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The S3 bucket name and file name that identifies the document.

The AWS Region for the S3 bucket that contains the document must match the Region that you use for Amazon Textract operations.

For Amazon Textract to process a file in an S3 bucket, the user must have permission to access the S3 bucket and file.



Optional arguments:


The name of the S3 bucket. Note that the # character is not valid in the file name.


The file name of the input document. Synchronous operations can use image files that are in JPEG or PNG format. Asynchronous operations also support PDF and TIFF format files.


If the bucket has versioning enabled, you can specify the object version.

Queryable Attributes


The name of the S3 bucket. Note that the # character is not valid in the file name.

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_BUCKET() Getter for BUCKET, with configurable default
ASK_BUCKET() Getter for BUCKET w/ exceptions if field has no value
HAS_BUCKET() Determine if BUCKET has a value


The file name of the input document. Synchronous operations can use image files that are in JPEG or PNG format. Asynchronous operations also support PDF and TIFF format files.

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_NAME() Getter for NAME, with configurable default
ASK_NAME() Getter for NAME w/ exceptions if field has no value
HAS_NAME() Determine if NAME has a value


If the bucket has versioning enabled, you can specify the object version.

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_VERSION() Getter for VERSION, with configurable default
ASK_VERSION() Getter for VERSION w/ exceptions if field has no value
HAS_VERSION() Determine if VERSION has a value