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A complex type that contains information about a tag that you want to add or edit for the specified health check or hosted zone.



Optional arguments:


The value of Key depends on the operation that you want to perform:

  • Add a tag to a health check or hosted zone: Key is the name that you want to give the new tag.

  • Edit a tag: Key is the name of the tag that you want to change the Value for.

  • Delete a key: Key is the name of the tag you want to remove.

  • Give a name to a health check: Edit the default Name tag. In the Amazon Route 53 console, the list of your health checks includes a Name column that lets you see the name that you've given to each health check.


The value of Value depends on the operation that you want to perform:

  • Add a tag to a health check or hosted zone: Value is the value that you want to give the new tag.

  • Edit a tag: Value is the new value that you want to assign the tag.

Queryable Attributes


The value of Key depends on the operation that you want to perform:

  • Add a tag to a health check or hosted zone: Key is the name that you want to give the new tag.

  • Edit a tag: Key is the name of the tag that you want to change the Value for.

  • Delete a key: Key is the name of the tag you want to remove.

  • Give a name to a health check: Edit the default Name tag. In the Amazon Route 53 console, the list of your health checks includes a Name column that lets you see the name that you've given to each health check.

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_KEY() Getter for KEY, with configurable default
ASK_KEY() Getter for KEY w/ exceptions if field has no value
HAS_KEY() Determine if KEY has a value


The value of Value depends on the operation that you want to perform:

  • Add a tag to a health check or hosted zone: Value is the value that you want to give the new tag.

  • Edit a tag: Value is the new value that you want to assign the tag.

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_VALUE() Getter for VALUE, with configurable default
ASK_VALUE() Getter for VALUE w/ exceptions if field has no value
HAS_VALUE() Determine if VALUE has a value

Public Local Types In This Class

Internal table types, representing arrays and maps of this class, are defined as local types:

