Menu bar commands reference for the AWS Cloud9 IDE - AWS Cloud9

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Menu bar commands reference for the AWS Cloud9 IDE

The following lists describe the default menu bar commands in the AWS Cloud9 IDE. If the menu bar isn't visible, choose the thin bar along the top edge of the IDE to show it.

Command Description


Do one of the following:

  • Open the Preferences tab if it isn't open.

  • Make the Preferences tab active if it is open but not active.

  • Hide the Preferences tab if it is active.

See Working with Project Settings, Working with User Settings, Working with Keybindings, Working with Themes, and Working with Initialization Scripts.

Go To Your Dashboard

Open the AWS Cloud9 console in a separate web browser tab. See Creating an Environment, Opening an Environment, Changing Environment Settings, and Deleting an Environment.

Welcome Page

Open the Welcome tab.

Open Your Project Settings

Open the project.settings file for the current environment. See Working with Project Settings.

Open Your User Settings

Open the user.settings file for the current user. See Working with User Settings.

Open Your Keymap

Open the keybindings.settings file for the current user. See Working with Keybindings.

Open Your Init Script

Open the init.js file for the current user. See Working with Initialization Scripts.

Open Your Stylesheet

Open the styles.css file for the current user. See Working with Themes.

Command Description

New File

Create a new file.

New From Template

Create a new file, based on the chosen file template.


Show and go to the Navigate window.

Open Recent

Open the chosen file.


Save the current file.

Save As

Save the current file with a different file name, location, or both.

Save All

Save all unsaved files.

Revert to Saved

Discard changes for current file since it was last saved.

Revert All to Saved

Discard changes for all unsaved files since they were last saved.

Show File Revision History

View and manage changes to the current file in the editor. See Working with File Revisions.

Upload Local Files

Show the Upload Files dialog box, which enables you to drag files from your local computer into the environment.

Download Project

Combine the files in the environment into a .zip file, which you can download to your local computer.

Line Endings

Use Windows (carriage return plus line feed) or Unix (line feed only) line endings.

Close File

Close the current file.

Close All Files

Close all open files.

Command Description


Undo the last action.


Redo the last undone action.


Move the selection to the clipboard.


Copy the selection to the clipboard.


Copy the clipboard's contents to the selection point.

Keyboard Mode

The set of keybindings to use, such as Default, Vim, Emacs, or Sublime. See Working with Keybindings.

Selection, Select All

Select all selectable content.

Selection, Split Into Lines

Add a cursor at the end of the current line.

Selection, Single Selection

Clear all previous selections.

Selection, Multiple Selections, Add Cursor Up

Add a cursor one line above the active cursor. If a cursor is already added, add another cursor above that one.

Selection, Multiple Selections, Add Cursor Down

Add a cursor one line below the active cursor. If a cursor is already added, add another cursor below that one.

Selection, Multiple Selections, Move Active Cursor Up

Add a second cursor one line above the active cursor. If a second cursor is already added, move the second cursor up one line.

Selection, Multiple Selections, Move Active Cursor Down

Add a second cursor one line below the active cursor. If a second cursor is already added, move the second cursor down one line.

Selection, Multiple Selections, Add Next Selection Match

Include more matching selections that are after the selection.

Selection, Multiple Selections, Add Previous Selection Match

Include more matching selections that are before the selection.

Selection, Multiple Selections, Merge Selection Range

Add a cursor at the end of the current line.

Selection, Select Word Right

Include the next word to the right of the cursor in the selection.

Selection, Select Word Left

Include the next word to the left of the cursor in the selection.

Selection, Select to Line End

Include from the cursor to the end of the current line in the selection

Selection, Select to Line Start

Include from the beginning of the current line to the cursor in the selection.

Selection, Select to Document End

Include from the cursor down to the end of the current file in the selection.

Selection, Select to Document Start

Include from the cursor up to the beginning of the current file in the selection.

Line, Indent

Indent the selection one tab.

Line, Outdent

Outdent the selection one tab.

Line, Move Line Up

Move the selection up one line.

Line, Move Line Down

Move the selection down one line.

Line, Copy Lines Up

Copy the contents of the line, and paste the copied contents one line up.

Line, Copy Lines Down

Copy the contents of the line, and paste the copied contents one line down.

Line, Remove Line

Delete the contents of the current line.

Line, Remove to Line End

Delete from the cursor to the end of the current line.

Line, Remove to Line Start

Delete from the beginning of the current line up to the cursor.

Line, Split Line

Move the contents of the cursor to the end of the line, to its own line.

Text, Remove Word Right

Delete the word to the right of the cursor.

Text, Remove Word Left

Delete the word to the left of the cursor.

Text, Align

Move all cursors to the same space as the active cursor on each of their lines, if they are misaligned.

Text, Transpose Letters

Transpose the selection.

Text, To Upper Case

Change the selection to all uppercase.

Text, To Lower Case

Change the selection to all lowercase.

Comment, Toggle Comment

Add line comment characters at the start of each selected line, or remove them if they are there.

Code Folding, Toggle Fold

Fold code, or remove code folding if it is there.

Code Folding, Unfold

Unfold the selected code.

Code Folding, Fold Other

Fold all possibly foldable elements, except for the current selection scope.

Code Folding, Fold All

Fold all possibly foldable elements.

Code Folding, Unfold All

Unfold code folding for the entire file.

Code Formatting, Apply Code Formatting

Reformat the selected JavaScript code.

Code Formatting, Open Language & Formatting Preferences

Open the Project Settings section of the Preferences tab to programming language settings.

For more information, see Finding and Replacing Text.

Command Description


Show the find and replace bar for the current document, with focus on the Find expression.

Find Next

Go to the next match in the current document for the find query you entered last.

Find Previous

Go to the previous match in the current document for the find query you entered last.


Show the find and replace bar for the current document, with focus on the Replace With expression.

Replace Next

Replace the next match for Find with Replace With in the find and replace bar for the current document .

Replace Previous

Replace the previous match for Find with Replace With in the find and replace bar for the current document.

Replace All

Replace all matches for Find with Replace With in the find and replace bar for the current document.

Find in Files

Show the find and replace bar for multiple files.

Command Description


Show the chosen editor.

Open Files

Show the Open Files list in the Environment window, or hide if shown.


Show any problems in the Java projects for the environment in the Problems panel in the terminal. You can select the problem to open the target file.

Menu Bar

Show the menu bar, or hide if shown.

Tab Buttons

Show tabs, or hide if shown.


Show the gutter, or hide if shown.

Status Bar

Show the status bar, or hide if shown.


Show the Console window, or hide if shown.

Layout, Single

Show a single pane.

Layout, Vertical Split

Show two panes, top and bottom.

Layout, Horizontal Split

Show two panes, side by side.

Layout, Cross Split

Show four panes of equal size.

Layout, Split 1:2

Show one pane on the left and two panes on the right.

Layout, Split 2:1

Show two panes on the left and one pane on the right.

Font Size, Increase Font Size

Increase the font size.

Font Size, Decrease Font Size

Decrease the font size.


Show the syntax type for the current document.


Show the IDE theme type.

Wrap Lines

Wrap words to the edge of the current pane, or stop wrapping words if they are already wrapping.

Wrap To Print Margin

Wrap words to the edge of the current print margin, or stop wrapping words if they are already wrapping.

Command Description

Go To Anything

Show the Go window in Go to Anything mode.

Go To Symbol

Show the Go window in Go to Symbol mode.

Go To File

Show the Go window in Go to File mode.

Go To Command

Show the Go window in Go to Command mode.

Go To Line

Show the Go window in Go to Line mode.

Next Error

Go to the next error.

Previous Error

Go to the previous error.

Word Right

Go one word to the right.

Word Left

Go one word to the left.

Line End

Go to the end of the current line.

Line Start

Go to the start of the current line.

Jump to Definition

Go to the definition of the variable or function at the cursor.

Jump to Matching Brace

Go to the matching symbol in the current scope.

Scroll to Selection

Scroll the selection into better view.

Command Description


Run or debug the current application.

Run Last

Run or debug the last run file.

Run With

Run or debug using the chosen runner. See Working with Builders, Runners, and Debuggers.

Run History

View run history.

Run Configurations

Choose a run configuration to run or debug with, or create or manage run configurations. See Working with Builders, Runners, and Debuggers.

Show Debugger at Break

When running code reaches a breakpoint, show the Debugger window.


Build the current file.

Cancel Build

Stop building the current file.

Build System

Build using the chosen build system.

Show Build Result

Show the related build result.

Automatically Build Supported Files

Automatically build supported files.

Save All on Build

When building, save all related unsaved files.

Command Description

Strip Trailing Space

Trim whitespace at the ends of lines.

Preview, Preview File

Preview the current document in a preview tab.

Preview, Preview Running Application

Preview the current application in a separate web browser tab.

Preview, Configure Preview URL

Open the Project Settings section of the Preferences tab to the Run & Debug, Preview URL box.

Preview, Show Active Servers

Show a list of available active server addresses in the Process List dialog box.

Process List

Show the Process List dialog box.

Show Autocomplete

Show the code completion context menu.

Rename Variable

Start a rename refactor for the selection.

Toggle Macro Recording

Start keystroke recording, of stop if it is already recording.

Play Macro

Play previously recorded keystrokes.

Command Description


Show the Go window, or hide if shown.

New Terminal

Open a new Terminal tab.

New Immediate Window

Open a new Immediate tab.


Show the Share this environment dialog box.


Show the AWS Cloud9 Installer dialog box.


Show the Collaborate window, or hide if shown.


Show the Outline window, or hide if shown.

AWS Resources

Show the AWS Resources window, or hide if shown.


Show the Environment window, or hide if shown.


Show the Debugger window, or hide if shown.

Navigation, Tab to the Right

Go one tab right.

Navigation, Tab to the Left

Go one tab left.

Navigation, Next Tab in History

Go to the next tab.

Navigation, Previous Tab in History

Go to the previous tab.

Navigation, Move Tab to Right

Move the current tab right. If the tab is already at the far right, create a split tab there.

Navigation, Move Tab to Left

Move the current tab left. If the tab is already at the far left, create a split tab there.

Navigation, Move Tab to Up

Move the current tab up one pane. If the tab is already at very top, create a split tab there.

Navigation, Move Tab to Down

Move the current tab down one pane. If the tab is already at the very bottom, create a split tab there.

Navigation, Go to Pane to Right

Go one pane right.

Navigation, Go to Pane to Left

Go one pane left.

Navigation, Go to Pane to Up

Go one pane up.

Navigation, Go to Pane to Down

Go one pane down.

Navigation, Switch Between Editor and Terminal

Switch between the editor and the Terminal tab .

Navigation, Next Pane in History

Go to the next pane.

Navigation, Previous Pane in History

Go to the previous pane.

Saved Layouts, Save

Save the current layout. To switch to this layout later, choose Saved Layouts, LAYOUT-ID.

Saved Layouts, Save and Close All

Save the current layout, and then close all tabs and panes.

Saved Layouts, Show Saved Layouts in File Tree

Show all saved layouts in the Environment window.

Tabs, Close Pane

Close the current pane.

Tabs, Close All Tabs In All Panes

Close all open tabs in all panes.

Tabs, Close All But Current Tab

Close all open tabs in the current pane, except the current tab.

Tabs, Split Pane in Two Rows

Split the current pane into two panes, top and bottom.

Tabs, Split Pane in Two Columns

Split the current pane into two panes, left and right.

Presets, Full IDE

Switch to full IDE mode.

Presets, Minimal Editor

Switch to minimal editor mode.

Presets, Sublime Mode

Switch to Sublime mode.

Command Description

Welcome Page

Open the Welcome tab.

Get Help (Community)

Opens the AWS Cloud9 online community website in a separate web browser tab.

Read Documentation

Opens the AWS Cloud9 User Guide in a separate web browser tab.

Command Description

Preview File

Preview the current document in a preview tab.

Preview Running Application

Preview the current application in a separate web browser tab.

Configure Preview URL

Open the Project Settings section of the Preferences tab to the Run & Debug, Preview URL box.

Show Active Servers

Show a list of available active server addresses in the Process List dialog box.

Command Description


Run or debug the current application.


Opens the Share this environment dialog box.

Preferences (gear icon)

Open the Preferences tab.