Use the Amazon GameLift Servers Unreal server SDK 5.x reference to help you prepare your multiplayer game for use with Amazon GameLift Servers. For details about the integration process, see Add Amazon GameLift Servers to your game server. If you're using the Amazon GameLift Servers plugin for Unreal, see also Amazon GameLift Servers plugin for Unreal Engine.
This topic describes the Amazon GameLift Servers C++ API that you can use when you build for the Unreal Engine.
Specifically, this documentation applies to code that you compile with the -DBUILD_FOR_UNREAL=1
C++ (Unreal) server SDK 5.x for Amazon GameLift Servers -- Data types
- GetSdkVersion()
- InitSDK()
- InitSDK()
- ProcessReady()
- ProcessEnding()
- ActivateGameSession()
- UpdatePlayerSessionCreationPolicy()
- GetGameSessionId()
- GetTerminationTime()
- AcceptPlayerSession()
- RemovePlayerSession()
- DescribePlayerSessions()
- StartMatchBackfill()
- StopMatchBackfill()
- GetComputeCertificate()
- GetFleetRoleCredentials()
Returns the current version number of the SDK built into the server process.
FGameLiftStringOutcome GetSdkVersion();
Return value
If successful, returns the current SDK version as an FGameLiftStringOutcome
object. The returned object includes the version number (example
). If not successful, returns an error message.
Aws::GameLift::AwsStringOutcome SdkVersionOutcome = Aws::GameLift::Server::GetSdkVersion();
Initializes the Amazon GameLift Servers SDK for a managed EC2 fleet. Call this method on launch, before any other initialization related to Amazon GameLift Servers occurs. This method reads server parameters from the host environment to set up communication between the server and the Amazon GameLift Servers service.
FGameLiftGenericOutcome InitSDK()
Return value
If successful, returns an InitSdkOutcome
object indicating that the
server process is ready to call ProcessReady().
//Call InitSDK to establish a local connection with the Amazon GameLift Servers Agent to enable further communication. FGameLiftGenericOutcome initSdkOutcome = gameLiftSdkModule->InitSDK();
Initializes the Amazon GameLift Servers SDK for an Anywhere fleet or managed container fleet. Call this method on launch, before any other initialization related to Amazon GameLift Servers occurs. This method requires explicit server parameters to set up communication between the server and the Amazon GameLift Servers service.
FGameLiftGenericOutcome InitSDK(serverParameters)
- FServerParameters
To initialize a game server on an Amazon GameLift Servers Anywhere fleet, construct a
object with the following information:-
The URL of the WebSocket used to connect to your game server.
The ID of the process used to host your game server.
The ID of the compute hosting your game server processes.
The ID of the Amazon GameLift Servers fleet containing your Amazon GameLift Servers Anywhere compute.
The authorization token generated by the Amazon GameLift Servers operation.
Return value
If successful, returns an InitSdkOutcome
object indicating that the
server process is ready to call ProcessReady().
If calls to InitSDK()
are failing for game builds deployed to
Anywhere fleets, check the ServerSdkVersion
parameter used
when creating the build resource.
You must explicitly set this value to the server SDK version in use. The default value for this
parameter is 4.x, which is not compatible. To resolve this issue, create a new build and deploy it to a new fleet.
//Define the server parameters FServerParameters serverParameters; parameters.m_authToken = "
"; parameters.m_fleetId = "arn:aws:gamelift:us-west-1:111122223333:fleet/fleet-9999ffff-88ee-77dd-66cc-5555bbbb44aa
"; parameters.m_hostId = "HardwareAnywhere
"; parameters.m_processId = "PID1234
"; parameters.m_webSocketUrl = "wss://
"; //Call InitSDK to establish a local connection with the Amazon GameLift Servers Agent to enable further communication. FGameLiftGenericOutcome initSdkOutcome = gameLiftSdkModule->InitSDK(serverParameters);
Notifies Amazon GameLift Servers that the server process is ready to host game sessions. Call this method after invoking InitSDK(). This method should be called only once per process.
GenericOutcome ProcessReady(const Aws::GameLift::Server::ProcessParameters
- processParameters
An FProcessParameters object communicating the following information about the server process:
Names of callback methods implemented in the game server code that the Amazon GameLift Servers service invokes to communicate with the server process.
Port number that the server process is listening on.
Path to any game session-specific files that you want Amazon GameLift Servers to capture and store.
Return value
Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.
This example illustrates both the ProcessReady() call and delegate function implementations.
//Calling ProcessReady tells Amazon GameLift Servers this game server is ready to receive incoming game sessions! UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("Calling Process Ready")); FGameLiftGenericOutcome processReadyOutcome = gameLiftSdkModule->ProcessReady(*params);
Notifies Amazon GameLift Servers that the server process is terminating. Call this method after all
other cleanup tasks (including shutting down the active game session) and before
terminating the process. Depending on the result of ProcessEnding()
, the
process exits with success (0) or error (-1) and generates a fleet event. If the process
terminates with an error, the fleet event generated is
FGameLiftGenericOutcome ProcessEnding()
Return value
Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.
//OnProcessTerminate callback. Amazon GameLift Servers will invoke this callback before shutting down an instance hosting this game server. //It gives this game server a chance to save its state, communicate with services, etc., before being shut down. //In this case, we simply tell Amazon GameLift Servers we are indeed going to shutdown. params->OnTerminate.BindLambda([=]() { UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("Game Server Process is terminating")); gameLiftSdkModule->ProcessEnding(); });
Notifies Amazon GameLift Servers that the server process has activated a game session and is now ready
to receive player connections. This action should be called as part of the
callback function, after all game session
FGameLiftGenericOutcome ActivateGameSession()
Return value
Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.
This example shows ActivateGameSession()
called as part of the
delegate function.
//When a game session is created, Amazon GameLift Servers sends an activation request to the game server and passes along the game session object containing game properties and other settings. //Here is where a game server should take action based on the game session object. //Once the game server is ready to receive incoming player connections, it should invoke GameLiftServerAPI.ActivateGameSession() auto onGameSession = [=](Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::GameSession gameSession) { FString gameSessionId = FString(gameSession.GetGameSessionId()); UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("GameSession Initializing: %s"), *gameSessionId); gameLiftSdkModule->ActivateGameSession(); };
Updates the current game session's ability to accept new player sessions. A game session can be set to either accept or deny all new player sessions.
FGameLiftGenericOutcome UpdatePlayerSessionCreationPolicy(EPlayerSessionCreationPolicy policy)
- playerCreationSessionPolicy
String value indicating whether the game session accepts new players.
Valid values include:
ACCEPT_ALL – Accept all new player sessions.
DENY_ALL – Deny all new player sessions.
Return value
Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.
This example sets the current game session's join policy to accept all players.
FGameLiftGenericOutcome outcome = gameLiftSdkModule->UpdatePlayerSessionCreationPolicy(Aws::GameLift::Model::EPlayerSessionCreationPolicy::
Retrieves the ID of the game session hosted by the active server process.
For idle processes that aren't activated with a game session, the call returns a FGameLiftError.
FGameLiftStringOutcome GetGameSessionId()
This action has no parameters.
Return value
If successful, returns the game session ID as an FGameLiftStringOutcome object. If not successful, returns an error message."
For idle processes that aren't activated with a game session, the call returns
//When a game session is created, Amazon GameLift Servers sends an activation request to the game server and passes along the game session object containing game properties and other settings. //Here is where a game server should take action based on the game session object. //Once the game server is ready to receive incoming player connections, it should invoke GameLiftServerAPI.ActivateGameSession() auto onGameSession = [=](Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::GameSession gameSession) { FString gameSessionId = FString(gameSession.GetGameSessionId()); UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("GameSession Initializing: %s"), *gameSessionId); gameLiftSdkModule->ActivateGameSession(); };
Returns the time that a server process is scheduled to be shut down, if a termination
time is available. A server process takes action after receiving an
callback from Amazon GameLift Servers. Amazon GameLift Servers calls
for the following reasons:
When the server process has reported poor health or has not responded to Amazon GameLift Servers.
When terminating the instance during a scale-down event.
When an instance is terminated due to a spot-instance interruption.
AwsDateTimeOutcome GetTerminationTime()
Return value
If successful, returns the termination time as an AwsDateTimeOutcome
object. The value is the termination time, expressed in elapsed ticks since
0001 00:00:00
. For example, the date time value 2020-09-13
12:26:40 -000Z
is equal to 637355968000000000
ticks. If no
termination time is available, returns an error message.
If the process hasn't received a
callback, an error message is
returned. For more information about shutting down a server process, see Respond to a server process shutdown
AwsDateTimeOutcome TermTimeOutcome = gameLiftSdkModule->GetTerminationTime();
Notifies Amazon GameLift Servers that a player with the specified player session ID has connected to the server process and needs validation. Amazon GameLift Servers verifies that the player session ID is valid. After the player session is validated, Amazon GameLift Servers changes the status of the player slot from RESERVED to ACTIVE.
FGameLiftGenericOutcome AcceptPlayerSession(const FString& playerSessionId)
- playerSessionId
Unique ID issued by Amazon GameLift Servers when a new player session is created.
Return value
Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.
This example handles a connection request that includes validating and rejecting non-valid player session IDs.
bool GameLiftManager::AcceptPlayerSession(const FString& playerSessionId, const FString& playerId)
UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("Accepting GameLift PlayerSession: %s . PlayerId: %s"), *playerSessionId, *playerId);
FString gsId = GetCurrentGameSessionId();
if (gsId.IsEmpty()) {
UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("No GameLift GameSessionId. Returning early!"));
return false;
if (!gameLiftSdkModule->AcceptPlayerSession(playerSessionId).IsSuccess()) {
UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("PlayerSession not Accepted."));
return false;
// Add PlayerSession from internal data structures keeping track of connected players
idToPlayerSessionMap.Add(playerSessionId, PlayerSession{ playerId, playerSessionId });
return true;
return false;
Notifies Amazon GameLift Servers that a player has disconnected from the server process. In response, Amazon GameLift Servers changes the player slot to available.
FGameLiftGenericOutcome RemovePlayerSession(const FString& playerSessionId)
Unique ID issued by Amazon GameLift Servers when a new player session is created.
Return value
Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.
bool GameLiftManager::RemovePlayerSession(const FString& playerSessionId)
UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("Removing GameLift PlayerSession: %s"), *playerSessionId);
if (!gameLiftSdkModule->RemovePlayerSession(playerSessionId).IsSuccess()) {
UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("PlayerSession Removal Failed"));
return false;
// Remove PlayerSession from internal data structures that are keeping track of connected players
// end the session if there are no more players connected
if (connectedPlayerSessionIds.Num() == 0) {
return true;
return false;
Retrieves player session data which includes settings, session metadata, and player data. Use this method to get information about the following:
A single player session
All player sessions in a game session
All player sessions associated with a single player ID
FGameLiftDescribePlayerSessionsOutcome DescribePlayerSessions(const FGameLiftDescribePlayerSessionsRequest &describePlayerSessionsRequest)
- FGameLiftDescribePlayerSessionsRequest
A FGameLiftDescribePlayerSessionsRequest object that describes which player sessions to retrieve.
Return value
If successful, returns a FGameLiftDescribePlayerSessionsOutcome object containing a set of player session objects that fit the request parameters.
This example requests all player sessions actively connected to a specified game session. By omitting NextToken and setting the Limit value to 10, Amazon GameLift Servers returns the first 10 player session records matching the request.
void GameLiftManager::DescribePlayerSessions()
FString localPlayerSessions;
for (auto& psId : connectedPlayerSessionIds)
PlayerSession ps = idToPlayerSessionMap[psId];
localPlayerSessions += FString::Printf(TEXT("%s : %s ; "), *(ps.playerSessionId), *(ps.playerId));
UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("LocalPlayerSessions: %s"), *localPlayerSessions);
UE_LOG(GameServerLog, Log, TEXT("Describing PlayerSessions in this GameSession"));
FGameLiftDescribePlayerSessionsRequest request;
request.m_gameSessionId = GetCurrentGameSessionId();
FGameLiftDescribePlayerSessionsOutcome outcome = gameLiftSdkModule->DescribePlayerSessions(request);
Sends a request to find new players for open slots in a game session created with FlexMatch. For more information, see FlexMatch backfill feature.
This action is asynchronous. If new players are matched, Amazon GameLift Servers delivers updated
matchmaker data using the callback function OnUpdateGameSession()
A server process can have only one active match backfill request at a time. To send a new request, first call StopMatchBackfill() to cancel the original request.
FGameLiftStringOutcome StartMatchBackfill (FStartMatchBackfillRequest &startBackfillRequest);
- FStartMatchBackfillRequest
A StartMatchBackfillRequest object that communicates the following information:
A ticket ID to assign to the backfill request. This information is optional; if no ID is provided, Amazon GameLift Servers will generate one.
The matchmaker to send the request to. The full configuration ARN is required. This value is in the game session's matchmaker data.
The ID of the game session to backfill.
The available matchmaking data for the game session's current players.
Return value
Returns a StartMatchBackfillOutcome
object with the match backfill
ticket ID, or failure with an error message.
FGameLiftStringOutcome FGameLiftServerSDKModule::StartMatchBackfill(const FStartMatchBackfillRequest& request)
Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::StartMatchBackfillRequest sdkRequest;
for (auto player : request.m_players) {
Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::Player sdkPlayer;
for (auto entry : player.m_latencyInMs) {
sdkPlayer.WithLatencyMs(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*entry.Key), entry.Value);
std::map<std::string, Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::AttributeValue> sdkAttributeMap;
for (auto attributeEntry : player.m_playerAttributes) {
FAttributeValue value = attributeEntry.Value;
Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::AttributeValue attribute;
switch (value.m_type) {
case FAttributeType::STRING:
attribute = Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::AttributeValue(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*value.m_S));
case FAttributeType::DOUBLE:
attribute = Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::AttributeValue(value.m_N);
case FAttributeType::STRING_LIST:
attribute = Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::AttributeValue::ConstructStringList();
for (auto sl : value.m_SL) {
case FAttributeType::STRING_DOUBLE_MAP:
attribute = Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::AttributeValue::ConstructStringDoubleMap();
for (auto sdm : value.m_SDM) {
attribute.AddStringAndDouble(TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*sdm.Key), sdm.Value);
sdkPlayer.WithPlayerAttribute((TCHAR_TO_UTF8(*attributeEntry.Key)), attribute);
auto outcome = Aws::GameLift::Server::StartMatchBackfill(sdkRequest);
if (outcome.IsSuccess()) {
return FGameLiftStringOutcome(outcome.GetResult().GetTicketId());
else {
return FGameLiftStringOutcome(FGameLiftError(outcome.GetError()));
return FGameLiftStringOutcome("");
Cancels an active match backfill request. For more information, see FlexMatch backfill feature.
FGameLiftGenericOutcome StopMatchBackfill (FStopMatchBackfillRequest &stopBackfillRequest);
- FStopMatchBackfillRequest
A StopMatchBackfillRequest object identifying the matchmaking ticket to cancel:
The ticket ID assigned to the backfill request.
The matchmaker the backfill request was sent to.
The game session associated with the backfill request.
Return value
Returns a generic outcome consisting of success or failure with an error message.
FGameLiftGenericOutcome FGameLiftServerSDKModule::StopMatchBackfill(const FStopMatchBackfillRequest& request)
Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::StopMatchBackfillRequest sdkRequest;
auto outcome = Aws::GameLift::Server::StopMatchBackfill(sdkRequest);
if (outcome.IsSuccess()) {
return FGameLiftGenericOutcome(nullptr);
else {
return FGameLiftGenericOutcome(FGameLiftError(outcome.GetError()));
return FGameLiftGenericOutcome(nullptr);
Retrieves the path to the TLS certificate used to encrypt the network connection between your Amazon GameLift Servers Anywhere compute resource and Amazon GameLift Servers. You can use the certificate path when you register your compute device to a Amazon GameLift Servers Anywhere fleet. For more information see, RegisterCompute.
FGameLiftGetComputeCertificateOutcome FGameLiftServerSDKModule::GetComputeCertificate()
Return value
Returns a GetComputeCertificateResponse
object containing the
CertificatePath: The path to the TLS certificate on your compute resource.
HostName: The host name of your compute resource.
FGameLiftGetComputeCertificateOutcome FGameLiftServerSDKModule::GetComputeCertificate()
auto outcome = Aws::GameLift::Server::GetComputeCertificate();
if (outcome.IsSuccess()) {
auto& outres = outcome.GetResult();
FGameLiftGetComputeCertificateResult result;
result.m_certificate_path = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(outres.GetCertificatePath());
result.m_computeName = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(outres.GetComputeName());
return FGameLiftGetComputeCertificateOutcome(result);
else {
return FGameLiftGetComputeCertificateOutcome(FGameLiftError(outcome.GetError()));
return FGameLiftGetComputeCertificateOutcome(FGameLiftGetComputeCertificateResult());
Retrieves IAM role credentials that authorize Amazon GameLift Servers to interact with other AWS services. For more information, see Communicate with other AWS resources from your fleets.
FGameLiftGetFleetRoleCredentialsOutcome FGameLiftServerSDKModule::GetFleetRoleCredentials(const FGameLiftGetFleetRoleCredentialsRequest &request)
Return value
Returns a FGameLiftGetFleetRoleCredentialsOutcome object.
FGameLiftGetFleetRoleCredentialsOutcome FGameLiftServerSDKModule::GetFleetRoleCredentials(const FGameLiftGetFleetRoleCredentialsRequest &request)
Aws::GameLift::Server::Model::GetFleetRoleCredentialsRequest sdkRequest;
auto outcome = Aws::GameLift::Server::GetFleetRoleCredentials(sdkRequest);
if (outcome.IsSuccess()) {
auto& outres = outcome.GetResult();
FGameLiftGetFleetRoleCredentialsResult result;
result.m_assumedUserRoleArn = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(outres.GetAssumedUserRoleArn());
result.m_assumedRoleId = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(outres.GetAssumedRoleId());
result.m_accessKeyId = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(outres.GetAccessKeyId());
result.m_secretAccessKey = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(outres.GetSecretAccessKey());
result.m_sessionToken = UTF8_TO_TCHAR(outres.GetSessionToken());
result.m_expiration = FDateTime::FromUnixTimestamp(outres.GetExpiration());
return FGameLiftGetFleetRoleCredentialsOutcome(result);
else {
return FGameLiftGetFleetRoleCredentialsOutcome(FGameLiftError(outcome.GetError()));
return FGameLiftGetFleetRoleCredentialsOutcome(FGameLiftGetFleetRoleCredentialsResult());