Table of Contents
- Crypto
- Exception
- Parser
- RegionalEndpoint
- UseArnRegion
- S3ClientInterface
- Represents an AWS client.
- BatchDelete
- Efficiently deletes many objects from a single Amazon S3 bucket using an
iterator that yields keys. Deletes are made using the DeleteObjects API
- MultipartCopy
- MultipartUploader
- Encapsulates the execution of a multipart upload to S3 or Glacier.
- ObjectCopier
- Copies objects from one S3 location to another, utilizing a multipart copy
when appropriate.
- ObjectUploader
- Uploads an object to S3, using a PutObject command or a multipart upload as
- PostObject
- PostObjectV4
- Encapsulates the logic for getting the data for an S3 object POST upload form
- S3Client
- Client used to interact with **Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)**.
- S3MultiRegionClient
- **Amazon Simple Storage Service** multi-region client.
- S3UriParser
- Extracts a region, bucket, key, and and if a URI is in path-style
- StreamWrapper
- Amazon S3 stream wrapper to use "s3://<bucket>/<key>" files with PHP
streams, supporting "r", "w", "a", "x".
- Transfer
- Transfers files from the local filesystem to S3 or from S3 to the local
- CalculatesChecksumTrait
- MultipartUploadingTrait
- S3ClientTrait
- A trait providing S3-specific functionality. This is meant to be used in
classes implementing \Aws\S3\S3ClientInterface