interface CfnJobDefinitionProps
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Language | Type name |
![]() | Amazon.CDK.AWS.Batch.CfnJobDefinitionProps |
![]() | |
![]() | aws_cdk.aws_batch.CfnJobDefinitionProps |
![]() | @aws-cdk/aws-batch » CfnJobDefinitionProps |
Properties for defining a CfnJobDefinition
// The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
// The values are placeholders you should change.
import * as batch from '@aws-cdk/aws-batch';
declare const labels: any;
declare const limits: any;
declare const options: any;
declare const parameters: any;
declare const requests: any;
declare const tags: any;
const cfnJobDefinitionProps: batch.CfnJobDefinitionProps = {
type: 'type',
// the properties below are optional
containerProperties: {
image: 'image',
// the properties below are optional
command: ['command'],
environment: [{
name: 'name',
value: 'value',
ephemeralStorage: {
sizeInGiB: 123,
executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',
fargatePlatformConfiguration: {
platformVersion: 'platformVersion',
instanceType: 'instanceType',
jobRoleArn: 'jobRoleArn',
linuxParameters: {
devices: [{
containerPath: 'containerPath',
hostPath: 'hostPath',
permissions: ['permissions'],
initProcessEnabled: false,
maxSwap: 123,
sharedMemorySize: 123,
swappiness: 123,
tmpfs: [{
containerPath: 'containerPath',
size: 123,
// the properties below are optional
mountOptions: ['mountOptions'],
logConfiguration: {
logDriver: 'logDriver',
// the properties below are optional
options: options,
secretOptions: [{
name: 'name',
valueFrom: 'valueFrom',
memory: 123,
mountPoints: [{
containerPath: 'containerPath',
readOnly: false,
sourceVolume: 'sourceVolume',
networkConfiguration: {
assignPublicIp: 'assignPublicIp',
privileged: false,
readonlyRootFilesystem: false,
resourceRequirements: [{
type: 'type',
value: 'value',
secrets: [{
name: 'name',
valueFrom: 'valueFrom',
ulimits: [{
hardLimit: 123,
name: 'name',
softLimit: 123,
user: 'user',
vcpus: 123,
volumes: [{
efsVolumeConfiguration: {
fileSystemId: 'fileSystemId',
// the properties below are optional
authorizationConfig: {
accessPointId: 'accessPointId',
iam: 'iam',
rootDirectory: 'rootDirectory',
transitEncryption: 'transitEncryption',
transitEncryptionPort: 123,
host: {
sourcePath: 'sourcePath',
name: 'name',
eksProperties: {
podProperties: {
containers: [{
image: 'image',
// the properties below are optional
args: ['args'],
command: ['command'],
env: [{
name: 'name',
// the properties below are optional
value: 'value',
imagePullPolicy: 'imagePullPolicy',
name: 'name',
resources: {
limits: limits,
requests: requests,
securityContext: {
privileged: false,
readOnlyRootFilesystem: false,
runAsGroup: 123,
runAsNonRoot: false,
runAsUser: 123,
volumeMounts: [{
mountPath: 'mountPath',
name: 'name',
readOnly: false,
dnsPolicy: 'dnsPolicy',
hostNetwork: false,
metadata: {
labels: labels,
serviceAccountName: 'serviceAccountName',
volumes: [{
name: 'name',
// the properties below are optional
emptyDir: {
medium: 'medium',
sizeLimit: 'sizeLimit',
hostPath: {
path: 'path',
secret: {
secretName: 'secretName',
// the properties below are optional
optional: false,
jobDefinitionName: 'jobDefinitionName',
nodeProperties: {
mainNode: 123,
nodeRangeProperties: [{
targetNodes: 'targetNodes',
// the properties below are optional
container: {
image: 'image',
// the properties below are optional
command: ['command'],
environment: [{
name: 'name',
value: 'value',
ephemeralStorage: {
sizeInGiB: 123,
executionRoleArn: 'executionRoleArn',
fargatePlatformConfiguration: {
platformVersion: 'platformVersion',
instanceType: 'instanceType',
jobRoleArn: 'jobRoleArn',
linuxParameters: {
devices: [{
containerPath: 'containerPath',
hostPath: 'hostPath',
permissions: ['permissions'],
initProcessEnabled: false,
maxSwap: 123,
sharedMemorySize: 123,
swappiness: 123,
tmpfs: [{
containerPath: 'containerPath',
size: 123,
// the properties below are optional
mountOptions: ['mountOptions'],
logConfiguration: {
logDriver: 'logDriver',
// the properties below are optional
options: options,
secretOptions: [{
name: 'name',
valueFrom: 'valueFrom',
memory: 123,
mountPoints: [{
containerPath: 'containerPath',
readOnly: false,
sourceVolume: 'sourceVolume',
networkConfiguration: {
assignPublicIp: 'assignPublicIp',
privileged: false,
readonlyRootFilesystem: false,
resourceRequirements: [{
type: 'type',
value: 'value',
secrets: [{
name: 'name',
valueFrom: 'valueFrom',
ulimits: [{
hardLimit: 123,
name: 'name',
softLimit: 123,
user: 'user',
vcpus: 123,
volumes: [{
efsVolumeConfiguration: {
fileSystemId: 'fileSystemId',
// the properties below are optional
authorizationConfig: {
accessPointId: 'accessPointId',
iam: 'iam',
rootDirectory: 'rootDirectory',
transitEncryption: 'transitEncryption',
transitEncryptionPort: 123,
host: {
sourcePath: 'sourcePath',
name: 'name',
numNodes: 123,
parameters: parameters,
platformCapabilities: ['platformCapabilities'],
propagateTags: false,
retryStrategy: {
attempts: 123,
evaluateOnExit: [{
action: 'action',
// the properties below are optional
onExitCode: 'onExitCode',
onReason: 'onReason',
onStatusReason: 'onStatusReason',
schedulingPriority: 123,
tags: tags,
timeout: {
attemptDurationSeconds: 123,
Name | Type | Description |
type | string | The type of job definition. |
container | IResolvable | Container | An object with various properties specific to Amazon ECS based jobs. |
eks | IResolvable | Eks | An object with various properties that are specific to Amazon EKS based jobs. |
job | string | The name of the job definition. |
node | IResolvable | Node | An object with various properties that are specific to multi-node parallel jobs. |
parameters? | any | Default parameters or parameter substitution placeholders that are set in the job definition. |
platform | string[] | The platform capabilities required by the job definition. |
propagate | boolean | IResolvable | Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the job or job definition to the corresponding Amazon ECS task. |
retry | IResolvable | Retry | The retry strategy to use for failed jobs that are submitted with this job definition. |
scheduling | number | The scheduling priority of the job definition. |
tags? | any | The tags that are applied to the job definition. |
timeout? | IResolvable | Timeout | The timeout time for jobs that are submitted with this job definition. |
The type of job definition.
For more information about multi-node parallel jobs, see Creating a multi-node parallel job definition in the AWS Batch User Guide .
If the job is run on Fargate resources, then
isn't supported.
An object with various properties specific to Amazon ECS based jobs.
Valid values are containerProperties
, eksProperties
, and nodeProperties
. Only one can be specified.
An object with various properties that are specific to Amazon EKS based jobs.
Valid values are containerProperties
, eksProperties
, and nodeProperties
. Only one can be specified.
The name of the job definition.
An object with various properties that are specific to multi-node parallel jobs.
Valid values are containerProperties
, eksProperties
, and nodeProperties
. Only one can be specified.
If the job runs on Fargate resources, don't specify
. UsecontainerProperties
Default parameters or parameter substitution placeholders that are set in the job definition.
Parameters are specified as a key-value pair mapping. Parameters in a SubmitJob
request override any corresponding parameter defaults from the job definition. For more information about specifying parameters, see Job definition parameters in the AWS Batch User Guide .
The platform capabilities required by the job definition.
If no value is specified, it defaults to EC2
. Jobs run on Fargate resources specify FARGATE
boolean |
Specifies whether to propagate the tags from the job or job definition to the corresponding Amazon ECS task.
If no value is specified, the tags aren't propagated. Tags can only be propagated to the tasks when the tasks are created. For tags with the same name, job tags are given priority over job definitions tags. If the total number of combined tags from the job and job definition is over 50, the job is moved to the FAILED
The retry strategy to use for failed jobs that are submitted with this job definition.
The scheduling priority of the job definition.
This only affects jobs in job queues with a fair share policy. Jobs with a higher scheduling priority are scheduled before jobs with a lower scheduling priority.
The tags that are applied to the job definition.
The timeout time for jobs that are submitted with this job definition.
After the amount of time you specify passes, AWS Batch terminates your jobs if they aren't finished.