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AWS SDK for SAP ABAP - Module List

Module TLA
Access Analyzer aan
AWS Account acc
AWS Certificate Manager acm
AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority acp
Alexa For Business afb
Amazon Prometheus Service amp
AWS Amplify amf
AmplifyBackend amb
AWS Amplify UI Builder amu
Amazon API Gateway agw
AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi agm
AmazonApiGatewayV2 ag2
AWS App Mesh apm
Amazon AppConfig apc
AWS AppConfig Data apd
AppFabric afc
Amazon Appflow apf
Amazon AppIntegrations Service api
Application Auto Scaling aas
AWS Application Discovery Service ads
Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights ain
Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals cws
AWS Application Cost Profiler aco
AWS App Runner apr
Amazon AppStream aps
AWS AppSync apy
AWS Mainframe Modernization Application Testing m2t
AWS ARC - Zonal Shift azs
AWS Artifact rft
Amazon Athena ath
AWS Audit Manager aum
Auto Scaling asc
AWS Auto Scaling Plans asp
AWS B2B Data Interchange bdi
AWS Backup bup
AWS Backup Gateway bug
AWS Backup Search bur
AWS Backup Storage bus
AWS Batch btc
AWS Billing and Cost Management Data Exports bce
AWS Billing and Cost Management Pricing Calculator bcp
Amazon Bedrock bdk
Agents for Amazon Bedrock bda
Agents for Amazon Bedrock Runtime bdz
Data Automation for Amazon Bedrock bdd
Runtime for Amazon Bedrock Data Automation bdt
Amazon Bedrock Runtime bdr
AWS Billing bil
AWSBillingConductor bic
Braket brk
AWS Budgets bgt
AWS Chatbot cbo
Amazon Chime che
Amazon Chime SDK Identity chi
Amazon Chime SDK Media Pipelines chp
Amazon Chime SDK Meetings chm
Amazon Chime SDK Messaging chs
Amazon Chime SDK Voice chv
AWS Clean Rooms Service crm
AWS Clean Rooms ML crl
AWS Cloud9 cl9
AWS Cloud Control API ctl
Amazon CloudDirectory dir
AWS CloudFormation frm
Amazon CloudFront fnt
Amazon CloudFront KeyValueStore fnk
Amazon CloudHSM hsm
AWS CloudHSM V2 hs2
Amazon CloudSearch srh
Amazon CloudSearch Domain srd
AWS CloudTrail trl
AWS CloudTrail Data Service trd
Amazon CloudWatch cwt
Amazon CloudWatch Events cwe
Amazon CloudWatch Logs cwl
CodeArtifact art
AWS CodeBuild bld
Amazon CodeCatalyst cat
AWS CodeCommit cmt
AWS CodeConnections con
AWS CodeDeploy dpl
Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer gur
Amazon CodeGuru Security gus
Amazon CodeGuru Profiler gup
AWS CodePipeline pip
AWS CodeStar str
AWS CodeStar connections stc
AWS CodeStar Notifications stn
Amazon Cognito Identity cgi
Amazon Cognito Identity Provider cgp
Amazon Cognito Sync cgs
Amazon Comprehend cpd
AWS Comprehend Medical cpm
AWS Compute Optimizer cop
AWS Config cfs
Amazon Connect Service cnt
Amazon Connect Contact Lens cnl
AmazonConnectCampaignService cnc
AmazonConnectCampaignServiceV2 cn2
Amazon Connect Cases cnk
Amazon Connect Participant Service cnp
AWS Control Catalog ccg
AWS Control Tower ctt
AWS Cost and Usage Report Service cur
AWS Cost Explorer Service cex
Cost Optimization Hub bco
Amazon Connect Customer Profiles cus
AWS Data Pipeline dpi
AWS Database Migration Service dmg
AWS Glue DataBrew dbr
AWS Data Exchange dex
AWS DataSync dsy
Amazon DataZone dzn
Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX) dax
AWSDeadlineCloud tbd
Amazon Detective det
AWS Device Farm dfm
Amazon DevOps Guru dog
AWS Direct Connect dco
AWS Directory Service dsr
AWS Directory Service Data dsd
Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager dlm
Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility dod
Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters doe
Elastic Disaster Recovery Service drs
Amazon Aurora DSQL xdd
Amazon DynamoDB dyn
Amazon DynamoDB Streams dys
Amazon Elastic Block Store ebs
Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud ec2
AWS EC2 Instance Connect e2i
Amazon Elastic Container Registry ecr
Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public ecp
Amazon EC2 Container Service ecs
Amazon Elastic File System efs
Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service eks
Amazon EKS Auth eka
AWS Elastic Beanstalk ebn
Amazon Elastic Inference ein
Elastic Load Balancing elb
Elastic Load Balancing el2
Amazon Elastic Transcoder etc
Amazon ElastiCache eca
Amazon Elasticsearch Service ess
Amazon EMR emr
Amazon EMR Containers emc
EMR Serverless ems
AWS EntityResolution ern
Amazon EventBridge evb
Amazon CloudWatch Evidently evy
FinSpace User Environment Management service fns
FinSpace Public API fnd
Amazon Kinesis Firehose frh
AWS Fault Injection Simulator fis
Firewall Management Service fms
Amazon Forecast Service fcs
Amazon Forecast Query Service fcq
Amazon Fraud Detector fdt
AWS Free Tier bcf
Amazon FSx fsx
Amazon GameLift gml
GameSparks gms
Amazon Location Service Maps V2 gem
Amazon Location Service Places V2 gep
Amazon Location Service Routes V2 ger
Amazon Glacier gla
AWS Global Accelerator gac
AWS Glue glu
Amazon Managed Grafana grf
AWS Greengrass ggs
AWS IoT Greengrass V2 gg2
AWS Ground Station gst
Amazon GuardDuty gdy
AWS Health APIs and Notifications hlt
Amazon HealthLake hll
Amazon Honeycode hnc
AWS Identity and Access Management iam
AWS SSO Identity Store ids
EC2 Image Builder img
Amazon Inspector ins
Inspector Scan inc
Inspector2 in2
Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor cwm
AWS Invoicing bii
AWS IoT iot
AWS IoT 1-Click Devices Service i1d
AWS IoT 1-Click Projects Service i1p
AWS IoT Data Plane iop
AWS IoT Events ioe
AWS IoT Events Data iov
AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane ioj
AWS IoT RoboRunner ior
AWS IoT Wireless iow
AWS IoT Analytics ioa
AWS IoT Core Device Advisor iod
AWS IoT Fleet Hub iof
AWS IoT FleetWise ioi
AWS IoT Secure Tunneling iou
AWS IoT SiteWise ios
AWS IoT Things Graph iog
AWS IoT TwinMaker iom
Amazon Interactive Video Service ivs
Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime ivr
Amazon Interactive Video Service Chat ivc
Managed Streaming for Kafka kfk
Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect kfc
AWSKendraFrontendService knd
Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking kdr
Amazon Keyspaces kys
Amazon Kinesis kns
Amazon Kinesis Analytics kny
Amazon Kinesis Analytics kn2
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams knv
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Archived Media kna
Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media knm
Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling Channels kng
Amazon Kinesis Video WebRTC Storage knr
AWS Key Management Service kms
AWS Lake Formation lkf
AWS Lambda lmd
AWS Launch Wizard lwd
Amazon Lex Model Building Service lxb
Amazon Lex Model Building V2 lm2
Amazon Lex Runtime Service lr1
Amazon Lex Runtime V2 lr2
AWS License Manager lic
AWS License Manager Linux Subscriptions lix
AWS License Manager User Subscriptions lis
Amazon Lightsail lsa
Amazon Location Service loc
Amazon Lookout for Equipment loe
Amazon Lookout for Metrics lom
Amazon Lookout for Vision lov
AWSMainframeModernization m2
Amazon Machine Learning ml
Amazon Macie mac
Amazon Macie 2 ma2
MailManager seb
Amazon Managed Blockchain mbc
Amazon Managed Blockchain Query mbq
AWS Marketplace Agreement Service mpg
AWS Marketplace Catalog Service mpc
AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics mpa
AWS Marketplace Deployment Service mpd
AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service mpe
AWSMarketplace Metering mpm
AWS Marketplace Reporting Service mpr
AWS MediaConnect mdx
AWS Elemental MediaConvert mdc
AWS Elemental MediaLive mdl
AWS Elemental MediaPackage mdp
AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD mdv
AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2 md2
AWS Elemental MediaStore mds
AWS Elemental MediaStore Data Plane mdd
AWS MediaTailor mdt
AWS Health Imaging mig
Amazon MemoryDB mem
Application Migration Service mgn
AWS Migration Hub mhu
AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces mhr
AWS Migration Hub Config mhc
AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator mho
Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations mhs
AWS Mobile mob
AmazonMQ mq
Amazon Mechanical Turk mtu
AmazonMWAA mwa
Amazon Neptune nep
Amazon Neptune Graph neg
Amazon NeptuneData ned
AWS Network Firewall nwf
Network Flow Monitor cwf
AWS Network Manager nwm
Amazon CloudWatch Network Monitor cwn
AmazonNimbleStudio nim
AWS User Notifications unt
AWS User Notifications Contacts unc
CloudWatch Observability Access Manager oam
CloudWatch Observability Admin Service cwo
Amazon Omics omx
Amazon OpenSearch Service osr
OpenSearch Service Serverless oss
AWS OpsWorks owx
AWS OpsWorks CM owc
AWS Organizations org
Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion osi
AWS Outposts out
AWS Panorama pan
Partner Central Selling API pts
Payment Cryptography Control Plane pcy
Payment Cryptography Data Plane pcd
PcaConnectorAd aca
Private CA Connector for SCEP acs
AWS Parallel Computing Service hpp
Amazon Personalize pzz
Amazon Personalize Events pze
Amazon Personalize Runtime pzr
AWS Performance Insights pie
Amazon Pinpoint ppt
Amazon Pinpoint Email Service ppe
Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service pps
Amazon Pinpoint SMS Voice V2 pp2
Amazon EventBridge Pipes pis
Amazon Polly ply
AWS Price List Service pri
AWS Private 5G nwp
AWS Proton prn
QApps qqa
QBusiness qqb
Amazon Q Connect qqc
Amazon QLDB qld
Amazon QLDB Session qls
Amazon QuickSight qst
AWS Resource Access Manager ram
Amazon Recycle Bin rbn
Amazon Relational Database Service rds
AWS RDS DataService rdd
Amazon Redshift rsh
Redshift Data API Service rsd
Redshift Serverless rss
Amazon Rekognition rek
AWS re:Post Private rpp
AWS Resilience Hub reh
AWS Resource Explorer re2
AWS Resource Groups rgr
AWS Resource Groups Tagging API rgs
AWS RoboMaker rbm
IAM Roles Anywhere rla
Amazon Route 53 r53
Amazon Route 53 Domains r5d
Route53 Recovery Cluster r5v
AWS Route53 Recovery Control Config r5c
AWS Route53 Recovery Readiness r5e
Route 53 Profiles r5p
Amazon Route 53 Resolver r5r
CloudWatch RUM rum
Amazon Simple Storage Service s3
AWS S3 Control s3c
Amazon S3 on Outposts s3o
Amazon S3 Tables s3t
Amazon SageMaker Service sgm
Amazon Augmented AI Runtime sga
Amazon Sagemaker Edge Manager sge
Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime sgf
Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities sgg
Amazon SageMaker Metrics Service sgx
Amazon SageMaker Runtime sgr
AWS Savings Plans svp
Amazon EventBridge Scheduler scd
Schemas sch
AWS Secrets Manager smr
Security Incident Response shi
AWS SecurityHub shb
Amazon Security Lake slk
AWSServerlessApplicationRepository sar
AWS Service Catalog scg
AWS Service Catalog App Registry sca
Service Quotas sqt
AWS Cloud Map sdy
Amazon Simple Email Service ses
Amazon Simple Email Service se2
AWS Step Functions sfn
AWS Shield shd
AWS Signer sgn
AWS SimSpace Weaver ssw
AWS Server Migration Service sms
AWS Snow Device Management snd
Amazon Import/Export Snowball snb
Amazon Simple Notification Service sns
AWS End User Messaging Social ppm
Amazon Simple Queue Service sqs
Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM) ssm
AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager Contacts smc
AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager smi
AWS Systems Manager QuickSetup ssq
AWS Systems Manager for SAP sss
AWS Single Sign-On sso
AWS Single Sign-On Admin ssa
AWS Storage Gateway stg
AWS Security Token Service sts
AWS Supply Chain spc
AWS Support sup
AWS Support App sua
Amazon Simple Workflow Service swf
Synthetics syn
Tax Settings txs
Amazon Textract tex
Timestream InfluxDB tsi
Amazon Timestream Query tsq
Amazon Timestream Write tsw
AWS Telco Network Builder tcb
Amazon Transcribe Service tnb
Amazon Transcribe Streaming Service tns
AWS Transfer Family trn
Amazon Translate xl8
TrustedAdvisor Public API tad
Amazon Verified Permissions vps
Amazon Voice ID vid
Amazon VPC Lattice vl
AWS WAF Regional war
AWS Well-Architected Tool wad
Amazon Connect Wisdom Service wis
Amazon WorkDocs wdx
Amazon WorkLink wlk
Amazon WorkMail wml
Amazon WorkMail Message Flow wmm
Amazon WorkSpaces wsp
Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client wst
Amazon WorkSpaces Web wsw
AWS X-Ray xra