SDK for PHP 3.x

MultipartCopy extends AbstractUploadManager
in package
Uses MultipartUploadingTrait

Table of Contents


__construct()  : mixed
Creates a multipart upload for copying an S3 object.
copy()  : mixed
An alias of the self::upload method.
getStateFromService()  : UploadState
Creates an UploadState object for a multipart upload by querying the service for the specified upload's information.



Creates a multipart upload for copying an S3 object.

public __construct(S3ClientInterface $client, string|array<string|int, mixed> $source[, array<string|int, mixed> $config = [] ]) : mixed

The valid configuration options are as follows:

  • acl: (string) ACL to set on the object being upload. Objects are private by default.
  • before_complete: (callable) Callback to invoke before the CompleteMultipartUpload operation. The callback should have a function signature like function (Aws\Command $command) {...}.
  • before_initiate: (callable) Callback to invoke before the CreateMultipartUpload operation. The callback should have a function signature like function (Aws\Command $command) {...}.
  • before_upload: (callable) Callback to invoke before UploadPartCopy operations. The callback should have a function signature like function (Aws\Command $command) {...}.
  • bucket: (string, required) Name of the bucket to which the object is being uploaded.
  • concurrency: (int, default=int(5)) Maximum number of concurrent UploadPart operations allowed during the multipart upload.
  • key: (string, required) Key to use for the object being uploaded.
  • params: (array) An array of key/value parameters that will be applied to each of the sub-commands run by the uploader as a base. Auto-calculated options will override these parameters. If you need more granularity over parameters to each sub-command, use the before_* options detailed above to update the commands directly.
  • part_size: (int, default=int(5242880)) Part size, in bytes, to use when doing a multipart upload. This must between 5 MB and 5 GB, inclusive.
  • state: (Aws\Multipart\UploadState) An object that represents the state of the multipart upload and that is used to resume a previous upload. When this option is provided, the bucket, key, and part_size options are ignored.
  • source_metadata: (Aws\ResultInterface) An object that represents the result of executing a HeadObject command on the copy source.
$client : S3ClientInterface

Client used for the upload.

$source : string|array<string|int, mixed>

Location of the data to be copied (in the form //). If the key contains a '?' character, instead pass an array of source_key, source_bucket, and source_version_id.

$config : array<string|int, mixed> = []

Configuration used to perform the upload.


An alias of the self::upload method.

public copy() : mixed


Creates an UploadState object for a multipart upload by querying the service for the specified upload's information.

public static getStateFromService(S3ClientInterface $client, string $bucket, string $key, string $uploadId) : UploadState
$client : S3ClientInterface

S3Client used for the upload.

$bucket : string

Bucket for the multipart upload.

$key : string

Object key for the multipart upload.

$uploadId : string

Upload ID for the multipart upload.

Return values
On this page