This section provides SQL queries that you can run in Athena to analyze the usage reports data in your Amazon S3 bucket.
To create a consolidated report of all sessions in a given month, run the following query:
FROM "appstream-usage"."sessions"
WHERE year='four-digit-year
AND month='two-digit-month
You can also perform join operations between the applications and sessions tables in your query. For example, to view the distinct users who launched each application in a given month, run the following query:
SELECT DISTINCT apps.application_name, sessions.user_id
FROM "appstream-usage"."applications" apps
INNER JOIN "appstream-usage"."sessions" sessions ON (apps.user_session_id = sessions.user_session_id AND sessions.year='four-digit-year
' AND sessions.month='two-digit-month
WHERE apps.year='four-digit-year
AND apps.month='two-digit-month
Athena query results are stored as .csv files in an Amazon S3 bucket in your account that is named aws-athena-query-results-
. For ease in locating query results, choose Save as and provide a name for your query before you run it. You can also choose the download icon in the Athena Results pane to download the results of the query as a .csv file.account-id-without-hyphens
To enhance performance and reduce costs, Athena uses partitioning to reduce the amount of data scanned in queries. For more information, see Partitioning Data. Usage reports are partitioned in your Amazon S3 buckets by year, month, and day. You can restrict your queries to certain date range partitions using the year, month, and day fields as conditions in your queries. For example, the following query ingests only the sessions reports for the week of May 19, 2019.
SELECT SUBSTRING(session_start_time, 1, 10) AS report_date,
COUNT(DISTINCT user_session_id) AS num_sessions
FROM "appstream-usage"."sessions"
WHERE year='2019'
AND month='05'
AND day BETWEEN '19' and '25'
In contrast, the following query produces identical results, but because it isn't restricted to any partitions, it ingests all sessions reports stored in your Amazon S3 bucket.
SELECT SUBSTRING(session_start_time, 1, 10) AS report_date,
COUNT(DISTINCT user_session_id) AS num_sessions
FROM "appstream-usage"."sessions"
WHERE session_end_time BETWEEN '2019-05-19' AND '2019-05-26'
If a session spans more than one day, the session and application records appear in the sessions and applications reports, respectively, corresponding to the day in which the session ended. For this reason, if you need to find records that relate to all sessions that were active during a given date range, consider expanding the partition set of your query by the maximum session length you have configured for your fleets.
For example, to view all sessions that were active for a given fleet during a calendar month, where the fleet had a maximum session duration of 100 hours, run the following query to expand your partition set by five days.
FROM "appstream-usage"."sessions"
WHERE fleet_name = 'fleet_name
AND session_start_time BETWEEN '2019-05-01' AND '2019-06-01'
AND year='2019'
AND (month='05' OR (month='06' AND day<='05'))
ORDER BY session_start_time
The AWS CloudFormation template that created the AWS Glue crawlers also created and saved several sample queries in your Athena account that you can use to analyze your usage data. These sample queries include the following:
Aggregated monthly session report
Average session length per stack
Number of sessions per day
Total streaming hours per user
On-demand usage charges are rounded up to the next hour for each session.
Distinct users per app
To use any of these queries, perform the following steps.
Open the Athena console at
. Choose Saved Queries. The five queries noted before this procedure should display. The name of each query begins with "AS2." For example, "AS2_users_per_app_curr_mo."
To run a query, choose the query name rather than the option next to the name.
The text of the query appears in the query pane. Choose Run query.
To view these queries in a separate AWS CloudFormation template, see athena-sample-queries-appstream-usage-data_template.yml in the AWS Code Sample Catalog.