@Generated(value="com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk-code-generator") public class AbstractAmazonConnectAsync extends AbstractAmazonConnect implements AmazonConnectAsync
. Convenient method forms pass through to the corresponding
overload that takes a request object and an AsyncHandler
, which throws an
activateEvaluationForm, associateAnalyticsDataSet, associateApprovedOrigin, associateBot, associateDefaultVocabulary, associateFlow, associateInstanceStorageConfig, associateLambdaFunction, associateLexBot, associatePhoneNumberContactFlow, associateQueueQuickConnects, associateRoutingProfileQueues, associateSecurityKey, associateTrafficDistributionGroupUser, associateUserProficiencies, batchAssociateAnalyticsDataSet, batchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSet, batchGetAttachedFileMetadata, batchGetFlowAssociation, batchPutContact, claimPhoneNumber, completeAttachedFileUpload, createAgentStatus, createContactFlow, createContactFlowModule, createEvaluationForm, createHoursOfOperation, createInstance, createIntegrationAssociation, createParticipant, createPersistentContactAssociation, createPredefinedAttribute, createPrompt, createQueue, createQuickConnect, createRoutingProfile, createRule, createSecurityProfile, createTaskTemplate, createTrafficDistributionGroup, createUseCase, createUser, createUserHierarchyGroup, createView, createViewVersion, createVocabulary, deactivateEvaluationForm, deleteAttachedFile, deleteContactEvaluation, deleteContactFlow, deleteContactFlowModule, deleteEvaluationForm, deleteHoursOfOperation, deleteInstance, deleteIntegrationAssociation, deletePredefinedAttribute, deletePrompt, deleteQueue, deleteQuickConnect, deleteRoutingProfile, deleteRule, deleteSecurityProfile, deleteTaskTemplate, deleteTrafficDistributionGroup, deleteUseCase, deleteUser, deleteUserHierarchyGroup, deleteView, deleteViewVersion, deleteVocabulary, describeAgentStatus, describeAuthenticationProfile, describeContact, describeContactEvaluation, describeContactFlow, describeContactFlowModule, describeEvaluationForm, describeHoursOfOperation, describeInstance, describeInstanceAttribute, describeInstanceStorageConfig, describePhoneNumber, describePredefinedAttribute, describePrompt, describeQueue, describeQuickConnect, describeRoutingProfile, describeRule, describeSecurityProfile, describeTrafficDistributionGroup, describeUser, describeUserHierarchyGroup, describeUserHierarchyStructure, describeView, describeVocabulary, disassociateAnalyticsDataSet, disassociateApprovedOrigin, disassociateBot, disassociateFlow, disassociateInstanceStorageConfig, disassociateLambdaFunction, disassociateLexBot, disassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow, disassociateQueueQuickConnects, disassociateRoutingProfileQueues, disassociateSecurityKey, disassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUser, disassociateUserProficiencies, dismissUserContact, getAttachedFile, getCachedResponseMetadata, getContactAttributes, getCurrentMetricData, getCurrentUserData, getFederationToken, getFlowAssociation, getMetricData, getMetricDataV2, getPromptFile, getTaskTemplate, getTrafficDistribution, importPhoneNumber, listAgentStatuses, listAnalyticsDataAssociations, listApprovedOrigins, listAuthenticationProfiles, listBots, listContactEvaluations, listContactFlowModules, listContactFlows, listContactReferences, listDefaultVocabularies, listEvaluationForms, listEvaluationFormVersions, listFlowAssociations, listHoursOfOperations, listInstanceAttributes, listInstances, listInstanceStorageConfigs, listIntegrationAssociations, listLambdaFunctions, listLexBots, listPhoneNumbers, listPhoneNumbersV2, listPredefinedAttributes, listPrompts, listQueueQuickConnects, listQueues, listQuickConnects, listRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2, listRoutingProfileQueues, listRoutingProfiles, listRules, listSecurityKeys, listSecurityProfileApplications, listSecurityProfilePermissions, listSecurityProfiles, listTagsForResource, listTaskTemplates, listTrafficDistributionGroups, listTrafficDistributionGroupUsers, listUseCases, listUserHierarchyGroups, listUserProficiencies, listUsers, listViews, listViewVersions, monitorContact, pauseContact, putUserStatus, releasePhoneNumber, replicateInstance, resumeContact, resumeContactRecording, searchAgentStatuses, searchAvailablePhoneNumbers, searchContactFlowModules, searchContactFlows, searchContacts, searchHoursOfOperations, searchPredefinedAttributes, searchPrompts, searchQueues, searchQuickConnects, searchResourceTags, searchRoutingProfiles, searchSecurityProfiles, searchUserHierarchyGroups, searchUsers, searchVocabularies, sendChatIntegrationEvent, shutdown, startAttachedFileUpload, startChatContact, startContactEvaluation, startContactRecording, startContactStreaming, startOutboundVoiceContact, startTaskContact, startWebRTCContact, stopContact, stopContactRecording, stopContactStreaming, submitContactEvaluation, suspendContactRecording, tagContact, tagResource, transferContact, untagContact, untagResource, updateAgentStatus, updateAuthenticationProfile, updateContact, updateContactAttributes, updateContactEvaluation, updateContactFlowContent, updateContactFlowMetadata, updateContactFlowModuleContent, updateContactFlowModuleMetadata, updateContactFlowName, updateContactRoutingData, updateContactSchedule, updateEvaluationForm, updateHoursOfOperation, updateInstanceAttribute, updateInstanceStorageConfig, updateParticipantRoleConfig, updatePhoneNumber, updatePhoneNumberMetadata, updatePredefinedAttribute, updatePrompt, updateQueueHoursOfOperation, updateQueueMaxContacts, updateQueueName, updateQueueOutboundCallerConfig, updateQueueStatus, updateQuickConnectConfig, updateQuickConnectName, updateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimer, updateRoutingProfileConcurrency, updateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue, updateRoutingProfileName, updateRoutingProfileQueues, updateRule, updateSecurityProfile, updateTaskTemplate, updateTrafficDistribution, updateUserHierarchy, updateUserHierarchyGroupName, updateUserHierarchyStructure, updateUserIdentityInfo, updateUserPhoneConfig, updateUserProficiencies, updateUserRoutingProfile, updateUserSecurityProfiles, updateViewContent, updateViewMetadata
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
activateEvaluationForm, associateAnalyticsDataSet, associateApprovedOrigin, associateBot, associateDefaultVocabulary, associateFlow, associateInstanceStorageConfig, associateLambdaFunction, associateLexBot, associatePhoneNumberContactFlow, associateQueueQuickConnects, associateRoutingProfileQueues, associateSecurityKey, associateTrafficDistributionGroupUser, associateUserProficiencies, batchAssociateAnalyticsDataSet, batchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSet, batchGetAttachedFileMetadata, batchGetFlowAssociation, batchPutContact, claimPhoneNumber, completeAttachedFileUpload, createAgentStatus, createContactFlow, createContactFlowModule, createEvaluationForm, createHoursOfOperation, createInstance, createIntegrationAssociation, createParticipant, createPersistentContactAssociation, createPredefinedAttribute, createPrompt, createQueue, createQuickConnect, createRoutingProfile, createRule, createSecurityProfile, createTaskTemplate, createTrafficDistributionGroup, createUseCase, createUser, createUserHierarchyGroup, createView, createViewVersion, createVocabulary, deactivateEvaluationForm, deleteAttachedFile, deleteContactEvaluation, deleteContactFlow, deleteContactFlowModule, deleteEvaluationForm, deleteHoursOfOperation, deleteInstance, deleteIntegrationAssociation, deletePredefinedAttribute, deletePrompt, deleteQueue, deleteQuickConnect, deleteRoutingProfile, deleteRule, deleteSecurityProfile, deleteTaskTemplate, deleteTrafficDistributionGroup, deleteUseCase, deleteUser, deleteUserHierarchyGroup, deleteView, deleteViewVersion, deleteVocabulary, describeAgentStatus, describeAuthenticationProfile, describeContact, describeContactEvaluation, describeContactFlow, describeContactFlowModule, describeEvaluationForm, describeHoursOfOperation, describeInstance, describeInstanceAttribute, describeInstanceStorageConfig, describePhoneNumber, describePredefinedAttribute, describePrompt, describeQueue, describeQuickConnect, describeRoutingProfile, describeRule, describeSecurityProfile, describeTrafficDistributionGroup, describeUser, describeUserHierarchyGroup, describeUserHierarchyStructure, describeView, describeVocabulary, disassociateAnalyticsDataSet, disassociateApprovedOrigin, disassociateBot, disassociateFlow, disassociateInstanceStorageConfig, disassociateLambdaFunction, disassociateLexBot, disassociatePhoneNumberContactFlow, disassociateQueueQuickConnects, disassociateRoutingProfileQueues, disassociateSecurityKey, disassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUser, disassociateUserProficiencies, dismissUserContact, getAttachedFile, getCachedResponseMetadata, getContactAttributes, getCurrentMetricData, getCurrentUserData, getFederationToken, getFlowAssociation, getMetricData, getMetricDataV2, getPromptFile, getTaskTemplate, getTrafficDistribution, importPhoneNumber, listAgentStatuses, listAnalyticsDataAssociations, listApprovedOrigins, listAuthenticationProfiles, listBots, listContactEvaluations, listContactFlowModules, listContactFlows, listContactReferences, listDefaultVocabularies, listEvaluationForms, listEvaluationFormVersions, listFlowAssociations, listHoursOfOperations, listInstanceAttributes, listInstances, listInstanceStorageConfigs, listIntegrationAssociations, listLambdaFunctions, listLexBots, listPhoneNumbers, listPhoneNumbersV2, listPredefinedAttributes, listPrompts, listQueueQuickConnects, listQueues, listQuickConnects, listRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2, listRoutingProfileQueues, listRoutingProfiles, listRules, listSecurityKeys, listSecurityProfileApplications, listSecurityProfilePermissions, listSecurityProfiles, listTagsForResource, listTaskTemplates, listTrafficDistributionGroups, listTrafficDistributionGroupUsers, listUseCases, listUserHierarchyGroups, listUserProficiencies, listUsers, listViews, listViewVersions, monitorContact, pauseContact, putUserStatus, releasePhoneNumber, replicateInstance, resumeContact, resumeContactRecording, searchAgentStatuses, searchAvailablePhoneNumbers, searchContactFlowModules, searchContactFlows, searchContacts, searchHoursOfOperations, searchPredefinedAttributes, searchPrompts, searchQueues, searchQuickConnects, searchResourceTags, searchRoutingProfiles, searchSecurityProfiles, searchUserHierarchyGroups, searchUsers, searchVocabularies, sendChatIntegrationEvent, shutdown, startAttachedFileUpload, startChatContact, startContactEvaluation, startContactRecording, startContactStreaming, startOutboundVoiceContact, startTaskContact, startWebRTCContact, stopContact, stopContactRecording, stopContactStreaming, submitContactEvaluation, suspendContactRecording, tagContact, tagResource, transferContact, untagContact, untagResource, updateAgentStatus, updateAuthenticationProfile, updateContact, updateContactAttributes, updateContactEvaluation, updateContactFlowContent, updateContactFlowMetadata, updateContactFlowModuleContent, updateContactFlowModuleMetadata, updateContactFlowName, updateContactRoutingData, updateContactSchedule, updateEvaluationForm, updateHoursOfOperation, updateInstanceAttribute, updateInstanceStorageConfig, updateParticipantRoleConfig, updatePhoneNumber, updatePhoneNumberMetadata, updatePredefinedAttribute, updatePrompt, updateQueueHoursOfOperation, updateQueueMaxContacts, updateQueueName, updateQueueOutboundCallerConfig, updateQueueStatus, updateQuickConnectConfig, updateQuickConnectName, updateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimer, updateRoutingProfileConcurrency, updateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueue, updateRoutingProfileName, updateRoutingProfileQueues, updateRule, updateSecurityProfile, updateTaskTemplate, updateTrafficDistribution, updateUserHierarchy, updateUserHierarchyGroupName, updateUserHierarchyStructure, updateUserIdentityInfo, updateUserPhoneConfig, updateUserProficiencies, updateUserRoutingProfile, updateUserSecurityProfiles, updateViewContent, updateViewMetadata
public Future<ActivateEvaluationFormResult> activateEvaluationFormAsync(ActivateEvaluationFormRequest request)
Activates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. After the evaluation form is activated, it is available to start new evaluations based on the form.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ActivateEvaluationFormResult> activateEvaluationFormAsync(ActivateEvaluationFormRequest request, AsyncHandler<ActivateEvaluationFormRequest,ActivateEvaluationFormResult> asyncHandler)
Activates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. After the evaluation form is activated, it is available to start new evaluations based on the form.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> associateAnalyticsDataSetAsync(AssociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates the specified dataset for a Amazon Connect instance with the target account. You can associate only one dataset in a single call.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> associateAnalyticsDataSetAsync(AssociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest,AssociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates the specified dataset for a Amazon Connect instance with the target account. You can associate only one dataset in a single call.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateApprovedOriginResult> associateApprovedOriginAsync(AssociateApprovedOriginRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates an approved origin to an Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateApprovedOriginResult> associateApprovedOriginAsync(AssociateApprovedOriginRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateApprovedOriginRequest,AssociateApprovedOriginResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates an approved origin to an Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateBotResult> associateBotAsync(AssociateBotRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateBotResult> associateBotAsync(AssociateBotRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateBotRequest,AssociateBotResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateDefaultVocabularyResult> associateDefaultVocabularyAsync(AssociateDefaultVocabularyRequest request)
Associates an existing vocabulary as the default. Contact Lens for Amazon Connect uses the vocabulary in post-call and real-time analysis sessions for the given language.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateDefaultVocabularyResult> associateDefaultVocabularyAsync(AssociateDefaultVocabularyRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateDefaultVocabularyRequest,AssociateDefaultVocabularyResult> asyncHandler)
Associates an existing vocabulary as the default. Contact Lens for Amazon Connect uses the vocabulary in post-call and real-time analysis sessions for the given language.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateFlowResult> associateFlowAsync(AssociateFlowRequest request)
Associates a connect resource to a flow.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateFlowResult> associateFlowAsync(AssociateFlowRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateFlowRequest,AssociateFlowResult> asyncHandler)
Associates a connect resource to a flow.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateInstanceStorageConfigResult> associateInstanceStorageConfigAsync(AssociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates a storage resource type for the first time. You can only associate one type of storage configuration in a single call. This means, for example, that you can't define an instance with multiple S3 buckets for storing chat transcripts.
This API does not create a resource that doesn't exist. It only associates it to the instance. Ensure that the resource being specified in the storage configuration, like an S3 bucket, exists when being used for association.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateInstanceStorageConfigResult> associateInstanceStorageConfigAsync(AssociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest,AssociateInstanceStorageConfigResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates a storage resource type for the first time. You can only associate one type of storage configuration in a single call. This means, for example, that you can't define an instance with multiple S3 buckets for storing chat transcripts.
This API does not create a resource that doesn't exist. It only associates it to the instance. Ensure that the resource being specified in the storage configuration, like an S3 bucket, exists when being used for association.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateLambdaFunctionResult> associateLambdaFunctionAsync(AssociateLambdaFunctionRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Lambda function.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateLambdaFunctionResult> associateLambdaFunctionAsync(AssociateLambdaFunctionRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateLambdaFunctionRequest,AssociateLambdaFunctionResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Lambda function.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateLexBotResult> associateLexBotAsync(AssociateLexBotRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Amazon Lex V1 bot. This API only supports the association of Amazon Lex V1 bots.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateLexBotResult> associateLexBotAsync(AssociateLexBotRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateLexBotRequest,AssociateLexBotResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Allows the specified Amazon Connect instance to access the specified Amazon Lex V1 bot. This API only supports the association of Amazon Lex V1 bots.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlowResult> associatePhoneNumberContactFlowAsync(AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest request)
Associates a flow with a phone number claimed to your Amazon Connect instance.
If the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group, and you are calling this API using an instance in the
Amazon Web Services Region where the traffic distribution group was created, you can use either a full phone
number ARN or UUID value for the PhoneNumberId
URI request parameter. However, if the number is
claimed to a traffic distribution group and you are calling this API using an instance in the alternate Amazon
Web Services Region associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If
a UUID is provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlowResult> associatePhoneNumberContactFlowAsync(AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest,AssociatePhoneNumberContactFlowResult> asyncHandler)
Associates a flow with a phone number claimed to your Amazon Connect instance.
If the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group, and you are calling this API using an instance in the
Amazon Web Services Region where the traffic distribution group was created, you can use either a full phone
number ARN or UUID value for the PhoneNumberId
URI request parameter. However, if the number is
claimed to a traffic distribution group and you are calling this API using an instance in the alternate Amazon
Web Services Region associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If
a UUID is provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateQueueQuickConnectsResult> associateQueueQuickConnectsAsync(AssociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates a set of quick connects with a queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateQueueQuickConnectsResult> associateQueueQuickConnectsAsync(AssociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest,AssociateQueueQuickConnectsResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates a set of quick connects with a queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesResult> associateRoutingProfileQueuesAsync(AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest request)
Associates a set of queues with a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesResult> associateRoutingProfileQueuesAsync(AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest,AssociateRoutingProfileQueuesResult> asyncHandler)
Associates a set of queues with a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateSecurityKeyResult> associateSecurityKeyAsync(AssociateSecurityKeyRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates a security key to the instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateSecurityKeyResult> associateSecurityKeyAsync(AssociateSecurityKeyRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateSecurityKeyRequest,AssociateSecurityKeyResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates a security key to the instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserResult> associateTrafficDistributionGroupUserAsync(AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserRequest request)
Associates an agent with a traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserResult> associateTrafficDistributionGroupUserAsync(AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserRequest,AssociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserResult> asyncHandler)
Associates an agent with a traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<AssociateUserProficienciesResult> associateUserProficienciesAsync(AssociateUserProficienciesRequest request)
>Associates a set of proficiencies with a user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<AssociateUserProficienciesResult> associateUserProficienciesAsync(AssociateUserProficienciesRequest request, AsyncHandler<AssociateUserProficienciesRequest,AssociateUserProficienciesResult> asyncHandler)
>Associates a set of proficiencies with a user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> batchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetAsync(BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates a list of analytics datasets for a given Amazon Connect instance to a target account. You can associate multiple datasets in a single call.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> batchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetAsync(BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest request, AsyncHandler<BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest,BatchAssociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Associates a list of analytics datasets for a given Amazon Connect instance to a target account. You can associate multiple datasets in a single call.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> batchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetAsync(BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Removes a list of analytics datasets associated with a given Amazon Connect instance. You can disassociate multiple datasets in a single call.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> batchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetAsync(BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest request, AsyncHandler<BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest,BatchDisassociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Removes a list of analytics datasets associated with a given Amazon Connect instance. You can disassociate multiple datasets in a single call.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<BatchGetAttachedFileMetadataResult> batchGetAttachedFileMetadataAsync(BatchGetAttachedFileMetadataRequest request)
Allows you to retrieve metadata about multiple attached files on an associated resource. Each attached file provided in the input list must be associated with the input AssociatedResourceArn.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<BatchGetAttachedFileMetadataResult> batchGetAttachedFileMetadataAsync(BatchGetAttachedFileMetadataRequest request, AsyncHandler<BatchGetAttachedFileMetadataRequest,BatchGetAttachedFileMetadataResult> asyncHandler)
Allows you to retrieve metadata about multiple attached files on an associated resource. Each attached file provided in the input list must be associated with the input AssociatedResourceArn.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<BatchGetFlowAssociationResult> batchGetFlowAssociationAsync(BatchGetFlowAssociationRequest request)
Retrieve the flow associations for the given resources.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<BatchGetFlowAssociationResult> batchGetFlowAssociationAsync(BatchGetFlowAssociationRequest request, AsyncHandler<BatchGetFlowAssociationRequest,BatchGetFlowAssociationResult> asyncHandler)
Retrieve the flow associations for the given resources.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<BatchPutContactResult> batchPutContactAsync(BatchPutContactRequest request)
Only the Amazon Connect outbound campaigns service principal is allowed to assume a role in your account and call this API.
Allows you to create a batch of contacts in Amazon Connect. The outbound campaigns capability ingests dial requests via the PutDialRequestBatch API. It then uses BatchPutContact to create contacts corresponding to those dial requests. If agents are available, the dial requests are dialed out, which results in a voice call. The resulting voice call uses the same contactId that was created by BatchPutContact.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<BatchPutContactResult> batchPutContactAsync(BatchPutContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<BatchPutContactRequest,BatchPutContactResult> asyncHandler)
Only the Amazon Connect outbound campaigns service principal is allowed to assume a role in your account and call this API.
Allows you to create a batch of contacts in Amazon Connect. The outbound campaigns capability ingests dial requests via the PutDialRequestBatch API. It then uses BatchPutContact to create contacts corresponding to those dial requests. If agents are available, the dial requests are dialed out, which results in a voice call. The resulting voice call uses the same contactId that was created by BatchPutContact.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ClaimPhoneNumberResult> claimPhoneNumberAsync(ClaimPhoneNumberRequest request)
Claims an available phone number to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. You can call this API only in the same Amazon Web Services Region where the Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group was created.
For more information about how to use this operation, see Claim a phone number in your country and Claim phone numbers to traffic distribution groups in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
You can call the SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers API for available phone numbers that you can claim. Call the DescribePhoneNumber API to verify the status of a previous ClaimPhoneNumber operation.
If you plan to claim and release numbers frequently, contact us for a service quota exception. Otherwise, it is possible you will be blocked from claiming and releasing any more numbers until up to 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
By default you can claim and release up to 200% of your maximum number of active phone numbers. If you claim and release phone numbers using the UI or API during a rolling 180 day cycle that exceeds 200% of your phone number service level quota, you will be blocked from claiming any more numbers until 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
For example, if you already have 99 claimed numbers and a service level quota of 99 phone numbers, and in any 180 day period you release 99, claim 99, and then release 99, you will have exceeded the 200% limit. At that point you are blocked from claiming any more numbers until you open an Amazon Web Services support ticket.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ClaimPhoneNumberResult> claimPhoneNumberAsync(ClaimPhoneNumberRequest request, AsyncHandler<ClaimPhoneNumberRequest,ClaimPhoneNumberResult> asyncHandler)
Claims an available phone number to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. You can call this API only in the same Amazon Web Services Region where the Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group was created.
For more information about how to use this operation, see Claim a phone number in your country and Claim phone numbers to traffic distribution groups in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
You can call the SearchAvailablePhoneNumbers API for available phone numbers that you can claim. Call the DescribePhoneNumber API to verify the status of a previous ClaimPhoneNumber operation.
If you plan to claim and release numbers frequently, contact us for a service quota exception. Otherwise, it is possible you will be blocked from claiming and releasing any more numbers until up to 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
By default you can claim and release up to 200% of your maximum number of active phone numbers. If you claim and release phone numbers using the UI or API during a rolling 180 day cycle that exceeds 200% of your phone number service level quota, you will be blocked from claiming any more numbers until 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
For example, if you already have 99 claimed numbers and a service level quota of 99 phone numbers, and in any 180 day period you release 99, claim 99, and then release 99, you will have exceeded the 200% limit. At that point you are blocked from claiming any more numbers until you open an Amazon Web Services support ticket.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CompleteAttachedFileUploadResult> completeAttachedFileUploadAsync(CompleteAttachedFileUploadRequest request)
Allows you to confirm that the attached file has been uploaded using the pre-signed URL provided in the StartAttachedFileUpload API.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Request to CompleteAttachedFileUpload APIpublic Future<CompleteAttachedFileUploadResult> completeAttachedFileUploadAsync(CompleteAttachedFileUploadRequest request, AsyncHandler<CompleteAttachedFileUploadRequest,CompleteAttachedFileUploadResult> asyncHandler)
Allows you to confirm that the attached file has been uploaded using the pre-signed URL provided in the StartAttachedFileUpload API.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Request to CompleteAttachedFileUpload APIasyncHandler
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateAgentStatusResult> createAgentStatusAsync(CreateAgentStatusRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Creates an agent status for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateAgentStatusResult> createAgentStatusAsync(CreateAgentStatusRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateAgentStatusRequest,CreateAgentStatusResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Creates an agent status for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateContactFlowResult> createContactFlowAsync(CreateContactFlowRequest request)
Creates a flow for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateContactFlowResult> createContactFlowAsync(CreateContactFlowRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateContactFlowRequest,CreateContactFlowResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a flow for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateContactFlowModuleResult> createContactFlowModuleAsync(CreateContactFlowModuleRequest request)
Creates a flow module for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateContactFlowModuleResult> createContactFlowModuleAsync(CreateContactFlowModuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateContactFlowModuleRequest,CreateContactFlowModuleResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a flow module for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateEvaluationFormResult> createEvaluationFormAsync(CreateEvaluationFormRequest request)
Creates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. The form can be used to define questions related to agent performance, and create sections to organize such questions. Question and section identifiers cannot be duplicated within the same evaluation form.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateEvaluationFormResult> createEvaluationFormAsync(CreateEvaluationFormRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateEvaluationFormRequest,CreateEvaluationFormResult> asyncHandler)
Creates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. The form can be used to define questions related to agent performance, and create sections to organize such questions. Question and section identifiers cannot be duplicated within the same evaluation form.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateHoursOfOperationResult> createHoursOfOperationAsync(CreateHoursOfOperationRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Creates hours of operation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateHoursOfOperationResult> createHoursOfOperationAsync(CreateHoursOfOperationRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateHoursOfOperationRequest,CreateHoursOfOperationResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Creates hours of operation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateInstanceResult> createInstanceAsync(CreateInstanceRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Initiates an Amazon Connect instance with all the supported channels enabled. It does not attach any storage, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or Amazon Kinesis. It also does not allow for any configurations on features, such as Contact Lens for Amazon Connect.
Amazon Connect enforces a limit on the total number of instances that you can create or delete in 30 days. If you exceed this limit, you will get an error message indicating there has been an excessive number of attempts at creating or deleting instances. You must wait 30 days before you can restart creating and deleting instances in your account.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateInstanceResult> createInstanceAsync(CreateInstanceRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateInstanceRequest,CreateInstanceResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Initiates an Amazon Connect instance with all the supported channels enabled. It does not attach any storage, such as Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) or Amazon Kinesis. It also does not allow for any configurations on features, such as Contact Lens for Amazon Connect.
Amazon Connect enforces a limit on the total number of instances that you can create or delete in 30 days. If you exceed this limit, you will get an error message indicating there has been an excessive number of attempts at creating or deleting instances. You must wait 30 days before you can restart creating and deleting instances in your account.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateIntegrationAssociationResult> createIntegrationAssociationAsync(CreateIntegrationAssociationRequest request)
Creates an Amazon Web Services resource association with an Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateIntegrationAssociationResult> createIntegrationAssociationAsync(CreateIntegrationAssociationRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateIntegrationAssociationRequest,CreateIntegrationAssociationResult> asyncHandler)
Creates an Amazon Web Services resource association with an Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateParticipantResult> createParticipantAsync(CreateParticipantRequest request)
Adds a new participant into an on-going chat contact. For more information, see Customize chat flow experiences by integrating custom participants.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateParticipantResult> createParticipantAsync(CreateParticipantRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateParticipantRequest,CreateParticipantResult> asyncHandler)
Adds a new participant into an on-going chat contact. For more information, see Customize chat flow experiences by integrating custom participants.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreatePersistentContactAssociationResult> createPersistentContactAssociationAsync(CreatePersistentContactAssociationRequest request)
Enables rehydration of chats for the lifespan of a contact. For more information about chat rehydration, see Enable persistent chat in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreatePersistentContactAssociationResult> createPersistentContactAssociationAsync(CreatePersistentContactAssociationRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreatePersistentContactAssociationRequest,CreatePersistentContactAssociationResult> asyncHandler)
Enables rehydration of chats for the lifespan of a contact. For more information about chat rehydration, see Enable persistent chat in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreatePredefinedAttributeResult> createPredefinedAttributeAsync(CreatePredefinedAttributeRequest request)
Creates a new predefined attribute for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreatePredefinedAttributeResult> createPredefinedAttributeAsync(CreatePredefinedAttributeRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreatePredefinedAttributeRequest,CreatePredefinedAttributeResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a new predefined attribute for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreatePromptResult> createPromptAsync(CreatePromptRequest request)
Creates a prompt. For more information about prompts, such as supported file types and maximum length, see Create prompts in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreatePromptResult> createPromptAsync(CreatePromptRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreatePromptRequest,CreatePromptResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a prompt. For more information about prompts, such as supported file types and maximum length, see Create prompts in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateQueueResult> createQueueAsync(CreateQueueRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Creates a new queue for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
If the phone number is claimed to a traffic distribution group that was created in the same Region as the Amazon
Connect instance where you are calling this API, then you can use a full phone number ARN or a UUID for
. However, if the phone number is claimed to a traffic distribution group
that is in one Region, and you are calling this API from an instance in another Amazon Web Services Region that
is associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If a UUID is
provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException
Only use the phone number ARN format that doesn't contain instance
in the path, for example,
. This is the same ARN format that is returned
when you call the ListPhoneNumbersV2
If you plan to use IAM policies to allow/deny access to this API for phone number resources claimed to a traffic distribution group, see Allow or Deny queue API actions for phone numbers in a replica Region.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateQueueResult> createQueueAsync(CreateQueueRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateQueueRequest,CreateQueueResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Creates a new queue for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
If the phone number is claimed to a traffic distribution group that was created in the same Region as the Amazon
Connect instance where you are calling this API, then you can use a full phone number ARN or a UUID for
. However, if the phone number is claimed to a traffic distribution group
that is in one Region, and you are calling this API from an instance in another Amazon Web Services Region that
is associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If a UUID is
provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException
Only use the phone number ARN format that doesn't contain instance
in the path, for example,
. This is the same ARN format that is returned
when you call the ListPhoneNumbersV2
If you plan to use IAM policies to allow/deny access to this API for phone number resources claimed to a traffic distribution group, see Allow or Deny queue API actions for phone numbers in a replica Region.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateQuickConnectResult> createQuickConnectAsync(CreateQuickConnectRequest request)
Creates a quick connect for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateQuickConnectResult> createQuickConnectAsync(CreateQuickConnectRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateQuickConnectRequest,CreateQuickConnectResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a quick connect for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateRoutingProfileResult> createRoutingProfileAsync(CreateRoutingProfileRequest request)
Creates a new routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateRoutingProfileResult> createRoutingProfileAsync(CreateRoutingProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateRoutingProfileRequest,CreateRoutingProfileResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a new routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateRuleResult> createRuleAsync(CreateRuleRequest request)
Creates a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
Use the Rules Function language to code conditions for the rule.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateRuleResult> createRuleAsync(CreateRuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateRuleRequest,CreateRuleResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
Use the Rules Function language to code conditions for the rule.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateSecurityProfileResult> createSecurityProfileAsync(CreateSecurityProfileRequest request)
Creates a security profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateSecurityProfileResult> createSecurityProfileAsync(CreateSecurityProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateSecurityProfileRequest,CreateSecurityProfileResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a security profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateTaskTemplateResult> createTaskTemplateAsync(CreateTaskTemplateRequest request)
Creates a new task template in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateTaskTemplateResult> createTaskTemplateAsync(CreateTaskTemplateRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateTaskTemplateRequest,CreateTaskTemplateResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a new task template in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResult> createTrafficDistributionGroupAsync(CreateTrafficDistributionGroupRequest request)
Creates a traffic distribution group given an Amazon Connect instance that has been replicated.
The SignInConfig
distribution is available only on a default TrafficDistributionGroup
(see the IsDefault
parameter in the TrafficDistributionGroup data type). If you call UpdateTrafficDistribution
with a modified
and a non-default TrafficDistributionGroup
, an
is returned.
For more information about creating traffic distribution groups, see Set up traffic distribution groups in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResult> createTrafficDistributionGroupAsync(CreateTrafficDistributionGroupRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateTrafficDistributionGroupRequest,CreateTrafficDistributionGroupResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a traffic distribution group given an Amazon Connect instance that has been replicated.
The SignInConfig
distribution is available only on a default TrafficDistributionGroup
(see the IsDefault
parameter in the TrafficDistributionGroup data type). If you call UpdateTrafficDistribution
with a modified
and a non-default TrafficDistributionGroup
, an
is returned.
For more information about creating traffic distribution groups, see Set up traffic distribution groups in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateUseCaseResult> createUseCaseAsync(CreateUseCaseRequest request)
Creates a use case for an integration association.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateUseCaseResult> createUseCaseAsync(CreateUseCaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateUseCaseRequest,CreateUseCaseResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a use case for an integration association.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateUserResult> createUserAsync(CreateUserRequest request)
Creates a user account for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
Certain UserIdentityInfo
parameters are required in some situations. For example, Email
is required if you are using SAML for
identity management. FirstName
and LastName
are required if you are using Amazon
Connect or SAML for identity management.
For information about how to create users using the Amazon Connect admin website, see Add Users in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateUserResult> createUserAsync(CreateUserRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateUserRequest,CreateUserResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a user account for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
Certain UserIdentityInfo
parameters are required in some situations. For example, Email
is required if you are using SAML for
identity management. FirstName
and LastName
are required if you are using Amazon
Connect or SAML for identity management.
For information about how to create users using the Amazon Connect admin website, see Add Users in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateUserHierarchyGroupResult> createUserHierarchyGroupAsync(CreateUserHierarchyGroupRequest request)
Creates a new user hierarchy group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateUserHierarchyGroupResult> createUserHierarchyGroupAsync(CreateUserHierarchyGroupRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateUserHierarchyGroupRequest,CreateUserHierarchyGroupResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a new user hierarchy group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateViewResult> createViewAsync(CreateViewRequest request)
Creates a new view with the possible status of SAVED
The views will have a unique name for each connect instance.
It performs basic content validation if the status is SAVED
or full content validation if the status
is set to PUBLISHED
. An error is returned if validation fails. It associates either the
qualifier or both of the $SAVED
qualifiers with the
provided view content based on the status. The view is idempotent if ClientToken is provided.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateViewResult> createViewAsync(CreateViewRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateViewRequest,CreateViewResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a new view with the possible status of SAVED
The views will have a unique name for each connect instance.
It performs basic content validation if the status is SAVED
or full content validation if the status
is set to PUBLISHED
. An error is returned if validation fails. It associates either the
qualifier or both of the $SAVED
qualifiers with the
provided view content based on the status. The view is idempotent if ClientToken is provided.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateViewVersionResult> createViewVersionAsync(CreateViewVersionRequest request)
Publishes a new version of the view identifier.
Versions are immutable and monotonically increasing.
It returns the highest version if there is no change in content compared to that version. An error is displayed
if the supplied ViewContentSha256 is different from the ViewContentSha256 of the $LATEST
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateViewVersionResult> createViewVersionAsync(CreateViewVersionRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateViewVersionRequest,CreateViewVersionResult> asyncHandler)
Publishes a new version of the view identifier.
Versions are immutable and monotonically increasing.
It returns the highest version if there is no change in content compared to that version. An error is displayed
if the supplied ViewContentSha256 is different from the ViewContentSha256 of the $LATEST
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<CreateVocabularyResult> createVocabularyAsync(CreateVocabularyRequest request)
Creates a custom vocabulary associated with your Amazon Connect instance. You can set a custom vocabulary to be your default vocabulary for a given language. Contact Lens for Amazon Connect uses the default vocabulary in post-call and real-time contact analysis sessions for that language.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<CreateVocabularyResult> createVocabularyAsync(CreateVocabularyRequest request, AsyncHandler<CreateVocabularyRequest,CreateVocabularyResult> asyncHandler)
Creates a custom vocabulary associated with your Amazon Connect instance. You can set a custom vocabulary to be your default vocabulary for a given language. Contact Lens for Amazon Connect uses the default vocabulary in post-call and real-time contact analysis sessions for that language.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeactivateEvaluationFormResult> deactivateEvaluationFormAsync(DeactivateEvaluationFormRequest request)
Deactivates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. After a form is deactivated, it is no longer available for users to start new evaluations based on the form.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeactivateEvaluationFormResult> deactivateEvaluationFormAsync(DeactivateEvaluationFormRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeactivateEvaluationFormRequest,DeactivateEvaluationFormResult> asyncHandler)
Deactivates an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. After a form is deactivated, it is no longer available for users to start new evaluations based on the form.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteAttachedFileResult> deleteAttachedFileAsync(DeleteAttachedFileRequest request)
Deletes an attached file along with the underlying S3 Object.
The attached file is permanently deleted if S3 bucket versioning is not enabled.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Request to DeleteAttachedFile APIpublic Future<DeleteAttachedFileResult> deleteAttachedFileAsync(DeleteAttachedFileRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteAttachedFileRequest,DeleteAttachedFileResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes an attached file along with the underlying S3 Object.
The attached file is permanently deleted if S3 bucket versioning is not enabled.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Request to DeleteAttachedFile APIasyncHandler
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteContactEvaluationResult> deleteContactEvaluationAsync(DeleteContactEvaluationRequest request)
Deletes a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteContactEvaluationResult> deleteContactEvaluationAsync(DeleteContactEvaluationRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteContactEvaluationRequest,DeleteContactEvaluationResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteContactFlowResult> deleteContactFlowAsync(DeleteContactFlowRequest request)
Deletes a flow for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteContactFlowResult> deleteContactFlowAsync(DeleteContactFlowRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteContactFlowRequest,DeleteContactFlowResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a flow for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteContactFlowModuleResult> deleteContactFlowModuleAsync(DeleteContactFlowModuleRequest request)
Deletes the specified flow module.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteContactFlowModuleResult> deleteContactFlowModuleAsync(DeleteContactFlowModuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteContactFlowModuleRequest,DeleteContactFlowModuleResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes the specified flow module.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteEvaluationFormResult> deleteEvaluationFormAsync(DeleteEvaluationFormRequest request)
Deletes an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
If the version property is provided, only the specified version of the evaluation form is deleted.
If no version is provided, then the full form (all versions) is deleted.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteEvaluationFormResult> deleteEvaluationFormAsync(DeleteEvaluationFormRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteEvaluationFormRequest,DeleteEvaluationFormResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
If the version property is provided, only the specified version of the evaluation form is deleted.
If no version is provided, then the full form (all versions) is deleted.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteHoursOfOperationResult> deleteHoursOfOperationAsync(DeleteHoursOfOperationRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Deletes an hours of operation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteHoursOfOperationResult> deleteHoursOfOperationAsync(DeleteHoursOfOperationRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteHoursOfOperationRequest,DeleteHoursOfOperationResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Deletes an hours of operation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteInstanceResult> deleteInstanceAsync(DeleteInstanceRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Deletes the Amazon Connect instance.
Amazon Connect enforces a limit on the total number of instances that you can create or delete in 30 days. If you exceed this limit, you will get an error message indicating there has been an excessive number of attempts at creating or deleting instances. You must wait 30 days before you can restart creating and deleting instances in your account.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteInstanceResult> deleteInstanceAsync(DeleteInstanceRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteInstanceRequest,DeleteInstanceResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Deletes the Amazon Connect instance.
Amazon Connect enforces a limit on the total number of instances that you can create or delete in 30 days. If you exceed this limit, you will get an error message indicating there has been an excessive number of attempts at creating or deleting instances. You must wait 30 days before you can restart creating and deleting instances in your account.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteIntegrationAssociationResult> deleteIntegrationAssociationAsync(DeleteIntegrationAssociationRequest request)
Deletes an Amazon Web Services resource association from an Amazon Connect instance. The association must not have any use cases associated with it.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteIntegrationAssociationResult> deleteIntegrationAssociationAsync(DeleteIntegrationAssociationRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteIntegrationAssociationRequest,DeleteIntegrationAssociationResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes an Amazon Web Services resource association from an Amazon Connect instance. The association must not have any use cases associated with it.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeletePredefinedAttributeResult> deletePredefinedAttributeAsync(DeletePredefinedAttributeRequest request)
Deletes a predefined attribute from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeletePredefinedAttributeResult> deletePredefinedAttributeAsync(DeletePredefinedAttributeRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeletePredefinedAttributeRequest,DeletePredefinedAttributeResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a predefined attribute from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeletePromptResult> deletePromptAsync(DeletePromptRequest request)
Deletes a prompt.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeletePromptResult> deletePromptAsync(DeletePromptRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeletePromptRequest,DeletePromptResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a prompt.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteQueueResult> deleteQueueAsync(DeleteQueueRequest request)
Deletes a queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteQueueResult> deleteQueueAsync(DeleteQueueRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteQueueRequest,DeleteQueueResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteQuickConnectResult> deleteQuickConnectAsync(DeleteQuickConnectRequest request)
Deletes a quick connect.
After calling DeleteUser, it's important
to call DeleteQuickConnect
to delete any records related to the deleted users. This will help you:
Avoid dangling resources that impact your service quotas.
Remove deleted users so they don't appear to agents as transfer options.
Avoid the disruption of other Amazon Connect processes, such as instance replication and syncing if you're using Amazon Connect Global Resiliency.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteQuickConnectResult> deleteQuickConnectAsync(DeleteQuickConnectRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteQuickConnectRequest,DeleteQuickConnectResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a quick connect.
After calling DeleteUser, it's important
to call DeleteQuickConnect
to delete any records related to the deleted users. This will help you:
Avoid dangling resources that impact your service quotas.
Remove deleted users so they don't appear to agents as transfer options.
Avoid the disruption of other Amazon Connect processes, such as instance replication and syncing if you're using Amazon Connect Global Resiliency.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteRoutingProfileResult> deleteRoutingProfileAsync(DeleteRoutingProfileRequest request)
Deletes a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteRoutingProfileResult> deleteRoutingProfileAsync(DeleteRoutingProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteRoutingProfileRequest,DeleteRoutingProfileResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteRuleResult> deleteRuleAsync(DeleteRuleRequest request)
Deletes a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteRuleResult> deleteRuleAsync(DeleteRuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteRuleRequest,DeleteRuleResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteSecurityProfileResult> deleteSecurityProfileAsync(DeleteSecurityProfileRequest request)
Deletes a security profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteSecurityProfileResult> deleteSecurityProfileAsync(DeleteSecurityProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteSecurityProfileRequest,DeleteSecurityProfileResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a security profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteTaskTemplateResult> deleteTaskTemplateAsync(DeleteTaskTemplateRequest request)
Deletes the task template.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteTaskTemplateResult> deleteTaskTemplateAsync(DeleteTaskTemplateRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteTaskTemplateRequest,DeleteTaskTemplateResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes the task template.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupResult> deleteTrafficDistributionGroupAsync(DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupRequest request)
Deletes a traffic distribution group. This API can be called only in the Region where the traffic distribution group is created.
For more information about deleting traffic distribution groups, see Delete traffic distribution groups in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupResult> deleteTrafficDistributionGroupAsync(DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupRequest,DeleteTrafficDistributionGroupResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a traffic distribution group. This API can be called only in the Region where the traffic distribution group is created.
For more information about deleting traffic distribution groups, see Delete traffic distribution groups in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteUseCaseResult> deleteUseCaseAsync(DeleteUseCaseRequest request)
Deletes a use case from an integration association.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteUseCaseResult> deleteUseCaseAsync(DeleteUseCaseRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteUseCaseRequest,DeleteUseCaseResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a use case from an integration association.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteUserResult> deleteUserAsync(DeleteUserRequest request)
Deletes a user account from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For information about what happens to a user's data when their account is deleted, see Delete Users from Your Amazon Connect Instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
After calling DeleteUser, call DeleteQuickConnect to delete any records related to the deleted users. This will help you:
Avoid dangling resources that impact your service quotas.
Remove deleted users so they don't appear to agents as transfer options.
Avoid the disruption of other Amazon Connect processes, such as instance replication and syncing if you're using Amazon Connect Global Resiliency.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteUserResult> deleteUserAsync(DeleteUserRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteUserRequest,DeleteUserResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes a user account from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For information about what happens to a user's data when their account is deleted, see Delete Users from Your Amazon Connect Instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
After calling DeleteUser, call DeleteQuickConnect to delete any records related to the deleted users. This will help you:
Avoid dangling resources that impact your service quotas.
Remove deleted users so they don't appear to agents as transfer options.
Avoid the disruption of other Amazon Connect processes, such as instance replication and syncing if you're using Amazon Connect Global Resiliency.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteUserHierarchyGroupResult> deleteUserHierarchyGroupAsync(DeleteUserHierarchyGroupRequest request)
Deletes an existing user hierarchy group. It must not be associated with any agents or have any active child groups.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteUserHierarchyGroupResult> deleteUserHierarchyGroupAsync(DeleteUserHierarchyGroupRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteUserHierarchyGroupRequest,DeleteUserHierarchyGroupResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes an existing user hierarchy group. It must not be associated with any agents or have any active child groups.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteViewResult> deleteViewAsync(DeleteViewRequest request)
Deletes the view entirely. It deletes the view and all associated qualifiers (versions and aliases).
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteViewResult> deleteViewAsync(DeleteViewRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteViewRequest,DeleteViewResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes the view entirely. It deletes the view and all associated qualifiers (versions and aliases).
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteViewVersionResult> deleteViewVersionAsync(DeleteViewVersionRequest request)
Deletes the particular version specified in ViewVersion
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteViewVersionResult> deleteViewVersionAsync(DeleteViewVersionRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteViewVersionRequest,DeleteViewVersionResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes the particular version specified in ViewVersion
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DeleteVocabularyResult> deleteVocabularyAsync(DeleteVocabularyRequest request)
Deletes the vocabulary that has the given identifier.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DeleteVocabularyResult> deleteVocabularyAsync(DeleteVocabularyRequest request, AsyncHandler<DeleteVocabularyRequest,DeleteVocabularyResult> asyncHandler)
Deletes the vocabulary that has the given identifier.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeAgentStatusResult> describeAgentStatusAsync(DescribeAgentStatusRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Describes an agent status.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeAgentStatusResult> describeAgentStatusAsync(DescribeAgentStatusRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeAgentStatusRequest,DescribeAgentStatusResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Describes an agent status.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeAuthenticationProfileResult> describeAuthenticationProfileAsync(DescribeAuthenticationProfileRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
Describes the target authentication profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeAuthenticationProfileResult> describeAuthenticationProfileAsync(DescribeAuthenticationProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeAuthenticationProfileRequest,DescribeAuthenticationProfileResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
Describes the target authentication profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeContactResult> describeContactAsync(DescribeContactRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Describes the specified contact.
Contact information remains available in Amazon Connect for 24 months, and then it is deleted.
Only data from November 12, 2021, and later is returned by this API.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeContactResult> describeContactAsync(DescribeContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeContactRequest,DescribeContactResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Describes the specified contact.
Contact information remains available in Amazon Connect for 24 months, and then it is deleted.
Only data from November 12, 2021, and later is returned by this API.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeContactEvaluationResult> describeContactEvaluationAsync(DescribeContactEvaluationRequest request)
Describes a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeContactEvaluationResult> describeContactEvaluationAsync(DescribeContactEvaluationRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeContactEvaluationRequest,DescribeContactEvaluationResult> asyncHandler)
Describes a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeContactFlowResult> describeContactFlowAsync(DescribeContactFlowRequest request)
Describes the specified flow.
You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
Use the $SAVED
alias in the request to describe the SAVED
content of a Flow. For
example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED
. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED
needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.
In the response, Status indicates the flow status as either SAVED
status will initiate validation on the content. SAVED
does not initiate
validation of the content. SAVED
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeContactFlowResult> describeContactFlowAsync(DescribeContactFlowRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeContactFlowRequest,DescribeContactFlowResult> asyncHandler)
Describes the specified flow.
You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
Use the $SAVED
alias in the request to describe the SAVED
content of a Flow. For
example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED
. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED
needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.
In the response, Status indicates the flow status as either SAVED
status will initiate validation on the content. SAVED
does not initiate
validation of the content. SAVED
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeContactFlowModuleResult> describeContactFlowModuleAsync(DescribeContactFlowModuleRequest request)
Describes the specified flow module.
Use the $SAVED
alias in the request to describe the SAVED
content of a Flow. For
example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED
. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED
needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeContactFlowModuleResult> describeContactFlowModuleAsync(DescribeContactFlowModuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeContactFlowModuleRequest,DescribeContactFlowModuleResult> asyncHandler)
Describes the specified flow module.
Use the $SAVED
alias in the request to describe the SAVED
content of a Flow. For
example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED
. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED
needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeEvaluationFormResult> describeEvaluationFormAsync(DescribeEvaluationFormRequest request)
Describes an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. If the version property is not provided, the latest version of the evaluation form is described.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeEvaluationFormResult> describeEvaluationFormAsync(DescribeEvaluationFormRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeEvaluationFormRequest,DescribeEvaluationFormResult> asyncHandler)
Describes an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance. If the version property is not provided, the latest version of the evaluation form is described.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeHoursOfOperationResult> describeHoursOfOperationAsync(DescribeHoursOfOperationRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Describes the hours of operation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeHoursOfOperationResult> describeHoursOfOperationAsync(DescribeHoursOfOperationRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeHoursOfOperationRequest,DescribeHoursOfOperationResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Describes the hours of operation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeInstanceResult> describeInstanceAsync(DescribeInstanceRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns the current state of the specified instance identifier. It tracks the instance while it is being created and returns an error status, if applicable.
If an instance is not created successfully, the instance status reason field returns details relevant to the reason. The instance in a failed state is returned only for 24 hours after the CreateInstance API was invoked.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeInstanceResult> describeInstanceAsync(DescribeInstanceRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeInstanceRequest,DescribeInstanceResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns the current state of the specified instance identifier. It tracks the instance while it is being created and returns an error status, if applicable.
If an instance is not created successfully, the instance status reason field returns details relevant to the reason. The instance in a failed state is returned only for 24 hours after the CreateInstance API was invoked.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeInstanceAttributeResult> describeInstanceAttributeAsync(DescribeInstanceAttributeRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Describes the specified instance attribute.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeInstanceAttributeResult> describeInstanceAttributeAsync(DescribeInstanceAttributeRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeInstanceAttributeRequest,DescribeInstanceAttributeResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Describes the specified instance attribute.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeInstanceStorageConfigResult> describeInstanceStorageConfigAsync(DescribeInstanceStorageConfigRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Retrieves the current storage configurations for the specified resource type, association ID, and instance ID.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeInstanceStorageConfigResult> describeInstanceStorageConfigAsync(DescribeInstanceStorageConfigRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeInstanceStorageConfigRequest,DescribeInstanceStorageConfigResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Retrieves the current storage configurations for the specified resource type, association ID, and instance ID.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribePhoneNumberResult> describePhoneNumberAsync(DescribePhoneNumberRequest request)
Gets details and status of a phone number that’s claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group.
If the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group, and you are calling in the Amazon Web Services Region
where the traffic distribution group was created, you can use either a phone number ARN or UUID value for the
URI request parameter. However, if the number is claimed to a traffic distribution
group and you are calling this API in the alternate Amazon Web Services Region associated with the traffic
distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If a UUID is provided in this scenario, you will
receive a ResourceNotFoundException
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribePhoneNumberResult> describePhoneNumberAsync(DescribePhoneNumberRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribePhoneNumberRequest,DescribePhoneNumberResult> asyncHandler)
Gets details and status of a phone number that’s claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group.
If the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group, and you are calling in the Amazon Web Services Region
where the traffic distribution group was created, you can use either a phone number ARN or UUID value for the
URI request parameter. However, if the number is claimed to a traffic distribution
group and you are calling this API in the alternate Amazon Web Services Region associated with the traffic
distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If a UUID is provided in this scenario, you will
receive a ResourceNotFoundException
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribePredefinedAttributeResult> describePredefinedAttributeAsync(DescribePredefinedAttributeRequest request)
Describes a predefined attribute for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribePredefinedAttributeResult> describePredefinedAttributeAsync(DescribePredefinedAttributeRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribePredefinedAttributeRequest,DescribePredefinedAttributeResult> asyncHandler)
Describes a predefined attribute for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribePromptResult> describePromptAsync(DescribePromptRequest request)
Describes the prompt.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribePromptResult> describePromptAsync(DescribePromptRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribePromptRequest,DescribePromptResult> asyncHandler)
Describes the prompt.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeQueueResult> describeQueueAsync(DescribeQueueRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Describes the specified queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeQueueResult> describeQueueAsync(DescribeQueueRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeQueueRequest,DescribeQueueResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Describes the specified queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeQuickConnectResult> describeQuickConnectAsync(DescribeQuickConnectRequest request)
Describes the quick connect.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeQuickConnectResult> describeQuickConnectAsync(DescribeQuickConnectRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeQuickConnectRequest,DescribeQuickConnectResult> asyncHandler)
Describes the quick connect.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeRoutingProfileResult> describeRoutingProfileAsync(DescribeRoutingProfileRequest request)
Describes the specified routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeRoutingProfileResult> describeRoutingProfileAsync(DescribeRoutingProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeRoutingProfileRequest,DescribeRoutingProfileResult> asyncHandler)
Describes the specified routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeRuleResult> describeRuleAsync(DescribeRuleRequest request)
Describes a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeRuleResult> describeRuleAsync(DescribeRuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeRuleRequest,DescribeRuleResult> asyncHandler)
Describes a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeSecurityProfileResult> describeSecurityProfileAsync(DescribeSecurityProfileRequest request)
Gets basic information about the security profle.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeSecurityProfileResult> describeSecurityProfileAsync(DescribeSecurityProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeSecurityProfileRequest,DescribeSecurityProfileResult> asyncHandler)
Gets basic information about the security profle.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupResult> describeTrafficDistributionGroupAsync(DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupRequest request)
Gets details and status of a traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupResult> describeTrafficDistributionGroupAsync(DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupRequest,DescribeTrafficDistributionGroupResult> asyncHandler)
Gets details and status of a traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeUserResult> describeUserAsync(DescribeUserRequest request)
Describes the specified user. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Connect console (it’s the final part of the ARN). The console does not display the user IDs. Instead, list the users and note the IDs provided in the output.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeUserResult> describeUserAsync(DescribeUserRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeUserRequest,DescribeUserResult> asyncHandler)
Describes the specified user. You can find the instance ID in the Amazon Connect console (it’s the final part of the ARN). The console does not display the user IDs. Instead, list the users and note the IDs provided in the output.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeUserHierarchyGroupResult> describeUserHierarchyGroupAsync(DescribeUserHierarchyGroupRequest request)
Describes the specified hierarchy group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeUserHierarchyGroupResult> describeUserHierarchyGroupAsync(DescribeUserHierarchyGroupRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeUserHierarchyGroupRequest,DescribeUserHierarchyGroupResult> asyncHandler)
Describes the specified hierarchy group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeUserHierarchyStructureResult> describeUserHierarchyStructureAsync(DescribeUserHierarchyStructureRequest request)
Describes the hierarchy structure of the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeUserHierarchyStructureResult> describeUserHierarchyStructureAsync(DescribeUserHierarchyStructureRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeUserHierarchyStructureRequest,DescribeUserHierarchyStructureResult> asyncHandler)
Describes the hierarchy structure of the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeViewResult> describeViewAsync(DescribeViewRequest request)
Retrieves the view for the specified Amazon Connect instance and view identifier.
The view identifier can be supplied as a ViewId or ARN.
needs to be supplied if a view is unpublished.
The view identifier can contain an optional qualifier, for example, <view-id>:$SAVED
, which is
either an actual version number or an Amazon Connect managed qualifier $SAVED | $LATEST
. If it is
not supplied, then $LATEST
is assumed for customer managed views and an error is returned if there
is no published content available. Version 1 is assumed for Amazon Web Services managed views.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeViewResult> describeViewAsync(DescribeViewRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeViewRequest,DescribeViewResult> asyncHandler)
Retrieves the view for the specified Amazon Connect instance and view identifier.
The view identifier can be supplied as a ViewId or ARN.
needs to be supplied if a view is unpublished.
The view identifier can contain an optional qualifier, for example, <view-id>:$SAVED
, which is
either an actual version number or an Amazon Connect managed qualifier $SAVED | $LATEST
. If it is
not supplied, then $LATEST
is assumed for customer managed views and an error is returned if there
is no published content available. Version 1 is assumed for Amazon Web Services managed views.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DescribeVocabularyResult> describeVocabularyAsync(DescribeVocabularyRequest request)
Describes the specified vocabulary.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DescribeVocabularyResult> describeVocabularyAsync(DescribeVocabularyRequest request, AsyncHandler<DescribeVocabularyRequest,DescribeVocabularyResult> asyncHandler)
Describes the specified vocabulary.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> disassociateAnalyticsDataSetAsync(DisassociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Removes the dataset ID associated with a given Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> disassociateAnalyticsDataSetAsync(DisassociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateAnalyticsDataSetRequest,DisassociateAnalyticsDataSetResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Removes the dataset ID associated with a given Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateApprovedOriginResult> disassociateApprovedOriginAsync(DisassociateApprovedOriginRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Revokes access to integrated applications from Amazon Connect.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateApprovedOriginResult> disassociateApprovedOriginAsync(DisassociateApprovedOriginRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateApprovedOriginRequest,DisassociateApprovedOriginResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Revokes access to integrated applications from Amazon Connect.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateBotResult> disassociateBotAsync(DisassociateBotRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Revokes authorization from the specified instance to access the specified Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateBotResult> disassociateBotAsync(DisassociateBotRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateBotRequest,DisassociateBotResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Revokes authorization from the specified instance to access the specified Amazon Lex or Amazon Lex V2 bot.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateFlowResult> disassociateFlowAsync(DisassociateFlowRequest request)
Disassociates a connect resource from a flow.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateFlowResult> disassociateFlowAsync(DisassociateFlowRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateFlowRequest,DisassociateFlowResult> asyncHandler)
Disassociates a connect resource from a flow.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigResult> disassociateInstanceStorageConfigAsync(DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Removes the storage type configurations for the specified resource type and association ID.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigResult> disassociateInstanceStorageConfigAsync(DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigRequest,DisassociateInstanceStorageConfigResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Removes the storage type configurations for the specified resource type and association ID.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateLambdaFunctionResult> disassociateLambdaFunctionAsync(DisassociateLambdaFunctionRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Remove the Lambda function from the dropdown options available in the relevant flow blocks.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateLambdaFunctionResult> disassociateLambdaFunctionAsync(DisassociateLambdaFunctionRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateLambdaFunctionRequest,DisassociateLambdaFunctionResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Remove the Lambda function from the dropdown options available in the relevant flow blocks.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateLexBotResult> disassociateLexBotAsync(DisassociateLexBotRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Revokes authorization from the specified instance to access the specified Amazon Lex bot.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateLexBotResult> disassociateLexBotAsync(DisassociateLexBotRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateLexBotRequest,DisassociateLexBotResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Revokes authorization from the specified instance to access the specified Amazon Lex bot.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowResult> disassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowAsync(DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest request)
Removes the flow association from a phone number claimed to your Amazon Connect instance.
If the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group, and you are calling this API using an instance in the
Amazon Web Services Region where the traffic distribution group was created, you can use either a full phone
number ARN or UUID value for the PhoneNumberId
URI request parameter. However, if the number is
claimed to a traffic distribution group and you are calling this API using an instance in the alternate Amazon
Web Services Region associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If
a UUID is provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowResult> disassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowAsync(DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowRequest,DisassociatePhoneNumberContactFlowResult> asyncHandler)
Removes the flow association from a phone number claimed to your Amazon Connect instance.
If the number is claimed to a traffic distribution group, and you are calling this API using an instance in the
Amazon Web Services Region where the traffic distribution group was created, you can use either a full phone
number ARN or UUID value for the PhoneNumberId
URI request parameter. However, if the number is
claimed to a traffic distribution group and you are calling this API using an instance in the alternate Amazon
Web Services Region associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If
a UUID is provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsResult> disassociateQueueQuickConnectsAsync(DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Disassociates a set of quick connects from a queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsResult> disassociateQueueQuickConnectsAsync(DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsRequest,DisassociateQueueQuickConnectsResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Disassociates a set of quick connects from a queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesResult> disassociateRoutingProfileQueuesAsync(DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest request)
Disassociates a set of queues from a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesResult> disassociateRoutingProfileQueuesAsync(DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest,DisassociateRoutingProfileQueuesResult> asyncHandler)
Disassociates a set of queues from a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateSecurityKeyResult> disassociateSecurityKeyAsync(DisassociateSecurityKeyRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Deletes the specified security key.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateSecurityKeyResult> disassociateSecurityKeyAsync(DisassociateSecurityKeyRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateSecurityKeyRequest,DisassociateSecurityKeyResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Deletes the specified security key.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserResult> disassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserAsync(DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserRequest request)
Disassociates an agent from a traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserResult> disassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserAsync(DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserRequest,DisassociateTrafficDistributionGroupUserResult> asyncHandler)
Disassociates an agent from a traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DisassociateUserProficienciesResult> disassociateUserProficienciesAsync(DisassociateUserProficienciesRequest request)
Disassociates a set of proficiencies from a user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DisassociateUserProficienciesResult> disassociateUserProficienciesAsync(DisassociateUserProficienciesRequest request, AsyncHandler<DisassociateUserProficienciesRequest,DisassociateUserProficienciesResult> asyncHandler)
Disassociates a set of proficiencies from a user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<DismissUserContactResult> dismissUserContactAsync(DismissUserContactRequest request)
Dismisses contacts from an agent’s CCP and returns the agent to an available state, which allows the agent to
receive a new routed contact. Contacts can only be dismissed if they are in a MISSED
state in the Agent Event Stream.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<DismissUserContactResult> dismissUserContactAsync(DismissUserContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<DismissUserContactRequest,DismissUserContactResult> asyncHandler)
Dismisses contacts from an agent’s CCP and returns the agent to an available state, which allows the agent to
receive a new routed contact. Contacts can only be dismissed if they are in a MISSED
state in the Agent Event Stream.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetAttachedFileResult> getAttachedFileAsync(GetAttachedFileRequest request)
Provides a pre-signed URL for download of an approved attached file. This API also returns metadata about the
attached file. It will only return a downloadURL if the status of the attached file is APPROVED
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Request to GetAttachedFile API.public Future<GetAttachedFileResult> getAttachedFileAsync(GetAttachedFileRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetAttachedFileRequest,GetAttachedFileResult> asyncHandler)
Provides a pre-signed URL for download of an approved attached file. This API also returns metadata about the
attached file. It will only return a downloadURL if the status of the attached file is APPROVED
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Request to GetAttachedFile API.asyncHandler
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetContactAttributesResult> getContactAttributesAsync(GetContactAttributesRequest request)
Retrieves the contact attributes for the specified contact.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<GetContactAttributesResult> getContactAttributesAsync(GetContactAttributesRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetContactAttributesRequest,GetContactAttributesResult> asyncHandler)
Retrieves the contact attributes for the specified contact.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetCurrentMetricDataResult> getCurrentMetricDataAsync(GetCurrentMetricDataRequest request)
Gets the real-time metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For a description of each metric, see Real-time Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<GetCurrentMetricDataResult> getCurrentMetricDataAsync(GetCurrentMetricDataRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetCurrentMetricDataRequest,GetCurrentMetricDataResult> asyncHandler)
Gets the real-time metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For a description of each metric, see Real-time Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetCurrentUserDataResult> getCurrentUserDataAsync(GetCurrentUserDataRequest request)
Gets the real-time active user data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<GetCurrentUserDataResult> getCurrentUserDataAsync(GetCurrentUserDataRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetCurrentUserDataRequest,GetCurrentUserDataResult> asyncHandler)
Gets the real-time active user data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetFederationTokenResult> getFederationTokenAsync(GetFederationTokenRequest request)
Supports SAML sign-in for Amazon Connect. Retrieves a token for federation. The token is for the Amazon Connect user which corresponds to the IAM credentials that were used to invoke this action.
For more information about how SAML sign-in works in Amazon Connect, see Configure SAML with IAM for Amazon Connect in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
This API doesn't support root users. If you try to invoke GetFederationToken with root credentials, an error message similar to the following one appears:
Provided identity: Principal: .... User: .... cannot be used for federation with Amazon Connect
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<GetFederationTokenResult> getFederationTokenAsync(GetFederationTokenRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetFederationTokenRequest,GetFederationTokenResult> asyncHandler)
Supports SAML sign-in for Amazon Connect. Retrieves a token for federation. The token is for the Amazon Connect user which corresponds to the IAM credentials that were used to invoke this action.
For more information about how SAML sign-in works in Amazon Connect, see Configure SAML with IAM for Amazon Connect in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
This API doesn't support root users. If you try to invoke GetFederationToken with root credentials, an error message similar to the following one appears:
Provided identity: Principal: .... User: .... cannot be used for federation with Amazon Connect
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetFlowAssociationResult> getFlowAssociationAsync(GetFlowAssociationRequest request)
Retrieves the flow associated for a given resource.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<GetFlowAssociationResult> getFlowAssociationAsync(GetFlowAssociationRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetFlowAssociationRequest,GetFlowAssociationResult> asyncHandler)
Retrieves the flow associated for a given resource.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetMetricDataResult> getMetricDataAsync(GetMetricDataRequest request)
Gets historical metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For a description of each historical metric, see Historical Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
We recommend using the GetMetricDataV2 API.
It provides more flexibility, features, and the ability to query longer time ranges than
. Use it to retrieve historical agent and contact metrics for the last 3 months, at
varying intervals. You can also use it to build custom dashboards to measure historical queue and agent
performance. For example, you can track the number of incoming contacts for the last 7 days, with data split by
day, to see how contact volume changed per day of the week.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<GetMetricDataResult> getMetricDataAsync(GetMetricDataRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetMetricDataRequest,GetMetricDataResult> asyncHandler)
Gets historical metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For a description of each historical metric, see Historical Metrics Definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
We recommend using the GetMetricDataV2 API.
It provides more flexibility, features, and the ability to query longer time ranges than
. Use it to retrieve historical agent and contact metrics for the last 3 months, at
varying intervals. You can also use it to build custom dashboards to measure historical queue and agent
performance. For example, you can track the number of incoming contacts for the last 7 days, with data split by
day, to see how contact volume changed per day of the week.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetMetricDataV2Result> getMetricDataV2Async(GetMetricDataV2Request request)
Gets metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
offers more features than GetMetricData, the
previous version of this API. It has new metrics, offers filtering at a metric level, and offers the ability to
filter and group data by channels, queues, routing profiles, agents, and agent hierarchy levels. It can retrieve
historical data for the last 3 months, at varying intervals.
For a description of the historical metrics that are supported by GetMetricDataV2
, see Historical
metrics definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<GetMetricDataV2Result> getMetricDataV2Async(GetMetricDataV2Request request, AsyncHandler<GetMetricDataV2Request,GetMetricDataV2Result> asyncHandler)
Gets metric data from the specified Amazon Connect instance.
offers more features than GetMetricData, the
previous version of this API. It has new metrics, offers filtering at a metric level, and offers the ability to
filter and group data by channels, queues, routing profiles, agents, and agent hierarchy levels. It can retrieve
historical data for the last 3 months, at varying intervals.
For a description of the historical metrics that are supported by GetMetricDataV2
, see Historical
metrics definitions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetPromptFileResult> getPromptFileAsync(GetPromptFileRequest request)
Gets the prompt file.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<GetPromptFileResult> getPromptFileAsync(GetPromptFileRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetPromptFileRequest,GetPromptFileResult> asyncHandler)
Gets the prompt file.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetTaskTemplateResult> getTaskTemplateAsync(GetTaskTemplateRequest request)
Gets details about a specific task template in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<GetTaskTemplateResult> getTaskTemplateAsync(GetTaskTemplateRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetTaskTemplateRequest,GetTaskTemplateResult> asyncHandler)
Gets details about a specific task template in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<GetTrafficDistributionResult> getTrafficDistributionAsync(GetTrafficDistributionRequest request)
Retrieves the current traffic distribution for a given traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<GetTrafficDistributionResult> getTrafficDistributionAsync(GetTrafficDistributionRequest request, AsyncHandler<GetTrafficDistributionRequest,GetTrafficDistributionResult> asyncHandler)
Retrieves the current traffic distribution for a given traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ImportPhoneNumberResult> importPhoneNumberAsync(ImportPhoneNumberRequest request)
Imports a claimed phone number from an external service, such as Amazon Pinpoint, into an Amazon Connect instance. You can call this API only in the same Amazon Web Services Region where the Amazon Connect instance was created.
Call the DescribePhoneNumber
API to verify the status of a previous ImportPhoneNumber
If you plan to claim or import numbers and then release numbers frequently, contact us for a service quota exception. Otherwise, it is possible you will be blocked from claiming and releasing any more numbers until up to 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
By default you can claim or import and then release up to 200% of your maximum number of active phone numbers. If you claim or import and then release phone numbers using the UI or API during a rolling 180 day cycle that exceeds 200% of your phone number service level quota, you will be blocked from claiming or importing any more numbers until 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
For example, if you already have 99 claimed or imported numbers and a service level quota of 99 phone numbers, and in any 180 day period you release 99, claim 99, and then release 99, you will have exceeded the 200% limit. At that point you are blocked from claiming any more numbers until you open an Amazon Web Services Support ticket.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ImportPhoneNumberResult> importPhoneNumberAsync(ImportPhoneNumberRequest request, AsyncHandler<ImportPhoneNumberRequest,ImportPhoneNumberResult> asyncHandler)
Imports a claimed phone number from an external service, such as Amazon Pinpoint, into an Amazon Connect instance. You can call this API only in the same Amazon Web Services Region where the Amazon Connect instance was created.
Call the DescribePhoneNumber
API to verify the status of a previous ImportPhoneNumber
If you plan to claim or import numbers and then release numbers frequently, contact us for a service quota exception. Otherwise, it is possible you will be blocked from claiming and releasing any more numbers until up to 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
By default you can claim or import and then release up to 200% of your maximum number of active phone numbers. If you claim or import and then release phone numbers using the UI or API during a rolling 180 day cycle that exceeds 200% of your phone number service level quota, you will be blocked from claiming or importing any more numbers until 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
For example, if you already have 99 claimed or imported numbers and a service level quota of 99 phone numbers, and in any 180 day period you release 99, claim 99, and then release 99, you will have exceeded the 200% limit. At that point you are blocked from claiming any more numbers until you open an Amazon Web Services Support ticket.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListAgentStatusesResult> listAgentStatusesAsync(ListAgentStatusesRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Lists agent statuses.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListAgentStatusesResult> listAgentStatusesAsync(ListAgentStatusesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAgentStatusesRequest,ListAgentStatusesResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Lists agent statuses.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListAnalyticsDataAssociationsResult> listAnalyticsDataAssociationsAsync(ListAnalyticsDataAssociationsRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Lists the association status of requested dataset ID for a given Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListAnalyticsDataAssociationsResult> listAnalyticsDataAssociationsAsync(ListAnalyticsDataAssociationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAnalyticsDataAssociationsRequest,ListAnalyticsDataAssociationsResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Lists the association status of requested dataset ID for a given Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListApprovedOriginsResult> listApprovedOriginsAsync(ListApprovedOriginsRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of all approved origins associated with the instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListApprovedOriginsResult> listApprovedOriginsAsync(ListApprovedOriginsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListApprovedOriginsRequest,ListApprovedOriginsResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of all approved origins associated with the instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListAuthenticationProfilesResult> listAuthenticationProfilesAsync(ListAuthenticationProfilesRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
Provides summary information about the authentication profiles in a specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListAuthenticationProfilesResult> listAuthenticationProfilesAsync(ListAuthenticationProfilesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListAuthenticationProfilesRequest,ListAuthenticationProfilesResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
Provides summary information about the authentication profiles in a specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListBotsResult> listBotsAsync(ListBotsRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
For the specified version of Amazon Lex, returns a paginated list of all the Amazon Lex bots currently associated with the instance. Use this API to returns both Amazon Lex V1 and V2 bots.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListBotsResult> listBotsAsync(ListBotsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListBotsRequest,ListBotsResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
For the specified version of Amazon Lex, returns a paginated list of all the Amazon Lex bots currently associated with the instance. Use this API to returns both Amazon Lex V1 and V2 bots.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListContactEvaluationsResult> listContactEvaluationsAsync(ListContactEvaluationsRequest request)
Lists contact evaluations in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListContactEvaluationsResult> listContactEvaluationsAsync(ListContactEvaluationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListContactEvaluationsRequest,ListContactEvaluationsResult> asyncHandler)
Lists contact evaluations in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListContactFlowModulesResult> listContactFlowModulesAsync(ListContactFlowModulesRequest request)
Provides information about the flow modules for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListContactFlowModulesResult> listContactFlowModulesAsync(ListContactFlowModulesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListContactFlowModulesRequest,ListContactFlowModulesResult> asyncHandler)
Provides information about the flow modules for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListContactFlowsResult> listContactFlowsAsync(ListContactFlowsRequest request)
Provides information about the flows for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
For more information about flows, see Flows in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListContactFlowsResult> listContactFlowsAsync(ListContactFlowsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListContactFlowsRequest,ListContactFlowsResult> asyncHandler)
Provides information about the flows for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
For more information about flows, see Flows in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListContactReferencesResult> listContactReferencesAsync(ListContactReferencesRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
For the specified referenceTypes
, returns a list of references associated with the contact.
References are links to documents that are related to a contact, such as emails, attachments, or URLs.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListContactReferencesResult> listContactReferencesAsync(ListContactReferencesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListContactReferencesRequest,ListContactReferencesResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
For the specified referenceTypes
, returns a list of references associated with the contact.
References are links to documents that are related to a contact, such as emails, attachments, or URLs.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListDefaultVocabulariesResult> listDefaultVocabulariesAsync(ListDefaultVocabulariesRequest request)
Lists the default vocabularies for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListDefaultVocabulariesResult> listDefaultVocabulariesAsync(ListDefaultVocabulariesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListDefaultVocabulariesRequest,ListDefaultVocabulariesResult> asyncHandler)
Lists the default vocabularies for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListEvaluationFormVersionsResult> listEvaluationFormVersionsAsync(ListEvaluationFormVersionsRequest request)
Lists versions of an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListEvaluationFormVersionsResult> listEvaluationFormVersionsAsync(ListEvaluationFormVersionsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListEvaluationFormVersionsRequest,ListEvaluationFormVersionsResult> asyncHandler)
Lists versions of an evaluation form in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListEvaluationFormsResult> listEvaluationFormsAsync(ListEvaluationFormsRequest request)
Lists evaluation forms in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListEvaluationFormsResult> listEvaluationFormsAsync(ListEvaluationFormsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListEvaluationFormsRequest,ListEvaluationFormsResult> asyncHandler)
Lists evaluation forms in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListFlowAssociationsResult> listFlowAssociationsAsync(ListFlowAssociationsRequest request)
List the flow association based on the filters.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListFlowAssociationsResult> listFlowAssociationsAsync(ListFlowAssociationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListFlowAssociationsRequest,ListFlowAssociationsResult> asyncHandler)
List the flow association based on the filters.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListHoursOfOperationsResult> listHoursOfOperationsAsync(ListHoursOfOperationsRequest request)
Provides information about the hours of operation for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For more information about hours of operation, see Set the Hours of Operation for a Queue in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListHoursOfOperationsResult> listHoursOfOperationsAsync(ListHoursOfOperationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListHoursOfOperationsRequest,ListHoursOfOperationsResult> asyncHandler)
Provides information about the hours of operation for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For more information about hours of operation, see Set the Hours of Operation for a Queue in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListInstanceAttributesResult> listInstanceAttributesAsync(ListInstanceAttributesRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of all attribute types for the given instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListInstanceAttributesResult> listInstanceAttributesAsync(ListInstanceAttributesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListInstanceAttributesRequest,ListInstanceAttributesResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of all attribute types for the given instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListInstanceStorageConfigsResult> listInstanceStorageConfigsAsync(ListInstanceStorageConfigsRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of storage configs for the identified instance and resource type.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListInstanceStorageConfigsResult> listInstanceStorageConfigsAsync(ListInstanceStorageConfigsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListInstanceStorageConfigsRequest,ListInstanceStorageConfigsResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of storage configs for the identified instance and resource type.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListInstancesResult> listInstancesAsync(ListInstancesRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Return a list of instances which are in active state, creation-in-progress state, and failed state. Instances that aren't successfully created (they are in a failed state) are returned only for 24 hours after the CreateInstance API was invoked.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListInstancesResult> listInstancesAsync(ListInstancesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListInstancesRequest,ListInstancesResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Return a list of instances which are in active state, creation-in-progress state, and failed state. Instances that aren't successfully created (they are in a failed state) are returned only for 24 hours after the CreateInstance API was invoked.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListIntegrationAssociationsResult> listIntegrationAssociationsAsync(ListIntegrationAssociationsRequest request)
Provides summary information about the Amazon Web Services resource associations for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListIntegrationAssociationsResult> listIntegrationAssociationsAsync(ListIntegrationAssociationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListIntegrationAssociationsRequest,ListIntegrationAssociationsResult> asyncHandler)
Provides summary information about the Amazon Web Services resource associations for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListLambdaFunctionsResult> listLambdaFunctionsAsync(ListLambdaFunctionsRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of all Lambda functions that display in the dropdown options in the relevant flow blocks.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListLambdaFunctionsResult> listLambdaFunctionsAsync(ListLambdaFunctionsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListLambdaFunctionsRequest,ListLambdaFunctionsResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of all Lambda functions that display in the dropdown options in the relevant flow blocks.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListLexBotsResult> listLexBotsAsync(ListLexBotsRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of all the Amazon Lex V1 bots currently associated with the instance. To return both Amazon Lex V1 and V2 bots, use the ListBots API.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListLexBotsResult> listLexBotsAsync(ListLexBotsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListLexBotsRequest,ListLexBotsResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of all the Amazon Lex V1 bots currently associated with the instance. To return both Amazon Lex V1 and V2 bots, use the ListBots API.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListPhoneNumbersResult> listPhoneNumbersAsync(ListPhoneNumbersRequest request)
Provides information about the phone numbers for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For more information about phone numbers, see Set Up Phone Numbers for Your Contact Center in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
We recommend using ListPhoneNumbersV2
to return phone number types. ListPhoneNumbers doesn't support number types UIFN
. While it returns numbers of
those types, it incorrectly lists them as TOLL_FREE
or DID
The phone number Arn
value that is returned from each of the items in the PhoneNumberSummaryList cannot be used to tag phone number resources. It will fail with a
. Instead, use the ListPhoneNumbersV2
API. It returns the new phone number ARN that can be used to tag phone number resources.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListPhoneNumbersResult> listPhoneNumbersAsync(ListPhoneNumbersRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListPhoneNumbersRequest,ListPhoneNumbersResult> asyncHandler)
Provides information about the phone numbers for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For more information about phone numbers, see Set Up Phone Numbers for Your Contact Center in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
We recommend using ListPhoneNumbersV2
to return phone number types. ListPhoneNumbers doesn't support number types UIFN
. While it returns numbers of
those types, it incorrectly lists them as TOLL_FREE
or DID
The phone number Arn
value that is returned from each of the items in the PhoneNumberSummaryList cannot be used to tag phone number resources. It will fail with a
. Instead, use the ListPhoneNumbersV2
API. It returns the new phone number ARN that can be used to tag phone number resources.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListPhoneNumbersV2Result> listPhoneNumbersV2Async(ListPhoneNumbersV2Request request)
Lists phone numbers claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. If the provided
is a traffic distribution group, you can call this API in both Amazon Web Services Regions
associated with traffic distribution group.
For more information about phone numbers, see Set Up Phone Numbers for Your Contact Center in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
When given an instance ARN, ListPhoneNumbersV2
returns only the phone numbers claimed to the
When given a traffic distribution group ARN ListPhoneNumbersV2
returns only the phone numbers
claimed to the traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListPhoneNumbersV2Result> listPhoneNumbersV2Async(ListPhoneNumbersV2Request request, AsyncHandler<ListPhoneNumbersV2Request,ListPhoneNumbersV2Result> asyncHandler)
Lists phone numbers claimed to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. If the provided
is a traffic distribution group, you can call this API in both Amazon Web Services Regions
associated with traffic distribution group.
For more information about phone numbers, see Set Up Phone Numbers for Your Contact Center in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
When given an instance ARN, ListPhoneNumbersV2
returns only the phone numbers claimed to the
When given a traffic distribution group ARN ListPhoneNumbersV2
returns only the phone numbers
claimed to the traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListPredefinedAttributesResult> listPredefinedAttributesAsync(ListPredefinedAttributesRequest request)
Lists predefined attributes for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListPredefinedAttributesResult> listPredefinedAttributesAsync(ListPredefinedAttributesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListPredefinedAttributesRequest,ListPredefinedAttributesResult> asyncHandler)
Lists predefined attributes for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListPromptsResult> listPromptsAsync(ListPromptsRequest request)
Provides information about the prompts for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListPromptsResult> listPromptsAsync(ListPromptsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListPromptsRequest,ListPromptsResult> asyncHandler)
Provides information about the prompts for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListQueueQuickConnectsResult> listQueueQuickConnectsAsync(ListQueueQuickConnectsRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Lists the quick connects associated with a queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListQueueQuickConnectsResult> listQueueQuickConnectsAsync(ListQueueQuickConnectsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListQueueQuickConnectsRequest,ListQueueQuickConnectsResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Lists the quick connects associated with a queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListQueuesResult> listQueuesAsync(ListQueuesRequest request)
Provides information about the queues for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
If you do not specify a QueueTypes
parameter, both standard and agent queues are returned. This
might cause an unexpected truncation of results if you have more than 1000 agents and you limit the number of
results of the API call in code.
For more information about queues, see Queues: Standard and Agent in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListQueuesResult> listQueuesAsync(ListQueuesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListQueuesRequest,ListQueuesResult> asyncHandler)
Provides information about the queues for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
If you do not specify a QueueTypes
parameter, both standard and agent queues are returned. This
might cause an unexpected truncation of results if you have more than 1000 agents and you limit the number of
results of the API call in code.
For more information about queues, see Queues: Standard and Agent in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListQuickConnectsResult> listQuickConnectsAsync(ListQuickConnectsRequest request)
Provides information about the quick connects for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListQuickConnectsResult> listQuickConnectsAsync(ListQuickConnectsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListQuickConnectsRequest,ListQuickConnectsResult> asyncHandler)
Provides information about the quick connects for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Result> listRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Async(ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Request request)
Provides a list of analysis segments for a real-time analysis session.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Result> listRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Async(ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Request request, AsyncHandler<ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Request,ListRealtimeContactAnalysisSegmentsV2Result> asyncHandler)
Provides a list of analysis segments for a real-time analysis session.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListRoutingProfileQueuesResult> listRoutingProfileQueuesAsync(ListRoutingProfileQueuesRequest request)
Lists the queues associated with a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListRoutingProfileQueuesResult> listRoutingProfileQueuesAsync(ListRoutingProfileQueuesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListRoutingProfileQueuesRequest,ListRoutingProfileQueuesResult> asyncHandler)
Lists the queues associated with a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListRoutingProfilesResult> listRoutingProfilesAsync(ListRoutingProfilesRequest request)
Provides summary information about the routing profiles for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For more information about routing profiles, see Routing Profiles and Create a Routing Profile in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListRoutingProfilesResult> listRoutingProfilesAsync(ListRoutingProfilesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListRoutingProfilesRequest,ListRoutingProfilesResult> asyncHandler)
Provides summary information about the routing profiles for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For more information about routing profiles, see Routing Profiles and Create a Routing Profile in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListRulesResult> listRulesAsync(ListRulesRequest request)
List all rules for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListRulesResult> listRulesAsync(ListRulesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListRulesRequest,ListRulesResult> asyncHandler)
List all rules for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListSecurityKeysResult> listSecurityKeysAsync(ListSecurityKeysRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of all security keys associated with the instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListSecurityKeysResult> listSecurityKeysAsync(ListSecurityKeysRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityKeysRequest,ListSecurityKeysResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Returns a paginated list of all security keys associated with the instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListSecurityProfileApplicationsResult> listSecurityProfileApplicationsAsync(ListSecurityProfileApplicationsRequest request)
Returns a list of third-party applications in a specific security profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListSecurityProfileApplicationsResult> listSecurityProfileApplicationsAsync(ListSecurityProfileApplicationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityProfileApplicationsRequest,ListSecurityProfileApplicationsResult> asyncHandler)
Returns a list of third-party applications in a specific security profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListSecurityProfilePermissionsResult> listSecurityProfilePermissionsAsync(ListSecurityProfilePermissionsRequest request)
Lists the permissions granted to a security profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListSecurityProfilePermissionsResult> listSecurityProfilePermissionsAsync(ListSecurityProfilePermissionsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityProfilePermissionsRequest,ListSecurityProfilePermissionsResult> asyncHandler)
Lists the permissions granted to a security profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListSecurityProfilesResult> listSecurityProfilesAsync(ListSecurityProfilesRequest request)
Provides summary information about the security profiles for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For more information about security profiles, see Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListSecurityProfilesResult> listSecurityProfilesAsync(ListSecurityProfilesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListSecurityProfilesRequest,ListSecurityProfilesResult> asyncHandler)
Provides summary information about the security profiles for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For more information about security profiles, see Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListTagsForResourceResult> listTagsForResourceAsync(ListTagsForResourceRequest request)
Lists the tags for the specified resource.
For sample policies that use tags, see Amazon Connect Identity-Based Policy Examples in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListTagsForResourceResult> listTagsForResourceAsync(ListTagsForResourceRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListTagsForResourceRequest,ListTagsForResourceResult> asyncHandler)
Lists the tags for the specified resource.
For sample policies that use tags, see Amazon Connect Identity-Based Policy Examples in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListTaskTemplatesResult> listTaskTemplatesAsync(ListTaskTemplatesRequest request)
Lists task templates for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListTaskTemplatesResult> listTaskTemplatesAsync(ListTaskTemplatesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListTaskTemplatesRequest,ListTaskTemplatesResult> asyncHandler)
Lists task templates for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsersResult> listTrafficDistributionGroupUsersAsync(ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsersRequest request)
Lists traffic distribution group users.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsersResult> listTrafficDistributionGroupUsersAsync(ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsersRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsersRequest,ListTrafficDistributionGroupUsersResult> asyncHandler)
Lists traffic distribution group users.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListTrafficDistributionGroupsResult> listTrafficDistributionGroupsAsync(ListTrafficDistributionGroupsRequest request)
Lists traffic distribution groups.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListTrafficDistributionGroupsResult> listTrafficDistributionGroupsAsync(ListTrafficDistributionGroupsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListTrafficDistributionGroupsRequest,ListTrafficDistributionGroupsResult> asyncHandler)
Lists traffic distribution groups.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListUseCasesResult> listUseCasesAsync(ListUseCasesRequest request)
Lists the use cases for the integration association.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Provides summary information about the use cases for the specified integration association.public Future<ListUseCasesResult> listUseCasesAsync(ListUseCasesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListUseCasesRequest,ListUseCasesResult> asyncHandler)
Lists the use cases for the integration association.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Provides summary information about the use cases for the specified integration association.asyncHandler
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListUserHierarchyGroupsResult> listUserHierarchyGroupsAsync(ListUserHierarchyGroupsRequest request)
Provides summary information about the hierarchy groups for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For more information about agent hierarchies, see Set Up Agent Hierarchies in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListUserHierarchyGroupsResult> listUserHierarchyGroupsAsync(ListUserHierarchyGroupsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListUserHierarchyGroupsRequest,ListUserHierarchyGroupsResult> asyncHandler)
Provides summary information about the hierarchy groups for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
For more information about agent hierarchies, see Set Up Agent Hierarchies in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListUserProficienciesResult> listUserProficienciesAsync(ListUserProficienciesRequest request)
Lists proficiencies associated with a user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListUserProficienciesResult> listUserProficienciesAsync(ListUserProficienciesRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListUserProficienciesRequest,ListUserProficienciesResult> asyncHandler)
Lists proficiencies associated with a user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListUsersResult> listUsersAsync(ListUsersRequest request)
Provides summary information about the users for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListUsersResult> listUsersAsync(ListUsersRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListUsersRequest,ListUsersResult> asyncHandler)
Provides summary information about the users for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListViewVersionsResult> listViewVersionsAsync(ListViewVersionsRequest request)
Returns all the available versions for the specified Amazon Connect instance and view identifier.
Results will be sorted from highest to lowest.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListViewVersionsResult> listViewVersionsAsync(ListViewVersionsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListViewVersionsRequest,ListViewVersionsResult> asyncHandler)
Returns all the available versions for the specified Amazon Connect instance and view identifier.
Results will be sorted from highest to lowest.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ListViewsResult> listViewsAsync(ListViewsRequest request)
Returns views in the given instance.
Results are sorted primarily by type, and secondarily by name.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ListViewsResult> listViewsAsync(ListViewsRequest request, AsyncHandler<ListViewsRequest,ListViewsResult> asyncHandler)
Returns views in the given instance.
Results are sorted primarily by type, and secondarily by name.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<MonitorContactResult> monitorContactAsync(MonitorContactRequest request)
Initiates silent monitoring of a contact. The Contact Control Panel (CCP) of the user specified by userId will be set to silent monitoring mode on the contact.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<MonitorContactResult> monitorContactAsync(MonitorContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<MonitorContactRequest,MonitorContactResult> asyncHandler)
Initiates silent monitoring of a contact. The Contact Control Panel (CCP) of the user specified by userId will be set to silent monitoring mode on the contact.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<PauseContactResult> pauseContactAsync(PauseContactRequest request)
Allows pausing an ongoing task contact.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<PauseContactResult> pauseContactAsync(PauseContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<PauseContactRequest,PauseContactResult> asyncHandler)
Allows pausing an ongoing task contact.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<PutUserStatusResult> putUserStatusAsync(PutUserStatusRequest request)
Changes the current status of a user or agent in Amazon Connect. If the agent is currently handling a contact, this sets the agent's next status.
For more information, see Agent status and Set your next status in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<PutUserStatusResult> putUserStatusAsync(PutUserStatusRequest request, AsyncHandler<PutUserStatusRequest,PutUserStatusResult> asyncHandler)
Changes the current status of a user or agent in Amazon Connect. If the agent is currently handling a contact, this sets the agent's next status.
For more information, see Agent status and Set your next status in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ReleasePhoneNumberResult> releasePhoneNumberAsync(ReleasePhoneNumberRequest request)
Releases a phone number previously claimed to an Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. You can call this API only in the Amazon Web Services Region where the number was claimed.
To release phone numbers from a traffic distribution group, use the ReleasePhoneNumber
API, not the
Amazon Connect admin website.
After releasing a phone number, the phone number enters into a cooldown period for up to 180 days. It cannot be searched for or claimed again until the period has ended. If you accidentally release a phone number, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
If you plan to claim and release numbers frequently, contact us for a service quota exception. Otherwise, it is possible you will be blocked from claiming and releasing any more numbers until up to 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
By default you can claim and release up to 200% of your maximum number of active phone numbers. If you claim and release phone numbers using the UI or API during a rolling 180 day cycle that exceeds 200% of your phone number service level quota, you will be blocked from claiming any more numbers until 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
For example, if you already have 99 claimed numbers and a service level quota of 99 phone numbers, and in any 180 day period you release 99, claim 99, and then release 99, you will have exceeded the 200% limit. At that point you are blocked from claiming any more numbers until you open an Amazon Web Services support ticket.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ReleasePhoneNumberResult> releasePhoneNumberAsync(ReleasePhoneNumberRequest request, AsyncHandler<ReleasePhoneNumberRequest,ReleasePhoneNumberResult> asyncHandler)
Releases a phone number previously claimed to an Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group. You can call this API only in the Amazon Web Services Region where the number was claimed.
To release phone numbers from a traffic distribution group, use the ReleasePhoneNumber
API, not the
Amazon Connect admin website.
After releasing a phone number, the phone number enters into a cooldown period for up to 180 days. It cannot be searched for or claimed again until the period has ended. If you accidentally release a phone number, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
If you plan to claim and release numbers frequently, contact us for a service quota exception. Otherwise, it is possible you will be blocked from claiming and releasing any more numbers until up to 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
By default you can claim and release up to 200% of your maximum number of active phone numbers. If you claim and release phone numbers using the UI or API during a rolling 180 day cycle that exceeds 200% of your phone number service level quota, you will be blocked from claiming any more numbers until 180 days past the oldest number released has expired.
For example, if you already have 99 claimed numbers and a service level quota of 99 phone numbers, and in any 180 day period you release 99, claim 99, and then release 99, you will have exceeded the 200% limit. At that point you are blocked from claiming any more numbers until you open an Amazon Web Services support ticket.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ReplicateInstanceResult> replicateInstanceAsync(ReplicateInstanceRequest request)
Replicates an Amazon Connect instance in the specified Amazon Web Services Region and copies configuration information for Amazon Connect resources across Amazon Web Services Regions.
For more information about replicating an Amazon Connect instance, see Create a replica of your existing Amazon Connect instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ReplicateInstanceResult> replicateInstanceAsync(ReplicateInstanceRequest request, AsyncHandler<ReplicateInstanceRequest,ReplicateInstanceResult> asyncHandler)
Replicates an Amazon Connect instance in the specified Amazon Web Services Region and copies configuration information for Amazon Connect resources across Amazon Web Services Regions.
For more information about replicating an Amazon Connect instance, see Create a replica of your existing Amazon Connect instance in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ResumeContactResult> resumeContactAsync(ResumeContactRequest request)
Allows resuming a task contact in a paused state.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ResumeContactResult> resumeContactAsync(ResumeContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<ResumeContactRequest,ResumeContactResult> asyncHandler)
Allows resuming a task contact in a paused state.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<ResumeContactRecordingResult> resumeContactRecordingAsync(ResumeContactRecordingRequest request)
When a contact is being recorded, and the recording has been suspended using SuspendContactRecording, this API resumes recording whatever recording is selected in the flow configuration: call, screen, or both. If only call recording or only screen recording is enabled, then it would resume.
Voice and screen recordings are supported.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<ResumeContactRecordingResult> resumeContactRecordingAsync(ResumeContactRecordingRequest request, AsyncHandler<ResumeContactRecordingRequest,ResumeContactRecordingResult> asyncHandler)
When a contact is being recorded, and the recording has been suspended using SuspendContactRecording, this API resumes recording whatever recording is selected in the flow configuration: call, screen, or both. If only call recording or only screen recording is enabled, then it would resume.
Voice and screen recordings are supported.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchAgentStatusesResult> searchAgentStatusesAsync(SearchAgentStatusesRequest request)
Searches AgentStatuses in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchAgentStatusesResult> searchAgentStatusesAsync(SearchAgentStatusesRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchAgentStatusesRequest,SearchAgentStatusesResult> asyncHandler)
Searches AgentStatuses in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResult> searchAvailablePhoneNumbersAsync(SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest request)
Searches for available phone numbers that you can claim to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution
group. If the provided TargetArn
is a traffic distribution group, you can call this API in both
Amazon Web Services Regions associated with the traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResult> searchAvailablePhoneNumbersAsync(SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersRequest,SearchAvailablePhoneNumbersResult> asyncHandler)
Searches for available phone numbers that you can claim to your Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution
group. If the provided TargetArn
is a traffic distribution group, you can call this API in both
Amazon Web Services Regions associated with the traffic distribution group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchContactFlowModulesResult> searchContactFlowModulesAsync(SearchContactFlowModulesRequest request)
Searches the flow modules in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchContactFlowModulesResult> searchContactFlowModulesAsync(SearchContactFlowModulesRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchContactFlowModulesRequest,SearchContactFlowModulesResult> asyncHandler)
Searches the flow modules in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchContactFlowsResult> searchContactFlowsAsync(SearchContactFlowsRequest request)
Searches the contact flows in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchContactFlowsResult> searchContactFlowsAsync(SearchContactFlowsRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchContactFlowsRequest,SearchContactFlowsResult> asyncHandler)
Searches the contact flows in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchContactsResult> searchContactsAsync(SearchContactsRequest request)
Searches contacts in an Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchContactsResult> searchContactsAsync(SearchContactsRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchContactsRequest,SearchContactsResult> asyncHandler)
Searches contacts in an Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchHoursOfOperationsResult> searchHoursOfOperationsAsync(SearchHoursOfOperationsRequest request)
Searches the hours of operation in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchHoursOfOperationsResult> searchHoursOfOperationsAsync(SearchHoursOfOperationsRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchHoursOfOperationsRequest,SearchHoursOfOperationsResult> asyncHandler)
Searches the hours of operation in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchPredefinedAttributesResult> searchPredefinedAttributesAsync(SearchPredefinedAttributesRequest request)
Predefined attributes that meet certain criteria.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchPredefinedAttributesResult> searchPredefinedAttributesAsync(SearchPredefinedAttributesRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchPredefinedAttributesRequest,SearchPredefinedAttributesResult> asyncHandler)
Predefined attributes that meet certain criteria.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchPromptsResult> searchPromptsAsync(SearchPromptsRequest request)
Searches prompts in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchPromptsResult> searchPromptsAsync(SearchPromptsRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchPromptsRequest,SearchPromptsResult> asyncHandler)
Searches prompts in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchQueuesResult> searchQueuesAsync(SearchQueuesRequest request)
Searches queues in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchQueuesResult> searchQueuesAsync(SearchQueuesRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchQueuesRequest,SearchQueuesResult> asyncHandler)
Searches queues in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchQuickConnectsResult> searchQuickConnectsAsync(SearchQuickConnectsRequest request)
Searches quick connects in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchQuickConnectsResult> searchQuickConnectsAsync(SearchQuickConnectsRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchQuickConnectsRequest,SearchQuickConnectsResult> asyncHandler)
Searches quick connects in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchResourceTagsResult> searchResourceTagsAsync(SearchResourceTagsRequest request)
Searches tags used in an Amazon Connect instance using optional search criteria.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchResourceTagsResult> searchResourceTagsAsync(SearchResourceTagsRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchResourceTagsRequest,SearchResourceTagsResult> asyncHandler)
Searches tags used in an Amazon Connect instance using optional search criteria.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchRoutingProfilesResult> searchRoutingProfilesAsync(SearchRoutingProfilesRequest request)
Searches routing profiles in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchRoutingProfilesResult> searchRoutingProfilesAsync(SearchRoutingProfilesRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchRoutingProfilesRequest,SearchRoutingProfilesResult> asyncHandler)
Searches routing profiles in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchSecurityProfilesResult> searchSecurityProfilesAsync(SearchSecurityProfilesRequest request)
Searches security profiles in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchSecurityProfilesResult> searchSecurityProfilesAsync(SearchSecurityProfilesRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchSecurityProfilesRequest,SearchSecurityProfilesResult> asyncHandler)
Searches security profiles in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchUserHierarchyGroupsResult> searchUserHierarchyGroupsAsync(SearchUserHierarchyGroupsRequest request)
Searches UserHierarchyGroups in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
The UserHierarchyGroup with "LevelId": "0"
is the foundation for building levels on top of an
instance. It is not user-definable, nor is it visible in the UI.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchUserHierarchyGroupsResult> searchUserHierarchyGroupsAsync(SearchUserHierarchyGroupsRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchUserHierarchyGroupsRequest,SearchUserHierarchyGroupsResult> asyncHandler)
Searches UserHierarchyGroups in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
The UserHierarchyGroup with "LevelId": "0"
is the foundation for building levels on top of an
instance. It is not user-definable, nor is it visible in the UI.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchUsersResult> searchUsersAsync(SearchUsersRequest request)
Searches users in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
is returned in milliseconds.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchUsersResult> searchUsersAsync(SearchUsersRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchUsersRequest,SearchUsersResult> asyncHandler)
Searches users in an Amazon Connect instance, with optional filtering.
is returned in milliseconds.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SearchVocabulariesResult> searchVocabulariesAsync(SearchVocabulariesRequest request)
Searches for vocabularies within a specific Amazon Connect instance using State
, and LanguageCode
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SearchVocabulariesResult> searchVocabulariesAsync(SearchVocabulariesRequest request, AsyncHandler<SearchVocabulariesRequest,SearchVocabulariesResult> asyncHandler)
Searches for vocabularies within a specific Amazon Connect instance using State
, and LanguageCode
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SendChatIntegrationEventResult> sendChatIntegrationEventAsync(SendChatIntegrationEventRequest request)
Processes chat integration events from Amazon Web Services or external integrations to Amazon Connect. A chat integration event includes:
SourceId, DestinationId, and Subtype: a set of identifiers, uniquely representing a chat
ChatEvent: details of the chat action to perform such as sending a message, event, or disconnecting from a chat
When a chat integration event is sent with chat identifiers that do not map to an active chat contact, a new chat contact is also created before handling chat action.
Access to this API is currently restricted to Amazon Pinpoint for supporting SMS integration.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SendChatIntegrationEventResult> sendChatIntegrationEventAsync(SendChatIntegrationEventRequest request, AsyncHandler<SendChatIntegrationEventRequest,SendChatIntegrationEventResult> asyncHandler)
Processes chat integration events from Amazon Web Services or external integrations to Amazon Connect. A chat integration event includes:
SourceId, DestinationId, and Subtype: a set of identifiers, uniquely representing a chat
ChatEvent: details of the chat action to perform such as sending a message, event, or disconnecting from a chat
When a chat integration event is sent with chat identifiers that do not map to an active chat contact, a new chat contact is also created before handling chat action.
Access to this API is currently restricted to Amazon Pinpoint for supporting SMS integration.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StartAttachedFileUploadResult> startAttachedFileUploadAsync(StartAttachedFileUploadRequest request)
Provides a pre-signed Amazon S3 URL in response for uploading your content.
You may only use this API to upload attachments to an Amazon Connect Case.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StartAttachedFileUploadResult> startAttachedFileUploadAsync(StartAttachedFileUploadRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartAttachedFileUploadRequest,StartAttachedFileUploadResult> asyncHandler)
Provides a pre-signed Amazon S3 URL in response for uploading your content.
You may only use this API to upload attachments to an Amazon Connect Case.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StartChatContactResult> startChatContactAsync(StartChatContactRequest request)
Initiates a flow to start a new chat for the customer. Response of this API provides a token required to obtain credentials from the CreateParticipantConnection API in the Amazon Connect Participant Service.
When a new chat contact is successfully created, clients must subscribe to the participant’s connection for the created chat within 5 minutes. This is achieved by invoking CreateParticipantConnection with WEBSOCKET and CONNECTION_CREDENTIALS.
A 429 error occurs in the following situations:
API rate limit is exceeded. API TPS throttling returns a TooManyRequests
The quota for
concurrent active chats is exceeded. Active chat throttling returns a LimitExceededException
If you use the ChatDurationInMinutes
parameter and receive a 400 error, your account may not support
the ability to configure custom chat durations. For more information, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
For more information about chat, see the following topics in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide:
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StartChatContactResult> startChatContactAsync(StartChatContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartChatContactRequest,StartChatContactResult> asyncHandler)
Initiates a flow to start a new chat for the customer. Response of this API provides a token required to obtain credentials from the CreateParticipantConnection API in the Amazon Connect Participant Service.
When a new chat contact is successfully created, clients must subscribe to the participant’s connection for the created chat within 5 minutes. This is achieved by invoking CreateParticipantConnection with WEBSOCKET and CONNECTION_CREDENTIALS.
A 429 error occurs in the following situations:
API rate limit is exceeded. API TPS throttling returns a TooManyRequests
The quota for
concurrent active chats is exceeded. Active chat throttling returns a LimitExceededException
If you use the ChatDurationInMinutes
parameter and receive a 400 error, your account may not support
the ability to configure custom chat durations. For more information, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
For more information about chat, see the following topics in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide:
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StartContactEvaluationResult> startContactEvaluationAsync(StartContactEvaluationRequest request)
Starts an empty evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance, using the given evaluation form for the particular contact. The evaluation form version used for the contact evaluation corresponds to the currently activated version. If no version is activated for the evaluation form, the contact evaluation cannot be started.
Evaluations created through the public API do not contain answer values suggested from automation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StartContactEvaluationResult> startContactEvaluationAsync(StartContactEvaluationRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartContactEvaluationRequest,StartContactEvaluationResult> asyncHandler)
Starts an empty evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance, using the given evaluation form for the particular contact. The evaluation form version used for the contact evaluation corresponds to the currently activated version. If no version is activated for the evaluation form, the contact evaluation cannot be started.
Evaluations created through the public API do not contain answer values suggested from automation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StartContactRecordingResult> startContactRecordingAsync(StartContactRecordingRequest request)
Starts recording the contact:
If the API is called before the agent joins the call, recording starts when the agent joins the call.
If the API is called after the agent joins the call, recording starts at the time of the API call.
StartContactRecording is a one-time action. For example, if you use StopContactRecording to stop recording an ongoing call, you can't use StartContactRecording to restart it. For scenarios where the recording has started and you want to suspend and resume it, such as when collecting sensitive information (for example, a credit card number), use SuspendContactRecording and ResumeContactRecording.
You can use this API to override the recording behavior configured in the Set recording behavior block.
Only voice recordings are supported at this time.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StartContactRecordingResult> startContactRecordingAsync(StartContactRecordingRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartContactRecordingRequest,StartContactRecordingResult> asyncHandler)
Starts recording the contact:
If the API is called before the agent joins the call, recording starts when the agent joins the call.
If the API is called after the agent joins the call, recording starts at the time of the API call.
StartContactRecording is a one-time action. For example, if you use StopContactRecording to stop recording an ongoing call, you can't use StartContactRecording to restart it. For scenarios where the recording has started and you want to suspend and resume it, such as when collecting sensitive information (for example, a credit card number), use SuspendContactRecording and ResumeContactRecording.
You can use this API to override the recording behavior configured in the Set recording behavior block.
Only voice recordings are supported at this time.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StartContactStreamingResult> startContactStreamingAsync(StartContactStreamingRequest request)
Initiates real-time message streaming for a new chat contact.
For more information about message streaming, see Enable real-time chat message streaming in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
For more information about chat, see the following topics in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide:
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StartContactStreamingResult> startContactStreamingAsync(StartContactStreamingRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartContactStreamingRequest,StartContactStreamingResult> asyncHandler)
Initiates real-time message streaming for a new chat contact.
For more information about message streaming, see Enable real-time chat message streaming in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
For more information about chat, see the following topics in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide:
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StartOutboundVoiceContactResult> startOutboundVoiceContactAsync(StartOutboundVoiceContactRequest request)
Places an outbound call to a contact, and then initiates the flow. It performs the actions in the flow that's
specified (in ContactFlowId
Agents do not initiate the outbound API, which means that they do not dial the contact. If the flow places an outbound call to a contact, and then puts the contact in queue, the call is then routed to the agent, like any other inbound case.
There is a 60-second dialing timeout for this operation. If the call is not connected after 60 seconds, it fails.
UK numbers with a 447 prefix are not allowed by default. Before you can dial these UK mobile numbers, you must submit a service quota increase request. For more information, see Amazon Connect Service Quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
Campaign calls are not allowed by default. Before you can make a call with TrafficType
, you must submit a service quota increase request to the quota Amazon Connect campaigns.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StartOutboundVoiceContactResult> startOutboundVoiceContactAsync(StartOutboundVoiceContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartOutboundVoiceContactRequest,StartOutboundVoiceContactResult> asyncHandler)
Places an outbound call to a contact, and then initiates the flow. It performs the actions in the flow that's
specified (in ContactFlowId
Agents do not initiate the outbound API, which means that they do not dial the contact. If the flow places an outbound call to a contact, and then puts the contact in queue, the call is then routed to the agent, like any other inbound case.
There is a 60-second dialing timeout for this operation. If the call is not connected after 60 seconds, it fails.
UK numbers with a 447 prefix are not allowed by default. Before you can dial these UK mobile numbers, you must submit a service quota increase request. For more information, see Amazon Connect Service Quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
Campaign calls are not allowed by default. Before you can make a call with TrafficType
, you must submit a service quota increase request to the quota Amazon Connect campaigns.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StartTaskContactResult> startTaskContactAsync(StartTaskContactRequest request)
Initiates a flow to start a new task contact. For more information about task contacts, see Concepts: Tasks in Amazon Connect in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
When using PreviousContactId
and RelatedContactId
input parameters, note the following:
Any updates to user-defined task contact attributes on any contact linked through the same
will affect every contact in the chain.
There can be a maximum of 12 linked task contacts in a chain. That is, 12 task contacts can be created that share
the same PreviousContactId
Copies contact attributes from the related task contact to the new contact.
Any update on attributes in a new task contact does not update attributes on previous contact.
There’s no limit on the number of task contacts that can be created that use the same
In addition, when calling StartTaskContact include only one of these parameters: ContactFlowID
, or TaskTemplateID
. Only one parameter is required as long as the task
template has a flow configured to run it. If more than one parameter is specified, or only the
is specified but it does not have a flow configured, the request returns an error
because Amazon Connect cannot identify the unique flow to run when the task is created.
A ServiceQuotaExceededException
occurs when the number of open tasks exceeds the active tasks quota
or there are already 12 tasks referencing the same PreviousContactId
. For more information about
service quotas for task contacts, see Amazon Connect
service quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StartTaskContactResult> startTaskContactAsync(StartTaskContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartTaskContactRequest,StartTaskContactResult> asyncHandler)
Initiates a flow to start a new task contact. For more information about task contacts, see Concepts: Tasks in Amazon Connect in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
When using PreviousContactId
and RelatedContactId
input parameters, note the following:
Any updates to user-defined task contact attributes on any contact linked through the same
will affect every contact in the chain.
There can be a maximum of 12 linked task contacts in a chain. That is, 12 task contacts can be created that share
the same PreviousContactId
Copies contact attributes from the related task contact to the new contact.
Any update on attributes in a new task contact does not update attributes on previous contact.
There’s no limit on the number of task contacts that can be created that use the same
In addition, when calling StartTaskContact include only one of these parameters: ContactFlowID
, or TaskTemplateID
. Only one parameter is required as long as the task
template has a flow configured to run it. If more than one parameter is specified, or only the
is specified but it does not have a flow configured, the request returns an error
because Amazon Connect cannot identify the unique flow to run when the task is created.
A ServiceQuotaExceededException
occurs when the number of open tasks exceeds the active tasks quota
or there are already 12 tasks referencing the same PreviousContactId
. For more information about
service quotas for task contacts, see Amazon Connect
service quotas in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StartWebRTCContactResult> startWebRTCContactAsync(StartWebRTCContactRequest request)
Places an inbound in-app, web, or video call to a contact, and then initiates the flow. It performs the actions in the flow that are specified (in ContactFlowId) and present in the Amazon Connect instance (specified as InstanceId).
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StartWebRTCContactResult> startWebRTCContactAsync(StartWebRTCContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<StartWebRTCContactRequest,StartWebRTCContactResult> asyncHandler)
Places an inbound in-app, web, or video call to a contact, and then initiates the flow. It performs the actions in the flow that are specified (in ContactFlowId) and present in the Amazon Connect instance (specified as InstanceId).
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StopContactResult> stopContactAsync(StopContactRequest request)
Ends the specified contact. Use this API to stop queued callbacks. It does not work for voice contacts that use the following initiation methods:
Chat and task contacts can be terminated in any state, regardless of initiation method.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StopContactResult> stopContactAsync(StopContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<StopContactRequest,StopContactResult> asyncHandler)
Ends the specified contact. Use this API to stop queued callbacks. It does not work for voice contacts that use the following initiation methods:
Chat and task contacts can be terminated in any state, regardless of initiation method.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StopContactRecordingResult> stopContactRecordingAsync(StopContactRecordingRequest request)
Stops recording a call when a contact is being recorded. StopContactRecording is a one-time action. If you use StopContactRecording to stop recording an ongoing call, you can't use StartContactRecording to restart it. For scenarios where the recording has started and you want to suspend it for sensitive information (for example, to collect a credit card number), and then restart it, use SuspendContactRecording and ResumeContactRecording.
Only voice recordings are supported at this time.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StopContactRecordingResult> stopContactRecordingAsync(StopContactRecordingRequest request, AsyncHandler<StopContactRecordingRequest,StopContactRecordingResult> asyncHandler)
Stops recording a call when a contact is being recorded. StopContactRecording is a one-time action. If you use StopContactRecording to stop recording an ongoing call, you can't use StartContactRecording to restart it. For scenarios where the recording has started and you want to suspend it for sensitive information (for example, to collect a credit card number), and then restart it, use SuspendContactRecording and ResumeContactRecording.
Only voice recordings are supported at this time.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<StopContactStreamingResult> stopContactStreamingAsync(StopContactStreamingRequest request)
Ends message streaming on a specified contact. To restart message streaming on that contact, call the StartContactStreaming API.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<StopContactStreamingResult> stopContactStreamingAsync(StopContactStreamingRequest request, AsyncHandler<StopContactStreamingRequest,StopContactStreamingResult> asyncHandler)
Ends message streaming on a specified contact. To restart message streaming on that contact, call the StartContactStreaming API.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SubmitContactEvaluationResult> submitContactEvaluationAsync(SubmitContactEvaluationRequest request)
Submits a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance. Answers included in the request are merged
with existing answers for the given evaluation. If no answers or notes are passed, the evaluation is submitted
with the existing answers and notes. You can delete an answer or note by passing an empty object ({}
) to the question identifier.
If a contact evaluation is already in submitted state, this operation will trigger a resubmission.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SubmitContactEvaluationResult> submitContactEvaluationAsync(SubmitContactEvaluationRequest request, AsyncHandler<SubmitContactEvaluationRequest,SubmitContactEvaluationResult> asyncHandler)
Submits a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance. Answers included in the request are merged
with existing answers for the given evaluation. If no answers or notes are passed, the evaluation is submitted
with the existing answers and notes. You can delete an answer or note by passing an empty object ({}
) to the question identifier.
If a contact evaluation is already in submitted state, this operation will trigger a resubmission.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<SuspendContactRecordingResult> suspendContactRecordingAsync(SuspendContactRecordingRequest request)
When a contact is being recorded, this API suspends recording whatever is selected in the flow configuration: call, screen, or both. If only call recording or only screen recording is enabled, then it would be suspended. For example, you might suspend the screen recording while collecting sensitive information, such as a credit card number. Then use ResumeContactRecording to restart recording the screen.
The period of time that the recording is suspended is filled with silence in the final recording.
Voice and screen recordings are supported.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<SuspendContactRecordingResult> suspendContactRecordingAsync(SuspendContactRecordingRequest request, AsyncHandler<SuspendContactRecordingRequest,SuspendContactRecordingResult> asyncHandler)
When a contact is being recorded, this API suspends recording whatever is selected in the flow configuration: call, screen, or both. If only call recording or only screen recording is enabled, then it would be suspended. For example, you might suspend the screen recording while collecting sensitive information, such as a credit card number. Then use ResumeContactRecording to restart recording the screen.
The period of time that the recording is suspended is filled with silence in the final recording.
Voice and screen recordings are supported.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<TagContactResult> tagContactAsync(TagContactRequest request)
Adds the specified tags to the contact resource. For more information about this API is used, see Set up granular billing for a detailed view of your Amazon Connect usage.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<TagContactResult> tagContactAsync(TagContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<TagContactRequest,TagContactResult> asyncHandler)
Adds the specified tags to the contact resource. For more information about this API is used, see Set up granular billing for a detailed view of your Amazon Connect usage.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<TagResourceResult> tagResourceAsync(TagResourceRequest request)
Adds the specified tags to the specified resource.
Some of the supported resource types are agents, routing profiles, queues, quick connects, contact flows, agent statuses, hours of operation, phone numbers, security profiles, and task templates. For a complete list, see Tagging resources in Amazon Connect.
For sample policies that use tags, see Amazon Connect Identity-Based Policy Examples in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<TagResourceResult> tagResourceAsync(TagResourceRequest request, AsyncHandler<TagResourceRequest,TagResourceResult> asyncHandler)
Adds the specified tags to the specified resource.
Some of the supported resource types are agents, routing profiles, queues, quick connects, contact flows, agent statuses, hours of operation, phone numbers, security profiles, and task templates. For a complete list, see Tagging resources in Amazon Connect.
For sample policies that use tags, see Amazon Connect Identity-Based Policy Examples in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<TransferContactResult> transferContactAsync(TransferContactRequest request)
Transfers contacts from one agent or queue to another agent or queue at any point after a contact is created. You can transfer a contact to another queue by providing the flow which orchestrates the contact to the destination queue. This gives you more control over contact handling and helps you adhere to the service level agreement (SLA) guaranteed to your customers.
Note the following requirements:
Transfer is supported for only TASK
Do not use both QueueId
and UserId
in the same call.
The following flow types are supported: Inbound flow, Transfer to agent flow, and Transfer to queue flow.
The TransferContact
API can be called only on active contacts.
A contact cannot be transferred more than 11 times.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<TransferContactResult> transferContactAsync(TransferContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<TransferContactRequest,TransferContactResult> asyncHandler)
Transfers contacts from one agent or queue to another agent or queue at any point after a contact is created. You can transfer a contact to another queue by providing the flow which orchestrates the contact to the destination queue. This gives you more control over contact handling and helps you adhere to the service level agreement (SLA) guaranteed to your customers.
Note the following requirements:
Transfer is supported for only TASK
Do not use both QueueId
and UserId
in the same call.
The following flow types are supported: Inbound flow, Transfer to agent flow, and Transfer to queue flow.
The TransferContact
API can be called only on active contacts.
A contact cannot be transferred more than 11 times.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UntagContactResult> untagContactAsync(UntagContactRequest request)
Removes the specified tags from the contact resource. For more information about this API is used, see Set up granular billing for a detailed view of your Amazon Connect usage.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UntagContactResult> untagContactAsync(UntagContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<UntagContactRequest,UntagContactResult> asyncHandler)
Removes the specified tags from the contact resource. For more information about this API is used, see Set up granular billing for a detailed view of your Amazon Connect usage.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UntagResourceResult> untagResourceAsync(UntagResourceRequest request)
Removes the specified tags from the specified resource.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UntagResourceResult> untagResourceAsync(UntagResourceRequest request, AsyncHandler<UntagResourceRequest,UntagResourceResult> asyncHandler)
Removes the specified tags from the specified resource.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateAgentStatusResult> updateAgentStatusAsync(UpdateAgentStatusRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates agent status.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateAgentStatusResult> updateAgentStatusAsync(UpdateAgentStatusRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateAgentStatusRequest,UpdateAgentStatusResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates agent status.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateAuthenticationProfileResult> updateAuthenticationProfileAsync(UpdateAuthenticationProfileRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
Updates the selected authentication profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateAuthenticationProfileResult> updateAuthenticationProfileAsync(UpdateAuthenticationProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateAuthenticationProfileRequest,UpdateAuthenticationProfileResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change. To request access to this API, contact Amazon Web Services Support.
Updates the selected authentication profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateContactResult> updateContactAsync(UpdateContactRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Adds or updates user-defined contact information associated with the specified contact. At least one field to be updated must be present in the request.
You can add or update user-defined contact information for both ongoing and completed contacts.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateContactResult> updateContactAsync(UpdateContactRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateContactRequest,UpdateContactResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Adds or updates user-defined contact information associated with the specified contact. At least one field to be updated must be present in the request.
You can add or update user-defined contact information for both ongoing and completed contacts.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateContactAttributesResult> updateContactAttributesAsync(UpdateContactAttributesRequest request)
Creates or updates user-defined contact attributes associated with the specified contact.
You can create or update user-defined attributes for both ongoing and completed contacts. For example, while the call is active, you can update the customer's name or the reason the customer called. You can add notes about steps that the agent took during the call that display to the next agent that takes the call. You can also update attributes for a contact using data from your CRM application and save the data with the contact in Amazon Connect. You could also flag calls for additional analysis, such as legal review or to identify abusive callers.
Contact attributes are available in Amazon Connect for 24 months, and are then deleted. For information about contact record retention and the maximum size of the contact record attributes section, see Feature specifications in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateContactAttributesResult> updateContactAttributesAsync(UpdateContactAttributesRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateContactAttributesRequest,UpdateContactAttributesResult> asyncHandler)
Creates or updates user-defined contact attributes associated with the specified contact.
You can create or update user-defined attributes for both ongoing and completed contacts. For example, while the call is active, you can update the customer's name or the reason the customer called. You can add notes about steps that the agent took during the call that display to the next agent that takes the call. You can also update attributes for a contact using data from your CRM application and save the data with the contact in Amazon Connect. You could also flag calls for additional analysis, such as legal review or to identify abusive callers.
Contact attributes are available in Amazon Connect for 24 months, and are then deleted. For information about contact record retention and the maximum size of the contact record attributes section, see Feature specifications in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateContactEvaluationResult> updateContactEvaluationAsync(UpdateContactEvaluationRequest request)
Updates details about a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance. A contact evaluation must be
in draft state. Answers included in the request are merged with existing answers for the given evaluation. An
answer or note can be deleted by passing an empty object ({}
) to the question identifier.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateContactEvaluationResult> updateContactEvaluationAsync(UpdateContactEvaluationRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateContactEvaluationRequest,UpdateContactEvaluationResult> asyncHandler)
Updates details about a contact evaluation in the specified Amazon Connect instance. A contact evaluation must be
in draft state. Answers included in the request are merged with existing answers for the given evaluation. An
answer or note can be deleted by passing an empty object ({}
) to the question identifier.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateContactFlowContentResult> updateContactFlowContentAsync(UpdateContactFlowContentRequest request)
Updates the specified flow.
You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
Use the $SAVED
alias in the request to describe the SAVED
content of a Flow. For
example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED
. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED
needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateContactFlowContentResult> updateContactFlowContentAsync(UpdateContactFlowContentRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateContactFlowContentRequest,UpdateContactFlowContentResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the specified flow.
You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
Use the $SAVED
alias in the request to describe the SAVED
content of a Flow. For
example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED
. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED
needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateContactFlowMetadataResult> updateContactFlowMetadataAsync(UpdateContactFlowMetadataRequest request)
Updates metadata about specified flow.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateContactFlowMetadataResult> updateContactFlowMetadataAsync(UpdateContactFlowMetadataRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateContactFlowMetadataRequest,UpdateContactFlowMetadataResult> asyncHandler)
Updates metadata about specified flow.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateContactFlowModuleContentResult> updateContactFlowModuleContentAsync(UpdateContactFlowModuleContentRequest request)
Updates specified flow module for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
Use the $SAVED
alias in the request to describe the SAVED
content of a Flow. For
example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED
. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED
needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateContactFlowModuleContentResult> updateContactFlowModuleContentAsync(UpdateContactFlowModuleContentRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateContactFlowModuleContentRequest,UpdateContactFlowModuleContentResult> asyncHandler)
Updates specified flow module for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
Use the $SAVED
alias in the request to describe the SAVED
content of a Flow. For
example, arn:aws:.../contact-flow/{id}:$SAVED
. Once a contact flow is published, $SAVED
needs to be supplied to view saved content that has not been published.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataResult> updateContactFlowModuleMetadataAsync(UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataRequest request)
Updates metadata about specified flow module.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataResult> updateContactFlowModuleMetadataAsync(UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataRequest,UpdateContactFlowModuleMetadataResult> asyncHandler)
Updates metadata about specified flow module.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateContactFlowNameResult> updateContactFlowNameAsync(UpdateContactFlowNameRequest request)
The name of the flow.
You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateContactFlowNameResult> updateContactFlowNameAsync(UpdateContactFlowNameRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateContactFlowNameRequest,UpdateContactFlowNameResult> asyncHandler)
The name of the flow.
You can also create and update flows using the Amazon Connect Flow language.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateContactRoutingDataResult> updateContactRoutingDataAsync(UpdateContactRoutingDataRequest request)
Updates routing priority and age on the contact (QueuePriority and QueueTimeAdjustmentInSeconds). These properties can be used to change a customer's position in the queue. For example, you can move a contact to the back of the queue by setting a lower routing priority relative to other contacts in queue; or you can move a contact to the front of the queue by increasing the routing age which will make the contact look artificially older and therefore higher up in the first-in-first-out routing order. Note that adjusting the routing age of a contact affects only its position in queue, and not its actual queue wait time as reported through metrics. These properties can also be updated by using the Set routing priority / age flow block.
Either QueuePriority or QueueTimeAdjustmentInSeconds should be provided within the request body, but not both.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateContactRoutingDataResult> updateContactRoutingDataAsync(UpdateContactRoutingDataRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateContactRoutingDataRequest,UpdateContactRoutingDataResult> asyncHandler)
Updates routing priority and age on the contact (QueuePriority and QueueTimeAdjustmentInSeconds). These properties can be used to change a customer's position in the queue. For example, you can move a contact to the back of the queue by setting a lower routing priority relative to other contacts in queue; or you can move a contact to the front of the queue by increasing the routing age which will make the contact look artificially older and therefore higher up in the first-in-first-out routing order. Note that adjusting the routing age of a contact affects only its position in queue, and not its actual queue wait time as reported through metrics. These properties can also be updated by using the Set routing priority / age flow block.
Either QueuePriority or QueueTimeAdjustmentInSeconds should be provided within the request body, but not both.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateContactScheduleResult> updateContactScheduleAsync(UpdateContactScheduleRequest request)
Updates the scheduled time of a task contact that is already scheduled.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateContactScheduleResult> updateContactScheduleAsync(UpdateContactScheduleRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateContactScheduleRequest,UpdateContactScheduleResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the scheduled time of a task contact that is already scheduled.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateEvaluationFormResult> updateEvaluationFormAsync(UpdateEvaluationFormRequest request)
Updates details about a specific evaluation form version in the specified Amazon Connect instance. Question and section identifiers cannot be duplicated within the same evaluation form.
This operation does not support partial updates. Instead it does a full update of evaluation form content.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateEvaluationFormResult> updateEvaluationFormAsync(UpdateEvaluationFormRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateEvaluationFormRequest,UpdateEvaluationFormResult> asyncHandler)
Updates details about a specific evaluation form version in the specified Amazon Connect instance. Question and section identifiers cannot be duplicated within the same evaluation form.
This operation does not support partial updates. Instead it does a full update of evaluation form content.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateHoursOfOperationResult> updateHoursOfOperationAsync(UpdateHoursOfOperationRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the hours of operation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateHoursOfOperationResult> updateHoursOfOperationAsync(UpdateHoursOfOperationRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateHoursOfOperationRequest,UpdateHoursOfOperationResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the hours of operation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateInstanceAttributeResult> updateInstanceAttributeAsync(UpdateInstanceAttributeRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the value for the specified attribute type.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateInstanceAttributeResult> updateInstanceAttributeAsync(UpdateInstanceAttributeRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateInstanceAttributeRequest,UpdateInstanceAttributeResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the value for the specified attribute type.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateInstanceStorageConfigResult> updateInstanceStorageConfigAsync(UpdateInstanceStorageConfigRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates an existing configuration for a resource type. This API is idempotent.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateInstanceStorageConfigResult> updateInstanceStorageConfigAsync(UpdateInstanceStorageConfigRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateInstanceStorageConfigRequest,UpdateInstanceStorageConfigResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates an existing configuration for a resource type. This API is idempotent.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateParticipantRoleConfigResult> updateParticipantRoleConfigAsync(UpdateParticipantRoleConfigRequest request)
Updates timeouts for when human chat participants are to be considered idle, and when agents are automatically disconnected from a chat due to idleness. You can set four timers:
Customer idle timeout
Customer auto-disconnect timeout
Agent idle timeout
Agent auto-disconnect timeout
For more information about how chat timeouts work, see Set up chat timeouts for human participants.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateParticipantRoleConfigResult> updateParticipantRoleConfigAsync(UpdateParticipantRoleConfigRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateParticipantRoleConfigRequest,UpdateParticipantRoleConfigResult> asyncHandler)
Updates timeouts for when human chat participants are to be considered idle, and when agents are automatically disconnected from a chat due to idleness. You can set four timers:
Customer idle timeout
Customer auto-disconnect timeout
Agent idle timeout
Agent auto-disconnect timeout
For more information about how chat timeouts work, see Set up chat timeouts for human participants.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdatePhoneNumberResult> updatePhoneNumberAsync(UpdatePhoneNumberRequest request)
Updates your claimed phone number from its current Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group to another Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group in the same Amazon Web Services Region.
After using this API, you must verify that the phone number is attached to the correct flow in the target instance or traffic distribution group. You need to do this because the API switches only the phone number to a new instance or traffic distribution group. It doesn't migrate the flow configuration of the phone number, too.
You can call DescribePhoneNumber API to verify the status of a previous UpdatePhoneNumber operation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdatePhoneNumberResult> updatePhoneNumberAsync(UpdatePhoneNumberRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdatePhoneNumberRequest,UpdatePhoneNumberResult> asyncHandler)
Updates your claimed phone number from its current Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group to another Amazon Connect instance or traffic distribution group in the same Amazon Web Services Region.
After using this API, you must verify that the phone number is attached to the correct flow in the target instance or traffic distribution group. You need to do this because the API switches only the phone number to a new instance or traffic distribution group. It doesn't migrate the flow configuration of the phone number, too.
You can call DescribePhoneNumber API to verify the status of a previous UpdatePhoneNumber operation.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdatePhoneNumberMetadataResult> updatePhoneNumberMetadataAsync(UpdatePhoneNumberMetadataRequest request)
Updates a phone number’s metadata.
To verify the status of a previous UpdatePhoneNumberMetadata operation, call the DescribePhoneNumber API.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdatePhoneNumberMetadataResult> updatePhoneNumberMetadataAsync(UpdatePhoneNumberMetadataRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdatePhoneNumberMetadataRequest,UpdatePhoneNumberMetadataResult> asyncHandler)
Updates a phone number’s metadata.
To verify the status of a previous UpdatePhoneNumberMetadata operation, call the DescribePhoneNumber API.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdatePredefinedAttributeResult> updatePredefinedAttributeAsync(UpdatePredefinedAttributeRequest request)
Updates a predefined attribute for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdatePredefinedAttributeResult> updatePredefinedAttributeAsync(UpdatePredefinedAttributeRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdatePredefinedAttributeRequest,UpdatePredefinedAttributeResult> asyncHandler)
Updates a predefined attribute for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdatePromptResult> updatePromptAsync(UpdatePromptRequest request)
Updates a prompt.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdatePromptResult> updatePromptAsync(UpdatePromptRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdatePromptRequest,UpdatePromptResult> asyncHandler)
Updates a prompt.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationResult> updateQueueHoursOfOperationAsync(UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the hours of operation for the specified queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationResult> updateQueueHoursOfOperationAsync(UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationRequest,UpdateQueueHoursOfOperationResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the hours of operation for the specified queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateQueueMaxContactsResult> updateQueueMaxContactsAsync(UpdateQueueMaxContactsRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the maximum number of contacts allowed in a queue before it is considered full.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateQueueMaxContactsResult> updateQueueMaxContactsAsync(UpdateQueueMaxContactsRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateQueueMaxContactsRequest,UpdateQueueMaxContactsResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the maximum number of contacts allowed in a queue before it is considered full.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateQueueNameResult> updateQueueNameAsync(UpdateQueueNameRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the name and description of a queue. At least Name
or Description
must be
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateQueueNameResult> updateQueueNameAsync(UpdateQueueNameRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateQueueNameRequest,UpdateQueueNameResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the name and description of a queue. At least Name
or Description
must be
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigResult> updateQueueOutboundCallerConfigAsync(UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow for a specified queue.
If the phone number is claimed to a traffic distribution group that was created in the same Region as the Amazon
Connect instance where you are calling this API, then you can use a full phone number ARN or a UUID for
. However, if the phone number is claimed to a traffic distribution group
that is in one Region, and you are calling this API from an instance in another Amazon Web Services Region that
is associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If a UUID is
provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException
Only use the phone number ARN format that doesn't contain instance
in the path, for example,
. This is the same ARN format that is returned
when you call the ListPhoneNumbersV2
If you plan to use IAM policies to allow/deny access to this API for phone number resources claimed to a traffic distribution group, see Allow or Deny queue API actions for phone numbers in a replica Region.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigResult> updateQueueOutboundCallerConfigAsync(UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigRequest,UpdateQueueOutboundCallerConfigResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the outbound caller ID name, number, and outbound whisper flow for a specified queue.
If the phone number is claimed to a traffic distribution group that was created in the same Region as the Amazon
Connect instance where you are calling this API, then you can use a full phone number ARN or a UUID for
. However, if the phone number is claimed to a traffic distribution group
that is in one Region, and you are calling this API from an instance in another Amazon Web Services Region that
is associated with the traffic distribution group, you must provide a full phone number ARN. If a UUID is
provided in this scenario, you will receive a ResourceNotFoundException
Only use the phone number ARN format that doesn't contain instance
in the path, for example,
. This is the same ARN format that is returned
when you call the ListPhoneNumbersV2
If you plan to use IAM policies to allow/deny access to this API for phone number resources claimed to a traffic distribution group, see Allow or Deny queue API actions for phone numbers in a replica Region.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateQueueStatusResult> updateQueueStatusAsync(UpdateQueueStatusRequest request)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the status of the queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateQueueStatusResult> updateQueueStatusAsync(UpdateQueueStatusRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateQueueStatusRequest,UpdateQueueStatusResult> asyncHandler)
This API is in preview release for Amazon Connect and is subject to change.
Updates the status of the queue.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateQuickConnectConfigResult> updateQuickConnectConfigAsync(UpdateQuickConnectConfigRequest request)
Updates the configuration settings for the specified quick connect.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateQuickConnectConfigResult> updateQuickConnectConfigAsync(UpdateQuickConnectConfigRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateQuickConnectConfigRequest,UpdateQuickConnectConfigResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the configuration settings for the specified quick connect.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateQuickConnectNameResult> updateQuickConnectNameAsync(UpdateQuickConnectNameRequest request)
Updates the name and description of a quick connect. The request accepts the following data in JSON format. At
least Name
or Description
must be provided.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateQuickConnectNameResult> updateQuickConnectNameAsync(UpdateQuickConnectNameRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateQuickConnectNameRequest,UpdateQuickConnectNameResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the name and description of a quick connect. The request accepts the following data in JSON format. At
least Name
or Description
must be provided.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimerResult> updateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimerAsync(UpdateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimerRequest request)
Whether agents with this routing profile will have their routing order calculated based on time since their last inbound contact or longest idle time.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimerResult> updateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimerAsync(UpdateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimerRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimerRequest,UpdateRoutingProfileAgentAvailabilityTimerResult> asyncHandler)
Whether agents with this routing profile will have their routing order calculated based on time since their last inbound contact or longest idle time.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyResult> updateRoutingProfileConcurrencyAsync(UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyRequest request)
Updates the channels that agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) for a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyResult> updateRoutingProfileConcurrencyAsync(UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyRequest,UpdateRoutingProfileConcurrencyResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the channels that agents can handle in the Contact Control Panel (CCP) for a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueResult> updateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueAsync(UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueRequest request)
Updates the default outbound queue of a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueResult> updateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueAsync(UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueRequest,UpdateRoutingProfileDefaultOutboundQueueResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the default outbound queue of a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateRoutingProfileNameResult> updateRoutingProfileNameAsync(UpdateRoutingProfileNameRequest request)
Updates the name and description of a routing profile. The request accepts the following data in JSON format. At
least Name
or Description
must be provided.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateRoutingProfileNameResult> updateRoutingProfileNameAsync(UpdateRoutingProfileNameRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateRoutingProfileNameRequest,UpdateRoutingProfileNameResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the name and description of a routing profile. The request accepts the following data in JSON format. At
least Name
or Description
must be provided.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesResult> updateRoutingProfileQueuesAsync(UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest request)
Updates the properties associated with a set of queues for a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesResult> updateRoutingProfileQueuesAsync(UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesRequest,UpdateRoutingProfileQueuesResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the properties associated with a set of queues for a routing profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateRuleResult> updateRuleAsync(UpdateRuleRequest request)
Updates a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
Use the Rules Function language to code conditions for the rule.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateRuleResult> updateRuleAsync(UpdateRuleRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateRuleRequest,UpdateRuleResult> asyncHandler)
Updates a rule for the specified Amazon Connect instance.
Use the Rules Function language to code conditions for the rule.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateSecurityProfileResult> updateSecurityProfileAsync(UpdateSecurityProfileRequest request)
Updates a security profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateSecurityProfileResult> updateSecurityProfileAsync(UpdateSecurityProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateSecurityProfileRequest,UpdateSecurityProfileResult> asyncHandler)
Updates a security profile.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateTaskTemplateResult> updateTaskTemplateAsync(UpdateTaskTemplateRequest request)
Updates details about a specific task template in the specified Amazon Connect instance. This operation does not support partial updates. Instead it does a full update of template content.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateTaskTemplateResult> updateTaskTemplateAsync(UpdateTaskTemplateRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateTaskTemplateRequest,UpdateTaskTemplateResult> asyncHandler)
Updates details about a specific task template in the specified Amazon Connect instance. This operation does not support partial updates. Instead it does a full update of template content.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateTrafficDistributionResult> updateTrafficDistributionAsync(UpdateTrafficDistributionRequest request)
Updates the traffic distribution for a given traffic distribution group.
The SignInConfig
distribution is available only on a default TrafficDistributionGroup
(see the IsDefault
parameter in the TrafficDistributionGroup data type). If you call UpdateTrafficDistribution
with a modified
and a non-default TrafficDistributionGroup
, an
is returned.
For more information about updating a traffic distribution group, see Update telephony traffic distribution across Amazon Web Services Regions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateTrafficDistributionResult> updateTrafficDistributionAsync(UpdateTrafficDistributionRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateTrafficDistributionRequest,UpdateTrafficDistributionResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the traffic distribution for a given traffic distribution group.
The SignInConfig
distribution is available only on a default TrafficDistributionGroup
(see the IsDefault
parameter in the TrafficDistributionGroup data type). If you call UpdateTrafficDistribution
with a modified
and a non-default TrafficDistributionGroup
, an
is returned.
For more information about updating a traffic distribution group, see Update telephony traffic distribution across Amazon Web Services Regions in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateUserHierarchyResult> updateUserHierarchyAsync(UpdateUserHierarchyRequest request)
Assigns the specified hierarchy group to the specified user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateUserHierarchyResult> updateUserHierarchyAsync(UpdateUserHierarchyRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateUserHierarchyRequest,UpdateUserHierarchyResult> asyncHandler)
Assigns the specified hierarchy group to the specified user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameResult> updateUserHierarchyGroupNameAsync(UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameRequest request)
Updates the name of the user hierarchy group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameResult> updateUserHierarchyGroupNameAsync(UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameRequest,UpdateUserHierarchyGroupNameResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the name of the user hierarchy group.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateUserHierarchyStructureResult> updateUserHierarchyStructureAsync(UpdateUserHierarchyStructureRequest request)
Updates the user hierarchy structure: add, remove, and rename user hierarchy levels.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateUserHierarchyStructureResult> updateUserHierarchyStructureAsync(UpdateUserHierarchyStructureRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateUserHierarchyStructureRequest,UpdateUserHierarchyStructureResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the user hierarchy structure: add, remove, and rename user hierarchy levels.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateUserIdentityInfoResult> updateUserIdentityInfoAsync(UpdateUserIdentityInfoRequest request)
Updates the identity information for the specified user.
We strongly recommend limiting who has the ability to invoke UpdateUserIdentityInfo
. Someone with
that ability can change the login credentials of other users by changing their email address. This poses a
security risk to your organization. They can change the email address of a user to the attacker's email address,
and then reset the password through email. For more information, see Best Practices
for Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateUserIdentityInfoResult> updateUserIdentityInfoAsync(UpdateUserIdentityInfoRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateUserIdentityInfoRequest,UpdateUserIdentityInfoResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the identity information for the specified user.
We strongly recommend limiting who has the ability to invoke UpdateUserIdentityInfo
. Someone with
that ability can change the login credentials of other users by changing their email address. This poses a
security risk to your organization. They can change the email address of a user to the attacker's email address,
and then reset the password through email. For more information, see Best Practices
for Security Profiles in the Amazon Connect Administrator Guide.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateUserPhoneConfigResult> updateUserPhoneConfigAsync(UpdateUserPhoneConfigRequest request)
Updates the phone configuration settings for the specified user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateUserPhoneConfigResult> updateUserPhoneConfigAsync(UpdateUserPhoneConfigRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateUserPhoneConfigRequest,UpdateUserPhoneConfigResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the phone configuration settings for the specified user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateUserProficienciesResult> updateUserProficienciesAsync(UpdateUserProficienciesRequest request)
Updates the properties associated with the proficiencies of a user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateUserProficienciesResult> updateUserProficienciesAsync(UpdateUserProficienciesRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateUserProficienciesRequest,UpdateUserProficienciesResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the properties associated with the proficiencies of a user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateUserRoutingProfileResult> updateUserRoutingProfileAsync(UpdateUserRoutingProfileRequest request)
Assigns the specified routing profile to the specified user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateUserRoutingProfileResult> updateUserRoutingProfileAsync(UpdateUserRoutingProfileRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateUserRoutingProfileRequest,UpdateUserRoutingProfileResult> asyncHandler)
Assigns the specified routing profile to the specified user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateUserSecurityProfilesResult> updateUserSecurityProfilesAsync(UpdateUserSecurityProfilesRequest request)
Assigns the specified security profiles to the specified user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateUserSecurityProfilesResult> updateUserSecurityProfilesAsync(UpdateUserSecurityProfilesRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateUserSecurityProfilesRequest,UpdateUserSecurityProfilesResult> asyncHandler)
Assigns the specified security profiles to the specified user.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateViewContentResult> updateViewContentAsync(UpdateViewContentRequest request)
Updates the view content of the given view identifier in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
It performs content validation if Status
is set to SAVED
and performs full content
validation if Status
. Note that the $SAVED
alias' content
will always be updated, but the $LATEST
alias' content will only be updated if Status
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateViewContentResult> updateViewContentAsync(UpdateViewContentRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateViewContentRequest,UpdateViewContentResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the view content of the given view identifier in the specified Amazon Connect instance.
It performs content validation if Status
is set to SAVED
and performs full content
validation if Status
. Note that the $SAVED
alias' content
will always be updated, but the $LATEST
alias' content will only be updated if Status
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.public Future<UpdateViewMetadataResult> updateViewMetadataAsync(UpdateViewMetadataRequest request)
Updates the view metadata. Note that either Name
or Description
must be provided.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
public Future<UpdateViewMetadataResult> updateViewMetadataAsync(UpdateViewMetadataRequest request, AsyncHandler<UpdateViewMetadataRequest,UpdateViewMetadataResult> asyncHandler)
Updates the view metadata. Note that either Name
or Description
must be provided.
in interface AmazonConnectAsync
- Asynchronous callback handler for events in the lifecycle of the request. Users can provide an
implementation of the callback methods in this interface to receive notification of successful or
unsuccessful completion of the operation.