Deploy a script for Realtime Servers - Amazon GameLift

Deploy a script for Realtime Servers

When you're ready to deploy Realtime Servers for your game, upload completed Realtime server script files to Amazon GameLift. Do this by creating a Amazon GameLift script resource and specifying the location of your script files. You can also update server script files that are already deployed by uploading new files for an existing script resource.

When you create a new script resource, Amazon GameLift assigns it a unique script ID (for example, script-1111aaaa-22bb-33cc-44dd-5555eeee66ff) and uploads a copy of the script files. Upload time depends on the size of your script files and on your connection speed.

After you create the script resource, Amazon GameLift deploys the script with a new Realtime Servers fleet. Amazon GameLift installs your server script onto each instance in the fleet, placing the script files in /local/game.

To troubleshoot fleet activation problems related to the server script, see Debug Amazon GameLift fleet issues.

Package script files

Your server script can include one or more files combined into a single .zip file for uploading. The .zip file must contain all files that your script needs to run.

You can store your zipped script files in either a local file directory or in an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket.