SDK for PHP 3.x

in package
implements PromisorInterface

Sends and iterator of commands concurrently using a capped pool size.

The pool will read command objects from an iterator until it is cancelled or until the iterator is consumed.

Table of Contents


Interface used with classes that return a promise.


__construct()  : mixed
The CommandPool constructor accepts a hash of configuration options:
batch()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Executes a pool synchronously and aggregates the results of the pool into an indexed array in the same order as the passed in array.
promise()  : PromiseInterface
Returns a promise.



The CommandPool constructor accepts a hash of configuration options:

public __construct(AwsClientInterface $client, array<string|int, mixed>|Iterator $commands[, array<string|int, mixed> $config = [] ]) : mixed
  • concurrency: (callable|int) Maximum number of commands to execute concurrently. Provide a function to resize the pool dynamically. The function will be provided the current number of pending requests and is expected to return an integer representing the new pool size limit.
  • before: (callable) function to invoke before sending each command. The before function accepts the command and the key of the iterator of the command. You can mutate the command as needed in the before function before sending the command.
  • fulfilled: (callable) Function to invoke when a promise is fulfilled. The function is provided the result object, id of the iterator that the result came from, and the aggregate promise that can be resolved/rejected if you need to short-circuit the pool.
  • rejected: (callable) Function to invoke when a promise is rejected. The function is provided an AwsException object, id of the iterator that the exception came from, and the aggregate promise that can be resolved/rejected if you need to short-circuit the pool.
  • preserve_iterator_keys: (bool) Retain the iterator key when generating the commands.
$client : AwsClientInterface

Client used to execute commands.

$commands : array<string|int, mixed>|Iterator

Iterable that yields commands.

$config : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Associative array of options.


Executes a pool synchronously and aggregates the results of the pool into an indexed array in the same order as the passed in array.

public static batch(AwsClientInterface $client, mixed $commands[, array<string|int, mixed> $config = [] ]) : array<string|int, mixed>
$client : AwsClientInterface

Client used to execute commands.

$commands : mixed

Iterable that yields commands.

$config : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Configuration options.


for available configuration options.

Return values
array<string|int, mixed>
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