
class aws_cdk.aws_ecr.LifecycleRule(*, description=None, max_image_age=None, max_image_count=None, rule_priority=None, tag_pattern_list=None, tag_prefix_list=None, tag_status=None)

Bases: object

An ECR life cycle rule.

  • description (Optional[str]) – Describes the purpose of the rule. Default: No description

  • max_image_age (Optional[Duration]) – The maximum age of images to retain. The value must represent a number of days. Specify exactly one of maxImageCount and maxImageAge.

  • max_image_count (Union[int, float, None]) – The maximum number of images to retain. Specify exactly one of maxImageCount and maxImageAge.

  • rule_priority (Union[int, float, None]) – Controls the order in which rules are evaluated (low to high). All rules must have a unique priority, where lower numbers have higher precedence. The first rule that matches is applied to an image. There can only be one rule with a tagStatus of Any, and it must have the highest rulePriority. All rules without a specified priority will have incrementing priorities automatically assigned to them, higher than any rules that DO have priorities. Default: Automatically assigned

  • tag_pattern_list (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – Select images that have ALL the given patterns in their tag. There is a maximum limit of four wildcards (*) per string. For example, [”test*1*2*3”, “test*1*2*3”] is valid but [“test*1*2*3*4*5*6”] is invalid. Both tagPrefixList and tagPatternList cannot be specified together in a rule. Only if tagStatus == TagStatus.Tagged

  • tag_prefix_list (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – Select images that have ALL the given prefixes in their tag. Both tagPrefixList and tagPatternList cannot be specified together in a rule. Only if tagStatus == TagStatus.Tagged

  • tag_status (Optional[TagStatus]) – Select images based on tags. Only one rule is allowed to select untagged images, and it must have the highest rulePriority. Default: TagStatus.Tagged if tagPrefixList or tagPatternList is given, TagStatus.Any otherwise




# repository: ecr.Repository

repository.add_lifecycle_rule(tag_prefix_list=["prod"], max_image_count=9999)



Describes the purpose of the rule.


No description


The maximum age of images to retain. The value must represent a number of days.

Specify exactly one of maxImageCount and maxImageAge.


The maximum number of images to retain.

Specify exactly one of maxImageCount and maxImageAge.


Controls the order in which rules are evaluated (low to high).

All rules must have a unique priority, where lower numbers have higher precedence. The first rule that matches is applied to an image.

There can only be one rule with a tagStatus of Any, and it must have the highest rulePriority.

All rules without a specified priority will have incrementing priorities automatically assigned to them, higher than any rules that DO have priorities.


Automatically assigned


Select images that have ALL the given patterns in their tag.

There is a maximum limit of four wildcards (*) per string. For example, [”test*1*2*3”, “test*1*2*3”] is valid but [“test*1*2*3*4*5*6”] is invalid.

Both tagPrefixList and tagPatternList cannot be specified together in a rule.

Only if tagStatus == TagStatus.Tagged


Select images that have ALL the given prefixes in their tag.

Both tagPrefixList and tagPatternList cannot be specified together in a rule.

Only if tagStatus == TagStatus.Tagged


Select images based on tags.

Only one rule is allowed to select untagged images, and it must have the highest rulePriority.


TagStatus.Tagged if tagPrefixList or tagPatternList is given, TagStatus.Any otherwise