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CloudWatch Metrics for Amazon Forecast
This section contains information about the Amazon CloudWatch metrics available for Amazon Forecast.
The following table lists the Amazon Forecast metrics.
Metric | Dimension | Unit | Statistics | Description |
DatasetSize | Kilobytes | Average, Sum, Min, Max | The total size of the datasets imported by Amazon Forecast into the customer's account. | |
DatasetSize |
DatasetArn DatasetImportJobArn |
Kilobytes | Average, Sum | The size of the dataset imported by the CreateDatasetImportJob operation. |
CreatePredictorEvaluationTime |
PredictorArn |
Seconds | Average, Sum | The time taken for training, inference, and metrics for a specific predictor. Amazon Forecast normalizes the compute costs to a c5.xlarge instance to arrive at the number of hours consumed by the training job. |
CreateForecastEvaluationTime |
ForecastArn |
Seconds | Average, Sum | The time taken for training and inference during forecast generation. Amazon Forecast normalizes the compute costs to a c5.xlarge instance to arrive at the number of hours consumed by the training job. |
TimeSeriesForecastsGenerated | Count | Average, Sum, Min, Max | The number of unique time series forecasts generated for each quantile across all predictors in the account. Forecasts are billed to the nearest 1000 and charged on a per 1,000 basis. | |
TimeSeriesForecastsGenerated |
PredictorArn |
Count | Average, Sum, Min, Max | The number of unique time series forecasts generated for each quantile across all predictors in the account. Forecasts are billed to the nearest 1,000 and charged on a per 1,000 basis. |
TimeSeriesForecastsGenerated |
PredictorArn ForecastArn |
Count | Average, Sum, Min, Max | The number of unique time series forecasts generated for each quantile across all predictors in the account. Forecasts are billed to the nearest 1,000 and charged on a per 1,000 basis. |
ForecastDataPointsGenerated |
PredictorArn ForecastArn |
Count | Average, Sum, Min, Max | The number of unique datapoints generated for each forecast across all predictors in the account. Forecasts are billed to the nearest 1,000 and charged on a per 1,000 basis. |