiateAuth API action, Amazon Cognito invokes the Lambda functions that are specified for various triggers. The ClientMetadata value is passed as input to the functions for only the following triggers:

  • Pre signup

  • Pre authentication

  • User migration

When Amazon Cognito invokes the functions for these triggers, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a validationData attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your AdminInitiateAuth request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the validationData value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

When you use the AdminInitiateAuth API action, Amazon Cognito also invokes the functions for the following triggers, but it doesn't provide the ClientMetadata value as input:

  • Post authentication

  • Custom message

  • Pre token generation

  • Create auth challenge

  • Define auth challenge

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Type: ContextDataType structure

Contextual data about your user session, such as the device fingerprint, IP address, or location. Amazon Cognito advanced security evaluates the risk of an authentication event based on the context that your app generates and passes to Amazon Cognito when it makes API requests.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the Amazon Cognito user pool.

Result Syntax

    'AuthenticationResult' => [
        'AccessToken' => '<string>',
        'ExpiresIn' => <integer>,
        'IdToken' => '<string>',
        'NewDeviceMetadata' => [
            'DeviceGroupKey' => '<string>',
            'DeviceKey' => '<string>',
        'RefreshToken' => '<string>',
        'TokenType' => '<string>',
    'ChallengeParameters' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Session' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: AuthenticationResultType structure

The result of the authentication response. This is only returned if the caller doesn't need to pass another challenge. If the caller does need to pass another challenge before it gets tokens, ChallengeName, ChallengeParameters, and Session are returned.

Type: string

The name of the challenge that you're responding to with this call. This is returned in the AdminInitiateAuth response if you must pass another challenge.

  • MFA_SETUP: If MFA is required, users who don't have at least one of the MFA methods set up are presented with an MFA_SETUP challenge. The user must set up at least one MFA type to continue to authenticate.

  • SELECT_MFA_TYPE: Selects the MFA type. Valid MFA options are SMS_MFA for SMS message MFA, EMAIL_OTP for email message MFA, and SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA for time-based one-time password (TOTP) software token MFA.

  • SMS_MFA: Next challenge is to supply an SMS_MFA_CODEthat your user pool delivered in an SMS message.

  • EMAIL_OTP: Next challenge is to supply an EMAIL_OTP_CODE that your user pool delivered in an email message.

  • PASSWORD_VERIFIER: Next challenge is to supply PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE, PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK, and TIMESTAMP after the client-side SRP calculations.

  • CUSTOM_CHALLENGE: This is returned if your custom authentication flow determines that the user should pass another challenge before tokens are issued.

  • DEVICE_SRP_AUTH: If device tracking was activated in your user pool and the previous challenges were passed, this challenge is returned so that Amazon Cognito can start tracking this device.

  • DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER: Similar to PASSWORD_VERIFIER, but for devices only.

  • ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH: This is returned if you must authenticate with USERNAME and PASSWORD directly. An app client must be enabled to use this flow.

  • NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED: For users who are required to change their passwords after successful first login. Respond to this challenge with NEW_PASSWORD and any required attributes that Amazon Cognito returned in the requiredAttributes parameter. You can also set values for attributes that aren't required by your user pool and that your app client can write. For more information, see AdminRespondToAuthChallenge.

    In a NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED challenge response, you can't modify a required attribute that already has a value. In AdminRespondToAuthChallenge, set a value for any keys that Amazon Cognito returned in the requiredAttributes parameter, then use the AdminUpdateUserAttributes API operation to modify the value of any additional attributes.

  • MFA_SETUP: For users who are required to set up an MFA factor before they can sign in. The MFA types activated for the user pool will be listed in the challenge parameters MFAS_CAN_SETUP value.

    To set up software token MFA, use the session returned here from InitiateAuth as an input to AssociateSoftwareToken, and use the session returned by VerifySoftwareToken as an input to RespondToAuthChallenge with challenge name MFA_SETUP to complete sign-in. To set up SMS MFA, users will need help from an administrator to add a phone number to their account and then call InitiateAuth again to restart sign-in.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The challenge parameters. These are returned to you in the AdminInitiateAuth response if you must pass another challenge. The responses in this parameter should be used to compute inputs to the next call (AdminRespondToAuthChallenge).

All challenges require USERNAME and SECRET_HASH (if applicable).

The value of the USER_ID_FOR_SRP attribute is the user's actual username, not an alias (such as email address or phone number), even if you specified an alias in your call to AdminInitiateAuth. This happens because, in the AdminRespondToAuthChallenge API ChallengeResponses, the USERNAME attribute can't be an alias.

Type: string

The session that should be passed both ways in challenge-response calls to the service. If AdminInitiateAuth or AdminRespondToAuthChallenge API call determines that the caller must pass another challenge, they return a session with other challenge parameters. This session should be passed as it is to the next AdminRespondToAuthChallenge API call.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito can't find a multi-factor authentication (MFA) method.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


$result = $client->adminLinkProviderForUser([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminLinkProviderForUserAsync([/* ... */]);

Links an existing user account in a user pool (DestinationUser) to an identity from an external IdP (SourceUser) based on a specified attribute name and value from the external IdP. This allows you to create a link from the existing user account to an external federated user identity that has not yet been used to sign in. You can then use the federated user identity to sign in as the existing user account.

For example, if there is an existing user with a username and password, this API links that user to a federated user identity. When the user signs in with a federated user identity, they sign in as the existing user account.

The maximum number of federated identities linked to a user is five.

Because this API allows a user with an external federated identity to sign in as an existing user in the user pool, it is critical that it only be used with external IdPs and provider attributes that have been trusted by the application owner.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminLinkProviderForUser([
    'DestinationUser' => [ // REQUIRED
        'ProviderAttributeName' => '<string>',
        'ProviderAttributeValue' => '<string>',
        'ProviderName' => '<string>',
    'SourceUser' => [ // REQUIRED
        'ProviderAttributeName' => '<string>',
        'ProviderAttributeValue' => '<string>',
        'ProviderName' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: ProviderUserIdentifierType structure

The existing user in the user pool that you want to assign to the external IdP user account. This user can be a local (Username + Password) Amazon Cognito user pools user or a federated user (for example, a SAML or Facebook user). If the user doesn't exist, Amazon Cognito generates an exception. Amazon Cognito returns this user when the new user (with the linked IdP attribute) signs in.

For a native username + password user, the ProviderAttributeValue for the DestinationUser should be the username in the user pool. For a federated user, it should be the provider-specific user_id.

The ProviderAttributeName of the DestinationUser is ignored.

The ProviderName should be set to Cognito for users in Cognito user pools.

All attributes in the DestinationUser profile must be mutable. If you have assigned the user any immutable custom attributes, the operation won't succeed.

Required: Yes
Type: ProviderUserIdentifierType structure

An external IdP account for a user who doesn't exist yet in the user pool. This user must be a federated user (for example, a SAML or Facebook user), not another native user.

If the SourceUser is using a federated social IdP, such as Facebook, Google, or Login with Amazon, you must set the ProviderAttributeName to Cognito_Subject. For social IdPs, the ProviderName will be Facebook, Google, or LoginWithAmazon, and Amazon Cognito will automatically parse the Facebook, Google, and Login with Amazon tokens for id, sub, and user_id, respectively. The ProviderAttributeValue for the user must be the same value as the id, sub, or user_id value found in the social IdP token.

For OIDC, the ProviderAttributeName can be any value that matches a claim in the ID token, or that your app retrieves from the userInfo endpoint. You must map the claim to a user pool attribute in your IdP configuration, and set the user pool attribute name as the value of ProviderAttributeName in your AdminLinkProviderForUser request.

For SAML, the ProviderAttributeName can be any value that matches a claim in the SAML assertion. To link SAML users based on the subject of the SAML assertion, map the subject to a claim through the SAML IdP and set that claim name as the value of ProviderAttributeName in your AdminLinkProviderForUser request.

For both OIDC and SAML users, when you set ProviderAttributeName to Cognito_Subject, Amazon Cognito will automatically parse the default unique identifier found in the subject from the IdP token.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user tries to confirm the account with an email address or phone number that has already been supplied as an alias for a different user profile. This exception indicates that an account with this email address or phone already exists in a user pool that you've configured to use email address or phone number as a sign-in alias.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminListDevices([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminListDevicesAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists devices, as an administrator.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminListDevices([
    'Limit' => <integer>,
    'PaginationToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: int

The limit of the devices request.

Type: string

This API operation returns a limited number of results. The pagination token is an identifier that you can present in an additional API request with the same parameters. When you include the pagination token, Amazon Cognito returns the next set of items after the current list. Subsequent requests return a new pagination token. By use of this token, you can paginate through the full list of items.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax

    'Devices' => [
            'DeviceAttributes' => [
                    'Name' => '<string>',
                    'Value' => '<string>',
                // ...
            'DeviceCreateDate' => <DateTime>,
            'DeviceKey' => '<string>',
            'DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate' => <DateTime>,
            'DeviceLastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        // ...
    'PaginationToken' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: Array of DeviceType structures

The devices in the list of devices response.

Type: string

The identifier that Amazon Cognito returned with the previous request to this operation. When you include a pagination token in your request, Amazon Cognito returns the next set of items in the list. By use of this token, you can paginate through the full list of items.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


$result = $client->adminListGroupsForUser([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminListGroupsForUserAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the groups that a user belongs to.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminListGroupsForUser([
    'Limit' => <integer>,
    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: int

The limit of the request to list groups.

Type: string

An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax

    'Groups' => [
            'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
            'Description' => '<string>',
            'GroupName' => '<string>',
            'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
            'Precedence' => <integer>,
            'RoleArn' => '<string>',
            'UserPoolId' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'NextToken' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: Array of GroupType structures

The groups that the user belongs to.

Type: string

An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminListUserAuthEvents([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminListUserAuthEventsAsync([/* ... */]);

A history of user activity and any risks detected as part of Amazon Cognito advanced security.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminListUserAuthEvents([
    'MaxResults' => <integer>,
    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: int

The maximum number of authentication events to return. Returns 60 events if you set MaxResults to 0, or if you don't include a MaxResults parameter.

Type: string

A pagination token.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax

    'AuthEvents' => [
            'ChallengeResponses' => [
                    'ChallengeName' => 'Password|Mfa',
                    'ChallengeResponse' => 'Success|Failure',
                // ...
            'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
            'EventContextData' => [
                'City' => '<string>',
                'Country' => '<string>',
                'DeviceName' => '<string>',
                'IpAddress' => '<string>',
                'Timezone' => '<string>',
            'EventFeedback' => [
                'FeedbackDate' => <DateTime>,
                'FeedbackValue' => 'Valid|Invalid',
                'Provider' => '<string>',
            'EventId' => '<string>',
            'EventResponse' => 'Pass|Fail|InProgress',
            'EventRisk' => [
                'CompromisedCredentialsDetected' => true || false,
                'RiskDecision' => 'NoRisk|AccountTakeover|Block',
                'RiskLevel' => 'Low|Medium|High',
            'EventType' => 'SignIn|SignUp|ForgotPassword|PasswordChange|ResendCode',
        // ...
    'NextToken' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: Array of AuthEventType structures

The response object. It includes the EventID, EventType, CreationDate, EventRisk, and EventResponse.

Type: string

A pagination token.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when user pool add-ons aren't enabled.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminRemoveUserFromGroup([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminRemoveUserFromGroupAsync([/* ... */]);

Removes the specified user from the specified group.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminRemoveUserFromGroup([
    'GroupName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The group name.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminResetUserPassword([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminResetUserPasswordAsync([/* ... */]);

Resets the specified user's password in a user pool as an administrator. Works on any user.

To use this API operation, your user pool must have self-service account recovery configured. Use AdminSetUserPassword if you manage passwords as an administrator.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Deactivates a user's password, requiring them to change it. If a user tries to sign in after the API is called, Amazon Cognito responds with a PasswordResetRequiredException error. Your app must then perform the actions that reset your user's password: the forgot-password flow. In addition, if the user pool has phone verification selected and a verified phone number exists for the user, or if email verification is selected and a verified email exists for the user, calling this API will also result in sending a message to the end user with the code to change their password.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminResetUserPassword([
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the AdminResetUserPassword API action, Amazon Cognito invokes the function that is assigned to the custom message trigger. When Amazon Cognito invokes this function, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your AdminResetUserPassword request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to reset the user's password.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminRespondToAuthChallenge([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminRespondToAuthChallengeAsync([/* ... */]);

Some API operations in a user pool generate a challenge, like a prompt for an MFA code, for device authentication that bypasses MFA, or for a custom authentication challenge. An AdminRespondToAuthChallenge API request provides the answer to that challenge, like a code or a secure remote password (SRP). The parameters of a response to an authentication challenge vary with the type of challenge.

For more information about custom authentication challenges, see Custom authentication challenge Lambda triggers.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminRespondToAuthChallenge([
    'AnalyticsMetadata' => [
        'AnalyticsEndpointId' => '<string>',
    'ChallengeResponses' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ContextData' => [
        'EncodedData' => '<string>',
        'HttpHeaders' => [ // REQUIRED
                'headerName' => '<string>',
                'headerValue' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'IpAddress' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
        'ServerName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
        'ServerPath' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Session' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: AnalyticsMetadataType structure

The analytics metadata for collecting Amazon Pinpoint metrics for AdminRespondToAuthChallenge calls.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The challenge name. For more information, see AdminInitiateAuth.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The responses to the challenge that you received in the previous request. Each challenge has its own required response parameters. The following examples are partial JSON request bodies that highlight challenge-response parameters.

You must provide a SECRET_HASH parameter in all challenge responses to an app client that has a client secret.


"ChallengeName": "SMS_MFA", "ChallengeResponses": {"SMS_MFA_CODE": "[code]", "USERNAME": "[username]"}


"ChallengeName": "EMAIL_OTP", "ChallengeResponses": {"EMAIL_OTP_CODE": "[code]", "USERNAME": "[username]"}


This challenge response is part of the SRP flow. Amazon Cognito requires that your application respond to this challenge within a few seconds. When the response time exceeds this period, your user pool returns a NotAuthorizedException error.

"ChallengeName": "PASSWORD_VERIFIER", "ChallengeResponses": {"PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE": "[claim_signature]", "PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK": "[secret_block]", "TIMESTAMP": [timestamp], "USERNAME": "[username]"}

Add "DEVICE_KEY" when you sign in with a remembered device.


"ChallengeName": "CUSTOM_CHALLENGE", "ChallengeResponses": {"USERNAME": "[username]", "ANSWER": "[challenge_answer]"}

Add "DEVICE_KEY" when you sign in with a remembered device.


"ChallengeName": "NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED", "ChallengeResponses": {"NEW_PASSWORD": "[new_password]", "USERNAME": "[username]"}

To set any required attributes that InitiateAuth returned in an requiredAttributes parameter, add "userAttributes.[attribute_name]": "[attribute_value]". This parameter can also set values for writable attributes that aren't required by your user pool.

In a NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED challenge response, you can't modify a required attribute that already has a value. In RespondToAuthChallenge, set a value for any keys that Amazon Cognito returned in the requiredAttributes parameter, then use the UpdateUserAttributes API operation to modify the value of any additional attributes.


"ChallengeName": "SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA", "ChallengeResponses": {"USERNAME": "[username]", "SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE": [authenticator_code]}


"ChallengeName": "DEVICE_SRP_AUTH", "ChallengeResponses": {"USERNAME": "[username]", "DEVICE_KEY": "[device_key]", "SRP_A": "[srp_a]"}


"ChallengeName": "DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER", "ChallengeResponses": {"DEVICE_KEY": "[device_key]", "PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE": "[claim_signature]", "PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK": "[secret_block]", "TIMESTAMP": [timestamp], "USERNAME": "[username]"}


"ChallengeName": "MFA_SETUP", "ChallengeResponses": {"USERNAME": "[username]"}, "SESSION": "[Session ID from VerifySoftwareToken]"


"ChallengeName": "SELECT_MFA_TYPE", "ChallengeResponses": {"USERNAME": "[username]", "ANSWER": "[SMS_MFA or SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA]"}

For more information about SECRET_HASH, see Computing secret hash values. For information about DEVICE_KEY, see Working with user devices in your user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The app client ID.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the AdminRespondToAuthChallenge API action, Amazon Cognito invokes any functions that you have assigned to the following triggers:

  • pre sign-up

  • custom message

  • post authentication

  • user migration

  • pre token generation

  • define auth challenge

  • create auth challenge

  • verify auth challenge response

When Amazon Cognito invokes any of these functions, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute that provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your AdminRespondToAuthChallenge request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Type: ContextDataType structure

Contextual data about your user session, such as the device fingerprint, IP address, or location. Amazon Cognito advanced security evaluates the risk of an authentication event based on the context that your app generates and passes to Amazon Cognito when it makes API requests.

Type: string

The session that should be passed both ways in challenge-response calls to the service. If an InitiateAuth or RespondToAuthChallenge API call determines that the caller must pass another challenge, it returns a session with other challenge parameters. This session should be passed as it is to the next RespondToAuthChallenge API call.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the Amazon Cognito user pool.

Result Syntax

    'AuthenticationResult' => [
        'AccessToken' => '<string>',
        'ExpiresIn' => <integer>,
        'IdToken' => '<string>',
        'NewDeviceMetadata' => [
            'DeviceGroupKey' => '<string>',
            'DeviceKey' => '<string>',
        'RefreshToken' => '<string>',
        'TokenType' => '<string>',
    'ChallengeParameters' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Session' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: AuthenticationResultType structure

The result returned by the server in response to the authentication request.

Type: string

The name of the challenge. For more information, see AdminInitiateAuth.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The challenge parameters. For more information, see AdminInitiateAuth.

Type: string

The session that should be passed both ways in challenge-response calls to the service. If the caller must pass another challenge, they return a session with other challenge parameters. This session should be passed as it is to the next RespondToAuthChallenge API call.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown if the provided code doesn't match what the server was expecting.


This exception is thrown if a code has expired.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid password.


The message returned when a user's new password matches a previous password and doesn't comply with the password-history policy.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito can't find a multi-factor authentication (MFA) method.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when a user tries to confirm the account with an email address or phone number that has already been supplied as an alias for a different user profile. This exception indicates that an account with this email address or phone already exists in a user pool that you've configured to use email address or phone number as a sign-in alias.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when the software token time-based one-time password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication (MFA) isn't activated for the user pool.


$result = $client->adminSetUserMFAPreference([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminSetUserMFAPreferenceAsync([/* ... */]);

Sets the user's multi-factor authentication (MFA) preference, including which MFA options are activated, and if any are preferred. Only one factor can be set as preferred. The preferred MFA factor will be used to authenticate a user if multiple factors are activated. If multiple options are activated and no preference is set, a challenge to choose an MFA option will be returned during sign-in.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminSetUserMFAPreference([
    'EmailMfaSettings' => [
        'Enabled' => true || false,
        'PreferredMfa' => true || false,
    'SMSMfaSettings' => [
        'Enabled' => true || false,
        'PreferredMfa' => true || false,
    'SoftwareTokenMfaSettings' => [
        'Enabled' => true || false,
        'PreferredMfa' => true || false,
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: EmailMfaSettingsType structure

User preferences for email message MFA. Activates or deactivates email MFA and sets it as the preferred MFA method when multiple methods are available. To activate this setting, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.

Type: SMSMfaSettingsType structure

User preferences for SMS message MFA. Activates or deactivates SMS MFA and sets it as the preferred MFA method when multiple methods are available.


User preferences for time-based one-time password (TOTP) MFA. Activates or deactivates TOTP MFA and sets it as the preferred MFA method when multiple methods are available.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the user pool where you want to set a user's MFA preferences.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminSetUserPassword([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminSetUserPasswordAsync([/* ... */]);

Sets the specified user's password in a user pool as an administrator. Works on any user.

The password can be temporary or permanent. If it is temporary, the user status enters the FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD state. When the user next tries to sign in, the InitiateAuth/AdminInitiateAuth response will contain the NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED challenge. If the user doesn't sign in before it expires, the user won't be able to sign in, and an administrator must reset their password.

Once the user has set a new password, or the password is permanent, the user status is set to Confirmed.

AdminSetUserPassword can set a password for the user profile that Amazon Cognito creates for third-party federated users. When you set a password, the federated user's status changes from EXTERNAL_PROVIDER to CONFIRMED. A user in this state can sign in as a federated user, and initiate authentication flows in the API like a linked native user. They can also modify their password and attributes in token-authenticated API requests like ChangePassword and UpdateUserAttributes. As a best security practice and to keep users in sync with your external IdP, don't set passwords on federated user profiles. To set up a federated user for native sign-in with a linked native user, refer to Linking federated users to an existing user profile.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminSetUserPassword([
    'Password' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Permanent' => true || false,
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The password for the user.

Type: boolean

True if the password is permanent, False if it is temporary.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to set the user's password.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid password.


The message returned when a user's new password matches a previous password and doesn't comply with the password-history policy.


$result = $client->adminSetUserSettings([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminSetUserSettingsAsync([/* ... */]);

This action is no longer supported. You can use it to configure only SMS MFA. You can't use it to configure time-based one-time password (TOTP) software token MFA. To configure either type of MFA, use AdminSetUserMFAPreference instead.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminSetUserSettings([
    'MFAOptions' => [ // REQUIRED
            'AttributeName' => '<string>',
            'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
        // ...
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: Array of MFAOptionType structures

You can use this parameter only to set an SMS configuration that uses SMS for delivery.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the user pool that contains the user whose options you're setting.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminUpdateAuthEventFeedback([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminUpdateAuthEventFeedbackAsync([/* ... */]);

Provides feedback for an authentication event indicating if it was from a valid user. This feedback is used for improving the risk evaluation decision for the user pool as part of Amazon Cognito advanced security.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminUpdateAuthEventFeedback([
    'EventId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'FeedbackValue' => 'Valid|Invalid', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The authentication event ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The authentication event feedback value. When you provide a FeedbackValue value of valid, you tell Amazon Cognito that you trust a user session where Amazon Cognito has evaluated some level of risk. When you provide a FeedbackValue value of invalid, you tell Amazon Cognito that you don't trust a user session, or you don't believe that Amazon Cognito evaluated a high-enough risk level.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when user pool add-ons aren't enabled.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminUpdateDeviceStatus([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminUpdateDeviceStatusAsync([/* ... */]);

Updates the device status as an administrator.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminUpdateDeviceStatus([
    'DeviceKey' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'DeviceRememberedStatus' => 'remembered|not_remembered',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The device key.

Type: string

The status indicating whether a device has been remembered or not.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->adminUpdateUserAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminUpdateUserAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Updates the specified user's attributes, including developer attributes, as an administrator. Works on any user. To delete an attribute from your user, submit the attribute in your API request with a blank value.

For custom attributes, you must prepend the custom: prefix to the attribute name.

In addition to updating user attributes, this API can also be used to mark phone and email as verified.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminUpdateUserAttributes([
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UserAttributes' => [ // REQUIRED
            'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'Value' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the AdminUpdateUserAttributes API action, Amazon Cognito invokes the function that is assigned to the custom message trigger. When Amazon Cognito invokes this function, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your AdminUpdateUserAttributes request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of AttributeType structures

An array of name-value pairs representing user attributes.

For custom attributes, you must prepend the custom: prefix to the attribute name.

If your user pool requires verification before Amazon Cognito updates an attribute value that you specify in this request, Amazon Cognito doesn’t immediately update the value of that attribute. After your user receives and responds to a verification message to verify the new value, Amazon Cognito updates the attribute value. Your user can sign in and receive messages with the original attribute value until they verify the new value.

To update the value of an attribute that requires verification in the same API request, include the email_verified or phone_number_verified attribute, with a value of true. If you set the email_verified or phone_number_verified value for an email or phone_number attribute that requires verification to true, Amazon Cognito doesn’t send a verification message to your user.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to update user attributes.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when a user tries to confirm the account with an email address or phone number that has already been supplied as an alias for a different user profile. This exception indicates that an account with this email address or phone already exists in a user pool that you've configured to use email address or phone number as a sign-in alias.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


$result = $client->adminUserGlobalSignOut([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->adminUserGlobalSignOutAsync([/* ... */]);

Invalidates the identity, access, and refresh tokens that Amazon Cognito issued to a user. Call this operation with your administrative credentials when your user signs out of your app. This results in the following behavior.

  • Amazon Cognito no longer accepts token-authorized user operations that you authorize with a signed-out user's access tokens. For more information, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

    Amazon Cognito returns an Access Token has been revoked error when your app attempts to authorize a user pools API request with a revoked access token that contains the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

  • Amazon Cognito no longer accepts a signed-out user's ID token in a GetId request to an identity pool with ServerSideTokenCheck enabled for its user pool IdP configuration in CognitoIdentityProvider.

  • Amazon Cognito no longer accepts a signed-out user's refresh tokens in refresh requests.

Other requests might be valid until your user's token expires.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->adminUserGlobalSignOut([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->associateSoftwareToken([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->associateSoftwareTokenAsync([/* ... */]);

Begins setup of time-based one-time password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication (MFA) for a user, with a unique private key that Amazon Cognito generates and returns in the API response. You can authorize an AssociateSoftwareToken request with either the user's access token, or a session string from a challenge response that you received from Amazon Cognito.

Amazon Cognito disassociates an existing software token when you verify the new token in a VerifySoftwareToken API request. If you don't verify the software token and your user pool doesn't require MFA, the user can then authenticate with user name and password credentials alone. If your user pool requires TOTP MFA, Amazon Cognito generates an MFA_SETUP or SOFTWARE_TOKEN_SETUP challenge each time your user signs in. Complete setup with AssociateSoftwareToken and VerifySoftwareToken.

After you set up software token MFA for your user, Amazon Cognito generates a SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA challenge when they authenticate. Respond to this challenge with your user's TOTP.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->associateSoftwareToken([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>',
    'Session' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose software token you want to generate.

Type: string

The session that should be passed both ways in challenge-response calls to the service. This allows authentication of the user as part of the MFA setup process.

Result Syntax

    'SecretCode' => '<string>',
    'Session' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

A unique generated shared secret code that is used in the TOTP algorithm to generate a one-time code.

Type: string

The session that should be passed both ways in challenge-response calls to the service. This allows authentication of the user as part of the MFA setup process.



This exception is thrown if two or more modifications are happening concurrently.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when the software token time-based one-time password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication (MFA) isn't activated for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->changePassword([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->changePasswordAsync([/* ... */]);

Changes the password for a specified user in a user pool.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->changePassword([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'PreviousPassword' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ProposedPassword' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose password you want to change.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The old password.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The new password.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid password.


The message returned when a user's new password matches a previous password and doesn't comply with the password-history policy.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->confirmDevice([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->confirmDeviceAsync([/* ... */]);

Confirms tracking of the device. This API call is the call that begins device tracking. For more information about device authentication, see Working with user devices in your user pool.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->confirmDevice([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'DeviceKey' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'DeviceName' => '<string>',
    'DeviceSecretVerifierConfig' => [
        'PasswordVerifier' => '<string>',
        'Salt' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose device you want to confirm.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The device key.

Type: string

The device name.


The configuration of the device secret verifier.

Result Syntax

    'UserConfirmationNecessary' => true || false,

Result Details

Type: boolean

Indicates whether the user confirmation must confirm the device response.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid password.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters a user name that already exists in the user pool.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->confirmForgotPassword([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->confirmForgotPasswordAsync([/* ... */]);

Allows a user to enter a confirmation code to reset a forgotten password.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->confirmForgotPassword([
    'AnalyticsMetadata' => [
        'AnalyticsEndpointId' => '<string>',
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ConfirmationCode' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Password' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'SecretHash' => '<string>',
    'UserContextData' => [
        'EncodedData' => '<string>',
        'IpAddress' => '<string>',
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: AnalyticsMetadataType structure

The Amazon Pinpoint analytics metadata for collecting metrics for ConfirmForgotPassword calls.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The app client ID of the app associated with the user pool.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the ConfirmForgotPassword API action, Amazon Cognito invokes the function that is assigned to the post confirmation trigger. When Amazon Cognito invokes this function, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your ConfirmForgotPassword request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The confirmation code from your user's request to reset their password. For more information, see ForgotPassword.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The new password that your user wants to set.

Type: string

A keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) calculated using the secret key of a user pool client and username plus the client ID in the message. For more information about SecretHash, see Computing secret hash values.

Type: UserContextDataType structure

Contextual data about your user session, such as the device fingerprint, IP address, or location. Amazon Cognito advanced security evaluates the risk of an authentication event based on the context that your app generates and passes to Amazon Cognito when it makes API requests.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid password.


The message returned when a user's new password matches a previous password and doesn't comply with the password-history policy.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown if the provided code doesn't match what the server was expecting.


This exception is thrown if a code has expired.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many failed attempts for a given action, such as sign-in.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->confirmSignUp([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->confirmSignUpAsync([/* ... */]);

This public API operation provides a code that Amazon Cognito sent to your user when they signed up in your user pool via the SignUp API operation. After your user enters their code, they confirm ownership of the email address or phone number that they provided, and their user account becomes active. Depending on your user pool configuration, your users will receive their confirmation code in an email or SMS message.

Local users who signed up in your user pool are the only type of user who can confirm sign-up with a code. Users who federate through an external identity provider (IdP) have already been confirmed by their IdP. Administrator-created users, users created with the AdminCreateUser API operation, confirm their accounts when they respond to their invitation email message and choose a password. They do not receive a confirmation code. Instead, they receive a temporary password.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->confirmSignUp([
    'AnalyticsMetadata' => [
        'AnalyticsEndpointId' => '<string>',
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ConfirmationCode' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ForceAliasCreation' => true || false,
    'SecretHash' => '<string>',
    'UserContextData' => [
        'EncodedData' => '<string>',
        'IpAddress' => '<string>',
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: AnalyticsMetadataType structure

The Amazon Pinpoint analytics metadata for collecting metrics for ConfirmSignUp calls.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the app client associated with the user pool.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the ConfirmSignUp API action, Amazon Cognito invokes the function that is assigned to the post confirmation trigger. When Amazon Cognito invokes this function, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your ConfirmSignUp request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The confirmation code sent by a user's request to confirm registration.

Type: boolean

Boolean to be specified to force user confirmation irrespective of existing alias. By default set to False. If this parameter is set to True and the phone number/email used for sign up confirmation already exists as an alias with a different user, the API call will migrate the alias from the previous user to the newly created user being confirmed. If set to False, the API will throw an AliasExistsException error.

Type: string

A keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) calculated using the secret key of a user pool client and username plus the client ID in the message.

Type: UserContextDataType structure

Contextual data about your user session, such as the device fingerprint, IP address, or location. Amazon Cognito advanced security evaluates the risk of an authentication event based on the context that your app generates and passes to Amazon Cognito when it makes API requests.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many failed attempts for a given action, such as sign-in.


This exception is thrown if the provided code doesn't match what the server was expecting.


This exception is thrown if a code has expired.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when a user tries to confirm the account with an email address or phone number that has already been supplied as an alias for a different user profile. This exception indicates that an account with this email address or phone already exists in a user pool that you've configured to use email address or phone number as a sign-in alias.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->createGroup([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createGroupAsync([/* ... */]);

Creates a new group in the specified user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createGroup([
    'Description' => '<string>',
    'GroupName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Precedence' => <integer>,
    'RoleArn' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

A string containing the description of the group.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The name of the group. Must be unique.

Type: int

A non-negative integer value that specifies the precedence of this group relative to the other groups that a user can belong to in the user pool. Zero is the highest precedence value. Groups with lower Precedence values take precedence over groups with higher or null Precedence values. If a user belongs to two or more groups, it is the group with the lowest precedence value whose role ARN is given in the user's tokens for the cognito:roles and cognito:preferred_role claims.

Two groups can have the same Precedence value. If this happens, neither group takes precedence over the other. If two groups with the same Precedence have the same role ARN, that role is used in the cognito:preferred_role claim in tokens for users in each group. If the two groups have different role ARNs, the cognito:preferred_role claim isn't set in users' tokens.

The default Precedence value is null. The maximum Precedence value is 2^31-1.

Type: string

The role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the group.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax

    'Group' => [
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Description' => '<string>',
        'GroupName' => '<string>',
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Precedence' => <integer>,
        'RoleArn' => '<string>',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: GroupType structure

The group object for the group.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters a group that already exists in the user pool.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->createIdentityProvider([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createIdentityProviderAsync([/* ... */]);

Adds a configuration and trust relationship between a third-party identity provider (IdP) and a user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createIdentityProvider([
    'AttributeMapping' => ['<string>', ...],
    'IdpIdentifiers' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ProviderDetails' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED
    'ProviderName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ProviderType' => 'SAML|Facebook|Google|LoginWithAmazon|SignInWithApple|OIDC', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (AttributeMappingKeyType) to strings

A mapping of IdP attributes to standard and custom user pool attributes.

Type: Array of strings

A list of IdP identifiers.

Required: Yes
Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The scopes, URLs, and identifiers for your external identity provider. The following examples describe the provider detail keys for each IdP type. These values and their schema are subject to change. Social IdP authorize_scopes values must match the values listed here.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Amazon Cognito accepts the following elements when it can't discover endpoint URLs from oidc_issuer: attributes_url, authorize_url, jwks_uri, token_url.

Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_request_method": "GET", "attributes_url": "", "authorize_scopes": "openid profile email", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "jwks_uri": "", "oidc_issuer": "", "token_url": "" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_request_method": "GET", "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "openid profile email", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "jwks_uri": "", "oidc_issuer": "", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request with Metadata URL: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "MetadataURL": "", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256" }

Create or update request with Metadata file: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "MetadataFile": "[metadata XML]", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256" }

The value of MetadataFile must be the plaintext metadata document with all quote (") characters escaped by backslashes.

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "ActiveEncryptionCertificate": "[certificate]", "MetadataURL": "", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256", "SLORedirectBindingURI": "", "SSORedirectBindingURI": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "profile postal_code", "client_id": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret"

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "profile postal_code", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "email profile openid", "client_id": "", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "true", "authorize_scopes": "email profile openid", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "oidc_issuer": "", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "email name", "client_id": "com.example.cognito", "private_key": "1EXAMPLE", "key_id": "2EXAMPLE", "team_id": "3EXAMPLE" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "email name", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "com.example.cognito", "key_id": "1EXAMPLE", "oidc_issuer": "", "team_id": "2EXAMPLE", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "api_version": "v17.0", "authorize_scopes": "public_profile, email", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "api_version": "v17.0", "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "true", "authorize_scopes": "public_profile, email", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "token_request_method": "GET", "token_url": "" }

Required: Yes
Type: string

The IdP name.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The IdP type.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'IdentityProvider' => [
        'AttributeMapping' => ['<string>', ...],
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'IdpIdentifiers' => ['<string>', ...],
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'ProviderDetails' => ['<string>', ...],
        'ProviderName' => '<string>',
        'ProviderType' => 'SAML|Facebook|Google|LoginWithAmazon|SignInWithApple|OIDC',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: IdentityProviderType structure

The newly created IdP object.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the provider is already supported by the user pool.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->createResourceServer([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createResourceServerAsync([/* ... */]);

Creates a new OAuth2.0 resource server and defines custom scopes within it.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createResourceServer([
    'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Scopes' => [
            'ScopeDescription' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'ScopeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
        // ...
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A unique resource server identifier for the resource server. The identifier can be an API friendly name like solar-system-data. You can also set an API URL like as your identifier.

Amazon Cognito represents scopes in the access token in the format $resource-server-identifier/$scope. Longer scope-identifier strings increase the size of your access tokens.

Required: Yes
Type: string

A friendly name for the resource server.

Type: Array of ResourceServerScopeType structures

A list of scopes. Each scope is a key-value map with the keys name and description.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax

    'ResourceServer' => [
        'Identifier' => '<string>',
        'Name' => '<string>',
        'Scopes' => [
                'ScopeDescription' => '<string>',
                'ScopeName' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: ResourceServerType structure

The newly created resource server.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->createUserImportJob([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createUserImportJobAsync([/* ... */]);

Creates a user import job.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createUserImportJob([
    'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'JobName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The role ARN for the Amazon CloudWatch Logs Logging role for the user import job.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The job name for the user import job.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that the users are being imported into.

Result Syntax

    'UserImportJob' => [
        'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn' => '<string>',
        'CompletionDate' => <DateTime>,
        'CompletionMessage' => '<string>',
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'FailedUsers' => <integer>,
        'ImportedUsers' => <integer>,
        'JobId' => '<string>',
        'JobName' => '<string>',
        'PreSignedUrl' => '<string>',
        'SkippedUsers' => <integer>,
        'StartDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Status' => 'Created|Pending|InProgress|Stopping|Expired|Stopped|Failed|Succeeded',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: UserImportJobType structure

The job object that represents the user import job.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a precondition is not met.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->createUserPool([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createUserPoolAsync([/* ... */]);

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Creates a new Amazon Cognito user pool and sets the password policy for the pool.

If you don't provide a value for an attribute, Amazon Cognito sets it to its default value.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createUserPool([
    'AccountRecoverySetting' => [
        'RecoveryMechanisms' => [
                'Name' => 'verified_email|verified_phone_number|admin_only', // REQUIRED
                'Priority' => <integer>, // REQUIRED
            // ...
    'AdminCreateUserConfig' => [
        'AllowAdminCreateUserOnly' => true || false,
        'InviteMessageTemplate' => [
            'EmailMessage' => '<string>',
            'EmailSubject' => '<string>',
            'SMSMessage' => '<string>',
        'UnusedAccountValidityDays' => <integer>,
    'AliasAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'AutoVerifiedAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'DeletionProtection' => 'ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
    'DeviceConfiguration' => [
        'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice' => true || false,
        'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt' => true || false,
    'EmailConfiguration' => [
        'ConfigurationSet' => '<string>',
        'EmailSendingAccount' => 'COGNITO_DEFAULT|DEVELOPER',
        'From' => '<string>',
        'ReplyToEmailAddress' => '<string>',
        'SourceArn' => '<string>',
    'EmailVerificationMessage' => '<string>',
    'EmailVerificationSubject' => '<string>',
    'LambdaConfig' => [
        'CreateAuthChallenge' => '<string>',
        'CustomEmailSender' => [
            'LambdaArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0', // REQUIRED
        'CustomMessage' => '<string>',
        'CustomSMSSender' => [
            'LambdaArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0', // REQUIRED
        'DefineAuthChallenge' => '<string>',
        'KMSKeyID' => '<string>',
        'PostAuthentication' => '<string>',
        'PostConfirmation' => '<string>',
        'PreAuthentication' => '<string>',
        'PreSignUp' => '<string>',
        'PreTokenGeneration' => '<string>',
        'PreTokenGenerationConfig' => [
            'LambdaArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0|V2_0', // REQUIRED
        'UserMigration' => '<string>',
        'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse' => '<string>',
    'MfaConfiguration' => 'OFF|ON|OPTIONAL',
    'Policies' => [
        'PasswordPolicy' => [
            'MinimumLength' => <integer>,
            'PasswordHistorySize' => <integer>,
            'RequireLowercase' => true || false,
            'RequireNumbers' => true || false,
            'RequireSymbols' => true || false,
            'RequireUppercase' => true || false,
            'TemporaryPasswordValidityDays' => <integer>,
    'PoolName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Schema' => [
            'AttributeDataType' => 'String|Number|DateTime|Boolean',
            'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => true || false,
            'Mutable' => true || false,
            'Name' => '<string>',
            'NumberAttributeConstraints' => [
                'MaxValue' => '<string>',
                'MinValue' => '<string>',
            'Required' => true || false,
            'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                'MaxLength' => '<string>',
                'MinLength' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'SmsAuthenticationMessage' => '<string>',
    'SmsConfiguration' => [
        'ExternalId' => '<string>',
        'SnsCallerArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
        'SnsRegion' => '<string>',
    'SmsVerificationMessage' => '<string>',
    'UserAttributeUpdateSettings' => [
        'AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UserPoolAddOns' => [
        'AdvancedSecurityAdditionalFlows' => [
            'CustomAuthMode' => 'AUDIT|ENFORCED',
        'AdvancedSecurityMode' => 'OFF|AUDIT|ENFORCED', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolTags' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UsernameAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UsernameConfiguration' => [
        'CaseSensitive' => true || false, // REQUIRED
    'VerificationMessageTemplate' => [
        'DefaultEmailOption' => 'CONFIRM_WITH_LINK|CONFIRM_WITH_CODE',
        'EmailMessage' => '<string>',
        'EmailMessageByLink' => '<string>',
        'EmailSubject' => '<string>',
        'EmailSubjectByLink' => '<string>',
        'SmsMessage' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: AccountRecoverySettingType structure

The available verified method a user can use to recover their password when they call ForgotPassword. You can use this setting to define a preferred method when a user has more than one method available. With this setting, SMS doesn't qualify for a valid password recovery mechanism if the user also has SMS multi-factor authentication (MFA) activated. In the absence of this setting, Amazon Cognito uses the legacy behavior to determine the recovery method where SMS is preferred through email.

Type: AdminCreateUserConfigType structure

The configuration for AdminCreateUser requests.

Type: Array of strings

Attributes supported as an alias for this user pool. Possible values: phone_number, email, or preferred_username.

Type: Array of strings

The attributes to be auto-verified. Possible values: email, phone_number.

Type: string

When active, DeletionProtection prevents accidental deletion of your user pool. Before you can delete a user pool that you have protected against deletion, you must deactivate this feature.

When you try to delete a protected user pool in a DeleteUserPool API request, Amazon Cognito returns an InvalidParameterException error. To delete a protected user pool, send a new DeleteUserPool request after you deactivate deletion protection in an UpdateUserPool API request.

Type: DeviceConfigurationType structure

The device-remembering configuration for a user pool. A null value indicates that you have deactivated device remembering in your user pool.

When you provide a value for any DeviceConfiguration field, you activate the Amazon Cognito device-remembering feature.

Type: EmailConfigurationType structure

The email configuration of your user pool. The email configuration type sets your preferred sending method, Amazon Web Services Region, and sender for messages from your user pool.

Type: string

This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.

Type: string

This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.

Type: LambdaConfigType structure

The Lambda trigger configuration information for the new user pool.

In a push model, event sources (such as Amazon S3 and custom applications) need permission to invoke a function. So you must make an extra call to add permission for these event sources to invoke your Lambda function.

For more information on using the Lambda API to add permission, see AddPermission .

For adding permission using the CLI, see add-permission .

Type: string

Specifies MFA configuration details.

Type: UserPoolPolicyType structure

The policies associated with the new user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

A string used to name the user pool.

Type: Array of SchemaAttributeType structures

An array of schema attributes for the new user pool. These attributes can be standard or custom attributes.

Type: string

A string representing the SMS authentication message.

Type: SmsConfigurationType structure

The SMS configuration with the settings that your Amazon Cognito user pool must use to send an SMS message from your Amazon Web Services account through Amazon Simple Notification Service. To send SMS messages with Amazon SNS in the Amazon Web Services Region that you want, the Amazon Cognito user pool uses an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role in your Amazon Web Services account.

Type: string

This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.


The settings for updates to user attributes. These settings include the property AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate, a user-pool setting that tells Amazon Cognito how to handle changes to the value of your users' email address and phone number attributes. For more information, see Verifying updates to email addresses and phone numbers.

Type: UserPoolAddOnsType structure

User pool add-ons. Contains settings for activation of advanced security features. To log user security information but take no action, set to AUDIT. To configure automatic security responses to risky traffic to your user pool, set to ENFORCED.

For more information, see Adding advanced security to a user pool.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (TagKeysType) to strings

The tag keys and values to assign to the user pool. A tag is a label that you can use to categorize and manage user pools in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria.

Type: Array of strings

Specifies whether a user can use an email address or phone number as a username when they sign up.

Type: UsernameConfigurationType structure

Case sensitivity on the username input for the selected sign-in option. When case sensitivity is set to False (case insensitive), users can sign in with any combination of capital and lowercase letters. For example, username, USERNAME, or UserName, or for email, or EMaiL@eXamplE.Com. For most use cases, set case sensitivity to False (case insensitive) as a best practice. When usernames and email addresses are case insensitive, Amazon Cognito treats any variation in case as the same user, and prevents a case variation from being assigned to the same attribute for a different user.

This configuration is immutable after you set it. For more information, see UsernameConfigurationType.


The template for the verification message that the user sees when the app requests permission to access the user's information.

Result Syntax

    'UserPool' => [
        'AccountRecoverySetting' => [
            'RecoveryMechanisms' => [
                    'Name' => 'verified_email|verified_phone_number|admin_only',
                    'Priority' => <integer>,
                // ...
        'AdminCreateUserConfig' => [
            'AllowAdminCreateUserOnly' => true || false,
            'InviteMessageTemplate' => [
                'EmailMessage' => '<string>',
                'EmailSubject' => '<string>',
                'SMSMessage' => '<string>',
            'UnusedAccountValidityDays' => <integer>,
        'AliasAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'Arn' => '<string>',
        'AutoVerifiedAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'CustomDomain' => '<string>',
        'DeletionProtection' => 'ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
        'DeviceConfiguration' => [
            'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice' => true || false,
            'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt' => true || false,
        'Domain' => '<string>',
        'EmailConfiguration' => [
            'ConfigurationSet' => '<string>',
            'EmailSendingAccount' => 'COGNITO_DEFAULT|DEVELOPER',
            'From' => '<string>',
            'ReplyToEmailAddress' => '<string>',
            'SourceArn' => '<string>',
        'EmailConfigurationFailure' => '<string>',
        'EmailVerificationMessage' => '<string>',
        'EmailVerificationSubject' => '<string>',
        'EstimatedNumberOfUsers' => <integer>,
        'Id' => '<string>',
        'LambdaConfig' => [
            'CreateAuthChallenge' => '<string>',
            'CustomEmailSender' => [
                'LambdaArn' => '<string>',
                'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0',
            'CustomMessage' => '<string>',
            'CustomSMSSender' => [
                'LambdaArn' => '<string>',
                'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0',
            'DefineAuthChallenge' => '<string>',
            'KMSKeyID' => '<string>',
            'PostAuthentication' => '<string>',
            'PostConfirmation' => '<string>',
            'PreAuthentication' => '<string>',
            'PreSignUp' => '<string>',
            'PreTokenGeneration' => '<string>',
            'PreTokenGenerationConfig' => [
                'LambdaArn' => '<string>',
                'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0|V2_0',
            'UserMigration' => '<string>',
            'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse' => '<string>',
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'MfaConfiguration' => 'OFF|ON|OPTIONAL',
        'Name' => '<string>',
        'Policies' => [
            'PasswordPolicy' => [
                'MinimumLength' => <integer>,
                'PasswordHistorySize' => <integer>,
                'RequireLowercase' => true || false,
                'RequireNumbers' => true || false,
                'RequireSymbols' => true || false,
                'RequireUppercase' => true || false,
                'TemporaryPasswordValidityDays' => <integer>,
        'SchemaAttributes' => [
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String|Number|DateTime|Boolean',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => true || false,
                'Mutable' => true || false,
                'Name' => '<string>',
                'NumberAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxValue' => '<string>',
                    'MinValue' => '<string>',
                'Required' => true || false,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '<string>',
                    'MinLength' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'SmsAuthenticationMessage' => '<string>',
        'SmsConfiguration' => [
            'ExternalId' => '<string>',
            'SnsCallerArn' => '<string>',
            'SnsRegion' => '<string>',
        'SmsConfigurationFailure' => '<string>',
        'SmsVerificationMessage' => '<string>',
        'Status' => 'Enabled|Disabled',
        'UserAttributeUpdateSettings' => [
            'AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate' => ['<string>', ...],
        'UserPoolAddOns' => [
            'AdvancedSecurityAdditionalFlows' => [
                'CustomAuthMode' => 'AUDIT|ENFORCED',
            'AdvancedSecurityMode' => 'OFF|AUDIT|ENFORCED',
        'UserPoolTags' => ['<string>', ...],
        'UsernameAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'UsernameConfiguration' => [
            'CaseSensitive' => true || false,
        'VerificationMessageTemplate' => [
            'DefaultEmailOption' => 'CONFIRM_WITH_LINK|CONFIRM_WITH_CODE',
            'EmailMessage' => '<string>',
            'EmailMessageByLink' => '<string>',
            'EmailSubject' => '<string>',
            'EmailSubjectByLink' => '<string>',
            'SmsMessage' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: UserPoolType structure

A container for the user pool details.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user pool tag can't be set or updated.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


Example 1: Example user pool with email and username sign-in

The following example creates a user pool with all configurable properties set to an example value. The resulting user pool allows sign-in with username or email address, has optional MFA, and has a Lambda function assigned to each possible trigger.

$result = $client->createUserPool([
    'AccountRecoverySetting' => [
        'RecoveryMechanisms' => [
                'Name' => 'verified_email',
                'Priority' => 1,
    'AdminCreateUserConfig' => [
        'AllowAdminCreateUserOnly' => ,
        'InviteMessageTemplate' => [
            'EmailMessage' => 'Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}.',
            'EmailSubject' => 'Your sign-in information',
            'SMSMessage' => 'Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}.',
    'AliasAttributes' => [
    'AutoVerifiedAttributes' => [
    'DeletionProtection' => 'ACTIVE',
    'DeviceConfiguration' => [
        'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice' => 1,
        'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt' => 1,
    'EmailConfiguration' => [
        'ConfigurationSet' => 'my-test-ses-configuration-set',
        'EmailSendingAccount' => 'DEVELOPER',
        'From' => '',
        'ReplyToEmailAddress' => '',
        'SourceArn' => 'arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/',
    'EmailVerificationMessage' => 'Your verification code is {####}.',
    'EmailVerificationSubject' => 'Verify your email address',
    'LambdaConfig' => [
        'CustomEmailSender' => [
            'LambdaArn' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
            'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0',
        'CustomMessage' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
        'CustomSMSSender' => [
            'LambdaArn' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
            'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0',
        'DefineAuthChallenge' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
        'KMSKeyID' => 'arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:123456789012:key/a6c4f8e2-0c45-47db-925f-87854bc9e357',
        'PostAuthentication' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
        'PostConfirmation' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
        'PreAuthentication' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
        'PreSignUp' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
        'PreTokenGeneration' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
        'UserMigration' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
        'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
    'MfaConfiguration' => 'OPTIONAL',
    'Policies' => [
        'PasswordPolicy' => [
            'MinimumLength' => 6,
            'RequireLowercase' => 1,
            'RequireNumbers' => 1,
            'RequireSymbols' => 1,
            'RequireUppercase' => 1,
            'TemporaryPasswordValidityDays' => 7,
    'PoolName' => 'my-test-user-pool',
    'Schema' => [
            'AttributeDataType' => 'Number',
            'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => 1,
            'Mutable' => 1,
            'Name' => 'mydev',
            'NumberAttributeConstraints' => [
                'MaxValue' => '99',
                'MinValue' => '1',
            'Required' => ,
            'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                'MaxLength' => '99',
                'MinLength' => '1',
    'SmsAuthenticationMessage' => 'Your verification code is {####}.',
    'SmsConfiguration' => [
        'ExternalId' => 'my-role-external-id',
        'SnsCallerArn' => 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/test-cognito-SMS-Role',
    'SmsVerificationMessage' => 'Your verification code is {####}.',
    'UserAttributeUpdateSettings' => [
        'AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate' => [
    'UserPoolAddOns' => [
        'AdvancedSecurityMode' => 'OFF',
    'UserPoolTags' => [
        'my-test-tag-key' => 'my-test-tag-key',
    'UsernameConfiguration' => [
        'CaseSensitive' => 1,
    'VerificationMessageTemplate' => [
        'DefaultEmailOption' => 'CONFIRM_WITH_CODE',
        'EmailMessage' => 'Your confirmation code is {####}',
        'EmailMessageByLink' => 'Choose this link to {##verify your email##}',
        'EmailSubject' => 'Here is your confirmation code',
        'EmailSubjectByLink' => 'Here is your confirmation link',
        'SmsMessage' => 'Your confirmation code is {####}',

Result syntax:

    'UserPool' => [
        'AccountRecoverySetting' => [
            'RecoveryMechanisms' => [
                    'Name' => 'verified_email',
                    'Priority' => 1,
        'AdminCreateUserConfig' => [
            'AllowAdminCreateUserOnly' => ,
            'InviteMessageTemplate' => [
                'EmailMessage' => 'Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}.',
                'EmailSubject' => 'Your sign-in information',
                'SMSMessage' => 'Your username is {username} and temporary password is {####}.',
            'UnusedAccountValidityDays' => 7,
        'AliasAttributes' => [
        'Arn' => 'arn:aws:cognito-idp:us-east-1:123456789012:userpool/us-east-1_EXAMPLE',
        'AutoVerifiedAttributes' => [
        'CreationDate' => ,
        'DeletionProtection' => 'ACTIVE',
        'DeviceConfiguration' => [
            'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice' => 1,
            'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt' => 1,
        'EmailConfiguration' => [
            'ConfigurationSet' => 'my-test-ses-configuration-set',
            'EmailSendingAccount' => 'DEVELOPER',
            'From' => '',
            'ReplyToEmailAddress' => '',
            'SourceArn' => 'arn:aws:ses:us-east-1:123456789012:identity/',
        'EmailVerificationMessage' => 'Your verification code is {####}.',
        'EmailVerificationSubject' => 'Verify your email address',
        'EstimatedNumberOfUsers' => 0,
        'Id' => 'us-east-1_EXAMPLE',
        'LambdaConfig' => [
            'CustomEmailSender' => [
                'LambdaArn' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
                'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0',
            'CustomMessage' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
            'CustomSMSSender' => [
                'LambdaArn' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
                'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0',
            'DefineAuthChallenge' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
            'KMSKeyID' => 'arn:aws:kms:us-east-1:767671399759:key/4d43904c-8edf-4bb4-9fca-fb1a80e41cbe',
            'PostAuthentication' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
            'PostConfirmation' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
            'PreAuthentication' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
            'PreSignUp' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
            'PreTokenGeneration' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
            'UserMigration' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
            'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse' => 'arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:123456789012:function:MyFunction',
        'LastModifiedDate' => ,
        'MfaConfiguration' => 'OPTIONAL',
        'Name' => 'my-test-user-pool',
        'Policies' => [
            'PasswordPolicy' => [
                'MinimumLength' => 6,
                'RequireLowercase' => 1,
                'RequireNumbers' => 1,
                'RequireSymbols' => 1,
                'RequireUppercase' => 1,
                'TemporaryPasswordValidityDays' => 7,
        'SchemaAttributes' => [
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => ,
                'Name' => 'sub',
                'Required' => 1,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '1',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'name',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'given_name',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'family_name',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'middle_name',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'nickname',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'preferred_username',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'profile',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'picture',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'website',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'email',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'Boolean',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'email_verified',
                'Required' => ,
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'gender',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'birthdate',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '10',
                    'MinLength' => '10',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'zoneinfo',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'locale',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'phone_number',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'Boolean',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'phone_number_verifie',
                'Required' => ,
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'address',
                'Required' => ,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '2048',
                    'MinLength' => '0',
                'AttributeDataType' => 'Number',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => ,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'updated_at',
                'NumberAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MinValue' => '0',
                'Required' => ,
                'AttributeDataType' => 'Number',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => 1,
                'Mutable' => 1,
                'Name' => 'dev:custom:mydev',
                'NumberAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxValue' => '99',
                    'MinValue' => '1',
                'Required' => ,
        'SmsAuthenticationMessage' => 'Your verification code is {####}.',
        'SmsConfiguration' => [
            'ExternalId' => 'my-role-external-id',
            'SnsCallerArn' => 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/service-role/test-cognito-SMS-Role',
            'SnsRegion' => 'us-east-1',
        'SmsVerificationMessage' => 'Your verification code is {####}.',
        'UserAttributeUpdateSettings' => [
            'AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate' => [
        'UserPoolAddOns' => [
            'AdvancedSecurityMode' => 'OFF',
        'UserPoolTags' => [
            'my-test-tag-key' => 'my-test-tag-value',
        'UsernameConfiguration' => [
            'CaseSensitive' => 1,
        'VerificationMessageTemplate' => [
            'DefaultEmailOption' => 'CONFIRM_WITH_CODE',
            'EmailMessage' => 'Your confirmation code is {####}',
            'EmailMessageByLink' => 'Choose this link to {##verify your email##}',
            'EmailSubject' => 'Here is your confirmation code',
            'EmailSubjectByLink' => 'Here is your confirmation link',
            'SmsMessage' => 'Your confirmation code is {####}',


$result = $client->createUserPoolClient([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createUserPoolClientAsync([/* ... */]);

Creates the user pool client.

When you create a new user pool client, token revocation is automatically activated. For more information about revoking tokens, see RevokeToken.

If you don't provide a value for an attribute, Amazon Cognito sets it to its default value.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createUserPoolClient([
    'AccessTokenValidity' => <integer>,
    'AllowedOAuthFlows' => ['<string>', ...],
    'AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient' => true || false,
    'AllowedOAuthScopes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'AnalyticsConfiguration' => [
        'ApplicationArn' => '<string>',
        'ApplicationId' => '<string>',
        'ExternalId' => '<string>',
        'RoleArn' => '<string>',
        'UserDataShared' => true || false,
    'AuthSessionValidity' => <integer>,
    'CallbackURLs' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ClientName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'DefaultRedirectURI' => '<string>',
    'EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData' => true || false,
    'EnableTokenRevocation' => true || false,
    'ExplicitAuthFlows' => ['<string>', ...],
    'GenerateSecret' => true || false,
    'IdTokenValidity' => <integer>,
    'LogoutURLs' => ['<string>', ...],
    'PreventUserExistenceErrors' => 'LEGACY|ENABLED',
    'ReadAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'RefreshTokenValidity' => <integer>,
    'SupportedIdentityProviders' => ['<string>', ...],
    'TokenValidityUnits' => [
        'AccessToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
        'IdToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
        'RefreshToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'WriteAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Parameter Details

Type: int

The access token time limit. After this limit expires, your user can't use their access token. To specify the time unit for AccessTokenValidity as seconds, minutes, hours, or days, set a TokenValidityUnits value in your API request.

For example, when you set AccessTokenValidity to 10 and TokenValidityUnits to hours, your user can authorize access with their access token for 10 hours.

The default time unit for AccessTokenValidity in an API request is hours. Valid range is displayed below in seconds.

If you don't specify otherwise in the configuration of your app client, your access tokens are valid for one hour.

Type: Array of strings

The OAuth grant types that you want your app client to generate. To create an app client that generates client credentials grants, you must add client_credentials as the only allowed OAuth flow.


Use a code grant flow, which provides an authorization code as the response. This code can be exchanged for access tokens with the /oauth2/token endpoint.


Issue the access token (and, optionally, ID token, based on scopes) directly to your user.


Issue the access token from the /oauth2/token endpoint directly to a non-person user using a combination of the client ID and client secret.

Type: boolean

Set to true to use OAuth 2.0 features in your user pool app client.

AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient must be true before you can configure the following features in your app client.

  • CallBackURLs: Callback URLs.

  • LogoutURLs: Sign-out redirect URLs.

  • AllowedOAuthScopes: OAuth 2.0 scopes.

  • AllowedOAuthFlows: Support for authorization code, implicit, and client credentials OAuth 2.0 grants.

To use OAuth 2.0 features, configure one of these features in the Amazon Cognito console or set AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient to true in a CreateUserPoolClient or UpdateUserPoolClient API request. If you don't set a value for AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient in a request with the CLI or SDKs, it defaults to false.

Type: Array of strings

The allowed OAuth scopes. Possible values provided by OAuth are phone, email, openid, and profile. Possible values provided by Amazon Web Services are aws.cognito.signin.user.admin. Custom scopes created in Resource Servers are also supported.

Type: AnalyticsConfigurationType structure

The user pool analytics configuration for collecting metrics and sending them to your Amazon Pinpoint campaign.

In Amazon Web Services Regions where Amazon Pinpoint isn't available, user pools only support sending events to Amazon Pinpoint projects in Amazon Web Services Region us-east-1. In Regions where Amazon Pinpoint is available, user pools support sending events to Amazon Pinpoint projects within that same Region.

Type: int

Amazon Cognito creates a session token for each API request in an authentication flow. AuthSessionValidity is the duration, in minutes, of that session token. Your user pool native user must respond to each authentication challenge before the session expires.

Type: Array of strings

A list of allowed redirect (callback) URLs for the IdPs.

A redirect URI must:

  • Be an absolute URI.

  • Be registered with the authorization server.

  • Not include a fragment component.

See OAuth 2.0 - Redirection Endpoint.

Amazon Cognito requires HTTPS over HTTP except for http://localhost for testing purposes only.

App callback URLs such as myapp://example are also supported.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The client name for the user pool client you would like to create.

Type: string

The default redirect URI. In app clients with one assigned IdP, replaces redirect_uri in authentication requests. Must be in the CallbackURLs list.

A redirect URI must:

  • Be an absolute URI.

  • Be registered with the authorization server.

  • Not include a fragment component.

For more information, see Default redirect URI.

Amazon Cognito requires HTTPS over HTTP except for http://localhost for testing purposes only.

App callback URLs such as myapp://example are also supported.

Type: boolean

Activates the propagation of additional user context data. For more information about propagation of user context data, see Adding advanced security to a user pool. If you don’t include this parameter, you can't send device fingerprint information, including source IP address, to Amazon Cognito advanced security. You can only activate EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData in an app client that has a client secret.

Type: boolean

Activates or deactivates token revocation. For more information about revoking tokens, see RevokeToken.

If you don't include this parameter, token revocation is automatically activated for the new user pool client.

Type: Array of strings

The authentication flows that you want your user pool client to support. For each app client in your user pool, you can sign in your users with any combination of one or more flows, including with a user name and Secure Remote Password (SRP), a user name and password, or a custom authentication process that you define with Lambda functions.

If you don't specify a value for ExplicitAuthFlows, your user client supports ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH, ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH, and ALLOW_CUSTOM_AUTH.

Valid values include:

  • ALLOW_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH: Enable admin based user password authentication flow ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH. This setting replaces the ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH setting. With this authentication flow, your app passes a user name and password to Amazon Cognito in the request, instead of using the Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol to securely transmit the password.

  • ALLOW_CUSTOM_AUTH: Enable Lambda trigger based authentication.

  • ALLOW_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH: Enable user password-based authentication. In this flow, Amazon Cognito receives the password in the request instead of using the SRP protocol to verify passwords.

  • ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH: Enable SRP-based authentication.

  • ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH: Enable authflow to refresh tokens.

In some environments, you will see the values ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH, CUSTOM_AUTH_FLOW_ONLY, or USER_PASSWORD_AUTH. You can't assign these legacy ExplicitAuthFlows values to user pool clients at the same time as values that begin with ALLOW_, like ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH.

Type: boolean

Boolean to specify whether you want to generate a secret for the user pool client being created.

Type: int

The ID token time limit. After this limit expires, your user can't use their ID token. To specify the time unit for IdTokenValidity as seconds, minutes, hours, or days, set a TokenValidityUnits value in your API request.

For example, when you set IdTokenValidity as 10 and TokenValidityUnits as hours, your user can authenticate their session with their ID token for 10 hours.

The default time unit for IdTokenValidity in an API request is hours. Valid range is displayed below in seconds.

If you don't specify otherwise in the configuration of your app client, your ID tokens are valid for one hour.

Type: Array of strings

A list of allowed logout URLs for the IdPs.

Type: string

Errors and responses that you want Amazon Cognito APIs to return during authentication, account confirmation, and password recovery when the user doesn't exist in the user pool. When set to ENABLED and the user doesn't exist, authentication returns an error indicating either the username or password was incorrect. Account confirmation and password recovery return a response indicating a code was sent to a simulated destination. When set to LEGACY, those APIs return a UserNotFoundException exception if the user doesn't exist in the user pool.

Valid values include:

  • ENABLED - This prevents user existence-related errors.

  • LEGACY - This represents the early behavior of Amazon Cognito where user existence related errors aren't prevented.

Defaults to LEGACY when you don't provide a value.

Type: Array of strings

The list of user attributes that you want your app client to have read access to. After your user authenticates in your app, their access token authorizes them to read their own attribute value for any attribute in this list. An example of this kind of activity is when your user selects a link to view their profile information. Your app makes a GetUser API request to retrieve and display your user's profile data.

When you don't specify the ReadAttributes for your app client, your app can read the values of email_verified, phone_number_verified, and the Standard attributes of your user pool. When your user pool app client has read access to these default attributes, ReadAttributes doesn't return any information. Amazon Cognito only populates ReadAttributes in the API response if you have specified your own custom set of read attributes.

Type: int

The refresh token time limit. After this limit expires, your user can't use their refresh token. To specify the time unit for RefreshTokenValidity as seconds, minutes, hours, or days, set a TokenValidityUnits value in your API request.

For example, when you set RefreshTokenValidity as 10 and TokenValidityUnits as days, your user can refresh their session and retrieve new access and ID tokens for 10 days.

The default time unit for RefreshTokenValidity in an API request is days. You can't set RefreshTokenValidity to 0. If you do, Amazon Cognito overrides the value with the default value of 30 days. Valid range is displayed below in seconds.

If you don't specify otherwise in the configuration of your app client, your refresh tokens are valid for 30 days.

Type: Array of strings

A list of provider names for the identity providers (IdPs) that are supported on this client. The following are supported: COGNITO, Facebook, Google, SignInWithApple, and LoginWithAmazon. You can also specify the names that you configured for the SAML and OIDC IdPs in your user pool, for example MySAMLIdP or MyOIDCIdP.

Type: TokenValidityUnitsType structure

The units in which the validity times are represented. The default unit for RefreshToken is days, and default for ID and access tokens are hours.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to create a user pool client.

Type: Array of strings

The list of user attributes that you want your app client to have write access to. After your user authenticates in your app, their access token authorizes them to set or modify their own attribute value for any attribute in this list. An example of this kind of activity is when you present your user with a form to update their profile information and they change their last name. Your app then makes an UpdateUserAttributes API request and sets family_name to the new value.

When you don't specify the WriteAttributes for your app client, your app can write the values of the Standard attributes of your user pool. When your user pool has write access to these default attributes, WriteAttributes doesn't return any information. Amazon Cognito only populates WriteAttributes in the API response if you have specified your own custom set of write attributes.

If your app client allows users to sign in through an IdP, this array must include all attributes that you have mapped to IdP attributes. Amazon Cognito updates mapped attributes when users sign in to your application through an IdP. If your app client does not have write access to a mapped attribute, Amazon Cognito throws an error when it tries to update the attribute. For more information, see Specifying IdP Attribute Mappings for Your user pool.

Result Syntax

    'UserPoolClient' => [
        'AccessTokenValidity' => <integer>,
        'AllowedOAuthFlows' => ['<string>', ...],
        'AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient' => true || false,
        'AllowedOAuthScopes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'AnalyticsConfiguration' => [
            'ApplicationArn' => '<string>',
            'ApplicationId' => '<string>',
            'ExternalId' => '<string>',
            'RoleArn' => '<string>',
            'UserDataShared' => true || false,
        'AuthSessionValidity' => <integer>,
        'CallbackURLs' => ['<string>', ...],
        'ClientId' => '<string>',
        'ClientName' => '<string>',
        'ClientSecret' => '<string>',
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'DefaultRedirectURI' => '<string>',
        'EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData' => true || false,
        'EnableTokenRevocation' => true || false,
        'ExplicitAuthFlows' => ['<string>', ...],
        'IdTokenValidity' => <integer>,
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'LogoutURLs' => ['<string>', ...],
        'PreventUserExistenceErrors' => 'LEGACY|ENABLED',
        'ReadAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'RefreshTokenValidity' => <integer>,
        'SupportedIdentityProviders' => ['<string>', ...],
        'TokenValidityUnits' => [
            'AccessToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
            'IdToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
            'RefreshToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',
        'WriteAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Result Details

Type: UserPoolClientType structure

The user pool client that was just created.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the specified scope doesn't exist.


This exception is thrown when the specified OAuth flow is not valid.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


Example 1: Example user pool app client with email and username sign-in

The following example creates an app client with all configurable properties set to an example value. The resulting user pool client connects to an analytics client, allows sign-in with username and password, and has two external identity providers associated with it.

$result = $client->createUserPoolClient([
    'AccessTokenValidity' => 6,
    'AllowedOAuthFlows' => [
    'AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient' => 1,
    'AllowedOAuthScopes' => [
    'AnalyticsConfiguration' => [
        'ApplicationId' => 'd70b2ba36a8c4dc5a04a0451a31a1e12',
        'ExternalId' => 'my-external-id',
        'RoleArn' => 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/test-cognitouserpool-role',
        'UserDataShared' => 1,
    'CallbackURLs' => [
    'ClientName' => 'my-test-app-client',
    'DefaultRedirectURI' => '',
    'ExplicitAuthFlows' => [
    'GenerateSecret' => 1,
    'IdTokenValidity' => 6,
    'LogoutURLs' => [
    'PreventUserExistenceErrors' => 'ENABLED',
    'ReadAttributes' => [
    'RefreshTokenValidity' => 6,
    'SupportedIdentityProviders' => [
    'TokenValidityUnits' => [
        'AccessToken' => 'hours',
        'IdToken' => 'minutes',
        'RefreshToken' => 'days',
    'UserPoolId' => 'us-east-1_EXAMPLE',
    'WriteAttributes' => [

Result syntax:

    'UserPoolClient' => [
        'AccessTokenValidity' => 6,
        'AllowedOAuthFlows' => [
        'AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient' => 1,
        'AllowedOAuthScopes' => [
        'AnalyticsConfiguration' => [
            'ApplicationId' => 'd70b2ba36a8c4dc5a04a0451a31a1e12',
            'ExternalId' => 'my-external-id',
            'RoleArn' => 'arn:aws:iam::123456789012:role/test-cognitouserpool-role',
            'UserDataShared' => 1,
        'AuthSessionValidity' => 3,
        'CallbackURLs' => [
        'ClientId' => '26cb2c60kq7nbmas7rbme9b6pp',
        'ClientName' => 'my-test-app-client',
        'ClientSecret' => '13ka4h7u28d9oo44tqpq9djqsfvhvu8rk4d2ighvpu0k8fj1c2r9',
        'CreationDate' => ,
        'DefaultRedirectURI' => '',
        'EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData' => ,
        'EnableTokenRevocation' => 1,
        'ExplicitAuthFlows' => [
        'IdTokenValidity' => 6,
        'LastModifiedDate' => ,
        'LogoutURLs' => [
        'PreventUserExistenceErrors' => 'ENABLED',
        'ReadAttributes' => [
        'RefreshTokenValidity' => 6,
        'SupportedIdentityProviders' => [
        'TokenValidityUnits' => [
            'AccessToken' => 'hours',
            'IdToken' => 'minutes',
            'RefreshToken' => 'days',
        'UserPoolId' => 'us-east-1_EXAMPLE',
        'WriteAttributes' => [


$result = $client->createUserPoolDomain([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->createUserPoolDomainAsync([/* ... */]);

Creates a new domain for a user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->createUserPoolDomain([
    'CustomDomainConfig' => [
        'CertificateArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Domain' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: CustomDomainConfigType structure

The configuration for a custom domain that hosts the sign-up and sign-in webpages for your application.

Provide this parameter only if you want to use a custom domain for your user pool. Otherwise, you can exclude this parameter and use the Amazon Cognito hosted domain instead.

For more information about the hosted domain and custom domains, see Configuring a User Pool Domain.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The domain string. For custom domains, this is the fully-qualified domain name, such as For Amazon Cognito prefix domains, this is the prefix alone, such as auth.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'CloudFrontDomain' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

The Amazon CloudFront endpoint that you use as the target of the alias that you set up with your Domain Name Service (DNS) provider. Amazon Cognito returns this value if you set a custom domain with CustomDomainConfig. If you set an Amazon Cognito prefix domain, this operation returns a blank response.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->deleteGroup([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteGroupAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes a group.

Calling this action requires developer credentials.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteGroup([
    'GroupName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The name of the group.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->deleteIdentityProvider([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteIdentityProviderAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes an IdP for a user pool.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteIdentityProvider([
    'ProviderName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The IdP name.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the specified identifier isn't supported.


This exception is thrown if two or more modifications are happening concurrently.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->deleteResourceServer([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteResourceServerAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes a resource server.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteResourceServer([
    'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The identifier for the resource server.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that hosts the resource server.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->deleteUser([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteUserAsync([/* ... */]);

Allows a user to delete their own user profile.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteUser([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose user profile you want to delete.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->deleteUserAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteUserAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes the attributes for a user.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteUserAttributes([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserAttributeNames' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose attributes you want to delete.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of strings

An array of strings representing the user attribute names you want to delete.

For custom attributes, you must prependattach the custom: prefix to the front of the attribute name.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->deleteUserPool([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteUserPoolAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes the specified Amazon Cognito user pool.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteUserPool([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool you want to delete.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when you're trying to modify a user pool while a user import job is in progress for that pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->deleteUserPoolClient([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteUserPoolClientAsync([/* ... */]);

Allows the developer to delete the user pool client.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteUserPoolClient([
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The app client ID of the app associated with the user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to delete the client.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown if two or more modifications are happening concurrently.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->deleteUserPoolDomain([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->deleteUserPoolDomainAsync([/* ... */]);

Deletes a domain for a user pool.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->deleteUserPoolDomain([
    'Domain' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The domain string. For custom domains, this is the fully-qualified domain name, such as For Amazon Cognito prefix domains, this is the prefix alone, such as auth.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->describeIdentityProvider([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->describeIdentityProviderAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets information about a specific IdP.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->describeIdentityProvider([
    'ProviderName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The IdP name.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'IdentityProvider' => [
        'AttributeMapping' => ['<string>', ...],
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'IdpIdentifiers' => ['<string>', ...],
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'ProviderDetails' => ['<string>', ...],
        'ProviderName' => '<string>',
        'ProviderType' => 'SAML|Facebook|Google|LoginWithAmazon|SignInWithApple|OIDC',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: IdentityProviderType structure

The identity provider details.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->describeResourceServer([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->describeResourceServerAsync([/* ... */]);

Describes a resource server.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->describeResourceServer([
    'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A unique resource server identifier for the resource server. The identifier can be an API friendly name like solar-system-data. You can also set an API URL like as your identifier.

Amazon Cognito represents scopes in the access token in the format $resource-server-identifier/$scope. Longer scope-identifier strings increase the size of your access tokens.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that hosts the resource server.

Result Syntax

    'ResourceServer' => [
        'Identifier' => '<string>',
        'Name' => '<string>',
        'Scopes' => [
                'ScopeDescription' => '<string>',
                'ScopeName' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: ResourceServerType structure

The resource server.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->describeRiskConfiguration([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->describeRiskConfigurationAsync([/* ... */]);

Describes the risk configuration.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->describeRiskConfiguration([
    'ClientId' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

The app client ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'RiskConfiguration' => [
        'AccountTakeoverRiskConfiguration' => [
            'Actions' => [
                'HighAction' => [
                    'EventAction' => 'BLOCK|MFA_IF_CONFIGURED|MFA_REQUIRED|NO_ACTION',
                    'Notify' => true || false,
                'LowAction' => [
                    'EventAction' => 'BLOCK|MFA_IF_CONFIGURED|MFA_REQUIRED|NO_ACTION',
                    'Notify' => true || false,
                'MediumAction' => [
                    'EventAction' => 'BLOCK|MFA_IF_CONFIGURED|MFA_REQUIRED|NO_ACTION',
                    'Notify' => true || false,
            'NotifyConfiguration' => [
                'BlockEmail' => [
                    'HtmlBody' => '<string>',
                    'Subject' => '<string>',
                    'TextBody' => '<string>',
                'From' => '<string>',
                'MfaEmail' => [
                    'HtmlBody' => '<string>',
                    'Subject' => '<string>',
                    'TextBody' => '<string>',
                'NoActionEmail' => [
                    'HtmlBody' => '<string>',
                    'Subject' => '<string>',
                    'TextBody' => '<string>',
                'ReplyTo' => '<string>',
                'SourceArn' => '<string>',
        'ClientId' => '<string>',
        'CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfiguration' => [
            'Actions' => [
                'EventAction' => 'BLOCK|NO_ACTION',
            'EventFilter' => ['<string>', ...],
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'RiskExceptionConfiguration' => [
            'BlockedIPRangeList' => ['<string>', ...],
            'SkippedIPRangeList' => ['<string>', ...],
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: RiskConfigurationType structure

The risk configuration.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when user pool add-ons aren't enabled.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->describeUserImportJob([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->describeUserImportJobAsync([/* ... */]);

Describes the user import job.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->describeUserImportJob([
    'JobId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The job ID for the user import job.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that the users are being imported into.

Result Syntax

    'UserImportJob' => [
        'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn' => '<string>',
        'CompletionDate' => <DateTime>,
        'CompletionMessage' => '<string>',
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'FailedUsers' => <integer>,
        'ImportedUsers' => <integer>,
        'JobId' => '<string>',
        'JobName' => '<string>',
        'PreSignedUrl' => '<string>',
        'SkippedUsers' => <integer>,
        'StartDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Status' => 'Created|Pending|InProgress|Stopping|Expired|Stopped|Failed|Succeeded',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: UserImportJobType structure

The job object that represents the user import job.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->describeUserPool([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->describeUserPoolAsync([/* ... */]);

Returns the configuration information and metadata of the specified user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->describeUserPool([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool you want to describe.

Result Syntax

    'UserPool' => [
        'AccountRecoverySetting' => [
            'RecoveryMechanisms' => [
                    'Name' => 'verified_email|verified_phone_number|admin_only',
                    'Priority' => <integer>,
                // ...
        'AdminCreateUserConfig' => [
            'AllowAdminCreateUserOnly' => true || false,
            'InviteMessageTemplate' => [
                'EmailMessage' => '<string>',
                'EmailSubject' => '<string>',
                'SMSMessage' => '<string>',
            'UnusedAccountValidityDays' => <integer>,
        'AliasAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'Arn' => '<string>',
        'AutoVerifiedAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'CustomDomain' => '<string>',
        'DeletionProtection' => 'ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
        'DeviceConfiguration' => [
            'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice' => true || false,
            'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt' => true || false,
        'Domain' => '<string>',
        'EmailConfiguration' => [
            'ConfigurationSet' => '<string>',
            'EmailSendingAccount' => 'COGNITO_DEFAULT|DEVELOPER',
            'From' => '<string>',
            'ReplyToEmailAddress' => '<string>',
            'SourceArn' => '<string>',
        'EmailConfigurationFailure' => '<string>',
        'EmailVerificationMessage' => '<string>',
        'EmailVerificationSubject' => '<string>',
        'EstimatedNumberOfUsers' => <integer>,
        'Id' => '<string>',
        'LambdaConfig' => [
            'CreateAuthChallenge' => '<string>',
            'CustomEmailSender' => [
                'LambdaArn' => '<string>',
                'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0',
            'CustomMessage' => '<string>',
            'CustomSMSSender' => [
                'LambdaArn' => '<string>',
                'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0',
            'DefineAuthChallenge' => '<string>',
            'KMSKeyID' => '<string>',
            'PostAuthentication' => '<string>',
            'PostConfirmation' => '<string>',
            'PreAuthentication' => '<string>',
            'PreSignUp' => '<string>',
            'PreTokenGeneration' => '<string>',
            'PreTokenGenerationConfig' => [
                'LambdaArn' => '<string>',
                'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0|V2_0',
            'UserMigration' => '<string>',
            'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse' => '<string>',
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'MfaConfiguration' => 'OFF|ON|OPTIONAL',
        'Name' => '<string>',
        'Policies' => [
            'PasswordPolicy' => [
                'MinimumLength' => <integer>,
                'PasswordHistorySize' => <integer>,
                'RequireLowercase' => true || false,
                'RequireNumbers' => true || false,
                'RequireSymbols' => true || false,
                'RequireUppercase' => true || false,
                'TemporaryPasswordValidityDays' => <integer>,
        'SchemaAttributes' => [
                'AttributeDataType' => 'String|Number|DateTime|Boolean',
                'DeveloperOnlyAttribute' => true || false,
                'Mutable' => true || false,
                'Name' => '<string>',
                'NumberAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxValue' => '<string>',
                    'MinValue' => '<string>',
                'Required' => true || false,
                'StringAttributeConstraints' => [
                    'MaxLength' => '<string>',
                    'MinLength' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'SmsAuthenticationMessage' => '<string>',
        'SmsConfiguration' => [
            'ExternalId' => '<string>',
            'SnsCallerArn' => '<string>',
            'SnsRegion' => '<string>',
        'SmsConfigurationFailure' => '<string>',
        'SmsVerificationMessage' => '<string>',
        'Status' => 'Enabled|Disabled',
        'UserAttributeUpdateSettings' => [
            'AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate' => ['<string>', ...],
        'UserPoolAddOns' => [
            'AdvancedSecurityAdditionalFlows' => [
                'CustomAuthMode' => 'AUDIT|ENFORCED',
            'AdvancedSecurityMode' => 'OFF|AUDIT|ENFORCED',
        'UserPoolTags' => ['<string>', ...],
        'UsernameAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'UsernameConfiguration' => [
            'CaseSensitive' => true || false,
        'VerificationMessageTemplate' => [
            'DefaultEmailOption' => 'CONFIRM_WITH_LINK|CONFIRM_WITH_CODE',
            'EmailMessage' => '<string>',
            'EmailMessageByLink' => '<string>',
            'EmailSubject' => '<string>',
            'EmailSubjectByLink' => '<string>',
            'SmsMessage' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: UserPoolType structure

The container of metadata returned by the server to describe the pool.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user pool tag can't be set or updated.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->describeUserPoolClient([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->describeUserPoolClientAsync([/* ... */]);

Client method for returning the configuration information and metadata of the specified user pool app client.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->describeUserPoolClient([
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The app client ID of the app associated with the user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool you want to describe.

Result Syntax

    'UserPoolClient' => [
        'AccessTokenValidity' => <integer>,
        'AllowedOAuthFlows' => ['<string>', ...],
        'AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient' => true || false,
        'AllowedOAuthScopes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'AnalyticsConfiguration' => [
            'ApplicationArn' => '<string>',
            'ApplicationId' => '<string>',
            'ExternalId' => '<string>',
            'RoleArn' => '<string>',
            'UserDataShared' => true || false,
        'AuthSessionValidity' => <integer>,
        'CallbackURLs' => ['<string>', ...],
        'ClientId' => '<string>',
        'ClientName' => '<string>',
        'ClientSecret' => '<string>',
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'DefaultRedirectURI' => '<string>',
        'EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData' => true || false,
        'EnableTokenRevocation' => true || false,
        'ExplicitAuthFlows' => ['<string>', ...],
        'IdTokenValidity' => <integer>,
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'LogoutURLs' => ['<string>', ...],
        'PreventUserExistenceErrors' => 'LEGACY|ENABLED',
        'ReadAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'RefreshTokenValidity' => <integer>,
        'SupportedIdentityProviders' => ['<string>', ...],
        'TokenValidityUnits' => [
            'AccessToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
            'IdToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
            'RefreshToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',
        'WriteAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Result Details

Type: UserPoolClientType structure

The user pool client from a server response to describe the user pool client.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->describeUserPoolDomain([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->describeUserPoolDomainAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets information about a domain.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->describeUserPoolDomain([
    'Domain' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The domain string. For custom domains, this is the fully-qualified domain name, such as For Amazon Cognito prefix domains, this is the prefix alone, such as auth.

Result Syntax

    'DomainDescription' => [
        'AWSAccountId' => '<string>',
        'CloudFrontDistribution' => '<string>',
        'CustomDomainConfig' => [
            'CertificateArn' => '<string>',
        'Domain' => '<string>',
        'S3Bucket' => '<string>',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',
        'Version' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: DomainDescriptionType structure

A domain description object containing information about the domain.



This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->forgetDevice([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->forgetDeviceAsync([/* ... */]);

Forgets the specified device. For more information about device authentication, see Working with user devices in your user pool.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->forgetDevice([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>',
    'DeviceKey' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose registered device you want to forget.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The device key.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->forgotPassword([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->forgotPasswordAsync([/* ... */]);

Calling this API causes a message to be sent to the end user with a confirmation code that is required to change the user's password. For the Username parameter, you can use the username or user alias. The method used to send the confirmation code is sent according to the specified AccountRecoverySetting. For more information, see Recovering User Accounts in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide. To use the confirmation code for resetting the password, call ConfirmForgotPassword.

If neither a verified phone number nor a verified email exists, this API returns InvalidParameterException. If your app client has a client secret and you don't provide a SECRET_HASH parameter, this API returns NotAuthorizedException.

To use this API operation, your user pool must have self-service account recovery configured. Use AdminSetUserPassword if you manage passwords as an administrator.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->forgotPassword([
    'AnalyticsMetadata' => [
        'AnalyticsEndpointId' => '<string>',
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'SecretHash' => '<string>',
    'UserContextData' => [
        'EncodedData' => '<string>',
        'IpAddress' => '<string>',
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: AnalyticsMetadataType structure

The Amazon Pinpoint analytics metadata that contributes to your metrics for ForgotPassword calls.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the client associated with the user pool.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the ForgotPassword API action, Amazon Cognito invokes any functions that are assigned to the following triggers: pre sign-up, custom message, and user migration. When Amazon Cognito invokes any of these functions, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your ForgotPassword request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Type: string

A keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) calculated using the secret key of a user pool client and username plus the client ID in the message.

Type: UserContextDataType structure

Contextual data about your user session, such as the device fingerprint, IP address, or location. Amazon Cognito advanced security evaluates the risk of an authentication event based on the context that your app generates and passes to Amazon Cognito when it makes API requests.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax

    'CodeDeliveryDetails' => [
        'AttributeName' => '<string>',
        'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
        'Destination' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: CodeDeliveryDetailsType structure

The code delivery details returned by the server in response to the request to reset a password.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->getCSVHeader([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getCSVHeaderAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets the header information for the comma-separated value (CSV) file to be used as input for the user import job.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getCSVHeader([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that the users are to be imported into.

Result Syntax

    'CSVHeader' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: Array of strings

The header information of the CSV file for the user import job.

Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that the users are to be imported into.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->getDevice([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getDeviceAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets the device. For more information about device authentication, see Working with user devices in your user pool.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getDevice([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>',
    'DeviceKey' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose device information you want to request.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The device key.

Result Syntax

    'Device' => [
        'DeviceAttributes' => [
                'Name' => '<string>',
                'Value' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'DeviceCreateDate' => <DateTime>,
        'DeviceKey' => '<string>',
        'DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'DeviceLastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: DeviceType structure

The device.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->getGroup([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getGroupAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets a group.

Calling this action requires developer credentials.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getGroup([
    'GroupName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The name of the group.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax

    'Group' => [
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Description' => '<string>',
        'GroupName' => '<string>',
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Precedence' => <integer>,
        'RoleArn' => '<string>',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: GroupType structure

The group object for the group.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->getIdentityProviderByIdentifier([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getIdentityProviderByIdentifierAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets the specified IdP.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getIdentityProviderByIdentifier([
    'IdpIdentifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The IdP identifier.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'IdentityProvider' => [
        'AttributeMapping' => ['<string>', ...],
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'IdpIdentifiers' => ['<string>', ...],
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'ProviderDetails' => ['<string>', ...],
        'ProviderName' => '<string>',
        'ProviderType' => 'SAML|Facebook|Google|LoginWithAmazon|SignInWithApple|OIDC',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: IdentityProviderType structure

The identity provider details.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->getLogDeliveryConfiguration([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getLogDeliveryConfigurationAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets the logging configuration of a user pool.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getLogDeliveryConfiguration([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the user pool that has the logging configuration that you want to view.

Result Syntax

    'LogDeliveryConfiguration' => [
        'LogConfigurations' => [
                'CloudWatchLogsConfiguration' => [
                    'LogGroupArn' => '<string>',
                'EventSource' => 'userNotification|userAuthEvents',
                'FirehoseConfiguration' => [
                    'StreamArn' => '<string>',
                'LogLevel' => 'ERROR|INFO',
                'S3Configuration' => [
                    'BucketArn' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details


The logging configuration of the requested user pool.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


$result = $client->getSigningCertificate([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getSigningCertificateAsync([/* ... */]);

This method takes a user pool ID, and returns the signing certificate. The issued certificate is valid for 10 years from the date of issue.

Amazon Cognito issues and assigns a new signing certificate annually. This process returns a new value in the response to GetSigningCertificate, but doesn't invalidate the original certificate.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getSigningCertificate([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'Certificate' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

The signing certificate.



This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


$result = $client->getUICustomization([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getUICustomizationAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets the user interface (UI) Customization information for a particular app client's app UI, if any such information exists for the client. If nothing is set for the particular client, but there is an existing pool level customization (the app clientId is ALL), then that information is returned. If nothing is present, then an empty shape is returned.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getUICustomization([
    'ClientId' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

The client ID for the client app.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax

    'UICustomization' => [
        'CSS' => '<string>',
        'CSSVersion' => '<string>',
        'ClientId' => '<string>',
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'ImageUrl' => '<string>',
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: UICustomizationType structure

The UI customization information.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->getUser([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getUserAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets the user attributes and metadata for a user.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getUser([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A non-expired access token for the user whose information you want to query.

Result Syntax

    'MFAOptions' => [
            'AttributeName' => '<string>',
            'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
        // ...
    'PreferredMfaSetting' => '<string>',
    'UserAttributes' => [
            'Name' => '<string>',
            'Value' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'UserMFASettingList' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Username' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: Array of MFAOptionType structures

This response parameter is no longer supported. It provides information only about SMS MFA configurations. It doesn't provide information about time-based one-time password (TOTP) software token MFA configurations. To look up information about either type of MFA configuration, use UserMFASettingList instead.

Type: string

The user's preferred MFA setting.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of AttributeType structures

An array of name-value pairs representing user attributes.

For custom attributes, you must prepend the custom: prefix to the attribute name.

Type: Array of strings

The MFA options that are activated for the user. The possible values in this list are SMS_MFA, EMAIL_OTP, and SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you requested.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->getUserAttributeVerificationCode([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getUserAttributeVerificationCodeAsync([/* ... */]);

Generates a user attribute verification code for the specified attribute name. Sends a message to a user with a code that they must return in a VerifyUserAttribute request.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getUserAttributeVerificationCode([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'AttributeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A non-expired access token for the user whose attribute verification code you want to generate.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The attribute name returned by the server response to get the user attribute verification code.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the GetUserAttributeVerificationCode API action, Amazon Cognito invokes the function that is assigned to the custom message trigger. When Amazon Cognito invokes this function, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your GetUserAttributeVerificationCode request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Result Syntax

    'CodeDeliveryDetails' => [
        'AttributeName' => '<string>',
        'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
        'Destination' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: CodeDeliveryDetailsType structure

The code delivery details returned by the server in response to the request to get the user attribute verification code.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->getUserPoolMfaConfig([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->getUserPoolMfaConfigAsync([/* ... */]);

Gets the user pool multi-factor authentication (MFA) configuration.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->getUserPoolMfaConfig([
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'EmailMfaConfiguration' => [
        'Message' => '<string>',
        'Subject' => '<string>',
    'MfaConfiguration' => 'OFF|ON|OPTIONAL',
    'SmsMfaConfiguration' => [
        'SmsAuthenticationMessage' => '<string>',
        'SmsConfiguration' => [
            'ExternalId' => '<string>',
            'SnsCallerArn' => '<string>',
            'SnsRegion' => '<string>',
    'SoftwareTokenMfaConfiguration' => [
        'Enabled' => true || false,

Result Details

Type: EmailMfaConfigType structure

Shows user pool email message configuration for MFA. Includes the subject and body of the email message template for MFA messages. To activate this setting, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.

Type: string

The multi-factor authentication (MFA) configuration. Valid values include:

  • OFF MFA won't be used for any users.

  • ON MFA is required for all users to sign in.

  • OPTIONAL MFA will be required only for individual users who have an MFA factor activated.

Type: SmsMfaConfigType structure

Shows user pool SMS message configuration for MFA. Includes the message template and the SMS message sending configuration for Amazon SNS.

Type: SoftwareTokenMfaConfigType structure

Shows user pool configuration for time-based one-time password (TOTP) MFA. Includes TOTP enabled or disabled state.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->globalSignOut([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->globalSignOutAsync([/* ... */]);

Invalidates the identity, access, and refresh tokens that Amazon Cognito issued to a user. Call this operation when your user signs out of your app. This results in the following behavior.

  • Amazon Cognito no longer accepts token-authorized user operations that you authorize with a signed-out user's access tokens. For more information, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

    Amazon Cognito returns an Access Token has been revoked error when your app attempts to authorize a user pools API request with a revoked access token that contains the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

  • Amazon Cognito no longer accepts a signed-out user's ID token in a GetId request to an identity pool with ServerSideTokenCheck enabled for its user pool IdP configuration in CognitoIdentityProvider.

  • Amazon Cognito no longer accepts a signed-out user's refresh tokens in refresh requests.

Other requests might be valid until your user's token expires.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->globalSignOut([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user who you want to sign out.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->initiateAuth([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->initiateAuthAsync([/* ... */]);

Initiates sign-in for a user in the Amazon Cognito user directory. You can't sign in a user with a federated IdP with InitiateAuth. For more information, see Adding user pool sign-in through a third party.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->initiateAuth([
    'AnalyticsMetadata' => [
        'AnalyticsEndpointId' => '<string>',
    'AuthParameters' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UserContextData' => [
        'EncodedData' => '<string>',
        'IpAddress' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: AnalyticsMetadataType structure

The Amazon Pinpoint analytics metadata that contributes to your metrics for InitiateAuth calls.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The authentication flow for this call to run. The API action will depend on this value. For example:

  • REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH takes in a valid refresh token and returns new tokens.

  • USER_SRP_AUTH takes in USERNAME and SRP_A and returns the SRP variables to be used for next challenge execution.

  • USER_PASSWORD_AUTH takes in USERNAME and PASSWORD and returns the next challenge or tokens.

Valid values include:

  • USER_SRP_AUTH: Authentication flow for the Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol.

  • REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH/REFRESH_TOKEN: Authentication flow for refreshing the access token and ID token by supplying a valid refresh token.

  • CUSTOM_AUTH: Custom authentication flow.

  • USER_PASSWORD_AUTH: Non-SRP authentication flow; user name and password are passed directly. If a user migration Lambda trigger is set, this flow will invoke the user migration Lambda if it doesn't find the user name in the user pool.

ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH isn't a valid value.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The authentication parameters. These are inputs corresponding to the AuthFlow that you're invoking. The required values depend on the value of AuthFlow:

  • For USER_SRP_AUTH: USERNAME (required), SRP_A (required), SECRET_HASH (required if the app client is configured with a client secret), DEVICE_KEY.

  • For USER_PASSWORD_AUTH: USERNAME (required), PASSWORD (required), SECRET_HASH (required if the app client is configured with a client secret), DEVICE_KEY.

  • For REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH/REFRESH_TOKEN: REFRESH_TOKEN (required), SECRET_HASH (required if the app client is configured with a client secret), DEVICE_KEY.

  • For CUSTOM_AUTH: USERNAME (required), SECRET_HASH (if app client is configured with client secret), DEVICE_KEY. To start the authentication flow with password verification, include ChallengeName: SRP_A and SRP_A: (The SRP_A Value).

For more information about SECRET_HASH, see Computing secret hash values. For information about DEVICE_KEY, see Working with user devices in your user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The app client ID.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for certain custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the InitiateAuth API action, Amazon Cognito invokes the Lambda functions that are specified for various triggers. The ClientMetadata value is passed as input to the functions for only the following triggers:

  • Pre signup

  • Pre authentication

  • User migration

When Amazon Cognito invokes the functions for these triggers, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a validationData attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your InitiateAuth request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the validationData value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

When you use the InitiateAuth API action, Amazon Cognito also invokes the functions for the following triggers, but it doesn't provide the ClientMetadata value as input:

  • Post authentication

  • Custom message

  • Pre token generation

  • Create auth challenge

  • Define auth challenge

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Type: UserContextDataType structure

Contextual data about your user session, such as the device fingerprint, IP address, or location. Amazon Cognito advanced security evaluates the risk of an authentication event based on the context that your app generates and passes to Amazon Cognito when it makes API requests.

Result Syntax

    'AuthenticationResult' => [
        'AccessToken' => '<string>',
        'ExpiresIn' => <integer>,
        'IdToken' => '<string>',
        'NewDeviceMetadata' => [
            'DeviceGroupKey' => '<string>',
            'DeviceKey' => '<string>',
        'RefreshToken' => '<string>',
        'TokenType' => '<string>',
    'ChallengeParameters' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Session' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: AuthenticationResultType structure

The result of the authentication response. This result is only returned if the caller doesn't need to pass another challenge. If the caller does need to pass another challenge before it gets tokens, ChallengeName, ChallengeParameters, and Session are returned.

Type: string

The name of the challenge that you're responding to with this call. This name is returned in the InitiateAuth response if you must pass another challenge.

Valid values include the following:

All of the following challenges require USERNAME and SECRET_HASH (if applicable) in the parameters.

  • SMS_MFA: Next challenge is to supply an SMS_MFA_CODEthat your user pool delivered in an SMS message.

  • EMAIL_OTP: Next challenge is to supply an EMAIL_OTP_CODE that your user pool delivered in an email message.

  • PASSWORD_VERIFIER: Next challenge is to supply PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE, PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK, and TIMESTAMP after the client-side SRP calculations.

  • CUSTOM_CHALLENGE: This is returned if your custom authentication flow determines that the user should pass another challenge before tokens are issued.

  • DEVICE_SRP_AUTH: If device tracking was activated on your user pool and the previous challenges were passed, this challenge is returned so that Amazon Cognito can start tracking this device.

  • DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER: Similar to PASSWORD_VERIFIER, but for devices only.

  • NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED: For users who are required to change their passwords after successful first login.

    Respond to this challenge with NEW_PASSWORD and any required attributes that Amazon Cognito returned in the requiredAttributes parameter. You can also set values for attributes that aren't required by your user pool and that your app client can write. For more information, see RespondToAuthChallenge.

    In a NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED challenge response, you can't modify a required attribute that already has a value. In RespondToAuthChallenge, set a value for any keys that Amazon Cognito returned in the requiredAttributes parameter, then use the UpdateUserAttributes API operation to modify the value of any additional attributes.

  • MFA_SETUP: For users who are required to setup an MFA factor before they can sign in. The MFA types activated for the user pool will be listed in the challenge parameters MFAS_CAN_SETUP value.

    To set up software token MFA, use the session returned here from InitiateAuth as an input to AssociateSoftwareToken. Use the session returned by VerifySoftwareToken as an input to RespondToAuthChallenge with challenge name MFA_SETUP to complete sign-in. To set up SMS MFA, an administrator should help the user to add a phone number to their account, and then the user should call InitiateAuth again to restart sign-in.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The challenge parameters. These are returned in the InitiateAuth response if you must pass another challenge. The responses in this parameter should be used to compute inputs to the next call (RespondToAuthChallenge).

All challenges require USERNAME and SECRET_HASH (if applicable).

Type: string

The session that should pass both ways in challenge-response calls to the service. If the caller must pass another challenge, they return a session with other challenge parameters. This session should be passed as it is to the next RespondToAuthChallenge API call.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


Example 1: Example username and password sign-in for a user who has TOTP MFA

The following example signs in the user mytestuser with analytics data, client metadata, and user context data for advanced security.

$result = $client->initiateAuth([
    'AnalyticsMetadata' => [
        'AnalyticsEndpointId' => 'd70b2ba36a8c4dc5a04a0451a31a1e12',
    'AuthFlow' => 'USER_PASSWORD_AUTH',
    'AuthParameters' => [
        'PASSWORD' => 'This-is-my-test-99!',
        'SECRET_HASH' => 'oT5ZkS8ctnrhYeeGsGTvOzPhoc/Jd1cO5fueBWFVmp8=',
        'USERNAME' => 'mytestuser',
    'ClientId' => '1example23456789',
    'ClientMetadata' => [
        'MyTestKey' => 'MyTestValue',
    'UserContextData' => [
        'EncodedData' => 'AmazonCognitoAdvancedSecurityData_object',
        'IpAddress' => '',

Result syntax:

    'ChallengeName' => 'SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA',
    'ChallengeParameters' => [
        'FRIENDLY_DEVICE_NAME' => 'mytestauthenticator',
        'USER_ID_FOR_SRP' => 'mytestuser',
    'Session' => 'AYABeC1-y8qooiuysEv0uM4wAqQAHQABAAdTZXJ2aWNlABBDb2duaXRvVXNlclBvb2xzAAEAB2F3cy1rbXMAS2Fybjphd3M6a21zOnVzLXdlc3QtMjowMTU3MzY3MjcxOTg6a2V5LzI5OTFhNGE5LTM5YTAtNDQ0Mi04MWU4LWRkYjY4NTllMTg2MQC4AQIBAHhjxv5lVLhE2_WNrC1zuomqn08qDUUp3z9v4EGAjazZ-wGP3HuBF5Izvxf-9WkCT5uyAAAAfjB8BgkqhkiG9w0BBwagbzBtAgEAMGgGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMeQoT5e6Dpfh52caqAgEQgDvuL8uLMhPt0WmQpZnkNED1gob6xbqt5LaQo_H4L5CuT4Kj499dGCoZ1q1trmlZSRgRm0wwGGG8lFU37QIAAAAADAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADuLe9_UJ4oZAMsQYr0ntiT_____wAAAAEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEAAADnLDGmKBQtsCafNokRmPLgl2itBKuKR2dfZBQb5ucCYkzThM5HOfQUSEL-A3dZzfYDC0IODsrcMkrbeeVyMJk-FCzsxS9Og8BEBVnvi9WjZkPJ4mF0YS6FUXnoPSBV5oUqGzRaT-tJ169SUFZAUfFM1fGeJ8T57-QdCxjyISRCWV1VG5_7TiCioyRGfWwzNVWh7exJortF3ccfOyiEyxeqJ2VJvJq3m_w8NP24_PMDpktpRMKftObIMlD5ewRTNCdrUXQ1BW5KIxhJLGjYfRzJDZuKzmEgS-VHsKz0z76w-AlAgdfvdAjflLnsgduU5kUX4YP6jqnetg',


$result = $client->listDevices([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listDevicesAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the sign-in devices that Amazon Cognito has registered to the current user. For more information about device authentication, see Working with user devices in your user pool.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listDevices([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Limit' => <integer>,
    'PaginationToken' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose list of devices you want to view.

Type: int

The limit of the device request.

Type: string

This API operation returns a limited number of results. The pagination token is an identifier that you can present in an additional API request with the same parameters. When you include the pagination token, Amazon Cognito returns the next set of items after the current list. Subsequent requests return a new pagination token. By use of this token, you can paginate through the full list of items.

Result Syntax

    'Devices' => [
            'DeviceAttributes' => [
                    'Name' => '<string>',
                    'Value' => '<string>',
                // ...
            'DeviceCreateDate' => <DateTime>,
            'DeviceKey' => '<string>',
            'DeviceLastAuthenticatedDate' => <DateTime>,
            'DeviceLastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        // ...
    'PaginationToken' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: Array of DeviceType structures

The devices returned in the list devices response.

Type: string

The identifier that Amazon Cognito returned with the previous request to this operation. When you include a pagination token in your request, Amazon Cognito returns the next set of items in the list. By use of this token, you can paginate through the full list of items.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->listGroups([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listGroupsAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the groups associated with a user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listGroups([
    'Limit' => <integer>,
    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: int

The limit of the request to list groups.

Type: string

An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax

    'Groups' => [
            'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
            'Description' => '<string>',
            'GroupName' => '<string>',
            'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
            'Precedence' => <integer>,
            'RoleArn' => '<string>',
            'UserPoolId' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'NextToken' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: Array of GroupType structures

The group objects for the groups.

Type: string

An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->listIdentityProviders([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listIdentityProvidersAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists information about all IdPs for a user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listIdentityProviders([
    'MaxResults' => <integer>,
    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: int

The maximum number of IdPs to return.

Type: string

A pagination token.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'Providers' => [
            'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
            'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
            'ProviderName' => '<string>',
            'ProviderType' => 'SAML|Facebook|Google|LoginWithAmazon|SignInWithApple|OIDC',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

A pagination token.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of ProviderDescription structures

A list of IdP objects.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->listResourceServers([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listResourceServersAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the resource servers for a user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listResourceServers([
    'MaxResults' => <integer>,
    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: int

The maximum number of resource servers to return.

Type: string

A pagination token.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'ResourceServers' => [
            'Identifier' => '<string>',
            'Name' => '<string>',
            'Scopes' => [
                    'ScopeDescription' => '<string>',
                    'ScopeName' => '<string>',
                // ...
            'UserPoolId' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

A pagination token.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of ResourceServerType structures

The resource servers.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->listTagsForResource([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listTagsForResourceAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the tags that are assigned to an Amazon Cognito user pool.

A tag is a label that you can apply to user pools to categorize and manage them in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria.

You can use this action up to 10 times per second, per account.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listTagsForResource([
    'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user pool that the tags are assigned to.

Result Syntax

    'Tags' => ['<string>', ...],

Result Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (TagKeysType) to strings

The tags that are assigned to the user pool.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->listUserImportJobs([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listUserImportJobsAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists user import jobs for a user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listUserImportJobs([
    'MaxResults' => <integer>, // REQUIRED
    'PaginationToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: int

The maximum number of import jobs you want the request to return.

Type: string

This API operation returns a limited number of results. The pagination token is an identifier that you can present in an additional API request with the same parameters. When you include the pagination token, Amazon Cognito returns the next set of items after the current list. Subsequent requests return a new pagination token. By use of this token, you can paginate through the full list of items.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that the users are being imported into.

Result Syntax

    'PaginationToken' => '<string>',
    'UserImportJobs' => [
            'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn' => '<string>',
            'CompletionDate' => <DateTime>,
            'CompletionMessage' => '<string>',
            'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
            'FailedUsers' => <integer>,
            'ImportedUsers' => <integer>,
            'JobId' => '<string>',
            'JobName' => '<string>',
            'PreSignedUrl' => '<string>',
            'SkippedUsers' => <integer>,
            'StartDate' => <DateTime>,
            'Status' => 'Created|Pending|InProgress|Stopping|Expired|Stopped|Failed|Succeeded',
            'UserPoolId' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

The identifier that Amazon Cognito returned with the previous request to this operation. When you include a pagination token in your request, Amazon Cognito returns the next set of items in the list. By use of this token, you can paginate through the full list of items.

Type: Array of UserImportJobType structures

The user import jobs.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->listUserPoolClients([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listUserPoolClientsAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the clients that have been created for the specified user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listUserPoolClients([
    'MaxResults' => <integer>,
    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: int

The maximum number of results you want the request to return when listing the user pool clients.

Type: string

An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to list user pool clients.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolClients' => [
            'ClientId' => '<string>',
            'ClientName' => '<string>',
            'UserPoolId' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.

Type: Array of UserPoolClientDescription structures

The user pool clients in the response that lists user pool clients.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->listUserPools([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listUserPoolsAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the user pools associated with an Amazon Web Services account.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listUserPools([
    'MaxResults' => <integer>, // REQUIRED
    'NextToken' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: int

The maximum number of results you want the request to return when listing the user pools.

Type: string

An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPools' => [
            'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
            'Id' => '<string>',
            'LambdaConfig' => [
                'CreateAuthChallenge' => '<string>',
                'CustomEmailSender' => [
                    'LambdaArn' => '<string>',
                    'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0',
                'CustomMessage' => '<string>',
                'CustomSMSSender' => [
                    'LambdaArn' => '<string>',
                    'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0',
                'DefineAuthChallenge' => '<string>',
                'KMSKeyID' => '<string>',
                'PostAuthentication' => '<string>',
                'PostConfirmation' => '<string>',
                'PreAuthentication' => '<string>',
                'PreSignUp' => '<string>',
                'PreTokenGeneration' => '<string>',
                'PreTokenGenerationConfig' => [
                    'LambdaArn' => '<string>',
                    'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0|V2_0',
                'UserMigration' => '<string>',
                'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse' => '<string>',
            'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
            'Name' => '<string>',
            'Status' => 'Enabled|Disabled',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.

Type: Array of UserPoolDescriptionType structures

The user pools from the response to list users.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->listUsers([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listUsersAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists users and their basic details in a user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listUsers([
    'AttributesToGet' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Filter' => '<string>',
    'Limit' => <integer>,
    'PaginationToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: Array of strings

A JSON array of user attribute names, for example given_name, that you want Amazon Cognito to include in the response for each user. When you don't provide an AttributesToGet parameter, Amazon Cognito returns all attributes for each user.

Use AttributesToGet with required attributes in your user pool, or in conjunction with Filter. Amazon Cognito returns an error if not all users in the results have set a value for the attribute you request. Attributes that you can't filter on, including custom attributes, must have a value set in every user profile before an AttributesToGet parameter returns results.

Type: string

A filter string of the form "AttributeName Filter-Type "AttributeValue"". Quotation marks within the filter string must be escaped using the backslash (\) character. For example, "family_name = \"Reddy\"".

  • AttributeName: The name of the attribute to search for. You can only search for one attribute at a time.

  • Filter-Type: For an exact match, use =, for example, "given_name = \"Jon\"". For a prefix ("starts with") match, use ^=, for example, "given_name ^= \"Jon\"".

  • AttributeValue: The attribute value that must be matched for each user.

If the filter string is empty, ListUsers returns all users in the user pool.

You can only search for the following standard attributes:

  • username (case-sensitive)

  • email

  • phone_number

  • name

  • given_name

  • family_name

  • preferred_username

  • cognito:user_status (called Status in the Console) (case-insensitive)

  • status (called Enabled in the Console) (case-sensitive)

  • sub

Custom attributes aren't searchable.

You can also list users with a client-side filter. The server-side filter matches no more than one attribute. For an advanced search, use a client-side filter with the --query parameter of the list-users action in the CLI. When you use a client-side filter, ListUsers returns a paginated list of zero or more users. You can receive multiple pages in a row with zero results. Repeat the query with each pagination token that is returned until you receive a null pagination token value, and then review the combined result.

For more information about server-side and client-side filtering, see FilteringCLI output in the Command Line Interface User Guide.

For more information, see Searching for Users Using the ListUsers API and Examples of Using the ListUsers API in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Type: int

Maximum number of users to be returned.

Type: string

This API operation returns a limited number of results. The pagination token is an identifier that you can present in an additional API request with the same parameters. When you include the pagination token, Amazon Cognito returns the next set of items after the current list. Subsequent requests return a new pagination token. By use of this token, you can paginate through the full list of items.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool on which the search should be performed.

Result Syntax

    'PaginationToken' => '<string>',
    'Users' => [
            'Attributes' => [
                    'Name' => '<string>',
                    'Value' => '<string>',
                // ...
            'Enabled' => true || false,
            'MFAOptions' => [
                    'AttributeName' => '<string>',
                    'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
                // ...
            'UserCreateDate' => <DateTime>,
            'UserLastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
            'Username' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

The identifier that Amazon Cognito returned with the previous request to this operation. When you include a pagination token in your request, Amazon Cognito returns the next set of items in the list. By use of this token, you can paginate through the full list of items.

Type: Array of UserType structures

A list of the user pool users, and their attributes, that match your query.

Amazon Cognito creates a profile in your user pool for each native user in your user pool, and each unique user ID from your third-party identity providers (IdPs). When you link users with the AdminLinkProviderForUser API operation, the output of ListUsers displays both the IdP user and the native user that you linked. You can identify IdP users in the Users object of this API response by the IdP prefix that Amazon Cognito appends to Username.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


Example 1: A ListUsers request for the next 3 users whose email address starts with "testuser."

This request submits a value for all possible parameters for ListUsers. By iterating the PaginationToken, you can page through and collect all users in a user pool.

$result = $client->listUsers([
    'AttributesToGet' => [
    'Filter' => '"email"^="testuser"',
    'Limit' => 3,
    'PaginationToken' => 'abcd1234EXAMPLE',
    'UserPoolId' => 'us-east-1_EXAMPLE',

Result syntax:

    'PaginationToken' => 'efgh5678EXAMPLE',
    'Users' => [
            'Attributes' => [
                    'Name' => 'sub',
                    'Value' => 'eaad0219-2117-439f-8d46-4db20e59268f',
                    'Name' => 'email',
                    'Value' => '',
            'Enabled' => 1,
            'UserCreateDate' => ,
            'UserLastModifiedDate' => ,
            'UserStatus' => 'CONFIRMED',
            'Username' => 'testuser',
            'Attributes' => [
                    'Name' => 'sub',
                    'Value' => '3b994cfd-0b07-4581-be46-3c82f9a70c90',
                    'Name' => 'email',
                    'Value' => '',
            'Enabled' => 1,
            'UserCreateDate' => ,
            'UserLastModifiedDate' => ,
            'UserStatus' => 'UNCONFIRMED',
            'Username' => 'testuser2',
            'Attributes' => [
                    'Name' => 'sub',
                    'Value' => '5929e0d1-4c34-42d1-9b79-a5ecacfe66f7',
                    'Name' => 'email',
                    'Value' => '',
            'Enabled' => 1,
            'UserCreateDate' => ,
            'UserLastModifiedDate' => ,
            'UserStatus' => 'UNCONFIRMED',
            'Username' => '',


$result = $client->listUsersInGroup([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->listUsersInGroupAsync([/* ... */]);

Lists the users in the specified group.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->listUsersInGroup([
    'GroupName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Limit' => <integer>,
    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The name of the group.

Type: int

The maximum number of users that you want to retrieve before pagination.

Type: string

An identifier that was returned from the previous call to this operation, which can be used to return the next set of items in the list.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax

    'NextToken' => '<string>',
    'Users' => [
            'Attributes' => [
                    'Name' => '<string>',
                    'Value' => '<string>',
                // ...
            'Enabled' => true || false,
            'MFAOptions' => [
                    'AttributeName' => '<string>',
                    'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
                // ...
            'UserCreateDate' => <DateTime>,
            'UserLastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
            'Username' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: string

An identifier that you can use in a later request to return the next set of items in the list.

Type: Array of UserType structures

A list of users in the group, and their attributes.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->resendConfirmationCode([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->resendConfirmationCodeAsync([/* ... */]);

Resends the confirmation (for confirmation of registration) to a specific user in the user pool.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->resendConfirmationCode([
    'AnalyticsMetadata' => [
        'AnalyticsEndpointId' => '<string>',
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'SecretHash' => '<string>',
    'UserContextData' => [
        'EncodedData' => '<string>',
        'IpAddress' => '<string>',
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: AnalyticsMetadataType structure

The Amazon Pinpoint analytics metadata that contributes to your metrics for ResendConfirmationCode calls.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the client associated with the user pool.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the ResendConfirmationCode API action, Amazon Cognito invokes the function that is assigned to the custom message trigger. When Amazon Cognito invokes this function, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your ResendConfirmationCode request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Type: string

A keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) calculated using the secret key of a user pool client and username plus the client ID in the message.

Type: UserContextDataType structure

Contextual data about your user session, such as the device fingerprint, IP address, or location. Amazon Cognito advanced security evaluates the risk of an authentication event based on the context that your app generates and passes to Amazon Cognito when it makes API requests.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax

    'CodeDeliveryDetails' => [
        'AttributeName' => '<string>',
        'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
        'Destination' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: CodeDeliveryDetailsType structure

The code delivery details returned by the server in response to the request to resend the confirmation code.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->respondToAuthChallenge([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->respondToAuthChallengeAsync([/* ... */]);

Some API operations in a user pool generate a challenge, like a prompt for an MFA code, for device authentication that bypasses MFA, or for a custom authentication challenge. A RespondToAuthChallenge API request provides the answer to that challenge, like a code or a secure remote password (SRP). The parameters of a response to an authentication challenge vary with the type of challenge.

For more information about custom authentication challenges, see Custom authentication challenge Lambda triggers.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->respondToAuthChallenge([
    'AnalyticsMetadata' => [
        'AnalyticsEndpointId' => '<string>',
    'ChallengeResponses' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Session' => '<string>',
    'UserContextData' => [
        'EncodedData' => '<string>',
        'IpAddress' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: AnalyticsMetadataType structure

The Amazon Pinpoint analytics metadata that contributes to your metrics for RespondToAuthChallenge calls.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The challenge name. For more information, see InitiateAuth.

ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH isn't a valid value.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The responses to the challenge that you received in the previous request. Each challenge has its own required response parameters. The following examples are partial JSON request bodies that highlight challenge-response parameters.

You must provide a SECRET_HASH parameter in all challenge responses to an app client that has a client secret.


"ChallengeName": "SMS_MFA", "ChallengeResponses": {"SMS_MFA_CODE": "[code]", "USERNAME": "[username]"}


"ChallengeName": "EMAIL_OTP", "ChallengeResponses": {"EMAIL_OTP_CODE": "[code]", "USERNAME": "[username]"}


This challenge response is part of the SRP flow. Amazon Cognito requires that your application respond to this challenge within a few seconds. When the response time exceeds this period, your user pool returns a NotAuthorizedException error.

"ChallengeName": "PASSWORD_VERIFIER", "ChallengeResponses": {"PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE": "[claim_signature]", "PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK": "[secret_block]", "TIMESTAMP": [timestamp], "USERNAME": "[username]"}

Add "DEVICE_KEY" when you sign in with a remembered device.


"ChallengeName": "CUSTOM_CHALLENGE", "ChallengeResponses": {"USERNAME": "[username]", "ANSWER": "[challenge_answer]"}

Add "DEVICE_KEY" when you sign in with a remembered device.


"ChallengeName": "NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED", "ChallengeResponses": {"NEW_PASSWORD": "[new_password]", "USERNAME": "[username]"}

To set any required attributes that InitiateAuth returned in an requiredAttributes parameter, add "userAttributes.[attribute_name]": "[attribute_value]". This parameter can also set values for writable attributes that aren't required by your user pool.

In a NEW_PASSWORD_REQUIRED challenge response, you can't modify a required attribute that already has a value. In RespondToAuthChallenge, set a value for any keys that Amazon Cognito returned in the requiredAttributes parameter, then use the UpdateUserAttributes API operation to modify the value of any additional attributes.


"ChallengeName": "SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA", "ChallengeResponses": {"USERNAME": "[username]", "SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA_CODE": [authenticator_code]}


"ChallengeName": "DEVICE_SRP_AUTH", "ChallengeResponses": {"USERNAME": "[username]", "DEVICE_KEY": "[device_key]", "SRP_A": "[srp_a]"}


"ChallengeName": "DEVICE_PASSWORD_VERIFIER", "ChallengeResponses": {"DEVICE_KEY": "[device_key]", "PASSWORD_CLAIM_SIGNATURE": "[claim_signature]", "PASSWORD_CLAIM_SECRET_BLOCK": "[secret_block]", "TIMESTAMP": [timestamp], "USERNAME": "[username]"}


"ChallengeName": "MFA_SETUP", "ChallengeResponses": {"USERNAME": "[username]"}, "SESSION": "[Session ID from VerifySoftwareToken]"


"ChallengeName": "SELECT_MFA_TYPE", "ChallengeResponses": {"USERNAME": "[username]", "ANSWER": "[SMS_MFA or SOFTWARE_TOKEN_MFA]"}

For more information about SECRET_HASH, see Computing secret hash values. For information about DEVICE_KEY, see Working with user devices in your user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The app client ID.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the RespondToAuthChallenge API action, Amazon Cognito invokes any functions that are assigned to the following triggers: post authentication, pre token generation, define auth challenge, create auth challenge, and verify auth challenge. When Amazon Cognito invokes any of these functions, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your RespondToAuthChallenge request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Type: string

The session that should be passed both ways in challenge-response calls to the service. If InitiateAuth or RespondToAuthChallenge API call determines that the caller must pass another challenge, they return a session with other challenge parameters. This session should be passed as it is to the next RespondToAuthChallenge API call.

Type: UserContextDataType structure

Contextual data about your user session, such as the device fingerprint, IP address, or location. Amazon Cognito advanced security evaluates the risk of an authentication event based on the context that your app generates and passes to Amazon Cognito when it makes API requests.

Result Syntax

    'AuthenticationResult' => [
        'AccessToken' => '<string>',
        'ExpiresIn' => <integer>,
        'IdToken' => '<string>',
        'NewDeviceMetadata' => [
            'DeviceGroupKey' => '<string>',
            'DeviceKey' => '<string>',
        'RefreshToken' => '<string>',
        'TokenType' => '<string>',
    'ChallengeParameters' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Session' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: AuthenticationResultType structure

The result returned by the server in response to the request to respond to the authentication challenge.

Type: string

The challenge name. For more information, see InitiateAuth.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The challenge parameters. For more information, see InitiateAuth.

Type: string

The session that should be passed both ways in challenge-response calls to the service. If the caller must pass another challenge, they return a session with other challenge parameters. This session should be passed as it is to the next RespondToAuthChallenge API call.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown if the provided code doesn't match what the server was expecting.


This exception is thrown if a code has expired.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid password.


The message returned when a user's new password matches a previous password and doesn't comply with the password-history policy.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito can't find a multi-factor authentication (MFA) method.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when a user tries to confirm the account with an email address or phone number that has already been supplied as an alias for a different user profile. This exception indicates that an account with this email address or phone already exists in a user pool that you've configured to use email address or phone number as a sign-in alias.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when the software token time-based one-time password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication (MFA) isn't activated for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->revokeToken([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->revokeTokenAsync([/* ... */]);

Revokes all of the access tokens generated by, and at the same time as, the specified refresh token. After a token is revoked, you can't use the revoked token to access Amazon Cognito user APIs, or to authorize access to your resource server.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->revokeToken([
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientSecret' => '<string>',
    'Token' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The client ID for the token that you want to revoke.

Type: string

The secret for the client ID. This is required only if the client ID has a secret.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The refresh token that you want to revoke.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


Exception that is thrown when the request isn't authorized. This can happen due to an invalid access token in the request.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


Exception that is thrown when you attempt to perform an operation that isn't enabled for the user pool client.


Exception that is thrown when an unsupported token is passed to an operation.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->setLogDeliveryConfiguration([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setLogDeliveryConfigurationAsync([/* ... */]);

Sets up or modifies the logging configuration of a user pool. User pools can export user notification logs and advanced security features user activity logs.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setLogDeliveryConfiguration([
    'LogConfigurations' => [ // REQUIRED
            'CloudWatchLogsConfiguration' => [
                'LogGroupArn' => '<string>',
            'EventSource' => 'userNotification|userAuthEvents', // REQUIRED
            'FirehoseConfiguration' => [
                'StreamArn' => '<string>',
            'LogLevel' => 'ERROR|INFO', // REQUIRED
            'S3Configuration' => [
                'BucketArn' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: Array of LogConfigurationType structures

A collection of the logging configurations for a user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the user pool where you want to configure logging.

Result Syntax

    'LogDeliveryConfiguration' => [
        'LogConfigurations' => [
                'CloudWatchLogsConfiguration' => [
                    'LogGroupArn' => '<string>',
                'EventSource' => 'userNotification|userAuthEvents',
                'FirehoseConfiguration' => [
                    'StreamArn' => '<string>',
                'LogLevel' => 'ERROR|INFO',
                'S3Configuration' => [
                    'BucketArn' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details


The detailed activity logging configuration that you applied to the requested user pool.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


$result = $client->setRiskConfiguration([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setRiskConfigurationAsync([/* ... */]);

Configures actions on detected risks. To delete the risk configuration for UserPoolId or ClientId, pass null values for all four configuration types.

To activate Amazon Cognito advanced security features, update the user pool to include the UserPoolAddOns keyAdvancedSecurityMode.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setRiskConfiguration([
    'AccountTakeoverRiskConfiguration' => [
        'Actions' => [ // REQUIRED
            'HighAction' => [
                'Notify' => true || false, // REQUIRED
            'LowAction' => [
                'Notify' => true || false, // REQUIRED
            'MediumAction' => [
                'Notify' => true || false, // REQUIRED
        'NotifyConfiguration' => [
            'BlockEmail' => [
                'HtmlBody' => '<string>',
                'Subject' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
                'TextBody' => '<string>',
            'From' => '<string>',
            'MfaEmail' => [
                'HtmlBody' => '<string>',
                'Subject' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
                'TextBody' => '<string>',
            'NoActionEmail' => [
                'HtmlBody' => '<string>',
                'Subject' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
                'TextBody' => '<string>',
            'ReplyTo' => '<string>',
            'SourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientId' => '<string>',
    'CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfiguration' => [
        'Actions' => [ // REQUIRED
            'EventAction' => 'BLOCK|NO_ACTION', // REQUIRED
        'EventFilter' => ['<string>', ...],
    'RiskExceptionConfiguration' => [
        'BlockedIPRangeList' => ['<string>', ...],
        'SkippedIPRangeList' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details


The account takeover risk configuration.

Type: string

The app client ID. If ClientId is null, then the risk configuration is mapped to userPoolId. When the client ID is null, the same risk configuration is applied to all the clients in the userPool.

Otherwise, ClientId is mapped to the client. When the client ID isn't null, the user pool configuration is overridden and the risk configuration for the client is used instead.


The compromised credentials risk configuration.


The configuration to override the risk decision.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'RiskConfiguration' => [
        'AccountTakeoverRiskConfiguration' => [
            'Actions' => [
                'HighAction' => [
                    'EventAction' => 'BLOCK|MFA_IF_CONFIGURED|MFA_REQUIRED|NO_ACTION',
                    'Notify' => true || false,
                'LowAction' => [
                    'EventAction' => 'BLOCK|MFA_IF_CONFIGURED|MFA_REQUIRED|NO_ACTION',
                    'Notify' => true || false,
                'MediumAction' => [
                    'EventAction' => 'BLOCK|MFA_IF_CONFIGURED|MFA_REQUIRED|NO_ACTION',
                    'Notify' => true || false,
            'NotifyConfiguration' => [
                'BlockEmail' => [
                    'HtmlBody' => '<string>',
                    'Subject' => '<string>',
                    'TextBody' => '<string>',
                'From' => '<string>',
                'MfaEmail' => [
                    'HtmlBody' => '<string>',
                    'Subject' => '<string>',
                    'TextBody' => '<string>',
                'NoActionEmail' => [
                    'HtmlBody' => '<string>',
                    'Subject' => '<string>',
                    'TextBody' => '<string>',
                'ReplyTo' => '<string>',
                'SourceArn' => '<string>',
        'ClientId' => '<string>',
        'CompromisedCredentialsRiskConfiguration' => [
            'Actions' => [
                'EventAction' => 'BLOCK|NO_ACTION',
            'EventFilter' => ['<string>', ...],
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'RiskExceptionConfiguration' => [
            'BlockedIPRangeList' => ['<string>', ...],
            'SkippedIPRangeList' => ['<string>', ...],
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: RiskConfigurationType structure

The risk configuration.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when user pool add-ons aren't enabled.


This exception is thrown when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->setUICustomization([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setUICustomizationAsync([/* ... */]);

Sets the user interface (UI) customization information for a user pool's built-in app UI.

You can specify app UI customization settings for a single client (with a specific clientId) or for all clients (by setting the clientId to ALL). If you specify ALL, the default configuration is used for every client that has no previously set UI customization. If you specify UI customization settings for a particular client, it will no longer return to the ALL configuration.

To use this API, your user pool must have a domain associated with it. Otherwise, there is no place to host the app's pages, and the service will throw an error.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setUICustomization([
    'CSS' => '<string>',
    'ClientId' => '<string>',
    'ImageFile' => <string || resource || Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface>,
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

The CSS values in the UI customization.

Type: string

The client ID for the client app.

Type: blob (string|resource|Psr\Http\Message\StreamInterface)

The uploaded logo image for the UI customization.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax

    'UICustomization' => [
        'CSS' => '<string>',
        'CSSVersion' => '<string>',
        'ClientId' => '<string>',
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'ImageUrl' => '<string>',
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: UICustomizationType structure

The UI customization information.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->setUserMFAPreference([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setUserMFAPreferenceAsync([/* ... */]);

Set the user's multi-factor authentication (MFA) method preference, including which MFA factors are activated and if any are preferred. Only one factor can be set as preferred. The preferred MFA factor will be used to authenticate a user if multiple factors are activated. If multiple options are activated and no preference is set, a challenge to choose an MFA option will be returned during sign-in. If an MFA type is activated for a user, the user will be prompted for MFA during all sign-in attempts unless device tracking is turned on and the device has been trusted. If you want MFA to be applied selectively based on the assessed risk level of sign-in attempts, deactivate MFA for users and turn on Adaptive Authentication for the user pool.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setUserMFAPreference([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'EmailMfaSettings' => [
        'Enabled' => true || false,
        'PreferredMfa' => true || false,
    'SMSMfaSettings' => [
        'Enabled' => true || false,
        'PreferredMfa' => true || false,
    'SoftwareTokenMfaSettings' => [
        'Enabled' => true || false,
        'PreferredMfa' => true || false,

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose MFA preference you want to set.

Type: EmailMfaSettingsType structure

User preferences for email message MFA. Activates or deactivates email MFA and sets it as the preferred MFA method when multiple methods are available. To activate this setting, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.

Type: SMSMfaSettingsType structure

User preferences for SMS message MFA. Activates or deactivates SMS MFA and sets it as the preferred MFA method when multiple methods are available.


User preferences for time-based one-time password (TOTP) MFA. Activates or deactivates TOTP MFA and sets it as the preferred MFA method when multiple methods are available.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->setUserPoolMfaConfig([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setUserPoolMfaConfigAsync([/* ... */]);

Sets the user pool multi-factor authentication (MFA) configuration.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setUserPoolMfaConfig([
    'EmailMfaConfiguration' => [
        'Message' => '<string>',
        'Subject' => '<string>',
    'MfaConfiguration' => 'OFF|ON|OPTIONAL',
    'SmsMfaConfiguration' => [
        'SmsAuthenticationMessage' => '<string>',
        'SmsConfiguration' => [
            'ExternalId' => '<string>',
            'SnsCallerArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'SnsRegion' => '<string>',
    'SoftwareTokenMfaConfiguration' => [
        'Enabled' => true || false,
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: EmailMfaConfigType structure

Configures user pool email messages for MFA. Sets the subject and body of the email message template for MFA messages. To activate this setting, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.

Type: string

The MFA configuration. If you set the MfaConfiguration value to ‘ON’, only users who have set up an MFA factor can sign in. To learn more, see Adding Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to a user pool. Valid values include:

  • OFF MFA won't be used for any users.

  • ON MFA is required for all users to sign in.

  • OPTIONAL MFA will be required only for individual users who have an MFA factor activated.

Type: SmsMfaConfigType structure

Configures user pool SMS messages for MFA. Sets the message template and the SMS message sending configuration for Amazon SNS.

Type: SoftwareTokenMfaConfigType structure

Configures a user pool for time-based one-time password (TOTP) MFA. Enables or disables TOTP.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'EmailMfaConfiguration' => [
        'Message' => '<string>',
        'Subject' => '<string>',
    'MfaConfiguration' => 'OFF|ON|OPTIONAL',
    'SmsMfaConfiguration' => [
        'SmsAuthenticationMessage' => '<string>',
        'SmsConfiguration' => [
            'ExternalId' => '<string>',
            'SnsCallerArn' => '<string>',
            'SnsRegion' => '<string>',
    'SoftwareTokenMfaConfiguration' => [
        'Enabled' => true || false,

Result Details

Type: EmailMfaConfigType structure

Shows user pool email message configuration for MFA. Includes the subject and body of the email message template for MFA messages. To activate this setting, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.

Type: string

The MFA configuration. Valid values include:

  • OFF MFA won't be used for any users.

  • ON MFA is required for all users to sign in.

  • OPTIONAL MFA will be required only for individual users who have an MFA factor enabled.

Type: SmsMfaConfigType structure

Shows user pool SMS message configuration for MFA. Includes the message template and the SMS message sending configuration for Amazon SNS.

Type: SoftwareTokenMfaConfigType structure

Shows user pool configuration for time-based one-time password (TOTP) MFA. Includes TOTP enabled or disabled state.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown if two or more modifications are happening concurrently.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->setUserSettings([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->setUserSettingsAsync([/* ... */]);

This action is no longer supported. You can use it to configure only SMS MFA. You can't use it to configure time-based one-time password (TOTP) software token MFA. To configure either type of MFA, use SetUserMFAPreference instead.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->setUserSettings([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'MFAOptions' => [ // REQUIRED
            'AttributeName' => '<string>',
            'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
        // ...

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose user settings you want to configure.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of MFAOptionType structures

You can use this parameter only to set an SMS configuration that uses SMS for delivery.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->signUp([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->signUpAsync([/* ... */]);

Registers the user in the specified user pool and creates a user name, password, and user attributes.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->signUp([
    'AnalyticsMetadata' => [
        'AnalyticsEndpointId' => '<string>',
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'Password' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'SecretHash' => '<string>',
    'UserAttributes' => [
            'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'Value' => '<string>',
        // ...
    'UserContextData' => [
        'EncodedData' => '<string>',
        'IpAddress' => '<string>',
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ValidationData' => [
            'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'Value' => '<string>',
        // ...

Parameter Details

Type: AnalyticsMetadataType structure

The Amazon Pinpoint analytics metadata that contributes to your metrics for SignUp calls.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the client associated with the user pool.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action triggers.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the SignUp API action, Amazon Cognito invokes any functions that are assigned to the following triggers: pre sign-up, custom message, and post confirmation. When Amazon Cognito invokes any of these functions, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your SignUp request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The password of the user you want to register.

Type: string

A keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) calculated using the secret key of a user pool client and username plus the client ID in the message.

Type: Array of AttributeType structures

An array of name-value pairs representing user attributes.

For custom attributes, you must prepend the custom: prefix to the attribute name.

Type: UserContextDataType structure

Contextual data about your user session, such as the device fingerprint, IP address, or location. Amazon Cognito advanced security evaluates the risk of an authentication event based on the context that your app generates and passes to Amazon Cognito when it makes API requests.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to sign up. The value of this parameter is typically a username, but can be any alias attribute in your user pool.

Type: Array of AttributeType structures

Temporary user attributes that contribute to the outcomes of your pre sign-up Lambda trigger. This set of key-value pairs are for custom validation of information that you collect from your users but don't need to retain.

Your Lambda function can analyze this additional data and act on it. Your function might perform external API operations like logging user attributes and validation data to Amazon CloudWatch Logs. Validation data might also affect the response that your function returns to Amazon Cognito, like automatically confirming the user if they sign up from within your network.

For more information about the pre sign-up Lambda trigger, see Pre sign-up Lambda trigger.

Result Syntax

    'CodeDeliveryDetails' => [
        'AttributeName' => '<string>',
        'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
        'Destination' => '<string>',
    'UserConfirmed' => true || false,
    'UserSub' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: CodeDeliveryDetailsType structure

The code delivery details returned by the server response to the user registration request.

Required: Yes
Type: boolean

A response from the server indicating that a user registration has been confirmed.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The 128-bit ID of the authenticated user. This isn't the same as username.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid password.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters a user name that already exists in the user pool.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->startUserImportJob([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->startUserImportJobAsync([/* ... */]);

Starts the user import.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->startUserImportJob([
    'JobId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The job ID for the user import job.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that the users are being imported into.

Result Syntax

    'UserImportJob' => [
        'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn' => '<string>',
        'CompletionDate' => <DateTime>,
        'CompletionMessage' => '<string>',
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'FailedUsers' => <integer>,
        'ImportedUsers' => <integer>,
        'JobId' => '<string>',
        'JobName' => '<string>',
        'PreSignedUrl' => '<string>',
        'SkippedUsers' => <integer>,
        'StartDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Status' => 'Created|Pending|InProgress|Stopping|Expired|Stopped|Failed|Succeeded',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: UserImportJobType structure

The job object that represents the user import job.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when a precondition is not met.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


$result = $client->stopUserImportJob([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->stopUserImportJobAsync([/* ... */]);

Stops the user import job.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->stopUserImportJob([
    'JobId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The job ID for the user import job.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that the users are being imported into.

Result Syntax

    'UserImportJob' => [
        'CloudWatchLogsRoleArn' => '<string>',
        'CompletionDate' => <DateTime>,
        'CompletionMessage' => '<string>',
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'FailedUsers' => <integer>,
        'ImportedUsers' => <integer>,
        'JobId' => '<string>',
        'JobName' => '<string>',
        'PreSignedUrl' => '<string>',
        'SkippedUsers' => <integer>,
        'StartDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Status' => 'Created|Pending|InProgress|Stopping|Expired|Stopped|Failed|Succeeded',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: UserImportJobType structure

The job object that represents the user import job.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when a precondition is not met.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


$result = $client->tagResource([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->tagResourceAsync([/* ... */]);

Assigns a set of tags to an Amazon Cognito user pool. A tag is a label that you can use to categorize and manage user pools in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria.

Each tag consists of a key and value, both of which you define. A key is a general category for more specific values. For example, if you have two versions of a user pool, one for testing and another for production, you might assign an Environment tag key to both user pools. The value of this key might be Test for one user pool, and Production for the other.

Tags are useful for cost tracking and access control. You can activate your tags so that they appear on the Billing and Cost Management console, where you can track the costs associated with your user pools. In an Identity and Access Management policy, you can constrain permissions for user pools based on specific tags or tag values.

You can use this action up to 5 times per second, per account. A user pool can have as many as 50 tags.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->tagResource([
    'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Tags' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user pool to assign the tags to.

Required: Yes
Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (TagKeysType) to strings

The tags to assign to the user pool.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->untagResource([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->untagResourceAsync([/* ... */]);

Removes the specified tags from an Amazon Cognito user pool. You can use this action up to 5 times per second, per account.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->untagResource([
    'ResourceArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'TagKeys' => ['<string>', ...], // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user pool that the tags are assigned to.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of strings

The keys of the tags to remove from the user pool.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->updateAuthEventFeedback([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->updateAuthEventFeedbackAsync([/* ... */]);

Provides the feedback for an authentication event, whether it was from a valid user or not. This feedback is used for improving the risk evaluation decision for the user pool as part of Amazon Cognito advanced security.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->updateAuthEventFeedback([
    'EventId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'FeedbackToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'FeedbackValue' => 'Valid|Invalid', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Username' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

The event ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The feedback token.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The authentication event feedback value. When you provide a FeedbackValue value of valid, you tell Amazon Cognito that you trust a user session where Amazon Cognito has evaluated some level of risk. When you provide a FeedbackValue value of invalid, you tell Amazon Cognito that you don't trust a user session, or you don't believe that Amazon Cognito evaluated a high-enough risk level.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The username of the user that you want to query or modify. The value of this parameter is typically your user's username, but it can be any of their alias attributes. If username isn't an alias attribute in your user pool, this value must be the sub of a local user or the username of a user from a third-party IdP.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when user pool add-ons aren't enabled.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->updateDeviceStatus([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->updateDeviceStatusAsync([/* ... */]);

Updates the device status. For more information about device authentication, see Working with user devices in your user pool.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->updateDeviceStatus([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'DeviceKey' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'DeviceRememberedStatus' => 'remembered|not_remembered',

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose device status you want to update.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The device key.

Type: string

The status of whether a device is remembered.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->updateGroup([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->updateGroupAsync([/* ... */]);

Updates the specified group with the specified attributes.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->updateGroup([
    'Description' => '<string>',
    'GroupName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Precedence' => <integer>,
    'RoleArn' => '<string>',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

A string containing the new description of the group.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The name of the group.

Type: int

The new precedence value for the group. For more information about this parameter, see CreateGroup.

Type: string

The new role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the group. This is used for setting the cognito:roles and cognito:preferred_role claims in the token.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax

    'Group' => [
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Description' => '<string>',
        'GroupName' => '<string>',
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'Precedence' => <integer>,
        'RoleArn' => '<string>',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: GroupType structure

The group object for the group.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->updateIdentityProvider([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->updateIdentityProviderAsync([/* ... */]);

Updates IdP information for a user pool.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->updateIdentityProvider([
    'AttributeMapping' => ['<string>', ...],
    'IdpIdentifiers' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ProviderDetails' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ProviderName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (AttributeMappingKeyType) to strings

The IdP attribute mapping to be changed.

Type: Array of strings

A list of IdP identifiers.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The scopes, URLs, and identifiers for your external identity provider. The following examples describe the provider detail keys for each IdP type. These values and their schema are subject to change. Social IdP authorize_scopes values must match the values listed here.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Amazon Cognito accepts the following elements when it can't discover endpoint URLs from oidc_issuer: attributes_url, authorize_url, jwks_uri, token_url.

Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_request_method": "GET", "attributes_url": "", "authorize_scopes": "openid profile email", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "jwks_uri": "", "oidc_issuer": "", "token_url": "" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_request_method": "GET", "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "openid profile email", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "jwks_uri": "", "oidc_issuer": "", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request with Metadata URL: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "MetadataURL": "", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256" }

Create or update request with Metadata file: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "MetadataFile": "[metadata XML]", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256" }

The value of MetadataFile must be the plaintext metadata document with all quote (") characters escaped by backslashes.

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "ActiveEncryptionCertificate": "[certificate]", "MetadataURL": "", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256", "SLORedirectBindingURI": "", "SSORedirectBindingURI": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "profile postal_code", "client_id": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret"

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "profile postal_code", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "email profile openid", "client_id": "", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "true", "authorize_scopes": "email profile openid", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "oidc_issuer": "", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "email name", "client_id": "com.example.cognito", "private_key": "1EXAMPLE", "key_id": "2EXAMPLE", "team_id": "3EXAMPLE" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "email name", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "com.example.cognito", "key_id": "1EXAMPLE", "oidc_issuer": "", "team_id": "2EXAMPLE", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "api_version": "v17.0", "authorize_scopes": "public_profile, email", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "api_version": "v17.0", "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "true", "authorize_scopes": "public_profile, email", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "token_request_method": "GET", "token_url": "" }

Required: Yes
Type: string

The IdP name.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID.

Result Syntax

    'IdentityProvider' => [
        'AttributeMapping' => ['<string>', ...],
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'IdpIdentifiers' => ['<string>', ...],
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'ProviderDetails' => ['<string>', ...],
        'ProviderName' => '<string>',
        'ProviderType' => 'SAML|Facebook|Google|LoginWithAmazon|SignInWithApple|OIDC',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: IdentityProviderType structure

The identity provider details.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the specified identifier isn't supported.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown if two or more modifications are happening concurrently.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->updateResourceServer([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->updateResourceServerAsync([/* ... */]);

Updates the name and scopes of resource server. All other fields are read-only.

If you don't provide a value for an attribute, it is set to the default value.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->updateResourceServer([
    'Identifier' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Scopes' => [
            'ScopeDescription' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'ScopeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
        // ...
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A unique resource server identifier for the resource server. The identifier can be an API friendly name like solar-system-data. You can also set an API URL like as your identifier.

Amazon Cognito represents scopes in the access token in the format $resource-server-identifier/$scope. Longer scope-identifier strings increase the size of your access tokens.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The name of the resource server.

Type: Array of ResourceServerScopeType structures

The scope values to be set for the resource server.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.

Result Syntax

    'ResourceServer' => [
        'Identifier' => '<string>',
        'Name' => '<string>',
        'Scopes' => [
                'ScopeDescription' => '<string>',
                'ScopeName' => '<string>',
            // ...
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',

Result Details

Required: Yes
Type: ResourceServerType structure

The resource server.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->updateUserAttributes([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->updateUserAttributesAsync([/* ... */]);

With this operation, your users can update one or more of their attributes with their own credentials. You authorize this API request with the user's access token. To delete an attribute from your user, submit the attribute in your API request with a blank value. Custom attribute values in this request must include the custom: prefix.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->updateUserAttributes([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientMetadata' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UserAttributes' => [ // REQUIRED
            'Name' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'Value' => '<string>',
        // ...

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose user attributes you want to update.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

A map of custom key-value pairs that you can provide as input for any custom workflows that this action initiates.

You create custom workflows by assigning Lambda functions to user pool triggers. When you use the UpdateUserAttributes API action, Amazon Cognito invokes the function that is assigned to the custom message trigger. When Amazon Cognito invokes this function, it passes a JSON payload, which the function receives as input. This payload contains a clientMetadata attribute, which provides the data that you assigned to the ClientMetadata parameter in your UpdateUserAttributes request. In your function code in Lambda, you can process the clientMetadata value to enhance your workflow for your specific needs.

For more information, see Customizing user pool Workflows with Lambda Triggers in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

When you use the ClientMetadata parameter, remember that Amazon Cognito won't do the following:

  • Store the ClientMetadata value. This data is available only to Lambda triggers that are assigned to a user pool to support custom workflows. If your user pool configuration doesn't include triggers, the ClientMetadata parameter serves no purpose.

  • Validate the ClientMetadata value.

  • Encrypt the ClientMetadata value. Don't use Amazon Cognito to provide sensitive information.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of AttributeType structures

An array of name-value pairs representing user attributes.

For custom attributes, you must prepend the custom: prefix to the attribute name.

If you have set an attribute to require verification before Amazon Cognito updates its value, this request doesn’t immediately update the value of that attribute. After your user receives and responds to a verification message to verify the new value, Amazon Cognito updates the attribute value. Your user can sign in and receive messages with the original attribute value until they verify the new value.

Result Syntax

    'CodeDeliveryDetailsList' => [
            'AttributeName' => '<string>',
            'DeliveryMedium' => 'SMS|EMAIL',
            'Destination' => '<string>',
        // ...

Result Details

Type: Array of CodeDeliveryDetailsType structures

The code delivery details list from the server for the request to update user attributes.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown if the provided code doesn't match what the server was expecting.


This exception is thrown if a code has expired.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user tries to confirm the account with an email address or phone number that has already been supplied as an alias for a different user profile. This exception indicates that an account with this email address or phone already exists in a user pool that you've configured to use email address or phone number as a sign-in alias.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


This exception is thrown when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->updateUserPool([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->updateUserPoolAsync([/* ... */]);

This action might generate an SMS text message. Starting June 1, 2021, US telecom carriers require you to register an origination phone number before you can send SMS messages to US phone numbers. If you use SMS text messages in Amazon Cognito, you must register a phone number with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Cognito uses the registered number automatically. Otherwise, Amazon Cognito users who must receive SMS messages might not be able to sign up, activate their accounts, or sign in.

If you have never used SMS text messages with Amazon Cognito or any other Amazon Web Servicesservice, Amazon Simple Notification Service might place your account in the SMS sandbox. In sandbox mode , you can send messages only to verified phone numbers. After you test your app while in the sandbox environment, you can move out of the sandbox and into production. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Updates the specified user pool with the specified attributes. You can get a list of the current user pool settings using DescribeUserPool.

If you don't provide a value for an attribute, Amazon Cognito sets it to its default value.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->updateUserPool([
    'AccountRecoverySetting' => [
        'RecoveryMechanisms' => [
                'Name' => 'verified_email|verified_phone_number|admin_only', // REQUIRED
                'Priority' => <integer>, // REQUIRED
            // ...
    'AdminCreateUserConfig' => [
        'AllowAdminCreateUserOnly' => true || false,
        'InviteMessageTemplate' => [
            'EmailMessage' => '<string>',
            'EmailSubject' => '<string>',
            'SMSMessage' => '<string>',
        'UnusedAccountValidityDays' => <integer>,
    'AutoVerifiedAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'DeletionProtection' => 'ACTIVE|INACTIVE',
    'DeviceConfiguration' => [
        'ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice' => true || false,
        'DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt' => true || false,
    'EmailConfiguration' => [
        'ConfigurationSet' => '<string>',
        'EmailSendingAccount' => 'COGNITO_DEFAULT|DEVELOPER',
        'From' => '<string>',
        'ReplyToEmailAddress' => '<string>',
        'SourceArn' => '<string>',
    'EmailVerificationMessage' => '<string>',
    'EmailVerificationSubject' => '<string>',
    'LambdaConfig' => [
        'CreateAuthChallenge' => '<string>',
        'CustomEmailSender' => [
            'LambdaArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0', // REQUIRED
        'CustomMessage' => '<string>',
        'CustomSMSSender' => [
            'LambdaArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0', // REQUIRED
        'DefineAuthChallenge' => '<string>',
        'KMSKeyID' => '<string>',
        'PostAuthentication' => '<string>',
        'PostConfirmation' => '<string>',
        'PreAuthentication' => '<string>',
        'PreSignUp' => '<string>',
        'PreTokenGeneration' => '<string>',
        'PreTokenGenerationConfig' => [
            'LambdaArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
            'LambdaVersion' => 'V1_0|V2_0', // REQUIRED
        'UserMigration' => '<string>',
        'VerifyAuthChallengeResponse' => '<string>',
    'MfaConfiguration' => 'OFF|ON|OPTIONAL',
    'Policies' => [
        'PasswordPolicy' => [
            'MinimumLength' => <integer>,
            'PasswordHistorySize' => <integer>,
            'RequireLowercase' => true || false,
            'RequireNumbers' => true || false,
            'RequireSymbols' => true || false,
            'RequireUppercase' => true || false,
            'TemporaryPasswordValidityDays' => <integer>,
    'SmsAuthenticationMessage' => '<string>',
    'SmsConfiguration' => [
        'ExternalId' => '<string>',
        'SnsCallerArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
        'SnsRegion' => '<string>',
    'SmsVerificationMessage' => '<string>',
    'UserAttributeUpdateSettings' => [
        'AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate' => ['<string>', ...],
    'UserPoolAddOns' => [
        'AdvancedSecurityAdditionalFlows' => [
            'CustomAuthMode' => 'AUDIT|ENFORCED',
        'AdvancedSecurityMode' => 'OFF|AUDIT|ENFORCED', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolTags' => ['<string>', ...],
    'VerificationMessageTemplate' => [
        'DefaultEmailOption' => 'CONFIRM_WITH_LINK|CONFIRM_WITH_CODE',
        'EmailMessage' => '<string>',
        'EmailMessageByLink' => '<string>',
        'EmailSubject' => '<string>',
        'EmailSubjectByLink' => '<string>',
        'SmsMessage' => '<string>',

Parameter Details

Type: AccountRecoverySettingType structure

The available verified method a user can use to recover their password when they call ForgotPassword. You can use this setting to define a preferred method when a user has more than one method available. With this setting, SMS doesn't qualify for a valid password recovery mechanism if the user also has SMS multi-factor authentication (MFA) activated. In the absence of this setting, Amazon Cognito uses the legacy behavior to determine the recovery method where SMS is preferred through email.

Type: AdminCreateUserConfigType structure

The configuration for AdminCreateUser requests.

Type: Array of strings

The attributes that are automatically verified when Amazon Cognito requests to update user pools.

Type: string

When active, DeletionProtection prevents accidental deletion of your user pool. Before you can delete a user pool that you have protected against deletion, you must deactivate this feature.

When you try to delete a protected user pool in a DeleteUserPool API request, Amazon Cognito returns an InvalidParameterException error. To delete a protected user pool, send a new DeleteUserPool request after you deactivate deletion protection in an UpdateUserPool API request.

Type: DeviceConfigurationType structure

The device-remembering configuration for a user pool. A null value indicates that you have deactivated device remembering in your user pool.

When you provide a value for any DeviceConfiguration field, you activate the Amazon Cognito device-remembering feature.

Type: EmailConfigurationType structure

The email configuration of your user pool. The email configuration type sets your preferred sending method, Amazon Web Services Region, and sender for email invitation and verification messages from your user pool.

Type: string

This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.

Type: string

This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.

Type: LambdaConfigType structure

The Lambda configuration information from the request to update the user pool.

Type: string

Possible values include:

  • OFF - MFA tokens aren't required and can't be specified during user registration.

  • ON - MFA tokens are required for all user registrations. You can only specify ON when you're initially creating a user pool. You can use the SetUserPoolMfaConfig API operation to turn MFA "ON" for existing user pools.

  • OPTIONAL - Users have the option when registering to create an MFA token.

Type: UserPoolPolicyType structure

A container with the policies you want to update in a user pool.

Type: string

The contents of the SMS authentication message.

Type: SmsConfigurationType structure

The SMS configuration with the settings that your Amazon Cognito user pool must use to send an SMS message from your Amazon Web Services account through Amazon Simple Notification Service. To send SMS messages with Amazon SNS in the Amazon Web Services Region that you want, the Amazon Cognito user pool uses an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role in your Amazon Web Services account.

Type: string

This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.


The settings for updates to user attributes. These settings include the property AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate, a user-pool setting that tells Amazon Cognito how to handle changes to the value of your users' email address and phone number attributes. For more information, see Verifying updates to email addresses and phone numbers.

Type: UserPoolAddOnsType structure

User pool add-ons. Contains settings for activation of advanced security features. To log user security information but take no action, set to AUDIT. To configure automatic security responses to risky traffic to your user pool, set to ENFORCED.

For more information, see Adding advanced security to a user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool you want to update.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (TagKeysType) to strings

The tag keys and values to assign to the user pool. A tag is a label that you can use to categorize and manage user pools in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria.


The template for verification messages.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown if two or more modifications are happening concurrently.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when you're trying to modify a user pool while a user import job is in progress for that pool.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.


This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.


This exception is thrown when a user pool tag can't be set or updated.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.


$result = $client->updateUserPoolClient([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->updateUserPoolClientAsync([/* ... */]);

Updates the specified user pool app client with the specified attributes. You can get a list of the current user pool app client settings using DescribeUserPoolClient.

If you don't provide a value for an attribute, Amazon Cognito sets it to its default value.

You can also use this operation to enable token revocation for user pool clients. For more information about revoking tokens, see RevokeToken.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->updateUserPoolClient([
    'AccessTokenValidity' => <integer>,
    'AllowedOAuthFlows' => ['<string>', ...],
    'AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient' => true || false,
    'AllowedOAuthScopes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'AnalyticsConfiguration' => [
        'ApplicationArn' => '<string>',
        'ApplicationId' => '<string>',
        'ExternalId' => '<string>',
        'RoleArn' => '<string>',
        'UserDataShared' => true || false,
    'AuthSessionValidity' => <integer>,
    'CallbackURLs' => ['<string>', ...],
    'ClientId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'ClientName' => '<string>',
    'DefaultRedirectURI' => '<string>',
    'EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData' => true || false,
    'EnableTokenRevocation' => true || false,
    'ExplicitAuthFlows' => ['<string>', ...],
    'IdTokenValidity' => <integer>,
    'LogoutURLs' => ['<string>', ...],
    'PreventUserExistenceErrors' => 'LEGACY|ENABLED',
    'ReadAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
    'RefreshTokenValidity' => <integer>,
    'SupportedIdentityProviders' => ['<string>', ...],
    'TokenValidityUnits' => [
        'AccessToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
        'IdToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
        'RefreshToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'WriteAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Parameter Details

Type: int

The access token time limit. After this limit expires, your user can't use their access token. To specify the time unit for AccessTokenValidity as seconds, minutes, hours, or days, set a TokenValidityUnits value in your API request.

For example, when you set AccessTokenValidity to 10 and TokenValidityUnits to hours, your user can authorize access with their access token for 10 hours.

The default time unit for AccessTokenValidity in an API request is hours. Valid range is displayed below in seconds.

If you don't specify otherwise in the configuration of your app client, your access tokens are valid for one hour.

Type: Array of strings

The allowed OAuth flows.


Use a code grant flow, which provides an authorization code as the response. This code can be exchanged for access tokens with the /oauth2/token endpoint.


Issue the access token (and, optionally, ID token, based on scopes) directly to your user.


Issue the access token from the /oauth2/token endpoint directly to a non-person user using a combination of the client ID and client secret.

Type: boolean

Set to true to use OAuth 2.0 features in your user pool app client.

AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient must be true before you can configure the following features in your app client.

  • CallBackURLs: Callback URLs.

  • LogoutURLs: Sign-out redirect URLs.

  • AllowedOAuthScopes: OAuth 2.0 scopes.

  • AllowedOAuthFlows: Support for authorization code, implicit, and client credentials OAuth 2.0 grants.

To use OAuth 2.0 features, configure one of these features in the Amazon Cognito console or set AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient to true in a CreateUserPoolClient or UpdateUserPoolClient API request. If you don't set a value for AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient in a request with the CLI or SDKs, it defaults to false.

Type: Array of strings

The allowed OAuth scopes. Possible values provided by OAuth are phone, email, openid, and profile. Possible values provided by Amazon Web Services are aws.cognito.signin.user.admin. Custom scopes created in Resource Servers are also supported.

Type: AnalyticsConfigurationType structure

The Amazon Pinpoint analytics configuration necessary to collect metrics for this user pool.

In Amazon Web Services Regions where Amazon Pinpoint isn't available, user pools only support sending events to Amazon Pinpoint projects in us-east-1. In Regions where Amazon Pinpoint is available, user pools support sending events to Amazon Pinpoint projects within that same Region.

Type: int

Amazon Cognito creates a session token for each API request in an authentication flow. AuthSessionValidity is the duration, in minutes, of that session token. Your user pool native user must respond to each authentication challenge before the session expires.

Type: Array of strings

A list of allowed redirect (callback) URLs for the IdPs.

A redirect URI must:

  • Be an absolute URI.

  • Be registered with the authorization server.

  • Not include a fragment component.

See OAuth 2.0 - Redirection Endpoint.

Amazon Cognito requires HTTPS over HTTP except for http://localhost for testing purposes only.

App callback URLs such as myapp://example are also supported.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the client associated with the user pool.

Type: string

The client name from the update user pool client request.

Type: string

The default redirect URI. Must be in the CallbackURLs list.

A redirect URI must:

  • Be an absolute URI.

  • Be registered with the authorization server.

  • Not include a fragment component.

See OAuth 2.0 - Redirection Endpoint.

Amazon Cognito requires HTTPS over HTTP except for http://localhost for testing purposes only.

App callback URLs such as myapp://example are also supported.

Type: boolean

Activates the propagation of additional user context data. For more information about propagation of user context data, see Adding advanced security to a user pool. If you don’t include this parameter, you can't send device fingerprint information, including source IP address, to Amazon Cognito advanced security. You can only activate EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData in an app client that has a client secret.

Type: boolean

Activates or deactivates token revocation. For more information about revoking tokens, see RevokeToken.

Type: Array of strings

The authentication flows that you want your user pool client to support. For each app client in your user pool, you can sign in your users with any combination of one or more flows, including with a user name and Secure Remote Password (SRP), a user name and password, or a custom authentication process that you define with Lambda functions.

If you don't specify a value for ExplicitAuthFlows, your user client supports ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH, ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH, and ALLOW_CUSTOM_AUTH.

Valid values include:

  • ALLOW_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH: Enable admin based user password authentication flow ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH. This setting replaces the ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH setting. With this authentication flow, your app passes a user name and password to Amazon Cognito in the request, instead of using the Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol to securely transmit the password.

  • ALLOW_CUSTOM_AUTH: Enable Lambda trigger based authentication.

  • ALLOW_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH: Enable user password-based authentication. In this flow, Amazon Cognito receives the password in the request instead of using the SRP protocol to verify passwords.

  • ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH: Enable SRP-based authentication.

  • ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH: Enable authflow to refresh tokens.

In some environments, you will see the values ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH, CUSTOM_AUTH_FLOW_ONLY, or USER_PASSWORD_AUTH. You can't assign these legacy ExplicitAuthFlows values to user pool clients at the same time as values that begin with ALLOW_, like ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH.

Type: int

The ID token time limit. After this limit expires, your user can't use their ID token. To specify the time unit for IdTokenValidity as seconds, minutes, hours, or days, set a TokenValidityUnits value in your API request.

For example, when you set IdTokenValidity as 10 and TokenValidityUnits as hours, your user can authenticate their session with their ID token for 10 hours.

The default time unit for IdTokenValidity in an API request is hours. Valid range is displayed below in seconds.

If you don't specify otherwise in the configuration of your app client, your ID tokens are valid for one hour.

Type: Array of strings

A list of allowed logout URLs for the IdPs.

Type: string

Errors and responses that you want Amazon Cognito APIs to return during authentication, account confirmation, and password recovery when the user doesn't exist in the user pool. When set to ENABLED and the user doesn't exist, authentication returns an error indicating either the username or password was incorrect. Account confirmation and password recovery return a response indicating a code was sent to a simulated destination. When set to LEGACY, those APIs return a UserNotFoundException exception if the user doesn't exist in the user pool.

Valid values include:

  • ENABLED - This prevents user existence-related errors.

  • LEGACY - This represents the early behavior of Amazon Cognito where user existence related errors aren't prevented.

Defaults to LEGACY when you don't provide a value.

Type: Array of strings

The list of user attributes that you want your app client to have read access to. After your user authenticates in your app, their access token authorizes them to read their own attribute value for any attribute in this list. An example of this kind of activity is when your user selects a link to view their profile information. Your app makes a GetUser API request to retrieve and display your user's profile data.

When you don't specify the ReadAttributes for your app client, your app can read the values of email_verified, phone_number_verified, and the Standard attributes of your user pool. When your user pool app client has read access to these default attributes, ReadAttributes doesn't return any information. Amazon Cognito only populates ReadAttributes in the API response if you have specified your own custom set of read attributes.

Type: int

The refresh token time limit. After this limit expires, your user can't use their refresh token. To specify the time unit for RefreshTokenValidity as seconds, minutes, hours, or days, set a TokenValidityUnits value in your API request.

For example, when you set RefreshTokenValidity as 10 and TokenValidityUnits as days, your user can refresh their session and retrieve new access and ID tokens for 10 days.

The default time unit for RefreshTokenValidity in an API request is days. You can't set RefreshTokenValidity to 0. If you do, Amazon Cognito overrides the value with the default value of 30 days. Valid range is displayed below in seconds.

If you don't specify otherwise in the configuration of your app client, your refresh tokens are valid for 30 days.

Type: Array of strings

A list of provider names for the IdPs that this client supports. The following are supported: COGNITO, Facebook, Google, SignInWithApple, LoginWithAmazon, and the names of your own SAML and OIDC providers.

Type: TokenValidityUnitsType structure

The time units you use when you set the duration of ID, access, and refresh tokens. The default unit for RefreshToken is days, and the default for ID and access tokens is hours.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to update the user pool client.

Type: Array of strings

The list of user attributes that you want your app client to have write access to. After your user authenticates in your app, their access token authorizes them to set or modify their own attribute value for any attribute in this list. An example of this kind of activity is when you present your user with a form to update their profile information and they change their last name. Your app then makes an UpdateUserAttributes API request and sets family_name to the new value.

When you don't specify the WriteAttributes for your app client, your app can write the values of the Standard attributes of your user pool. When your user pool has write access to these default attributes, WriteAttributes doesn't return any information. Amazon Cognito only populates WriteAttributes in the API response if you have specified your own custom set of write attributes.

If your app client allows users to sign in through an IdP, this array must include all attributes that you have mapped to IdP attributes. Amazon Cognito updates mapped attributes when users sign in to your application through an IdP. If your app client does not have write access to a mapped attribute, Amazon Cognito throws an error when it tries to update the attribute. For more information, see Specifying IdP Attribute Mappings for Your user pool.

Result Syntax

    'UserPoolClient' => [
        'AccessTokenValidity' => <integer>,
        'AllowedOAuthFlows' => ['<string>', ...],
        'AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient' => true || false,
        'AllowedOAuthScopes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'AnalyticsConfiguration' => [
            'ApplicationArn' => '<string>',
            'ApplicationId' => '<string>',
            'ExternalId' => '<string>',
            'RoleArn' => '<string>',
            'UserDataShared' => true || false,
        'AuthSessionValidity' => <integer>,
        'CallbackURLs' => ['<string>', ...],
        'ClientId' => '<string>',
        'ClientName' => '<string>',
        'ClientSecret' => '<string>',
        'CreationDate' => <DateTime>,
        'DefaultRedirectURI' => '<string>',
        'EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData' => true || false,
        'EnableTokenRevocation' => true || false,
        'ExplicitAuthFlows' => ['<string>', ...],
        'IdTokenValidity' => <integer>,
        'LastModifiedDate' => <DateTime>,
        'LogoutURLs' => ['<string>', ...],
        'PreventUserExistenceErrors' => 'LEGACY|ENABLED',
        'ReadAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],
        'RefreshTokenValidity' => <integer>,
        'SupportedIdentityProviders' => ['<string>', ...],
        'TokenValidityUnits' => [
            'AccessToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
            'IdToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
            'RefreshToken' => 'seconds|minutes|hours|days',
        'UserPoolId' => '<string>',
        'WriteAttributes' => ['<string>', ...],

Result Details

Type: UserPoolClientType structure

The user pool client value from the response from the server when you request to update the user pool client.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown if two or more modifications are happening concurrently.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the specified scope doesn't exist.


This exception is thrown when the specified OAuth flow is not valid.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->updateUserPoolDomain([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->updateUserPoolDomainAsync([/* ... */]);

Updates the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate for the custom domain for your user pool.

You can use this operation to provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of a new certificate to Amazon Cognito. You can't use it to change the domain for a user pool.

A custom domain is used to host the Amazon Cognito hosted UI, which provides sign-up and sign-in pages for your application. When you set up a custom domain, you provide a certificate that you manage with Certificate Manager (ACM). When necessary, you can use this operation to change the certificate that you applied to your custom domain.

Usually, this is unnecessary following routine certificate renewal with ACM. When you renew your existing certificate in ACM, the ARN for your certificate remains the same, and your custom domain uses the new certificate automatically.

However, if you replace your existing certificate with a new one, ACM gives the new certificate a new ARN. To apply the new certificate to your custom domain, you must provide this ARN to Amazon Cognito.

When you add your new certificate in ACM, you must choose US East (N. Virginia) as the Amazon Web Services Region.

After you submit your request, Amazon Cognito requires up to 1 hour to distribute your new certificate to your custom domain.

For more information about adding a custom domain to your user pool, see Using Your Own Domain for the Hosted UI.

Amazon Cognito evaluates Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you must use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you must grant yourself the corresponding IAM permission in a policy.

Learn more

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->updateUserPoolDomain([
    'CustomDomainConfig' => [ // REQUIRED
        'CertificateArn' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Domain' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'UserPoolId' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: CustomDomainConfigType structure

The configuration for a custom domain that hosts the sign-up and sign-in pages for your application. Use this object to specify an SSL certificate that is managed by ACM.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The domain name for the custom domain that hosts the sign-up and sign-in pages for your application. One example might be

This string can include only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens. Don't use a hyphen for the first or last character. Use periods to separate subdomain names.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the user pool that is associated with the custom domain whose certificate you're updating.

Result Syntax

    'CloudFrontDomain' => '<string>',

Result Details

Type: string

The Amazon CloudFront endpoint that Amazon Cognito set up when you added the custom domain to your user pool.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


$result = $client->verifySoftwareToken([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->verifySoftwareTokenAsync([/* ... */]);

Use this API to register a user's entered time-based one-time password (TOTP) code and mark the user's software token MFA status as "verified" if successful. The request takes an access token or a session string, but not both.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->verifySoftwareToken([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>',
    'FriendlyDeviceName' => '<string>',
    'Session' => '<string>',
    'UserCode' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose software token you want to verify.

Type: string

The friendly device name.

Type: string

The session that should be passed both ways in challenge-response calls to the service.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The one- time password computed using the secret code returned by AssociateSoftwareToken.

Result Syntax

    'Session' => '<string>',
    'Status' => 'SUCCESS|ERROR',

Result Details

Type: string

The session that should be passed both ways in challenge-response calls to the service.

Type: string

The status of the verify software token.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when there is a code mismatch and the service fails to configure the software token TOTP multi-factor authentication (MFA).


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the software token time-based one-time password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication (MFA) isn't activated for the user pool.


This exception is thrown if the provided code doesn't match what the server was expecting.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.


$result = $client->verifyUserAttribute([/* ... */]);
$promise = $client->verifyUserAttributeAsync([/* ... */]);

Verifies the specified user attributes in the user pool.

If your user pool requires verification before Amazon Cognito updates the attribute value, VerifyUserAttribute updates the affected attribute to its pending value. For more information, see UserAttributeUpdateSettingsType.

Authorize this action with a signed-in user's access token. It must include the scope aws.cognito.signin.user.admin.

Amazon Cognito doesn't evaluate Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies in requests for this API operation. For this operation, you can't use IAM credentials to authorize requests, and you can't grant IAM permissions in policies. For more information about authorization models in Amazon Cognito, see Using the Amazon Cognito user pools API and user pool endpoints.

Parameter Syntax

$result = $client->verifyUserAttribute([
    'AccessToken' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'AttributeName' => '<string>', // REQUIRED
    'Code' => '<string>', // REQUIRED

Parameter Details

Required: Yes
Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user whose user attributes you want to verify.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The attribute name in the request to verify user attributes.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The verification code in the request to verify user attributes.

Result Syntax


Result Details

The results for this operation are always empty.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.


This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.


This exception is thrown if the provided code doesn't match what the server was expecting.


This exception is thrown if a code has expired.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.


This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.


This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.


This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.


This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.


This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.


This exception is thrown when a user tries to confirm the account with an email address or phone number that has already been supplied as an alias for a different user profile. This exception indicates that an account with this email address or phone already exists in a user pool that you've configured to use email address or phone number as a sign-in alias.


This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.




The data type for AccountRecoverySetting.

Type: Array of RecoveryOptionType structures

The list of RecoveryOptionTypes.



Account takeover action type.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The action to take in response to the account takeover action. Valid values are as follows:

  • BLOCK Choosing this action will block the request.

  • MFA_IF_CONFIGURED Present an MFA challenge if user has configured it, else allow the request.

  • MFA_REQUIRED Present an MFA challenge if user has configured it, else block the request.

  • NO_ACTION Allow the user to sign in.

Required: Yes
Type: boolean

Flag specifying whether to send a notification.



Configuration for mitigation actions and notification for different levels of risk detected for a potential account takeover.

Required: Yes
Type: AccountTakeoverActionsType structure

Account takeover risk configuration actions.

Type: NotifyConfigurationType structure

The notify configuration used to construct email notifications.



The configuration for creating a new user profile.

Type: boolean

Set to True if only the administrator is allowed to create user profiles. Set to False if users can sign themselves up via an app.

Type: MessageTemplateType structure

The message template to be used for the welcome message to new users.

See also Customizing User Invitation Messages.

Type: int

The user account expiration limit, in days, after which a new account that hasn't signed in is no longer usable. To reset the account after that time limit, you must call AdminCreateUser again, specifying "RESEND" for the MessageAction parameter. The default value for this parameter is 7.

If you set a value for TemporaryPasswordValidityDays in PasswordPolicy, that value will be used, and UnusedAccountValidityDays will be no longer be an available parameter for that user pool.



Advanced security configuration options for additional authentication types in your user pool, including custom authentication.

Type: string

The operating mode of advanced security features in custom authentication with Custom authentication challenge Lambda triggers.



This exception is thrown when a user tries to confirm the account with an email address or phone number that has already been supplied as an alias for a different user profile. This exception indicates that an account with this email address or phone already exists in a user pool that you've configured to use email address or phone number as a sign-in alias.

Type: string

The message that Amazon Cognito sends to the user when the value of an alias attribute is already linked to another user profile.



The Amazon Pinpoint analytics configuration necessary to collect metrics for a user pool.

In Regions where Amazon Pinpoint isn't available, user pools only support sending events to Amazon Pinpoint projects in us-east-1. In Regions where Amazon Pinpoint is available, user pools support sending events to Amazon Pinpoint projects within that same Region.

Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon Pinpoint project. You can use the Amazon Pinpoint project to integrate with the chosen user pool Client. Amazon Cognito publishes events to the Amazon Pinpoint project that the app ARN declares.

Type: string

The application ID for an Amazon Pinpoint application.

Type: string

The external ID.

Type: string

The ARN of an Identity and Access Management role that authorizes Amazon Cognito to publish events to Amazon Pinpoint analytics.

Type: boolean

If UserDataShared is true, Amazon Cognito includes user data in the events that it publishes to Amazon Pinpoint analytics.



An Amazon Pinpoint analytics endpoint.

An endpoint uniquely identifies a mobile device, email address, or phone number that can receive messages from Amazon Pinpoint analytics. For more information about Amazon Web Services Regions that can contain Amazon Pinpoint resources for use with Amazon Cognito user pools, see Using Amazon Pinpoint analytics with Amazon Cognito user pools.

Type: string

The endpoint ID.



Specifies whether the attribute is standard or custom.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The name of the attribute.

Type: string

The value of the attribute.



The authentication event type.

Type: Array of ChallengeResponseType structures

The challenge responses.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: EventContextDataType structure

The user context data captured at the time of an event request. This value provides additional information about the client from which event the request is received.

Type: EventFeedbackType structure

A flag specifying the user feedback captured at the time of an event request is good or bad.

Type: string

The event ID.

Type: string

The event response.

Type: EventRiskType structure

The event risk.

Type: string

The event type.



The authentication result.

Type: string

A valid access token that Amazon Cognito issued to the user who you want to authenticate.

Type: int

The expiration period of the authentication result in seconds.

Type: string

The ID token.

Type: NewDeviceMetadataType structure

The new device metadata from an authentication result.

Type: string

The refresh token.

Type: string

The token type.



The challenge response type.

Type: string

The challenge name.

Type: string

The challenge response.



Configuration for the CloudWatch log group destination of user pool detailed activity logging, or of user activity log export with advanced security features.

Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (arn) of a CloudWatch Logs log group where your user pool sends logs. The log group must not be encrypted with Key Management Service and must be in the same Amazon Web Services account as your user pool.

To send logs to log groups with a resource policy of a size greater than 5120 characters, configure a log group with a path that starts with /aws/vendedlogs. For more information, see Enabling logging from certain Amazon Web Services services.



The delivery details for an email or SMS message that Amazon Cognito sent for authentication or verification.

Type: string

The name of the attribute that Amazon Cognito verifies with the code.

Type: string

The method that Amazon Cognito used to send the code.

Type: string

The email address or phone number destination where Amazon Cognito sent the code.



This exception is thrown when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.

Type: string

The message sent when a verification code fails to deliver successfully.



This exception is thrown if the provided code doesn't match what the server was expecting.

Type: string

The message provided when the code mismatch exception is thrown.



The compromised credentials actions type.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The event action.



The compromised credentials risk configuration type.

Required: Yes
Type: CompromisedCredentialsActionsType structure

The compromised credentials risk configuration actions.

Type: Array of strings

Perform the action for these events. The default is to perform all events if no event filter is specified.



This exception is thrown if two or more modifications are happening concurrently.

Type: string

The message provided when the concurrent exception is thrown.



Contextual user data type used for evaluating the risk of an unexpected event by Amazon Cognito advanced security.

Type: string

Encoded device-fingerprint details that your app collected with the Amazon Cognito context data collection library. For more information, see Adding user device and session data to API requests.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of HttpHeader structures

HttpHeaders received on your server in same order.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The source IP address of your user's device.

Required: Yes
Type: string

Your server endpoint where this API is invoked.

Required: Yes
Type: string

Your server path where this API is invoked.



The configuration for a custom domain that hosts the sign-up and sign-in webpages for your application.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Certificate Manager SSL certificate. You use this certificate for the subdomain of your custom domain.



The properties of a custom email sender Lambda trigger.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function that you want to assign to your Lambda trigger.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool trigger version of the request that Amazon Cognito sends to your Lambda function. Higher-numbered versions add fields that support new features.

You must use a LambdaVersion of V1_0 with a custom sender function.



The properties of a custom SMS sender Lambda trigger.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function that you want to assign to your Lambda trigger.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool trigger version of the request that Amazon Cognito sends to your Lambda function. Higher-numbered versions add fields that support new features.

You must use a LambdaVersion of V1_0 with a custom sender function.



The device-remembering configuration for a user pool. A DescribeUserPool request returns a null value for this object when the user pool isn't configured to remember devices. When device remembering is active, you can remember a user's device with a ConfirmDevice API request. Additionally. when the property DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt is true, you must follow ConfirmDevice with an UpdateDeviceStatus API request that sets the user's device to remembered or not_remembered.

To sign in with a remembered device, include DEVICE_KEY in the authentication parameters in your user's InitiateAuth request. If your app doesn't include a DEVICE_KEY parameter, the response from Amazon Cognito includes newly-generated DEVICE_KEY and DEVICE_GROUP_KEY values under NewDeviceMetadata. Store these values to use in future device-authentication requests.

When you provide a value for any property of DeviceConfiguration, you activate the device remembering for the user pool.

Type: boolean

When true, a remembered device can sign in with device authentication instead of SMS and time-based one-time password (TOTP) factors for multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Whether or not ChallengeRequiredOnNewDevice is true, users who sign in with devices that have not been confirmed or remembered must still provide a second factor in a user pool that requires MFA.

Type: boolean

When true, Amazon Cognito doesn't automatically remember a user's device when your app sends a ConfirmDevice API request. In your app, create a prompt for your user to choose whether they want to remember their device. Return the user's choice in an UpdateDeviceStatus API request.

When DeviceOnlyRememberedOnUserPrompt is false, Amazon Cognito immediately remembers devices that you register in a ConfirmDevice API request.



The device verifier against which it is authenticated.

Type: string

The password verifier.

Type: string

The salt



The device type.

Type: Array of AttributeType structures

The device attributes.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The creation date of the device.

Type: string

The device key.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date when the device was last authenticated.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.



A container for information about a domain.

Type: string

The Amazon Web Services ID for the user pool owner.

Type: string

The Amazon CloudFront endpoint that you use as the target of the alias that you set up with your Domain Name Service (DNS) provider.

Type: CustomDomainConfigType structure

The configuration for a custom domain that hosts the sign-up and sign-in webpages for your application.

Type: string

The domain string. For custom domains, this is the fully-qualified domain name, such as For Amazon Cognito prefix domains, this is the prefix alone, such as auth.

Type: string

The Amazon S3 bucket where the static files for this domain are stored.

Type: string

The domain status.

Type: string

The user pool ID.

Type: string

The app version.



This exception is thrown when the provider is already supported by the user pool.

Type: string



The email configuration of your user pool. The email configuration type sets your preferred sending method, Amazon Web Services Region, and sender for messages from your user pool.

Amazon Cognito can send email messages with Amazon Simple Email Service resources in the Amazon Web Services Region where you created your user pool, and in alternate Regions in some cases. For more information on the supported Regions, see Email settings for Amazon Cognito user pools.

Type: string

The set of configuration rules that can be applied to emails sent using Amazon Simple Email Service. A configuration set is applied to an email by including a reference to the configuration set in the headers of the email. Once applied, all of the rules in that configuration set are applied to the email. Configuration sets can be used to apply the following types of rules to emails:

Event publishing

Amazon Simple Email Service can track the number of send, delivery, open, click, bounce, and complaint events for each email sent. Use event publishing to send information about these events to other Amazon Web Services services such as and Amazon CloudWatch

IP pool management

When leasing dedicated IP addresses with Amazon Simple Email Service, you can create groups of IP addresses, called dedicated IP pools. You can then associate the dedicated IP pools with configuration sets.

Type: string

Specifies whether Amazon Cognito uses its built-in functionality to send your users email messages, or uses your Amazon Simple Email Service email configuration. Specify one of the following values:


When Amazon Cognito emails your users, it uses its built-in email functionality. When you use the default option, Amazon Cognito allows only a limited number of emails each day for your user pool. For typical production environments, the default email limit is less than the required delivery volume. To achieve a higher delivery volume, specify DEVELOPER to use your Amazon SES email configuration.

To look up the email delivery limit for the default option, see Limits in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

The default FROM address is To customize the FROM address, provide the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an Amazon SES verified email address for the SourceArn parameter.


When Amazon Cognito emails your users, it uses your Amazon SES configuration. Amazon Cognito calls Amazon SES on your behalf to send email from your verified email address. When you use this option, the email delivery limits are the same limits that apply to your Amazon SES verified email address in your Amazon Web Services account.

If you use this option, provide the ARN of an Amazon SES verified email address for the SourceArn parameter.

Before Amazon Cognito can email your users, it requires additional permissions to call Amazon SES on your behalf. When you update your user pool with this option, Amazon Cognito creates a service-linked role, which is a type of role in your Amazon Web Services account. This role contains the permissions that allow you to access Amazon SES and send email messages from your email address. For more information about the service-linked role that Amazon Cognito creates, see Using Service-Linked Roles for Amazon Cognito in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Type: string

Either the sender’s email address or the sender’s name with their email address. For example, or Test User <>. This address appears before the body of the email.

Type: string

The destination to which the receiver of the email should reply.

Type: string

The ARN of a verified email address or an address from a verified domain in Amazon SES. You can set a SourceArn email from a verified domain only with an API request. You can set a verified email address, but not an address in a verified domain, in the Amazon Cognito console. Amazon Cognito uses the email address that you provide in one of the following ways, depending on the value that you specify for the EmailSendingAccount parameter:

  • If you specify COGNITO_DEFAULT, Amazon Cognito uses this address as the custom FROM address when it emails your users using its built-in email account.

  • If you specify DEVELOPER, Amazon Cognito emails your users with this address by calling Amazon SES on your behalf.

The Region value of the SourceArn parameter must indicate a supported Amazon Web Services Region of your user pool. Typically, the Region in the SourceArn and the user pool Region are the same. For more information, see Amazon SES email configuration regions in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.



Sets or shows user pool email message configuration for MFA. Includes the subject and body of the email message template for MFA messages. To activate this setting, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.

Type: string

The template for the email message that your user pool sends to users with an MFA code. The message must contain the {####} placeholder. In the message, Amazon Cognito replaces this placeholder with the code. If you don't provide this parameter, Amazon Cognito sends messages in the default format.

Type: string

The subject of the email message that your user pool sends to users with an MFA code.



User preferences for multi-factor authentication with email messages. Activates or deactivates email MFA and sets it as the preferred MFA method when multiple methods are available. To activate this setting, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether email message MFA is active for a user. When the value of this parameter is Enabled, the user will be prompted for MFA during all sign-in attempts, unless device tracking is turned on and the device has been trusted.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether email message MFA is the user's preferred method.



This exception is thrown when there is a code mismatch and the service fails to configure the software token TOTP multi-factor authentication (MFA).

Type: string



Specifies the user context data captured at the time of an event request.

Type: string

The user's city.

Type: string

The user's country.

Type: string

The user's device name.

Type: string

The source IP address of your user's device.

Type: string

The user's time zone.



Specifies the event feedback type.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The event feedback date.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The authentication event feedback value. When you provide a FeedbackValue value of valid, you tell Amazon Cognito that you trust a user session where Amazon Cognito has evaluated some level of risk. When you provide a FeedbackValue value of invalid, you tell Amazon Cognito that you don't trust a user session, or you don't believe that Amazon Cognito evaluated a high-enough risk level.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The provider.



The event risk type.

Type: boolean

Indicates whether compromised credentials were detected during an authentication event.

Type: string

The risk decision.

Type: string

The risk level.



This exception is thrown if a code has expired.

Type: string

The message returned when the expired code exception is thrown.



Configuration for the Amazon Data Firehose stream destination of user activity log export with advanced security features.

Type: string

The ARN of an Amazon Data Firehose stream that's the destination for advanced security features log export.



This exception is thrown when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.

Type: string

The message returned when WAF doesn't allow your request based on a web ACL that's associated with your user pool.



This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters a group that already exists in the user pool.

Type: string



The group type.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: string

A string containing the description of the group.

Type: string

The name of the group.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: int

A non-negative integer value that specifies the precedence of this group relative to the other groups that a user can belong to in the user pool. Zero is the highest precedence value. Groups with lower Precedence values take precedence over groups with higher ornull Precedence values. If a user belongs to two or more groups, it is the group with the lowest precedence value whose role ARN is given in the user's tokens for the cognito:roles and cognito:preferred_role claims.

Two groups can have the same Precedence value. If this happens, neither group takes precedence over the other. If two groups with the same Precedence have the same role ARN, that role is used in the cognito:preferred_role claim in tokens for users in each group. If the two groups have different role ARNs, the cognito:preferred_role claim isn't set in users' tokens.

The default Precedence value is null.

Type: string

The role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the group.

Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.



The HTTP header.

Type: string

The header name.

Type: string

The header value.



A container for information about an IdP.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (AttributeMappingKeyType) to strings

A mapping of IdP attributes to standard and custom user pool attributes.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: Array of strings

A list of IdP identifiers.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (StringType) to strings

The scopes, URLs, and identifiers for your external identity provider. The following examples describe the provider detail keys for each IdP type. These values and their schema are subject to change. Social IdP authorize_scopes values must match the values listed here.

OpenID Connect (OIDC)

Amazon Cognito accepts the following elements when it can't discover endpoint URLs from oidc_issuer: attributes_url, authorize_url, jwks_uri, token_url.

Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_request_method": "GET", "attributes_url": "", "authorize_scopes": "openid profile email", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "jwks_uri": "", "oidc_issuer": "", "token_url": "" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_request_method": "GET", "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "openid profile email", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "jwks_uri": "", "oidc_issuer": "", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request with Metadata URL: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "MetadataURL": "", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256" }

Create or update request with Metadata file: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "MetadataFile": "[metadata XML]", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256" }

The value of MetadataFile must be the plaintext metadata document with all quote (") characters escaped by backslashes.

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "IDPInit": "true", "IDPSignout": "true", "EncryptedResponses" : "true", "ActiveEncryptionCertificate": "[certificate]", "MetadataURL": "", "RequestSigningAlgorithm": "rsa-sha256", "SLORedirectBindingURI": "", "SSORedirectBindingURI": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "profile postal_code", "client_id": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret"

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "profile postal_code", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "amzn1.application-oa2-client.1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "email profile openid", "client_id": "", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "true", "authorize_scopes": "email profile openid", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "oidc_issuer": "", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "authorize_scopes": "email name", "client_id": "com.example.cognito", "private_key": "1EXAMPLE", "key_id": "2EXAMPLE", "team_id": "3EXAMPLE" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "attributes_url_add_attributes": "false", "authorize_scopes": "email name", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "com.example.cognito", "key_id": "1EXAMPLE", "oidc_issuer": "", "team_id": "2EXAMPLE", "token_request_method": "POST", "token_url": "" }


Create or update request: "ProviderDetails": { "api_version": "v17.0", "authorize_scopes": "public_profile, email", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret" }

Describe response: "ProviderDetails": { "api_version": "v17.0", "attributes_url": "", "attributes_url_add_attributes": "true", "authorize_scopes": "public_profile, email", "authorize_url": "", "client_id": "1example23456789", "client_secret": "provider-app-client-secret", "token_request_method": "GET", "token_url": "" }

Type: string

The IdP name.

Type: string

The IdP type.

Type: string

The user pool ID.



This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an internal error.

Type: string

The message returned when Amazon Cognito throws an internal error exception.



This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito isn't allowed to use your email identity. HTTP status code: 400.

Type: string

The message returned when you have an unverified email address or the identity policy isn't set on an email address that Amazon Cognito can access.



This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid Lambda response.

Type: string

The message returned when Amazon Cognito throws an invalid Lambda response exception.



This exception is thrown when the specified OAuth flow is not valid.

Type: string



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters an invalid parameter.

Type: string

The message returned when the Amazon Cognito service throws an invalid parameter exception.



This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an invalid password.

Type: string

The message returned when Amazon Cognito throws an invalid user password exception.



This exception is returned when the role provided for SMS configuration doesn't have permission to publish using Amazon SNS.

Type: string

The message returned when the invalid SMS role access policy exception is thrown.



This exception is thrown when the trust relationship is not valid for the role provided for SMS configuration. This can happen if you don't trust or the external ID provided in the role does not match what is provided in the SMS configuration for the user pool.

Type: string

The message returned when the role trust relationship for the SMS message is not valid.



This exception is thrown when the user pool configuration is not valid.

Type: string

The message returned when the user pool configuration is not valid.



Specifies the configuration for Lambda triggers.

Type: string

Creates an authentication challenge.


A custom email sender Lambda trigger.

Type: string

A custom Message Lambda trigger.


A custom SMS sender Lambda trigger.

Type: string

Defines the authentication challenge.

Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of an KMS key. Amazon Cognito uses the key to encrypt codes and temporary passwords sent to CustomEmailSender and CustomSMSSender.

Type: string

A post-authentication Lambda trigger.

Type: string

A post-confirmation Lambda trigger.

Type: string

A pre-authentication Lambda trigger.

Type: string

A pre-registration Lambda trigger.

Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function that you want to assign to your Lambda trigger.

Set this parameter for legacy purposes. If you also set an ARN in PreTokenGenerationConfig, its value must be identical to PreTokenGeneration. For new instances of pre token generation triggers, set the LambdaArn of PreTokenGenerationConfig.

You can set


The detailed configuration of a pre token generation trigger. If you also set an ARN in PreTokenGeneration, its value must be identical to PreTokenGenerationConfig.

Type: string

The user migration Lambda config type.

Type: string

Verifies the authentication challenge response.



This exception is thrown when a user exceeds the limit for a requested Amazon Web Services resource.

Type: string

The message returned when Amazon Cognito throws a limit exceeded exception.



The logging parameters of a user pool.


The CloudWatch log group destination of user pool detailed activity logs, or of user activity log export with advanced security features.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The source of events that your user pool sends for logging. To send error-level logs about user notification activity, set to userNotification. To send info-level logs about advanced security features user activity, set to userAuthEvents.

Type: FirehoseConfigurationType structure

The Amazon Data Firehose stream destination of user activity log export with advanced security features. To activate this setting, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The errorlevel selection of logs that a user pool sends for detailed activity logging. To send userNotification activity with information about message delivery, choose ERROR with CloudWatchLogsConfiguration. To send userAuthEvents activity with user logs from advanced security features, choose INFO with one of CloudWatchLogsConfiguration, FirehoseConfiguration, or S3Configuration.

Type: S3ConfigurationType structure

The Amazon S3 bucket destination of user activity log export with advanced security features. To activate this setting, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.



The logging parameters of a user pool returned in response to GetLogDeliveryConfiguration.

Required: Yes
Type: Array of LogConfigurationType structures

A logging destination of a user pool. User pools can have multiple logging destinations for message-delivery and user-activity logs.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The ID of the user pool where you configured logging.



This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito can't find a multi-factor authentication (MFA) method.

Type: string

The message returned when Amazon Cognito throws an MFA method not found exception.



This data type is no longer supported. Applies only to SMS multi-factor authentication (MFA) configurations. Does not apply to time-based one-time password (TOTP) software token MFA configurations.

Type: string

The attribute name of the MFA option type. The only valid value is phone_number.

Type: string

The delivery medium to send the MFA code. You can use this parameter to set only the SMS delivery medium value.



The message template structure.

Type: string

The message template for email messages. EmailMessage is allowed only if EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER.

Type: string

The subject line for email messages. EmailSubject is allowed only if EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER.

Type: string

The message template for SMS messages.



The new device metadata type.

Type: string

The device group key.

Type: string

The device key.



This exception is thrown when a user isn't authorized.

Type: string

The message returned when the Amazon Cognito service returns a not authorized exception.



The notify configuration type.

Type: NotifyEmailType structure

Email template used when a detected risk event is blocked.

Type: string

The email address that is sending the email. The address must be either individually verified with Amazon Simple Email Service, or from a domain that has been verified with Amazon SES.

Type: NotifyEmailType structure

The multi-factor authentication (MFA) email template used when MFA is challenged as part of a detected risk.

Type: NotifyEmailType structure

The email template used when a detected risk event is allowed.

Type: string

The destination to which the receiver of an email should reply to.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the identity that is associated with the sending authorization policy. This identity permits Amazon Cognito to send for the email address specified in the From parameter.



The notify email type.

Type: string

The email HTML body.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The email subject.

Type: string

The email text body.



The minimum and maximum values of an attribute that is of the number data type.

Type: string

The maximum length of a number attribute value. Must be a number less than or equal to 2^1023, represented as a string with a length of 131072 characters or fewer.

Type: string

The minimum value of an attribute that is of the number data type.



The message returned when a user's new password matches a previous password and doesn't comply with the password-history policy.

Type: string



The password policy type.

Type: int

The minimum length of the password in the policy that you have set. This value can't be less than 6.

Type: int

The number of previous passwords that you want Amazon Cognito to restrict each user from reusing. Users can't set a password that matches any of n previous passwords, where n is the value of PasswordHistorySize.

Password history isn't enforced and isn't displayed in DescribeUserPool responses when you set this value to 0 or don't provide it. To activate this setting, advanced security features must be active in your user pool.

Type: boolean

In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one lowercase letter in their password.

Type: boolean

In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one number in their password.

Type: boolean

In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one symbol in their password.

Type: boolean

In the password policy that you have set, refers to whether you have required users to use at least one uppercase letter in their password.

Type: int

The number of days a temporary password is valid in the password policy. If the user doesn't sign in during this time, an administrator must reset their password. Defaults to 7. If you submit a value of 0, Amazon Cognito treats it as a null value and sets TemporaryPasswordValidityDays to its default value.

When you set TemporaryPasswordValidityDays for a user pool, you can no longer set a value for the legacy UnusedAccountValidityDays parameter in that user pool.



This exception is thrown when a password reset is required.

Type: string

The message returned when a password reset is required.



The properties of a pre token generation Lambda trigger.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the function that you want to assign to your Lambda trigger.

This parameter and the PreTokenGeneration property of LambdaConfig have the same value. For new instances of pre token generation triggers, set LambdaArn.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The user pool trigger version of the request that Amazon Cognito sends to your Lambda function. Higher-numbered versions add fields that support new features.



This exception is thrown when a precondition is not met.

Type: string

The message returned when a precondition is not met.



A container for IdP details.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date the provider was last modified.

Type: string

The IdP name.

Type: string

The IdP type.



A container for information about an IdP for a user pool.

Type: string

The name of the provider attribute to link to, such as NameID.

Type: string

The value of the provider attribute to link to, such as xxxxx_account.

Type: string

The name of the provider, such as Facebook, Google, or Login with Amazon.



A map containing a priority as a key, and recovery method name as a value.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The recovery method for a user.

Required: Yes
Type: int

A positive integer specifying priority of a method with 1 being the highest priority.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service can't find the requested resource.

Type: string

The message returned when the Amazon Cognito service returns a resource not found exception.



A resource server scope.

Required: Yes
Type: string

A description of the scope.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The name of the scope.



A container for information about a resource server for a user pool.

Type: string

A unique resource server identifier for the resource server. The identifier can be an API friendly name like solar-system-data. You can also set an API URL like as your identifier.

Amazon Cognito represents scopes in the access token in the format $resource-server-identifier/$scope. Longer scope-identifier strings increase the size of your access tokens.

Type: string

The name of the resource server.

Type: Array of ResourceServerScopeType structures

A list of scopes that are defined for the resource server.

Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that hosts the resource server.



The risk configuration type.


The account takeover risk configuration object, including the NotifyConfiguration object and Actions to take if there is an account takeover.

Type: string

The app client ID.


The compromised credentials risk configuration object, including the EventFilter and the EventAction.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.


The configuration to override the risk decision.

Type: string

The user pool ID.



The type of the configuration to override the risk decision.

Type: Array of strings

Overrides the risk decision to always block the pre-authentication requests. The IP range is in CIDR notation, a compact representation of an IP address and its routing prefix.

Type: Array of strings

Risk detection isn't performed on the IP addresses in this range list. The IP range is in CIDR notation.



Configuration for the Amazon S3 bucket destination of user activity log export with advanced security features.

Type: string

The ARN of an Amazon S3 bucket that's the destination for advanced security features log export.



The type used for enabling SMS multi-factor authentication (MFA) at the user level. Phone numbers don't need to be verified to be used for SMS MFA. If an MFA type is activated for a user, the user will be prompted for MFA during all sign-in attempts, unless device tracking is turned on and the device has been trusted. If you would like MFA to be applied selectively based on the assessed risk level of sign-in attempts, deactivate MFA for users and turn on Adaptive Authentication for the user pool.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether SMS message MFA is activated. If an MFA type is activated for a user, the user will be prompted for MFA during all sign-in attempts, unless device tracking is turned on and the device has been trusted.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether SMS is the preferred MFA method.



A list of the user attributes and their properties in your user pool. The attribute schema contains standard attributes, custom attributes with a custom: prefix, and developer attributes with a dev: prefix. For more information, see User pool attributes.

Developer-only attributes are a legacy feature of user pools, are read-only to all app clients. You can create and update developer-only attributes only with IAM-authenticated API operations. Use app client read/write permissions instead.

Type: string

The data format of the values for your attribute. When you choose an AttributeDataType, Amazon Cognito validates the input against the data type. A custom attribute value in your user's ID token is always a string, for example "custom:isMember" : "true" or "custom:YearsAsMember" : "12".

Type: boolean

You should use WriteAttributes in the user pool client to control how attributes can be mutated for new use cases instead of using DeveloperOnlyAttribute.

Specifies whether the attribute type is developer only. This attribute can only be modified by an administrator. Users won't be able to modify this attribute using their access token. For example, DeveloperOnlyAttribute can be modified using AdminUpdateUserAttributes but can't be updated using UpdateUserAttributes.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether the value of the attribute can be changed.

Any user pool attribute whose value you map from an IdP attribute must be mutable, with a parameter value of true. Amazon Cognito updates mapped attributes when users sign in to your application through an IdP. If an attribute is immutable, Amazon Cognito throws an error when it attempts to update the attribute. For more information, see Specifying Identity Provider Attribute Mappings for Your User Pool.

Type: string

The name of your user pool attribute. When you create or update a user pool, adding a schema attribute creates a custom or developer-only attribute. When you add an attribute with a Name value of MyAttribute, Amazon Cognito creates the custom attribute custom:MyAttribute. When DeveloperOnlyAttribute is true, Amazon Cognito creates your attribute as dev:MyAttribute. In an operation that describes a user pool, Amazon Cognito returns this value as value for standard attributes, custom:value for custom attributes, and dev:value for developer-only attributes..


Specifies the constraints for an attribute of the number type.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether a user pool attribute is required. If the attribute is required and the user doesn't provide a value, registration or sign-in will fail.


Specifies the constraints for an attribute of the string type.



This exception is thrown when the specified scope doesn't exist.

Type: string



The SMS configuration type is the settings that your Amazon Cognito user pool must use to send an SMS message from your Amazon Web Services account through Amazon Simple Notification Service. To send SMS messages with Amazon SNS in the Amazon Web Services Region that you want, the Amazon Cognito user pool uses an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role in your Amazon Web Services account.

Type: string

The external ID provides additional security for your IAM role. You can use an ExternalId with the IAM role that you use with Amazon SNS to send SMS messages for your user pool. If you provide an ExternalId, your Amazon Cognito user pool includes it in the request to assume your IAM role. You can configure the role trust policy to require that Amazon Cognito, and any principal, provide the ExternalID. If you use the Amazon Cognito Management Console to create a role for SMS multi-factor authentication (MFA), Amazon Cognito creates a role with the required permissions and a trust policy that demonstrates use of the ExternalId.

For more information about the ExternalId of a role, see How to use an external ID when granting access to your Amazon Web Services resources to a third party

Required: Yes
Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the Amazon SNS caller. This is the ARN of the IAM role in your Amazon Web Services account that Amazon Cognito will use to send SMS messages. SMS messages are subject to a spending limit.

Type: string

The Amazon Web Services Region to use with Amazon SNS integration. You can choose the same Region as your user pool, or a supported Legacy Amazon SNS alternate Region.

Amazon Cognito resources in the Asia Pacific (Seoul) Amazon Web Services Region must use your Amazon SNS configuration in the Asia Pacific (Tokyo) Region. For more information, see SMS message settings for Amazon Cognito user pools.



Configures user pool SMS messages for multi-factor authentication (MFA). Sets the message template and the SMS message sending configuration for Amazon SNS.

Type: string

The SMS message that your user pool sends to users with an MFA code. The message must contain the {####} placeholder. In the message, Amazon Cognito replaces this placeholder with the code. If you don't provide this parameter, Amazon Cognito sends messages in the default format.

Type: SmsConfigurationType structure

The SMS configuration with the settings that your Amazon Cognito user pool must use to send an SMS message from your Amazon Web Services account through Amazon Simple Notification Service. To request Amazon SNS in the Amazon Web Services Region that you want, the Amazon Cognito user pool uses an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role that you provide for your Amazon Web Services account.



This exception is thrown when the software token time-based one-time password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication (MFA) isn't activated for the user pool.

Type: string



Configures a user pool for time-based one-time password (TOTP) multi-factor authentication (MFA). Enables or disables TOTP.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether software token MFA is activated.



The type used for enabling software token MFA at the user level. If an MFA type is activated for a user, the user will be prompted for MFA during all sign-in attempts, unless device tracking is turned on and the device has been trusted. If you want MFA to be applied selectively based on the assessed risk level of sign-in attempts, deactivate MFA for users and turn on Adaptive Authentication for the user pool.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether software token MFA is activated. If an MFA type is activated for a user, the user will be prompted for MFA during all sign-in attempts, unless device tracking is turned on and the device has been trusted.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether software token MFA is the preferred MFA method.



The constraints associated with a string attribute.

Type: string

The maximum length of a string attribute value. Must be a number less than or equal to 2^1023, represented as a string with a length of 131072 characters or fewer.

Type: string

The minimum length.



The data type TokenValidityUnits specifies the time units you use when you set the duration of ID, access, and refresh tokens.

Type: string

A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the AccessTokenValidity parameter. The default AccessTokenValidity time unit is hours. AccessTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.

Type: string

A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the IdTokenValidity parameter. The default IdTokenValidity time unit is hours. IdTokenValidity duration can range from five minutes to one day.

Type: string

A time unit of seconds, minutes, hours, or days for the value that you set in the RefreshTokenValidity parameter. The default RefreshTokenValidity time unit is days. RefreshTokenValidity duration can range from 60 minutes to 10 years.



This exception is thrown when the user has made too many failed attempts for a given action, such as sign-in.

Type: string

The message returned when Amazon Cognito returns a TooManyFailedAttempts exception.



This exception is thrown when the user has made too many requests for a given operation.

Type: string

The message returned when the Amazon Cognito service returns a too many requests exception.



A container for the UI customization information for a user pool's built-in app UI.

Type: string

The CSS values in the UI customization.

Type: string

The CSS version number.

Type: string

The client ID for the client app.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: string

The logo image for the UI customization.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool.



Exception that is thrown when the request isn't authorized. This can happen due to an invalid access token in the request.

Type: string



This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters an unexpected exception with Lambda.

Type: string

The message returned when Amazon Cognito returns an unexpected Lambda exception.



This exception is thrown when the specified identifier isn't supported.

Type: string



Exception that is thrown when you attempt to perform an operation that isn't enabled for the user pool client.

Type: string



Exception that is thrown when an unsupported token is passed to an operation.

Type: string



The request failed because the user is in an unsupported state.

Type: string

The message returned when the user is in an unsupported state.



The settings for updates to user attributes. These settings include the property AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate, a user-pool setting that tells Amazon Cognito how to handle changes to the value of your users' email address and phone number attributes. For more information, see Verifying updates to email addresses and phone numbers.

Type: Array of strings

Requires that your user verifies their email address, phone number, or both before Amazon Cognito updates the value of that attribute. When you update a user attribute that has this option activated, Amazon Cognito sends a verification message to the new phone number or email address. Amazon Cognito doesn’t change the value of the attribute until your user responds to the verification message and confirms the new value.

You can verify an updated email address or phone number with a VerifyUserAttribute API request. You can also call the AdminUpdateUserAttributes API and set email_verified or phone_number_verified to true.

When AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate is false, your user pool doesn't require that your users verify attribute changes before Amazon Cognito updates them. In a user pool where AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate is false, API operations that change attribute values can immediately update a user’s email or phone_number attribute.



Contextual data, such as the user's device fingerprint, IP address, or location, used for evaluating the risk of an unexpected event by Amazon Cognito advanced security.

Type: string

Encoded device-fingerprint details that your app collected with the Amazon Cognito context data collection library. For more information, see Adding user device and session data to API requests.

Type: string

The source IP address of your user's device.



This exception is thrown when you're trying to modify a user pool while a user import job is in progress for that pool.

Type: string

The message returned when the user pool has an import job running.



The user import job type.

Type: string

The role Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the Amazon CloudWatch Logging role for the user import job. For more information, see "Creating the CloudWatch Logs IAM Role" in the Amazon Cognito Developer Guide.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date when the user import job was completed.

Type: string

The message returned when the user import job is completed.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: long (int|float)

The number of users that couldn't be imported.

Type: long (int|float)

The number of users that were successfully imported.

Type: string

The job ID for the user import job.

Type: string

The job name for the user import job.

Type: string

The pre-signed URL to be used to upload the .csv file.

Type: long (int|float)

The number of users that were skipped.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date when the user import job was started.

Type: string

The status of the user import job. One of the following:

  • Created - The job was created but not started.

  • Pending - A transition state. You have started the job, but it has not begun importing users yet.

  • InProgress - The job has started, and users are being imported.

  • Stopping - You have stopped the job, but the job has not stopped importing users yet.

  • Stopped - You have stopped the job, and the job has stopped importing users.

  • Succeeded - The job has completed successfully.

  • Failed - The job has stopped due to an error.

  • Expired - You created a job, but did not start the job within 24-48 hours. All data associated with the job was deleted, and the job can't be started.

Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool that the users are being imported into.



This exception is thrown when the Amazon Cognito service encounters a user validation exception with the Lambda service.

Type: string

The message returned when the Amazon Cognito service returns a user validation exception with the Lambda service.



This exception is thrown when a user isn't confirmed successfully.

Type: string

The message returned when a user isn't confirmed successfully.



This exception is thrown when a user isn't found.

Type: string

The message returned when a user isn't found.



This exception is thrown when user pool add-ons aren't enabled.

Type: string



User pool add-ons. Contains settings for activation of advanced security features. To log user security information but take no action, set to AUDIT. To configure automatic security responses to risky traffic to your user pool, set to ENFORCED.

For more information, see Adding advanced security to a user pool.


Advanced security configuration options for additional authentication types in your user pool, including custom authentication.

Required: Yes
Type: string

The operating mode of advanced security features for standard authentication types in your user pool, including username-password and secure remote password (SRP) authentication.



The description of the user pool client.

Type: string

The ID of the client associated with the user pool.

Type: string

The client name from the user pool client description.

Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool where you want to describe the user pool client.



Contains information about a user pool client.

Type: int

The access token time limit. After this limit expires, your user can't use their access token. To specify the time unit for AccessTokenValidity as seconds, minutes, hours, or days, set a TokenValidityUnits value in your API request.

For example, when you set AccessTokenValidity to 10 and TokenValidityUnits to hours, your user can authorize access with their access token for 10 hours.

The default time unit for AccessTokenValidity in an API request is hours. Valid range is displayed below in seconds.

If you don't specify otherwise in the configuration of your app client, your access tokens are valid for one hour.

Type: Array of strings

The allowed OAuth flows.


Use a code grant flow, which provides an authorization code as the response. This code can be exchanged for access tokens with the /oauth2/token endpoint.


Issue the access token (and, optionally, ID token, based on scopes) directly to your user.


Issue the access token from the /oauth2/token endpoint directly to a non-person user using a combination of the client ID and client secret.

Type: boolean

Set to true to use OAuth 2.0 features in your user pool app client.

AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient must be true before you can configure the following features in your app client.

  • CallBackURLs: Callback URLs.

  • LogoutURLs: Sign-out redirect URLs.

  • AllowedOAuthScopes: OAuth 2.0 scopes.

  • AllowedOAuthFlows: Support for authorization code, implicit, and client credentials OAuth 2.0 grants.

To use OAuth 2.0 features, configure one of these features in the Amazon Cognito console or set AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient to true in a CreateUserPoolClient or UpdateUserPoolClient API request. If you don't set a value for AllowedOAuthFlowsUserPoolClient in a request with the CLI or SDKs, it defaults to false.

Type: Array of strings

The OAuth scopes that your app client supports. Possible values that OAuth provides are phone, email, openid, and profile. Possible values that Amazon Web Services provides are aws.cognito.signin.user.admin. Amazon Cognito also supports custom scopes that you create in Resource Servers.

Type: AnalyticsConfigurationType structure

The Amazon Pinpoint analytics configuration for the user pool client.

Amazon Cognito user pools only support sending events to Amazon Pinpoint projects in the US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 Region, regardless of the Region where the user pool resides.

Type: int

Amazon Cognito creates a session token for each API request in an authentication flow. AuthSessionValidity is the duration, in minutes, of that session token. Your user pool native user must respond to each authentication challenge before the session expires.

Type: Array of strings

A list of allowed redirect (callback) URLs for the IdPs.

A redirect URI must:

  • Be an absolute URI.

  • Be registered with the authorization server.

  • Not include a fragment component.

See OAuth 2.0 - Redirection Endpoint.

Amazon Cognito requires HTTPS over HTTP except for http://localhost for testing purposes only.

App callback URLs such as myapp://example are also supported.

Type: string

The ID of the client associated with the user pool.

Type: string

The client name from the user pool request of the client type.

Type: string

The client secret from the user pool request of the client type.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: string

The default redirect URI. Must be in the CallbackURLs list.

A redirect URI must:

  • Be an absolute URI.

  • Be registered with the authorization server.

  • Not include a fragment component.

See OAuth 2.0 - Redirection Endpoint.

Amazon Cognito requires HTTPS over HTTP except for http://localhost for testing purposes only.

App callback URLs such as myapp://example are also supported.

Type: boolean

When EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData is true, Amazon Cognito accepts an IpAddress value that you send in the UserContextData parameter. The UserContextData parameter sends information to Amazon Cognito advanced security for risk analysis. You can send UserContextData when you sign in Amazon Cognito native users with the InitiateAuth and RespondToAuthChallenge API operations.

When EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData is false, you can't send your user's source IP address to Amazon Cognito advanced security with unauthenticated API operations. EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData doesn't affect whether you can send a source IP address in a ContextData parameter with the authenticated API operations AdminInitiateAuth and AdminRespondToAuthChallenge.

You can only activate EnablePropagateAdditionalUserContextData in an app client that has a client secret. For more information about propagation of user context data, see Adding user device and session data to API requests.

Type: boolean

Indicates whether token revocation is activated for the user pool client. When you create a new user pool client, token revocation is activated by default. For more information about revoking tokens, see RevokeToken.

Type: Array of strings

The authentication flows that you want your user pool client to support. For each app client in your user pool, you can sign in your users with any combination of one or more flows, including with a user name and Secure Remote Password (SRP), a user name and password, or a custom authentication process that you define with Lambda functions.

If you don't specify a value for ExplicitAuthFlows, your user client supports ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH, ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH, and ALLOW_CUSTOM_AUTH.

Valid values include:

  • ALLOW_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH: Enable admin based user password authentication flow ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH. This setting replaces the ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH setting. With this authentication flow, your app passes a user name and password to Amazon Cognito in the request, instead of using the Secure Remote Password (SRP) protocol to securely transmit the password.

  • ALLOW_CUSTOM_AUTH: Enable Lambda trigger based authentication.

  • ALLOW_USER_PASSWORD_AUTH: Enable user password-based authentication. In this flow, Amazon Cognito receives the password in the request instead of using the SRP protocol to verify passwords.

  • ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH: Enable SRP-based authentication.

  • ALLOW_REFRESH_TOKEN_AUTH: Enable authflow to refresh tokens.

In some environments, you will see the values ADMIN_NO_SRP_AUTH, CUSTOM_AUTH_FLOW_ONLY, or USER_PASSWORD_AUTH. You can't assign these legacy ExplicitAuthFlows values to user pool clients at the same time as values that begin with ALLOW_, like ALLOW_USER_SRP_AUTH.

Type: int

The ID token time limit. After this limit expires, your user can't use their ID token. To specify the time unit for IdTokenValidity as seconds, minutes, hours, or days, set a TokenValidityUnits value in your API request.

For example, when you set IdTokenValidity as 10 and TokenValidityUnits as hours, your user can authenticate their session with their ID token for 10 hours.

The default time unit for IdTokenValidity in an API request is hours. Valid range is displayed below in seconds.

If you don't specify otherwise in the configuration of your app client, your ID tokens are valid for one hour.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: Array of strings

A list of allowed logout URLs for the IdPs.

Type: string

Errors and responses that you want Amazon Cognito APIs to return during authentication, account confirmation, and password recovery when the user doesn't exist in the user pool. When set to ENABLED and the user doesn't exist, authentication returns an error indicating either the username or password was incorrect. Account confirmation and password recovery return a response indicating a code was sent to a simulated destination. When set to LEGACY, those APIs return a UserNotFoundException exception if the user doesn't exist in the user pool.

Valid values include:

  • ENABLED - This prevents user existence-related errors.

  • LEGACY - This represents the early behavior of Amazon Cognito where user existence related errors aren't prevented.

Defaults to LEGACY when you don't provide a value.

Type: Array of strings

The list of user attributes that you want your app client to have read access to. After your user authenticates in your app, their access token authorizes them to read their own attribute value for any attribute in this list. An example of this kind of activity is when your user selects a link to view their profile information. Your app makes a GetUser API request to retrieve and display your user's profile data.

When you don't specify the ReadAttributes for your app client, your app can read the values of email_verified, phone_number_verified, and the Standard attributes of your user pool. When your user pool app client has read access to these default attributes, ReadAttributes doesn't return any information. Amazon Cognito only populates ReadAttributes in the API response if you have specified your own custom set of read attributes.

Type: int

The refresh token time limit. After this limit expires, your user can't use their refresh token. To specify the time unit for RefreshTokenValidity as seconds, minutes, hours, or days, set a TokenValidityUnits value in your API request.

For example, when you set RefreshTokenValidity as 10 and TokenValidityUnits as days, your user can refresh their session and retrieve new access and ID tokens for 10 days.

The default time unit for RefreshTokenValidity in an API request is days. You can't set RefreshTokenValidity to 0. If you do, Amazon Cognito overrides the value with the default value of 30 days. Valid range is displayed below in seconds.

If you don't specify otherwise in the configuration of your app client, your refresh tokens are valid for 30 days.

Type: Array of strings

A list of provider names for the IdPs that this client supports. The following are supported: COGNITO, Facebook, Google, SignInWithApple, LoginWithAmazon, and the names of your own SAML and OIDC providers.

Type: TokenValidityUnitsType structure

The time units used to specify the token validity times of each token type: ID, access, and refresh.

Type: string

The user pool ID for the user pool client.

Type: Array of strings

The list of user attributes that you want your app client to have write access to. After your user authenticates in your app, their access token authorizes them to set or modify their own attribute value for any attribute in this list. An example of this kind of activity is when you present your user with a form to update their profile information and they change their last name. Your app then makes an UpdateUserAttributes API request and sets family_name to the new value.

When you don't specify the WriteAttributes for your app client, your app can write the values of the Standard attributes of your user pool. When your user pool has write access to these default attributes, WriteAttributes doesn't return any information. Amazon Cognito only populates WriteAttributes in the API response if you have specified your own custom set of write attributes.

If your app client allows users to sign in through an IdP, this array must include all attributes that you have mapped to IdP attributes. Amazon Cognito updates mapped attributes when users sign in to your application through an IdP. If your app client does not have write access to a mapped attribute, Amazon Cognito throws an error when it tries to update the attribute. For more information, see Specifying IdP Attribute Mappings for Your user pool.



A user pool description.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: string

The ID in a user pool description.

Type: LambdaConfigType structure

The Lambda configuration information in a user pool description.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: string

The name in a user pool description.

Type: string

The user pool status in a user pool description.



The policy associated with a user pool.

Type: PasswordPolicyType structure

The password policy.



This exception is thrown when a user pool tag can't be set or updated.

Type: string



A container for information about the user pool.

Type: AccountRecoverySettingType structure

The available verified method a user can use to recover their password when they call ForgotPassword. You can use this setting to define a preferred method when a user has more than one method available. With this setting, SMS doesn't qualify for a valid password recovery mechanism if the user also has SMS multi-factor authentication (MFA) activated. In the absence of this setting, Amazon Cognito uses the legacy behavior to determine the recovery method where SMS is preferred through email.

Type: AdminCreateUserConfigType structure

The configuration for AdminCreateUser requests.

Type: Array of strings

The attributes that are aliased in a user pool.

Type: string

The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for the user pool.

Type: Array of strings

The attributes that are auto-verified in a user pool.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was created. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: string

A custom domain name that you provide to Amazon Cognito. This parameter applies only if you use a custom domain to host the sign-up and sign-in pages for your application. An example of a custom domain name might be

For more information about adding a custom domain to your user pool, see Using Your Own Domain for the Hosted UI.

Type: string

When active, DeletionProtection prevents accidental deletion of your user pool. Before you can delete a user pool that you have protected against deletion, you must deactivate this feature.

When you try to delete a protected user pool in a DeleteUserPool API request, Amazon Cognito returns an InvalidParameterException error. To delete a protected user pool, send a new DeleteUserPool request after you deactivate deletion protection in an UpdateUserPool API request.

Type: DeviceConfigurationType structure

The device-remembering configuration for a user pool. A null value indicates that you have deactivated device remembering in your user pool.

When you provide a value for any DeviceConfiguration field, you activate the Amazon Cognito device-remembering feature.

Type: string

The domain prefix, if the user pool has a domain associated with it.

Type: EmailConfigurationType structure

The email configuration of your user pool. The email configuration type sets your preferred sending method, Amazon Web Services Region, and sender for messages from your user pool.

Type: string

Deprecated. Review error codes from API requests with in CloudTrail for information about problems with user pool email configuration.

Type: string

This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.

Type: string

This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.

Type: int

A number estimating the size of the user pool.

Type: string

The ID of the user pool.

Type: LambdaConfigType structure

The Lambda triggers associated with the user pool.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: string

Can be one of the following values:

  • OFF - MFA tokens aren't required and can't be specified during user registration.

  • ON - MFA tokens are required for all user registrations. You can only specify required when you're initially creating a user pool.

  • OPTIONAL - Users have the option when registering to create an MFA token.

Type: string

The name of the user pool.

Type: UserPoolPolicyType structure

The policies associated with the user pool.

Type: Array of SchemaAttributeType structures

A list of the user attributes and their properties in your user pool. The attribute schema contains standard attributes, custom attributes with a custom: prefix, and developer attributes with a dev: prefix. For more information, see User pool attributes.

Developer-only attributes are a legacy feature of user pools, are read-only to all app clients. You can create and update developer-only attributes only with IAM-authenticated API operations. Use app client read/write permissions instead.

Type: string

The contents of the SMS authentication message.

Type: SmsConfigurationType structure

The SMS configuration with the settings that your Amazon Cognito user pool must use to send an SMS message from your Amazon Web Services account through Amazon Simple Notification Service. To send SMS messages with Amazon SNS in the Amazon Web Services Region that you want, the Amazon Cognito user pool uses an Identity and Access Management (IAM) role in your Amazon Web Services account.

Type: string

The reason why the SMS configuration can't send the messages to your users.

This message might include comma-separated values to describe why your SMS configuration can't send messages to user pool end users.


The Identity and Access Management role that Amazon Cognito uses to send SMS messages isn't properly configured. For more information, see SmsConfigurationType.


The Amazon Web Services account is in the SNS SMS Sandbox and messages will only reach verified end users. This parameter won’t get populated with SNSSandbox if the user creating the user pool doesn’t have SNS permissions. To learn how to move your Amazon Web Services account out of the sandbox, see Moving out of the SMS sandbox.

Type: string

This parameter is no longer used. See VerificationMessageTemplateType.

Type: string

This parameter is no longer used.


The settings for updates to user attributes. These settings include the property AttributesRequireVerificationBeforeUpdate, a user-pool setting that tells Amazon Cognito how to handle changes to the value of your users' email address and phone number attributes. For more information, see Verifying updates to email addresses and phone numbers.

Type: UserPoolAddOnsType structure

User pool add-ons. Contains settings for activation of advanced security features. To log user security information but take no action, set to AUDIT. To configure automatic security responses to risky traffic to your user pool, set to ENFORCED.

For more information, see Adding advanced security to a user pool.

Type: Associative array of custom strings keys (TagKeysType) to strings

The tags that are assigned to the user pool. A tag is a label that you can apply to user pools to categorize and manage them in different ways, such as by purpose, owner, environment, or other criteria.

Type: Array of strings

Specifies whether a user can use an email address or phone number as a username when they sign up.

Type: UsernameConfigurationType structure

Case sensitivity of the username input for the selected sign-in option. For example, when case sensitivity is set to False, users can sign in using either "username" or "Username". This configuration is immutable once it has been set. For more information, see UsernameConfigurationType.


The template for verification messages.



A user profile in a Amazon Cognito user pool.

Type: Array of AttributeType structures

A container with information about the user type attributes.

Type: boolean

Specifies whether the user is enabled.

Type: Array of MFAOptionType structures

The MFA options for the user.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The creation date of the user.

Type: timestamp (string|DateTime or anything parsable by strtotime)

The date and time when the item was modified. Amazon Cognito returns this timestamp in UNIX epoch time format. Your SDK might render the output in a human-readable format like ISO 8601 or a Java Date object.

Type: string

The user status. This can be one of the following:

  • UNCONFIRMED - User has been created but not confirmed.

  • CONFIRMED - User has been confirmed.

  • EXTERNAL_PROVIDER - User signed in with a third-party IdP.

  • UNKNOWN - User status isn't known.

  • RESET_REQUIRED - User is confirmed, but the user must request a code and reset their password before they can sign in.

  • FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD - The user is confirmed and the user can sign in using a temporary password, but on first sign-in, the user must change their password to a new value before doing anything else.

Type: string

The user name of the user you want to describe.



The username configuration type.

Required: Yes
Type: boolean

Specifies whether user name case sensitivity will be applied for all users in the user pool through Amazon Cognito APIs. For most use cases, set case sensitivity to False (case insensitive) as a best practice. When usernames and email addresses are case insensitive, users can sign in as the same user when they enter a different capitalization of their user name.

Valid values include:


Enables case sensitivity for all username input. When this option is set to True, users must sign in using the exact capitalization of their given username, such as “UserName”. This is the default value.


Enables case insensitivity for all username input. For example, when this option is set to False, users can sign in using username, USERNAME, or UserName. This option also enables both preferred_username and email alias to be case insensitive, in addition to the username attribute.



This exception is thrown when Amazon Cognito encounters a user name that already exists in the user pool.

Type: string

The message returned when Amazon Cognito throws a user name exists exception.



The template for verification messages.

Type: string

The default email option.

Type: string

The template for email messages that Amazon Cognito sends to your users. You can set an EmailMessage template only if the value of EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER. When your EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER, your user pool sends email messages with your own Amazon SES configuration.

Type: string

The email message template for sending a confirmation link to the user. You can set an EmailMessageByLink template only if the value of EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER. When your EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER, your user pool sends email messages with your own Amazon SES configuration.

Type: string

The subject line for the email message template. You can set an EmailSubject template only if the value of EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER. When your EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER, your user pool sends email messages with your own Amazon SES configuration.

Type: string

The subject line for the email message template for sending a confirmation link to the user. You can set an EmailSubjectByLink template only if the value of EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER. When your EmailSendingAccount is DEVELOPER, your user pool sends email messages with your own Amazon SES configuration.

Type: string

The template for SMS messages that Amazon Cognito sends to your users.