SDK for PHP 3.x

in package

The WriteRequestBatch is an object that is capable of efficiently sending DynamoDB BatchWriteItem requests from queued up put and delete item requests.

requests. The batch attempts to send the requests with the fewest requests to DynamoDB as possible and also re-queues any unprocessed items to ensure that all items are sent.

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
Creates a WriteRequestBatch object that is capable of efficiently sending DynamoDB BatchWriteItem requests from queued up Put and Delete requests.
delete()  : $this
Adds a delete item request to the batch.
flush()  : $this
Flushes the batch by combining all the queued put and delete requests into BatchWriteItem commands and executing them. Unprocessed items are automatically re-queued.
put()  : $this
Adds a put item request to the batch.



Creates a WriteRequestBatch object that is capable of efficiently sending DynamoDB BatchWriteItem requests from queued up Put and Delete requests.

public __construct(DynamoDbClient $client[, array<string|int, mixed> $config = [] ]) : mixed
$client : DynamoDbClient

DynamoDB client used to send batches.

$config : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Batch configuration options.

  • table: (string) DynamoDB table used by the batch, this can be overridden for each individual put() or delete() call.
  • batch_size: (int) The size of each batch (default: 25). The batch size must be between 2 and 25. If you are sending batches of large items, you may consider lowering the batch size, otherwise, you should use 25.
  • pool_size: (int) This number dictates how many BatchWriteItem requests you would like to do in parallel. For example, if the "batch_size" is 25, and "pool_size" is 3, then you would send 3 BatchWriteItem requests at a time, each with 25 items. Please keep your throughput in mind when choosing the "pool_size" option.
  • autoflush: (bool) This option allows the batch to automatically flush once there are enough items (i.e., "batch_size" * "pool_size") in the queue. This defaults to true, so you must set this to false to stop autoflush.
  • before: (callable) Executed before every BatchWriteItem operation. It should accept an \Aws\CommandInterface object as its argument.
  • error: Executed if an error was encountered executing a, BatchWriteItem operation, otherwise errors are ignored. It should accept an \Aws\Exception\AwsException as its argument.

if the batch size is not between 2 and 25.


Adds a delete item request to the batch.

public delete(array<string|int, mixed> $key[, string|null $table = null ]) : $this
$key : array<string|int, mixed>

Key of an item to delete. Format: [ 'key1' => ['type' => 'value'], ... ]

$table : string|null = null

The name of the table. This must be specified unless the "table" option was provided in the config of the WriteRequestBatch.

Return values


Flushes the batch by combining all the queued put and delete requests into BatchWriteItem commands and executing them. Unprocessed items are automatically re-queued.

public flush([bool $untilEmpty = true ]) : $this
$untilEmpty : bool = true

If true, flushing will continue until the queue is completely empty. This will make sure that unprocessed items are all eventually sent.

Return values


Adds a put item request to the batch.

public put(array<string|int, mixed> $item[, string|null $table = null ]) : $this
$item : array<string|int, mixed>

Data for an item to put. Format: [ 'attribute1' => ['type' => 'value'], 'attribute2' => ['type' => 'value'], ... ]

$table : string|null = null

The name of the table. This must be specified unless the "table" option was provided in the config of the WriteRequestBatch.

Return values
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