Output presets specify the settings that apply to a single output of a transcoding job. System presets have the output settings that are specified for you; custom presets have settings that are specified by you or by another user of your AWS account.
You can create a custom preset by individually specifying the settings, as described in this topic. Or you can create a custom preset by duplicating and modifying an existing preset, as described in Creating a preset, based on a system preset.
To create a custom output preset
Open the Output presets
page in the MediaConvert console. -
In the Output presets pane, choose the Create preset button.
In the Preset settings pane, specify at a minimum the name of the new preset. Optionally, provide a description and a category.
These values help you find the custom preset later. For more information see Listing presets.
In the Preset settings pane, choose the container for the output.
It's important to specify a container that is appropriate to the output type that you intend to create with the preset. When you choose a system or custom preset as part of creating a job, the console displays only the presets that specify a container that is valid for the output group.
Choose your output settings.
For more information about each setting, choose the Info link located next to the setting or next to the heading for the group of settings.
Choose the Create button at the bottom of the page.