Support for npm-compatible package managers - CodeArtifact

Support for npm-compatible package managers

These other package managers are compatible with CodeArtifact and work with the npm package format and npm wire protocol:

  • pnpm package manager. The latest version confirmed to work with CodeArtifact is 3.3.4, which was released on May 18, 2019.

  • Yarn package manager. The latest version confirmed to work with CodeArtifact is 1.21.1, which was released on December 11, 2019.


We recommend using Yarn 2.x with CodeArtifact. Yarn 1.x does not have HTTP retries, which means it is more susceptible to intermittent service faults which result in 500-level status codes or errors. There is no way to configure a different retry strategy for Yarn 1.x, but this has been added in Yarn 2.x. You can use Yarn 1.x, but you may need to add higher-level retries in build scripts. For example, running your yarn command in a loop so that it will retry if downloading packages fails.