Specifying a container restart policy in an Amazon ECS task definition - Amazon Elastic Container Service

Specifying a container restart policy in an Amazon ECS task definition

To specify a restart policy for a container in a task definition, within the container definition, specify the restartPolicy object. For more information about the restartPolicy object, see Restart policy.

The following is a task definition using the Linux containers on Fargate launch type that sets up a web server. The container definition includes the restartPolicy object, with enabled set to true to enable a restart policy for the container. The container must run for 180 seconds before it can be restarted and will not be restarted if it exits with the exit code 0, which indicates success.

{ "containerDefinitions": [ { "command": [ "/bin/sh -c \"echo '<html> <head> <title>Amazon ECS Sample App</title> <style>body {margin-top: 40px; background-color: #333;} </style> </head><body> <div style=color:white;text-align:center> <h1>Amazon ECS Sample App</h1> <h2>Congratulations!</h2> <p>Your application is now running on a container in Amazon ECS.</p> </div></body></html>' > /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/index.html && httpd-foreground\"" ], "entryPoint": ["sh", "-c"], "essential": true, "image": "httpd:2.4", "logConfiguration": { "logDriver": "awslogs", "options": { "awslogs-group": "/ecs/fargate-task-definition", "awslogs-region": "us-east-1", "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs" } }, "name": "sample-fargate-app", "portMappings": [ { "containerPort": 80, "hostPort": 80, "protocol": "tcp" } ], "restartPolicy": { "enabled": true, "ignoredExitCodes": [0], "restartAttemptPeriod": 180 } } ], "cpu": "256", "executionRoleArn": "arn:aws:iam::012345678910:role/ecsTaskExecutionRole", "family": "fargate-task-definition", "memory": "512", "networkMode": "awsvpc", "runtimePlatform": { "operatingSystemFamily": "LINUX" }, "requiresCompatibilities": ["FARGATE"] }

After you have registered a task definition with the restartPolicy object in a container definition, you can run a task or create a service with that task definition. For more information, see Running an application as an Amazon ECS task and Creating an Amazon ECS service using the console.