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AWS SDK for SAP ABAP - API Documentation - 1.12.119
AWS SDK for SAP ABAP - API Documentation - 1.12.119
Module List
Release Notes
[aan] Access Analyzer
[acc] AWS Account
[acm] AWS Certificate Manager
[acp] AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority
[afb] Alexa For Business
[amp] Amazon Prometheus Service
[amf] AWS Amplify
[amb] AmplifyBackend
[amu] AWS Amplify UI Builder
[agw] Amazon API Gateway
[agm] AmazonApiGatewayManagementApi
[ag2] AmazonApiGatewayV2
[apm] AWS App Mesh
[apc] Amazon AppConfig
[apd] AWS AppConfig Data
[afc] AppFabric
[apf] Amazon Appflow
[api] Amazon AppIntegrations Service
[aas] Application Auto Scaling
[ads] AWS Application Discovery Service
[ain] Amazon CloudWatch Application Insights
[cws] Amazon CloudWatch Application Signals
[aco] AWS Application Cost Profiler
[apr] AWS App Runner
[aps] Amazon AppStream
[apy] AWS AppSync
[m2t] AWS Mainframe Modernization Application Testing
[azs] AWS ARC - Zonal Shift
[rft] AWS Artifact
[ath] Amazon Athena
[aum] AWS Audit Manager
[asc] Auto Scaling
[asp] AWS Auto Scaling Plans
[bdi] AWS B2B Data Interchange
[bup] AWS Backup
[bug] AWS Backup Gateway
[bur] AWS Backup Search
[bus] AWS Backup Storage
[btc] AWS Batch
[bce] AWS Billing and Cost Management Data Exports
[bcp] AWS Billing and Cost Management Pricing Calculator
[bdk] Amazon Bedrock
[bda] Agents for Amazon Bedrock
[bdz] Agents for Amazon Bedrock Runtime
[bdd] Data Automation for Amazon Bedrock
[bdt] Runtime for Amazon Bedrock Data Automation
[bdr] Amazon Bedrock Runtime
[bil] AWS Billing
[bic] AWSBillingConductor
[brk] Braket
[bgt] AWS Budgets
[cbo] AWS Chatbot
[che] Amazon Chime
[chi] Amazon Chime SDK Identity
[chp] Amazon Chime SDK Media Pipelines
[chm] Amazon Chime SDK Meetings
[chs] Amazon Chime SDK Messaging
[chv] Amazon Chime SDK Voice
[crm] AWS Clean Rooms Service
[crl] AWS Clean Rooms ML
[cl9] AWS Cloud9
[ctl] AWS Cloud Control API
[dir] Amazon CloudDirectory
[frm] AWS CloudFormation
[fnt] Amazon CloudFront
[fnk] Amazon CloudFront KeyValueStore
[hsm] Amazon CloudHSM
[hs2] AWS CloudHSM V2
[srh] Amazon CloudSearch
[srd] Amazon CloudSearch Domain
[trl] AWS CloudTrail
[trd] AWS CloudTrail Data Service
[cwt] Amazon CloudWatch
[cwe] Amazon CloudWatch Events
[cwl] Amazon CloudWatch Logs
[art] CodeArtifact
[bld] AWS CodeBuild
[cat] Amazon CodeCatalyst
[cmt] AWS CodeCommit
[con] AWS CodeConnections
[dpl] AWS CodeDeploy
[gur] Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer
[gus] Amazon CodeGuru Security
[gup] Amazon CodeGuru Profiler
[pip] AWS CodePipeline
[str] AWS CodeStar
[stc] AWS CodeStar connections
[stn] AWS CodeStar Notifications
[cgi] Amazon Cognito Identity
[cgp] Amazon Cognito Identity Provider
[cgs] Amazon Cognito Sync
[cpd] Amazon Comprehend
[cpm] AWS Comprehend Medical
[cop] AWS Compute Optimizer
[cfs] AWS Config
[cnt] Amazon Connect Service
[cnl] Amazon Connect Contact Lens
[cnc] AmazonConnectCampaignService
[cn2] AmazonConnectCampaignServiceV2
[cnk] Amazon Connect Cases
[cnp] Amazon Connect Participant Service
[ccg] AWS Control Catalog
[ctt] AWS Control Tower
[cur] AWS Cost and Usage Report Service
[cex] AWS Cost Explorer Service
[bco] Cost Optimization Hub
[cus] Amazon Connect Customer Profiles
[dpi] AWS Data Pipeline
[dmg] AWS Database Migration Service
[dbr] AWS Glue DataBrew
[dex] AWS Data Exchange
[dsy] AWS DataSync
[dzn] Amazon DataZone
[dax] Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator (DAX)
[tbd] AWSDeadlineCloud
[det] Amazon Detective
[dfm] AWS Device Farm
[dog] Amazon DevOps Guru
[dco] AWS Direct Connect
[dsr] AWS Directory Service
[dsd] AWS Directory Service Data
[dlm] Amazon Data Lifecycle Manager
[dod] Amazon DocumentDB with MongoDB compatibility
[doe] Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters
[drs] Elastic Disaster Recovery Service
[xdd] Amazon Aurora DSQL
[dyn] Amazon DynamoDB
[dys] Amazon DynamoDB Streams
[ebs] Amazon Elastic Block Store
[ec2] Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud
[e2i] AWS EC2 Instance Connect
[ecr] Amazon Elastic Container Registry
[ecp] Amazon Elastic Container Registry Public
[ecs] Amazon EC2 Container Service
[efs] Amazon Elastic File System
[eks] Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service
[eka] Amazon EKS Auth
[ebn] AWS Elastic Beanstalk
[ein] Amazon Elastic Inference
[elb] Elastic Load Balancing
[el2] Elastic Load Balancing
[etc] Amazon Elastic Transcoder
[eca] Amazon ElastiCache
[ess] Amazon Elasticsearch Service
[emr] Amazon EMR
[emc] Amazon EMR Containers
[ems] EMR Serverless
[ern] AWS EntityResolution
[evb] Amazon EventBridge
[evy] Amazon CloudWatch Evidently
[fns] FinSpace User Environment Management service
[fnd] FinSpace Public API
[frh] Amazon Kinesis Firehose
[fis] AWS Fault Injection Simulator
[fms] Firewall Management Service
[fcs] Amazon Forecast Service
[fcq] Amazon Forecast Query Service
[fdt] Amazon Fraud Detector
[bcf] AWS Free Tier
[fsx] Amazon FSx
[gml] Amazon GameLift
[gmz] Amazon GameLift Streams
[gms] GameSparks
[gem] Amazon Location Service Maps V2
[gep] Amazon Location Service Places V2
[ger] Amazon Location Service Routes V2
[gla] Amazon Glacier
[gac] AWS Global Accelerator
[glu] AWS Glue
[grf] Amazon Managed Grafana
[ggs] AWS Greengrass
[gg2] AWS IoT Greengrass V2
[gst] AWS Ground Station
[gdy] Amazon GuardDuty
[hlt] AWS Health APIs and Notifications
[hll] Amazon HealthLake
[hnc] Amazon Honeycode
[iam] AWS Identity and Access Management
[ids] AWS SSO Identity Store
[img] EC2 Image Builder
[ins] Amazon Inspector
[inc] Inspector Scan
[in2] Inspector2
[cwm] Amazon CloudWatch Internet Monitor
[bii] AWS Invoicing
[iot] AWS IoT
[i1d] AWS IoT 1-Click Devices Service
[i1p] AWS IoT 1-Click Projects Service
[iop] AWS IoT Data Plane
[ioe] AWS IoT Events
[iov] AWS IoT Events Data
[ioj] AWS IoT Jobs Data Plane
[iox] Managed integrations for AWS IoT Device Management
[ior] AWS IoT RoboRunner
[iow] AWS IoT Wireless
[ioa] AWS IoT Analytics
[iod] AWS IoT Core Device Advisor
[iof] AWS IoT Fleet Hub
[ioi] AWS IoT FleetWise
[iou] AWS IoT Secure Tunneling
[ios] AWS IoT SiteWise
[iog] AWS IoT Things Graph
[iom] AWS IoT TwinMaker
[ivs] Amazon Interactive Video Service
[ivr] Amazon Interactive Video Service RealTime
[ivc] Amazon Interactive Video Service Chat
[kfk] Managed Streaming for Kafka
[kfc] Managed Streaming for Kafka Connect
[knd] AWSKendraFrontendService
[kdr] Amazon Kendra Intelligent Ranking
[kys] Amazon Keyspaces
[kns] Amazon Kinesis
[kny] Amazon Kinesis Analytics
[kn2] Amazon Kinesis Analytics
[knv] Amazon Kinesis Video Streams
[kna] Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Archived Media
[knm] Amazon Kinesis Video Streams Media
[kng] Amazon Kinesis Video Signaling Channels
[knr] Amazon Kinesis Video WebRTC Storage
[kms] AWS Key Management Service
[lkf] AWS Lake Formation
[lmd] AWS Lambda
[lwd] AWS Launch Wizard
[lxb] Amazon Lex Model Building Service
[lm2] Amazon Lex Model Building V2
[lr1] Amazon Lex Runtime Service
[lr2] Amazon Lex Runtime V2
[lic] AWS License Manager
[lix] AWS License Manager Linux Subscriptions
[lis] AWS License Manager User Subscriptions
[lsa] Amazon Lightsail
[loc] Amazon Location Service
[loe] Amazon Lookout for Equipment
[lom] Amazon Lookout for Metrics
[lov] Amazon Lookout for Vision
[m2] AWSMainframeModernization
[ml] Amazon Machine Learning
[mac] Amazon Macie
[ma2] Amazon Macie 2
[seb] MailManager
[mbc] Amazon Managed Blockchain
[mbq] Amazon Managed Blockchain Query
[mpg] AWS Marketplace Agreement Service
[mpc] AWS Marketplace Catalog Service
[mpa] AWS Marketplace Commerce Analytics
[mpd] AWS Marketplace Deployment Service
[mpe] AWS Marketplace Entitlement Service
[mpm] AWSMarketplace Metering
[mpr] AWS Marketplace Reporting Service
[mdx] AWS MediaConnect
[mdc] AWS Elemental MediaConvert
[mdl] AWS Elemental MediaLive
[mdp] AWS Elemental MediaPackage
[mdv] AWS Elemental MediaPackage VOD
[md2] AWS Elemental MediaPackage v2
[mds] AWS Elemental MediaStore
[mdd] AWS Elemental MediaStore Data Plane
[mdt] AWS MediaTailor
[mig] AWS Health Imaging
[mem] Amazon MemoryDB
[mgn] Application Migration Service
[mhu] AWS Migration Hub
[mhr] AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces
[mhc] AWS Migration Hub Config
[mho] AWS Migration Hub Orchestrator
[mhs] Migration Hub Strategy Recommendations
[mob] AWS Mobile
[mq] AmazonMQ
[mtu] Amazon Mechanical Turk
[mwa] AmazonMWAA
[nep] Amazon Neptune
[neg] Amazon Neptune Graph
[ned] Amazon NeptuneData
[nwf] AWS Network Firewall
[cwf] Network Flow Monitor
[nwm] AWS Network Manager
[cwn] Amazon CloudWatch Network Monitor
[nim] AmazonNimbleStudio
[unt] AWS User Notifications
[unc] AWS User Notifications Contacts
[oam] CloudWatch Observability Access Manager
[cwo] CloudWatch Observability Admin Service
[omx] Amazon Omics
[osr] Amazon OpenSearch Service
[oss] OpenSearch Service Serverless
[owx] AWS OpsWorks
[owc] AWS OpsWorks CM
[org] AWS Organizations
[osi] Amazon OpenSearch Ingestion
[out] AWS Outposts
[pan] AWS Panorama
[pts] Partner Central Selling API
[pcy] Payment Cryptography Control Plane
[pcd] Payment Cryptography Data Plane
[aca] PcaConnectorAd
[acs] Private CA Connector for SCEP
[hpp] AWS Parallel Computing Service
[pzz] Amazon Personalize
[pze] Amazon Personalize Events
[pzr] Amazon Personalize Runtime
[pie] AWS Performance Insights
[ppt] Amazon Pinpoint
[ppe] Amazon Pinpoint Email Service
[pps] Amazon Pinpoint SMS and Voice Service
[pp2] Amazon Pinpoint SMS Voice V2
[pis] Amazon EventBridge Pipes
[ply] Amazon Polly
[pri] AWS Price List Service
[nwp] AWS Private 5G
[prn] AWS Proton
[qqa] QApps
[qqb] QBusiness
[qqc] Amazon Q Connect
[qld] Amazon QLDB
[qls] Amazon QLDB Session
[qst] Amazon QuickSight
[ram] AWS Resource Access Manager
[rbn] Amazon Recycle Bin
[rds] Amazon Relational Database Service
[rdd] AWS RDS DataService
[rsh] Amazon Redshift
[rsd] Redshift Data API Service
[rss] Redshift Serverless
[rek] Amazon Rekognition
[rpp] AWS re:Post Private
[reh] AWS Resilience Hub
[re2] AWS Resource Explorer
[rgr] AWS Resource Groups
[rgs] AWS Resource Groups Tagging API
[rbm] AWS RoboMaker
[rla] IAM Roles Anywhere
[r53] Amazon Route 53
[r5d] Amazon Route 53 Domains
[r5v] Route53 Recovery Cluster
[r5c] AWS Route53 Recovery Control Config
[r5e] AWS Route53 Recovery Readiness
[r5p] Route 53 Profiles
[r5r] Amazon Route 53 Resolver
[rum] CloudWatch RUM
[s3] Amazon Simple Storage Service
[s3c] AWS S3 Control
[s3o] Amazon S3 on Outposts
[s3t] Amazon S3 Tables
[sgm] Amazon SageMaker Service
[sga] Amazon Augmented AI Runtime
[sge] Amazon Sagemaker Edge Manager
[sgf] Amazon SageMaker Feature Store Runtime
[sgg] Amazon SageMaker geospatial capabilities
[sgx] Amazon SageMaker Metrics Service
[sgr] Amazon SageMaker Runtime
[svp] AWS Savings Plans
[scd] Amazon EventBridge Scheduler
[sch] Schemas
[smr] AWS Secrets Manager
[shi] Security Incident Response
[shb] AWS SecurityHub
[slk] Amazon Security Lake
[sar] AWSServerlessApplicationRepository
[scg] AWS Service Catalog
[sca] AWS Service Catalog App Registry
[sqt] Service Quotas
[sdy] AWS Cloud Map
[ses] Amazon Simple Email Service
[se2] Amazon Simple Email Service
[sfn] AWS Step Functions
[shd] AWS Shield
[sgn] AWS Signer
[ssw] AWS SimSpace Weaver
[sms] AWS Server Migration Service
[snd] AWS Snow Device Management
[snb] Amazon Import/Export Snowball
[sns] Amazon Simple Notification Service
[ppm] AWS End User Messaging Social
[sqs] Amazon Simple Queue Service
[ssm] Amazon Simple Systems Manager (SSM)
[smc] AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager Contacts
[smi] AWS Systems Manager Incident Manager
[ssq] AWS Systems Manager QuickSetup
[sss] AWS Systems Manager for SAP
[sso] AWS Single Sign-On
[ssa] AWS Single Sign-On Admin
[stg] AWS Storage Gateway
[sts] AWS Security Token Service
[spc] AWS Supply Chain
[sup] AWS Support
[sua] AWS Support App
[swf] Amazon Simple Workflow Service
[syn] Synthetics
[txs] Tax Settings
[tex] Amazon Textract
[tsi] Timestream InfluxDB
[tsq] Amazon Timestream Query
[tsw] Amazon Timestream Write
[tcb] AWS Telco Network Builder
[tnb] Amazon Transcribe Service
[tns] Amazon Transcribe Streaming Service
[trn] AWS Transfer Family
[xl8] Amazon Translate
[tad] TrustedAdvisor Public API
[vps] Amazon Verified Permissions
[vid] Amazon Voice ID
[vl] Amazon VPC Lattice
[waf] AWS WAF
[war] AWS WAF Regional
[wa2] AWS WAFV2
[wad] AWS Well-Architected Tool
[wis] Amazon Connect Wisdom Service
[wdx] Amazon WorkDocs
[wlk] Amazon WorkLink
[wml] Amazon WorkMail
[wmm] Amazon WorkMail Message Flow
[wsp] Amazon WorkSpaces
[wst] Amazon WorkSpaces Thin Client
[wsw] Amazon WorkSpaces Web
[xra] AWS X-Ray
Primitive Type