SDK for PHP 3.x

OmicsClient extends AwsClient
in package

This client is used to interact with the Amazon Omics service.

Supported API Versions

This class uses a service description model that is associated at runtime based on the version option given when constructing the client. The version option will determine which API operations, waiters, and paginators are available for a client. Creating a command or a specific API operation can be done using magic methods (e.g., $client->commandName(/** parameters */), or using the $client->getCommand method of the client.

Table of Contents


__call()  : mixed
__construct()  : mixed
The client constructor accepts the following options:
__sleep()  : mixed
emitDeprecationWarning()  : mixed
execute()  : mixed
executeAsync()  : mixed
factory()  : static
getApi()  : Service
getArguments()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Get an array of client constructor arguments used by the client.
getClientBuiltIns()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Provides the set of built-in keys and values used for endpoint resolution
getClientContextParams()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Provides the set of service context parameter key-value pairs used for endpoint resolution.
getCommand()  : CommandInterface
getConfig()  : mixed|null
Get a client configuration value.
getCredentials()  : PromiseInterface
Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an {@see \Aws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface} object.
getEndpoint()  : UriInterface
Gets the default endpoint, or base URL, used by the client.
getEndpointProvider()  : mixed
getEndpointProviderArgs()  : array<string|int, mixed>
Retrieves arguments to be used in endpoint resolution.
getHandlerList()  : HandlerList
Get the handler list used to transfer commands.
getIterator()  : mixed
getPaginator()  : mixed
getRegion()  : string
Get the region to which the client is configured to send requests.
getSignatureProvider()  : callable
Get the signature_provider function of the client.
getWaiter()  : mixed
waitUntil()  : mixed



public __call(mixed $name, array<string|int, mixed> $args) : mixed
$name : mixed
$args : array<string|int, mixed>


The client constructor accepts the following options:

public __construct(array<string|int, mixed> $args) : mixed
  • api_provider: (callable) An optional PHP callable that accepts a type, service, and version argument, and returns an array of corresponding configuration data. The type value can be one of api, waiter, or paginator.
  • credentials: (Aws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface|array|bool|callable) Specifies the credentials used to sign requests. Provide an Aws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface object, an associative array of "key", "secret", and an optional "token" key, false to use null credentials, or a callable credentials provider used to create credentials or return null. See Aws\Credentials\CredentialProvider for a list of built-in credentials providers. If no credentials are provided, the SDK will attempt to load them from the environment.
  • token: (Aws\Token\TokenInterface|array|bool|callable) Specifies the token used to authorize requests. Provide an Aws\Token\TokenInterface object, an associative array of "token" and an optional "expires" key, false to use no token, or a callable token provider used to create a token or return null. See Aws\Token\TokenProvider for a list of built-in token providers. If no token is provided, the SDK will attempt to load one from the environment.
  • csm: (Aws\ClientSideMonitoring\ConfigurationInterface|array|callable) Specifies the credentials used to sign requests. Provide an Aws\ClientSideMonitoring\ConfigurationInterface object, a callable configuration provider used to create client-side monitoring configuration, false to disable csm, or an associative array with the following keys: enabled: (bool) Set to true to enable client-side monitoring, defaults to false; host: (string) the host location to send monitoring events to, defaults to; port: (int) The port used for the host connection, defaults to 31000; client_id: (string) An identifier for this project
  • debug: (bool|array) Set to true to display debug information when sending requests. Alternatively, you can provide an associative array with the following keys: logfn: (callable) Function that is invoked with log messages; stream_size: (int) When the size of a stream is greater than this number, the stream data will not be logged (set to "0" to not log any stream data); scrub_auth: (bool) Set to false to disable the scrubbing of auth data from the logged messages; http: (bool) Set to false to disable the "debug" feature of lower level HTTP adapters (e.g., verbose curl output).
  • stats: (bool|array) Set to true to gather transfer statistics on requests sent. Alternatively, you can provide an associative array with the following keys: retries: (bool) Set to false to disable reporting on retries attempted; http: (bool) Set to true to enable collecting statistics from lower level HTTP adapters (e.g., values returned in GuzzleHttp\TransferStats). HTTP handlers must support an http_stats_receiver option for this to have an effect; timer: (bool) Set to true to enable a command timer that reports the total wall clock time spent on an operation in seconds.
  • disable_host_prefix_injection: (bool) Set to true to disable host prefix injection logic for services that use it. This disables the entire prefix injection, including the portions supplied by user-defined parameters. Setting this flag will have no effect on services that do not use host prefix injection.
  • endpoint: (string) The full URI of the webservice. This is only required when connecting to a custom endpoint (e.g., a local version of S3).
  • endpoint_discovery: (Aws\EndpointDiscovery\ConfigurationInterface, Aws\CacheInterface, array, callable) Settings for endpoint discovery. Provide an instance of Aws\EndpointDiscovery\ConfigurationInterface, an instance Aws\CacheInterface, a callable that provides a promise for a Configuration object, or an associative array with the following keys: enabled: (bool) Set to true to enable endpoint discovery, false to explicitly disable it, defaults to false; cache_limit: (int) The maximum number of keys in the endpoints cache, defaults to 1000.
  • endpoint_provider: (callable) An optional PHP callable that accepts a hash of options including a "service" and "region" key and returns NULL or a hash of endpoint data, of which the "endpoint" key is required. See Aws\Endpoint\EndpointProvider for a list of built-in providers.
  • handler: (callable) A handler that accepts a command object, request object and returns a promise that is fulfilled with an Aws\ResultInterface object or rejected with an Aws\Exception\AwsException. A handler does not accept a next handler as it is terminal and expected to fulfill a command. If no handler is provided, a default Guzzle handler will be utilized.
  • http: (array, default=array(0)) Set to an array of SDK request options to apply to each request (e.g., proxy, verify, etc.).
  • http_handler: (callable) An HTTP handler is a function that accepts a PSR-7 request object and returns a promise that is fulfilled with a PSR-7 response object or rejected with an array of exception data. NOTE: This option supersedes any provided "handler" option.
  • idempotency_auto_fill: (bool|callable) Set to false to disable SDK to populate parameters that enabled 'idempotencyToken' trait with a random UUID v4 value on your behalf. Using default value 'true' still allows parameter value to be overwritten when provided. Note: auto-fill only works when cryptographically secure random bytes generator functions (random_bytes, openssl_random_pseudo_bytes or mcrypt_create_iv) can be found. You may also provide a callable source of random bytes.
  • profile: (string) Allows you to specify which profile to use when credentials are created from the AWS credentials file in your HOME directory. This setting overrides the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. Note: Specifying "profile" will cause the "credentials" key to be ignored.
  • region: (string, required) Region to connect to. See for a list of available regions.
  • retries: (int, Aws\Retry\ConfigurationInterface, Aws\CacheInterface, array, callable) Configures the retry mode and maximum number of allowed retries for a client (pass 0 to disable retries). Provide an integer for 'legacy' mode with the specified number of retries. Otherwise provide an instance of Aws\Retry\ConfigurationInterface, an instance of Aws\CacheInterface, a callable function, or an array with the following keys: mode: (string) Set to 'legacy', 'standard' (uses retry quota management), or 'adapative' (an experimental mode that adds client-side rate limiting to standard mode); max_attempts (int) The maximum number of attempts for a given request.
  • scheme: (string, default=string(5) "https") URI scheme to use when connecting connect. The SDK will utilize "https" endpoints (i.e., utilize SSL/TLS connections) by default. You can attempt to connect to a service over an unencrypted "http" endpoint by setting scheme to "http".
  • signature_provider: (callable) A callable that accepts a signature version name (e.g., "v4"), a service name, and region, and returns a SignatureInterface object or null. This provider is used to create signers utilized by the client. See Aws\Signature\SignatureProvider for a list of built-in providers
  • signature_version: (string) A string representing a custom signature version to use with a service (e.g., v4). Note that per/operation signature version MAY override this requested signature version.
  • use_aws_shared_config_files: (bool, default=bool(true)) Set to false to disable checking for shared config file in '~/.aws/config' and '~/.aws/credentials'. This will override the AWS_CONFIG_FILE environment variable.
  • validate: (bool, default=bool(true)) Set to false to disable client-side parameter validation.
  • version: (string, required) The version of the webservice to utilize (e.g., 2006-03-01).
  • account_id_endpoint_mode: (string, default(preferred)) this option decides whether credentials should resolve an accountId value, which is going to be used as part of the endpoint resolution. The valid values for this option are:
    • preferred: when this value is set then, a warning is logged when accountId is empty in the resolved identity.
    • required: when this value is set then, an exception is thrown when accountId is empty in the resolved identity.
    • disabled: when this value is set then, the validation for if accountId was resolved or not, is ignored.
  • ua_append: (string, array) To pass custom user agent parameters.
  • app_id: (string) an optional application specific identifier that can be set. When set it will be appended to the User-Agent header of every request in the form of App/{AppId}. This variable is sourced from environment variable AWS_SDK_UA_APP_ID or the shared config profile attribute sdk_ua_app_id. See for more information on environment variables and shared config settings.
$args : array<string|int, mixed>

Client configuration arguments.


if any required options are missing or the service is not supported.


public __sleep() : mixed


public static emitDeprecationWarning() : mixed


public static factory([array<string|int, mixed> $config = [] ]) : static
$config : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values


Get an array of client constructor arguments used by the client.

public static getArguments() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Provides the set of built-in keys and values used for endpoint resolution

public getClientBuiltIns() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Provides the set of service context parameter key-value pairs used for endpoint resolution.

public getClientContextParams() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


public abstract getCommand(string $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $args = [] ]) : CommandInterface
$name : string
$args : array<string|int, mixed> = []
Return values


Get a client configuration value.

public getConfig([mixed $option = null ]) : mixed|null
$option : mixed = null

The option to retrieve. Pass null to retrieve all options.

Return values


Returns a promise that is fulfilled with an {@see \Aws\Credentials\CredentialsInterface} object.

public getCredentials() : PromiseInterface

If you need the credentials synchronously, then call the wait() method on the returned promise.

Return values


Gets the default endpoint, or base URL, used by the client.

public getEndpoint() : UriInterface
Return values


public getEndpointProvider() : mixed


Retrieves arguments to be used in endpoint resolution.

public getEndpointProviderArgs() : array<string|int, mixed>
Return values
array<string|int, mixed>


Get the handler list used to transfer commands.

public getHandlerList() : HandlerList

This list can be modified to add middleware or to change the underlying handler used to send HTTP requests.

Return values


public getIterator(mixed $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $args = [] ]) : mixed
$name : mixed
$args : array<string|int, mixed> = []


public getPaginator(mixed $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $args = [] ]) : mixed
$name : mixed
$args : array<string|int, mixed> = []


Get the region to which the client is configured to send requests.

public getRegion() : string
Return values


Get the signature_provider function of the client.

public final getSignatureProvider() : callable
Return values


public getWaiter(mixed $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $args = [] ]) : mixed
$name : mixed
$args : array<string|int, mixed> = []


public waitUntil(mixed $name[, array<string|int, mixed> $args = [] ]) : mixed
$name : mixed
$args : array<string|int, mixed> = []
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