Amazon GameLift server SDK reference for C# and Unity: Data types - Amazon GameLift

Amazon GameLift server SDK reference for C# and Unity: Data types

This Amazon GameLift C# Server SDK reference can help you prepare your multiplayer game for use with Amazon GameLift. For details about the integration process, see Add Amazon GameLift to your game server and for information on using the C# server SDK plugin for Unity, see Integrate Amazon GameLift into a Unity project .


Use this data type to identify which files generated during a game session that you want the game server to upload to Amazon GameLift after the game session ends. The game server communicates LogParameters to Amazon GameLift in a ProcessReady() call.



The list of directory paths to game server log files you want Amazon GameLift to store for future access. The server process generates these files during each game session. You define file paths and names in your game server and store them in the root game build directory.

The log paths must be absolute. For example, if your game build stores game session logs in a path like MyGame\sessionLogs\, then the path would be c:\game\MyGame\sessionLogs on a Windows instance.

Type: List<String>

Required: No


This data type contains the set of parameters sent to Amazon GameLift in a ProcessReady() call.


LogParameters The object with a list of directory paths to game session log files.

Type: Aws::GameLift::Server::LogParameters

Required: Yes

OnHealthCheck The name of callback function that Amazon GameLift invokes to request a health status report from the server process. Amazon GameLift calls this function every 60 seconds. After calling this function Amazon GameLift waits 60 seconds for a response, if none is received, Amazon GameLift records the server process as unhealthy.

Type: void OnHealthCheckDelegate()

Required: Yes

OnProcessTerminate The name of callback function that Amazon GameLift invokes to force the server process to shut down. After calling this function, Amazon GameLift waits five minutes for the server process to shut down and respond with a ProcessEnding() call before it shuts down the server process.

Type: void OnProcessTerminateDelegate()

Required: Yes

OnStartGameSession The name of callback function that Amazon GameLift invokes to activate a new game session. Amazon GameLift calls this function in response to the client request CreateGameSession. The callback function takes a GameSession object.

Type: void OnStartGameSessionDelegate(GameSession)

Required: Yes

OnUpdateGameSession The name of callback function that Amazon GameLift invokes to pass an updated game session object to the server process. Amazon GameLift calls this function when a match backfill request has been processed to provide updated matchmaker data. It passes a GameSession object, a status update (updateReason), and the match backfill ticket ID.

Type: void OnUpdateGameSessionDelegate(UpdateGameSession)

Required: No

Port The port number that the server process listens on for new player connections. The value must fall into the port range configured for any fleet deploying this game server build. This port number is included in game session and player session objects, which game sessions use when connecting to a server process.

Type: Integer

Required: Yes


Updated information for a game session object, includes the reason that the game session was updated. If the update is related to a match backfill action, this data type includes the backfill ticket ID.

Properties Description
GameSession A GameSession object. The GameSession object contains properties describing a game session.

Type: GameSession GameSession()

Required: Yes

UpdateReason The reason that the game session is being updated.

Type: UpdateReason UpdateReason()

Required: Yes

BackfillTicketId The ID of the backfill ticket attempting to update the game session.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Details of a game session.

Properties Description

A unique identifier for the game session. A game session ARN has the following format: arn:aws:gamelift:<region>::gamesession/<fleet ID>/<custom ID string or idempotency token>.

Type: String

Required: No


A descriptive label of the game session.

Type: String

Required: No


A unique identifier for the fleet that the game session is running on.

Type: String

Required: No


The maximum number of player connections to the game session.

Type: Integer

Required: No


The port number for the game session. To connect to a Amazon GameLift game server, an app needs both the IP address and port number.

Type: Integer

Required: No


The IP address of the game session. To connect to a Amazon GameLift game server, an app needs both the IP address and port number.

Type: String

Required: No


A set of custom game session properties, formatted as a single string value.

Type: String

Required: No


The information about the matchmaking process that was used to create the game session, in JSON syntax, formatted as a string. In addition the matchmaking configuration used, it contains data on all players assigned to the match, including player attributes and team assignments.

Type: String

Required: No


A set of custom properties for a game session, formatted as key:value pairs. These properties are passed with a request to start a new game session.

Type: Dictionary<string, string>

Required: No


The DNS identifier assigned to the instance that's running the game session. Values have the following format:

  • TLS-enabled fleets: <unique identifier>.<region identifier>

  • Non-TLS-enabled fleets: ec2-<unique identifier>

When connecting to a game session that's running on a TLS-enabled fleet, you must use the DNS name, not the IP address.

Type: String

Required: No


Information used to maintain the connection between an Amazon GameLift Anywhere server and the Amazon GameLift service. This information is used when launching new server processes with InitSDK(). For servers hosted on Amazon GameLift managed EC2 instances, use an empty object.

Properties Description

The GameLiftServerSdkEndpoint returned when you RegisterCompute as part of Amazon GameLift Anywhere.

Type: String

Required: Yes


A unique identifier registered to the server process hosting your game.

Type: String

Required: Yes


A unique identifier for the host with the server processes hosting your game. The hostId is the ComputeName used when you registered your compute. For more information see, RegisterCompute

Type: String

Required: Yes

FleetId The fleet ID of the fleet that the compute is registered to. For more information see, RegisterCompute.

Type: String

Required: Yes

AuthToken The authentication token generated by Amazon GameLift that authenticates your server to Amazon GameLift. For more information see, GetComputeAuthToken.

Type: String

Required: Yes


Information used to create a matchmaking backfill request. The game server communicates this information to Amazon GameLift in a StartMatchBackfill() call.

Properties Description

The unique game session identifier. The API operation GetGameSessionId returns the identifier in ARN format.

Type: String

Required: Yes


The unique identifier, in the form of an ARN, for the matchmaker to use for this request. The matchmaker ARN for the original game session is in the game session object in the matchmaker data property. Learn more about matchmaker data in Work with matchmaker data.

Type: String

Required: Yes


A set of data that represents all players who are currently in the game session. The matchmaker uses this information to search for new players who are good matches for the current players.

Type: List<Player>

Required: Yes


The unique identifier for a matchmaking or match backfill request ticket. If you don't provide a value, Amazon GameLift generates one. Use this identifier to track the match backfill ticket status or cancel the request if needed.

Type: String

Required: No


Represents a player in matchmaking. When a matchmaking request starts, a player has a player ID, attributes, and possibly latency data. Amazon GameLift adds team information after a match is made.

Properties Description

A set of values expressed in milliseconds, that indicate the amount of latency that a player experiences when connected to a location.

If this property is used, the player is only matched for locations listed. If a matchmaker has a rule that evaluates player latency, players must report latency to be matched.

Type: Dictionary<string, int>

Required: No


A collection of key:value pairs that contain player information for use in matchmaking. Player attribute keys must match the PlayerAttributes used in a matchmaking rule set.

For more information about player attributes, see AttributeValue.

Type: Dictionary<string, AttributeValue

Required: No


A unique identifier for a player.

Type: String

Required: No


The name of the team that the player is assigned to in a match. You define team name in the matchmaking rule set.

Type: String

Required: No


This data type is used to specify which player session(s) to retrieve. It can be used in several ways: (1) provide a PlayerSessionId to request a specific player session; (2) provide a GameSessionId to request all player sessions in the specified game session; or (3) provide a PlayerId to request all player sessions for the specified player. For large collections of player sessions, use the pagination parameters to retrieve results as sequential pages.

Properties Description

The unique game session identifier. Use this parameter to request all player sessions for the specified game session. Game session ID format is as follows: arn:aws:gamelift:<region>::gamesession/fleet-<fleet ID>/<ID string>. The value of <ID string> is either a custom ID string (if one was specified when the game session was created) a generated string.

Type: String

Required: No


The unique identifier for a player session.

Type: String

Required: No


The unique identifier for a player. See Generate player IDs.

Type: String

Required: No


The player session status to filter results on. Possible player session statuses include the following:

  • RESERVED – The player session request has been received, but the player has not yet connected to the server process and/or been validated.

  • ACTIVE – The player has been validated by the server process and is currently connected.

  • COMPLETED – The player connection has been dropped.

  • TIMEDOUT – A player session request was received, but the player did not connect and/or was not validated within the time-out limit (60 seconds).

Type: String

Required: No


The token indicating the start of the next page of results. To specify the start of the result set, don't provide a value. If you provide a player session ID, this parameter is ignored.

Type: String

Required: No


The maximum number of results to return. If you provide a player session ID, this parameter is ignored.

Type: int

Required: No


Information used to cancel a matchmaking backfill request. The game server communicates this information to Amazon GameLift service in a StopMatchBackfill() call.

Properties Description

The unique game session identifier of the request being canceled.

Type: string

Required: Yes


The unique identifier of the matchmaker this request was sent to.

Type: string

Required: Yes


The unique identifier of the backfill request ticket to be canceled.

Type: string

Required: Yes


This data type gives the game server limited access to your other AWS resources. For more information see, Set up an IAM service role for Amazon GameLift.

Properties Description
RoleArn The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the service role that extends limited access to your AWS resources.

Type: string

Required: Yes

RoleSessionName The name of the session that describes the use of the role credentials.

Type: string

Required: No


Use these values in Player attribute key-value pairs. This object lets you specify an attribute value using any of the valid data types: string, number, string array, or data map. Each AttributeValue object can use only one of the available properties.

Properties Description

Specifies the type of attribute value.

Type: An AttrType enum value.

Required: No


Represents a string attribute value.

Type: string

Required: Yes


Represents a numeric attribute value.

Type: double

Required: Yes


Represents an array of string attribute values.

Type: string[]

Required: Yes


Represents a dictionary of string keys and double values.

Type: Dictionary<string, double>

Required: Yes


This data type results from an action and produces an object with the following properties:

Properties Description

The result of the action.

Type: string

Required: No


Whether the action was successful or not.

Type: bool

Required: Yes


The error that occurred if the action was unsuccessful.

Type: GameLiftError

Required: No


This data type results from an action and produces an object with the following properties:

Properties Description

Whether the action was successful or not.

Type: bool

Required: Yes


The error that occurred if the action was unsuccessful.

Type: GameLiftError

Required: No


This data type results from an action and produces an object with the following properties:

Properties Description

The result of the action.

Type: DescribePlayerSessionsResult

Required: No


Whether the action was successful or not.

Type: bool

Required: Yes


The error that occurred if the action was unsuccessful.

Type: GameLiftError

Required: No


Properties Description

The token indicating the start of the next page of results. To specify the start of the result set, don't provide a value. If you provide a player session ID, this parameter is ignored.

Type: string

Required: Yes


A collection of objects containing properties for each player session that matches the request.

Type: IList<PlayerSession>



Whether the action was successful or not.

Type: bool

Required: Yes


The error that occurred if the action was unsuccessful.

Type: GameLiftError

Required: No


Properties Description

Type: long

Required: Yes


Type: string

Required: Yes


Type: string

Required: Yes


Type: string

Required: Yes


Type: string

Required: Yes


Type: string

Required: Yes


Type: string

Required: Yes


Type: int

Required: Yes


Type: A PlayerSessionStatus enum.

Required: Yes


Type: long

Required: Yes


Type: string

Required: Yes


This data type results from an action and produces an object with the following properties:

Properties Description

The result of the action.

Type: StartMatchBackfillResult

Required: No


Whether the action was successful or not.

Type: bool

Required: Yes


The error that occurred if the action was unsuccessful.

Type: GameLiftError

Required: No


Properties Description

Type: string

Required: Yes


This data type results from an action and produces an object with the following properties:

Properties Description

The result of the action.

Type: GetComputeCertificateResult

Required: No


Whether the action was successful or not.

Type: bool

Required: Yes


The error that occurred if the action was unsuccessful.

Type: GameLiftError

Required: No


The path to the TLS certificate on your compute and the compute's host name.

Properties Description

Type: string

Required: Yes


Type: string

Required: Yes


This data type results from an action and produces an object with the following properties:

Properties Description

The result of the action.

Type: GetFleetRoleCredentialsResult

Required: No


Whether the action was successful or not.

Type: bool

Required: Yes


The error that occurred if the action was unsuccessful.

Type: GameLiftError

Required: No


Properties Description

The access key ID to authenticate and provide access to your AWS resources.

Type: string

Required: No


The ID of the user that the service role belongs to.

Type: string

Required: No


The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the user that the service role belongs to.

Type: string

Required: No


The amount of time until your session credentials expire.

Type: DateTime

Required: No


The secret access key ID for authentication.

Type: string

Required: No


A token to identify the current active session interacting with your AWS resources.

Type: string

Required: No


Whether the action was successful or not.

Type: bool

Required: Yes


The error that occurred if the action was unsuccessful.

Type: GameLiftError

Required: No


This data type results from an action and produces an object with the following properties:

Properties Description

The result of the action.

Type: DateTime

Required: No


Whether the action was successful or not.

Type: bool

Required: Yes


The error that occurred if the action was unsuccessful.

Type: GameLiftError

Required: No


Properties Description

The type of error.

Type: A GameLiftErrorType enum.

Required: No


The name of the error.

Type: string

Required: No


The error message.

Type: string

Required: No


Enums defined for the Amazon GameLift server SDK (C#) are defined as follows:

  • NONE






String value indicating the error type. Valid values include:

  • SERVICE_CALL_FAILED – A call to an AWS service has failed.

  • LOCAL_CONNECTION_FAILED – The local connection to Amazon GameLift failed.

  • NETWORK_NOT_INITIALIZED – The network has not been initialized.

  • GAMESESSION_ID_NOT_SET – The game session ID has not been set.



  • ALREADY_INITIALIZED – The Amazon GameLift Server or Client has already been initialized with Initialize().

  • FLEET_MISMATCH – The target fleet does not match the fleet of a gameSession or playerSession.

  • GAMELIFT_CLIENT_NOT_INITIALIZED – The Amazon GameLift client has not been initialized.

  • GAMELIFT_SERVER_NOT_INITIALIZED – The Amazon GameLift server has not been initialized.

  • GAME_SESSION_ENDED_FAILED – The Amazon GameLift Server SDK could not contact the service to report the game session ended.

  • GAME_SESSION_NOT_READY – The Amazon GameLift Server Game Session was not activated.

  • GAME_SESSION_READY_FAILED – The Amazon GameLift Server SDK could not contact the service to report the game session is ready.

  • INITIALIZATION_MISMATCH – A client method was called after Server::Initialize(), or vice versa.

  • NOT_INITIALIZED – The Amazon GameLift Server or Client has not been initialized with Initialize().

  • NO_TARGET_ALIASID_SET – A target aliasId has not been set.

  • NO_TARGET_FLEET_SET – A target fleet has not been set.

  • PROCESS_ENDING_FAILED – The Amazon GameLift Server SDK could not contact the service to report the process is ending.

  • PROCESS_NOT_ACTIVE – The server process is not yet active, not bound to a GameSession, and cannot accept or process PlayerSessions.

  • PROCESS_NOT_READY – The server process is not yet ready to be activated.

  • PROCESS_READY_FAILED – The Amazon GameLift Server SDK could not contact the service to report the process is ready.

  • SDK_VERSION_DETECTION_FAILED – SDK version detection failed.

  • STX_CALL_FAILED – A call to the XStx server backend component has failed.

  • STX_INITIALIZATION_FAILED – The XStx server backend component has failed to initialize.

  • UNEXPECTED_PLAYER_SESSION – An unregistered player session was encountered by the server.





  • WEBSOCKET_RETRIABLE_SEND_MESSAGE_FAILURE – Retriable failure to send a message to the GameLift Service WebSocket.

  • WEBSOCKET_SEND_MESSAGE_FAILURE – Failure to send a message to the GameLift Service WebSocket.

  • MATCH_BACKFILL_REQUEST_VALIDATION – Validation of the request failed.

  • PLAYER_SESSION_REQUEST_VALIDATION – Validation of the request failed.


String value indicating whether the game session accepts new players. Valid values include:

  • ACCEPT_ALL – Accept all new player sessions.

  • DENY_ALL – Deny all new player sessions.

  • NOT_SET – The game session is not set to accept or deny new player sessions.
