
class aws_cdk.aws_ssm.StringListParameterProps(*, allowed_pattern=None, description=None, parameter_name=None, simple_name=None, tier=None, string_list_value)

Bases: ParameterOptions

Properties needed to create a StringList SSM Parameter.

  • allowed_pattern (Optional[str]) – A regular expression used to validate the parameter value. For example, for String types with values restricted to numbers, you can specify the following: ^\d+$ Default: no validation is performed

  • description (Optional[str]) – Information about the parameter that you want to add to the system. Default: none

  • parameter_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the parameter. Default: - a name will be generated by CloudFormation

  • simple_name (Optional[bool]) – Indicates whether the parameter name is a simple name. A parameter name without any “/” is considered a simple name. If the parameter name includes “/”, setting simpleName to true might cause unintended issues such as duplicate “/” in the resulting ARN. This is required only if parameterName is a token, which means we are unable to detect if the name is simple or “path-like” for the purpose of rendering SSM parameter ARNs. If parameterName is not specified, simpleName must be true (or undefined) since the name generated by AWS CloudFormation is always a simple name. Default: - auto-detect based on parameterName

  • tier (Optional[ParameterTier]) – The tier of the string parameter. Default: - undefined

  • string_list_value (Sequence[str]) – The values of the parameter. It may not reference another parameter and {{}} cannot be used in the value.




# Grant read access to some Role
# role: iam.IRole
# Create a new SSM Parameter holding a String
param = ssm.StringParameter(self, "StringParameter",
    # description: 'Some user-friendly description',
    # name: 'ParameterName',
    string_value="Initial parameter value"

# Create a new SSM Parameter holding a StringList
list_parameter = ssm.StringListParameter(self, "StringListParameter",
    # description: 'Some user-friendly description',
    # name: 'ParameterName',
    string_list_value=["Initial parameter value A", "Initial parameter value B"]



A regular expression used to validate the parameter value.

For example, for String types with values restricted to numbers, you can specify the following: ^\d+$


no validation is performed


Information about the parameter that you want to add to the system.




The name of the parameter.

  • a name will be generated by CloudFormation


Indicates whether the parameter name is a simple name.

A parameter name without any “/” is considered a simple name. If the parameter name includes “/”, setting simpleName to true might cause unintended issues such as duplicate “/” in the resulting ARN.

This is required only if parameterName is a token, which means we are unable to detect if the name is simple or “path-like” for the purpose of rendering SSM parameter ARNs.

If parameterName is not specified, simpleName must be true (or undefined) since the name generated by AWS CloudFormation is always a simple name.

  • auto-detect based on parameterName


The values of the parameter.

It may not reference another parameter and {{}} cannot be used in the value.


The tier of the string parameter.

  • undefined