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API for AWS Proton

ABAP Interface /AWS1/IF_PRN

The "TLA" is a Three Letter Abbreviation that appears in ABAP class names, data dictionary objects and other ABAP objects throughout the AWS SDK for SAP ABAP. The TLA for AWS Proton is PRN. This TLA helps squeeze ABAP objects into the 30-character length limit of the ABAP data dictionary.


To install the AWS SDK for SAP ABAP, import the Core transport, along with the transport for the Proton module and other API modules you are interested in. A few modules are included in the Core transport itself. For more information, see the Developer Guide guide.

About The Service

This is the Proton Service API Reference. It provides descriptions, syntax and usage examples for each of the actions and data types for the Proton service.

The documentation for each action shows the Query API request parameters and the XML response.

Alternatively, you can use the Amazon Web Services CLI to access an API. For more information, see the Amazon Web Services Command Line Interface User Guide.

The Proton service is a two-pronged automation framework. Administrators create service templates to provide standardized infrastructure and deployment tooling for serverless and container based applications. Developers, in turn, select from the available service templates to automate their application or service deployments.

Because administrators define the infrastructure and tooling that Proton deploys and manages, they need permissions to use all of the listed API operations.

When developers select a specific infrastructure and tooling set, Proton deploys their applications. To monitor their applications that are running on Proton, developers need permissions to the service create, list, update and delete API operations and the service instance list and update API operations.

To learn more about Proton, see the Proton User Guide.

Ensuring Idempotency

When you make a mutating API request, the request typically returns a result before the asynchronous workflows of the operation are complete. Operations might also time out or encounter other server issues before they're complete, even if the request already returned a result. This might make it difficult to determine whether the request succeeded. Moreover, you might need to retry the request multiple times to ensure that the operation completes successfully. However, if the original request and the subsequent retries are successful, the operation occurs multiple times. This means that you might create more resources than you intended.

Idempotency ensures that an API request action completes no more than one time. With an idempotent request, if the original request action completes successfully, any subsequent retries complete successfully without performing any further actions. However, the result might contain updated information, such as the current creation status.

The following lists of APIs are grouped according to methods that ensure idempotency.

Idempotent create APIs with a client token

The API actions in this list support idempotency with the use of a client token. The corresponding Amazon Web Services CLI commands also support idempotency using a client token. A client token is a unique, case-sensitive string of up to 64 ASCII characters. To make an idempotent API request using one of these actions, specify a client token in the request. We recommend that you don't reuse the same client token for other API requests. If you don’t provide a client token for these APIs, a default client token is automatically provided by SDKs.

Given a request action that has succeeded:

If you retry the request using the same client token and the same parameters, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions other than returning the original resource detail data in the response.

If you retry the request using the same client token, but one or more of the parameters are different, the retry throws a ValidationException with an IdempotentParameterMismatch error.

Client tokens expire eight hours after a request is made. If you retry the request with the expired token, a new resource is created.

If the original resource is deleted and you retry the request, a new resource is created.

Idempotent create APIs with a client token:

  • CreateEnvironmentTemplateVersion

  • CreateServiceTemplateVersion

  • CreateEnvironmentAccountConnection

Idempotent create APIs

Given a request action that has succeeded:

If you retry the request with an API from this group, and the original resource hasn't been modified, the retry succeeds without performing any further actions other than returning the original resource detail data in the response.

If the original resource has been modified, the retry throws a ConflictException.

If you retry with different input parameters, the retry throws a ValidationException with an IdempotentParameterMismatch error.

Idempotent create APIs:

  • CreateEnvironmentTemplate

  • CreateServiceTemplate

  • CreateEnvironment

  • CreateService

Idempotent delete APIs

Given a request action that has succeeded:

When you retry the request with an API from this group and the resource was deleted, its metadata is returned in the response.

If you retry and the resource doesn't exist, the response is empty.

In both cases, the retry succeeds.

Idempotent delete APIs:

  • DeleteEnvironmentTemplate

  • DeleteEnvironmentTemplateVersion

  • DeleteServiceTemplate

  • DeleteServiceTemplateVersion

  • DeleteEnvironmentAccountConnection

Asynchronous idempotent delete APIs

Given a request action that has succeeded:

If you retry the request with an API from this group, if the original request delete operation status is DELETE_IN_PROGRESS, the retry returns the resource detail data in the response without performing any further actions.

If the original request delete operation is complete, a retry returns an empty response.

Asynchronous idempotent delete APIs:

  • DeleteEnvironment

  • DeleteService

Using the SDK

In your code, create a client using the SDK module for AWS Proton, which is created with factory method /AWS1/CL_PRN_FACTORY=>create(). In this example we will assume you have configured an SDK profile in transaction /AWS1/IMG called ZFINANCE.

DATA(go_session)   = /aws1/cl_rt_session_aws=>create( 'ZFINANCE' ).
DATA(go_prn)       = /aws1/cl_prn_factory=>create( go_session ).

Your variable go_prn is an instance of /AWS1/IF_PRN, and all of the operations in the AWS Proton service are accessed by calling methods in /AWS1/IF_PRN.

API Operations

For an overview of ABAP method calls corresponding to API operations in AWS Proton, see the Operation List.

Factory Method

/AWS1/CL_PRN_FACTORY=>create( )

Creates an object of type /AWS1/IF_PRN.


Optional arguments:







/AWS1/IF_PRN represents the ABAP client for the Proton service, representing each operation as a method call. For more information see the API Page page.

Configuring Programmatically

DATA(lo_config) = DATA(go_prn)->get_config( ).

lo_config is a variable of type /AWS1/CL_PRN_CONFIG. See the documentation for /AWS1/CL_PRN_CONFIG for details on the settings that can be configured.


Waiters for Implementation can be accessed via get_waiter() method followed by the waiter method to be called.

Details about the waiter methods available for service Implementation can be found in interface /AWS1/IF_PRN_WAITER.


Paginators for AWS Proton can be created via get_paginator() which returns a paginator object of type /AWS1/IF_PRN_PAGINATOR. The operation method that is being paginated is called using the paginator object, which accepts any necessary parameters to provide to the underlying API operation. This returns an iterator object which can be used to iterate over paginated results using has_next() and get_next() methods.

Details about the paginator methods available for service AWS Proton can be found in interface /AWS1/IF_PRN_PAGINATOR.