Follow these steps to install the client.
On the PC where you want to install the AppStream 2.0 client, download the AppStream 2.0 client for Windows application from AppStream 2.0 supported clients
. Navigate to the location where you downloaded the application .exe file, and then double-click the file to begin the installation.
Contact your network administrator if nothing happens when you double-click the file or if an error message is displayed. Your organization might be using antivirus software that prevents the AppStream 2.0 client installation program from running.
If a message notifies you that Windows Defender SmartScreen prevented an unrecognized app from starting, choose the More info link. For App, verify that AmazonAppStreamClientSetup_<
>.exe is displayed, and then choose Run anyway.The installation wizard displays links to the AWS Customer Agreement, AWS Service Terms, and the AWS Privacy Notice, and third-party notices. Review this information, and then choose Next.
On the Client Diagnostics page, to enable the AppStream 2.0 client to automatically upload device logs to help with troubleshooting issues, keep Client logging selected, and then choose Next.
On the Optional Components page, to enable your USB devices to be used with streaming applications, select the AppStream 2.0 Client USB Driver check box, and then choose Finish.
If the AppStream 2.0 USB driver wizard setup wizard opens, choose Install.
If prompted by User Account Control to choose whether to allow the app to make changes to your device, choose Yes.
When a message notifies you that the USB driver installation is complete, choose Close.
The AppStream 2.0 sign-in page opens. For information about how to connect to AppStream 2.0 and start an application streaming session, see Connect to AppStream 2.0.