模型评估作业的输出将保存在创建模型评估作业时指定的 Amazon S3 存储桶中。模型评估作业的结果保存为JSON行文件 (.jsonl
模型评估作业的结果将保存在您指定的 S3 存储桶中,如下所示。
_output.jsonl -
以下主题描述了如何将自动模型评估作业和人工模型评估作业的结果保存在 Amazon S3 中。
当作业状态变为已完成时,自动评估作业的结果将存储在 datasets
模型评估作业的每个结果都以 automatedEvaluationResult
键开头。第一个子键 scores
包含您在 Amazon Bedrock 控制台中选择的指标。此示例中仅选择了一个指标 Accuracy
。它还包含所选指标的计算值 result
。要详细了解计算的具体值,请参阅 在 Amazon Bedrock(控制台)中查看自动模型评测作业的指标。
第二个键 inputRecord
"automatedEvaluationResult": {
"scores": [{
"metricName": "Accuracy",
"result": 0.31920555233955383
"inputRecord": {
"prompt": "Human: two bodies have been recovered from a flooded coal mine in yiyang city , central china 's henan province , as of #:## thursday morning , rescuers said . Assistant:",
"referenceResponse": "two bodies recovered from flooded coal mine in c. china"
"modelResponses": [{
"modelIdentifier": "arn:aws:bedrock:us-west-2::foundation-model/anthropic.claude-v2",
"response": " Here are the key points I gathered from your news summary:\n\n- Two bodies have been recovered from a flooded coal mine in Yiyang City, in China's Henan province.\n\n- This happened as of Thursday morning, according to rescuers.\n\n- The location is central China's Henan province. \n\n- Yiyang City is where the flooded coal mine is located.\n\n- The coal mine was flooded, leading to the two deaths and need for rescue/recovery efforts.\n\n- This news is developing as of Thursday morning, so the death toll and rescue details may still be unfolding.\n\nPlease let me know if I have accurately summarized the key information or if you would like me to expand on any part of it."
参数 | 值类型 | 示例值 | 描述 |
flowDefinitionArn |
String |
arn:aws:sagemaker:us-west-2: |
用于创建人工回路的人ARN工审核工作流程(流程定义)的 Amazon 资源编号 ()。 |
humanAnswers |
JSON物体清单 |
中包含工作人员响应的JSON对象列表 |
String | system-generated-hash |
系统生成的 40 个字符的十六进制字符串。 |
inputRecord |
JSON 对象 |
包含来自输入数据集的输入提示的JSON对象。 |
modelResponses |
JSON物体清单 |
来自模型的各个响应。 |
inputContent |
对象 |
在 S3 存储桶中启动人工循环所需的人工循环输入内容。 |
modelResponseIdMap |
对象 |
"humanEvaluationResult": [{
"flowDefinitionArn": "arn:aws:sagemaker:us-west-2
"humanAnswers": [{
"acceptanceTime": "2023-11-09T19:17:43.107Z",
"answerContent": {
"evaluationResults": {
"thumbsUpDown": [{
"metricName": "Coherence",
"modelResponseId": "0",
"result": false
}, {
"metricName": "Accuracy",
"modelResponseId": "0",
"result": true
"individualLikertScale": [{
"metricName": "Toxicity",
"modelResponseId": "0",
"result": 1
"submissionTime": "2023-11-09T19:17:52.101Z",
"timeSpentInSeconds": 8.994,
"workerId": "444455556666",
"workerMetadata": {
"identityData": {
"identityProviderType": "Cognito",
"issuer": "https://cognito-idp.AWS 区域.amazonaws.com/AWS 区域_111222
"sub": "c6aa8eb7-9944-42e9-a6b9-
...Additional response have been truncated for clarity...
"humanLoopName": "b3b1c64a2166e001e094123456789012",
"instructions":"some dummy instructions"
"0":"arn:aws:bedrock:AWS 区域
"inputRecord": {
"category": "Fitness",
"prompt": "Human: What is High-Intensity Interval Training ? \\n\\nAssistant:",
"referenceResponse": "High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) is a cardiovascular exercise approach that involves short, intense bursts of exercise followed by brief recovery or rest periods. In HIIT, you perform exercises at near-maximum effort during the high-intensity intervals, which can include activities like sprinting, cycling, jumping, or body weight exercises such as burpees or push-ups. These intense intervals are interspersed with short recovery periods to lower your heart rate before the next high-intensity bout. HIIT workouts usually consist of multiple cycles of these intervals, and the number of cycles and the length of intervals can vary. HIIT is known for its time efficiency, making it an excellent choice for those with busy schedules. It offers both aerobic and anaerobic benefits, improving cardiovascular fitness, burning calories, and promoting fat loss, all while boosting metabolism for continued calorie burning post-workout."
"modelResponses": [{
"modelIdentifier": "arn:aws:bedrock:AWS 区域::foundation-model/model-id
"response": " High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a form of exercise that involves short bursts of intense activity alternated with recovery periods. Here are some key features of HIIT:\n\n- Alternates short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less intense recovery periods. The high-intensity periods are typically done at 80-95% of maximum heart rate.\n\n- The duration of the intense periods can range from 5 seconds to 8 minutes, but typically are in the range of 30 seconds to 4 minutes.\n\n- The total HIIT session typically lasts between 10-30 minutes, including warm-up, recovery periods, and cool down. \n\n- Uses exercises like sprints, cycling, rowing, jumping rope, stair climbing, swimming, etc. Movements that get your heart rate up quickly.\n\n- The short, intense intervals help improve cardiovascular fitness by increasing heart rate and oxygen consumption.\n\n- HIIT burns more calories and fat than steady-state cardio in a shorter time period. It also helps build muscle strength and endurance.\n\n- Considered an efficient and effective form of exercise for fat loss and improving aerobic power. But it requires motivation to push yourself during the intense intervals.\n\n- Not suitable for beginners due to the high-intensity. Start with steady-state cardio and build up endurance before trying HIIT.\n\nIn summary, HIIT intersperses intense bursts of"
下表说明了您在 Amazon Bedrock 控制台中为每个指标选择的评级方法是如何返回到您的 Amazon S3 存储桶中的。evaluationResults
所选评级方法 | 已保存在 Amazon S3 中 |
李克特量表 - 单个 | IndividualLikertScale |
李克特量表 - 比较 | ComparisonLikertScale |
选择按钮 | ComparisonChoice |
序数排名 | ComparisonRank |
大拇指向上/向下 | ThumbsUpDown |