List model evaluation jobs you've already created - Amazon Bedrock

List model evaluation jobs you've already created

To find a model evaluation job that you've already created you can use the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or a supported AWS SDK. The following tabs are AWS CLI and SDK for Python examples of how to find a model evaluation job that you've previously completed.

Amazon Bedrock console

Use the following procedure to stop a model evaluation job using the Amazon Bedrock console. To successfully complete this procedure make sure that your IAM user, group, or role has the sufficient permissions to access the console. To learn more, see Required permissions to create a model evaluation job using the Amazon Bedrock console.

To list the model evaluation jobs that you've already created.
  1. Open the Amazon Bedrock console:

  2. In the navigation pane, choose Model evaluation.

  3. In the Model Evaluation Jobs card, you can find a table that lists the model evaluation jobs you have already created.


In the AWS CLI, you can use the help command to view parameters are required, and which parameters are optional when using list-evaluation-jobs.

aws bedrock list-evaluation-jobs help

The follow is an example of using list-evaluation-jobs and specifying that maximum of 5 jobs be returned. By default jobs are returned in descending order from the time when they where started.

aws bedrock list-evaluation-jobs --max-items 5
SDK for Python

The following examples show how to use the AWS SDK for Python to find a model evaluation job you have previously created.

import boto3 client = boto3.client('bedrock') job_request = client.list_evaluation_jobs(maxResults=20) print (job_request)