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Contains the list of entities to be considered during an authorization request. This includes all principals, resources, and actions required to successfully evaluate the request.

This data type is used as a field in the response parameter for the IsAuthorized and IsAuthorizedWithToken operations.



Optional arguments:


An array of entities that are needed to successfully evaluate an authorization request. Each entity in this array must include an identifier for the entity, the attributes of the entity, and a list of any parent entities.

Queryable Attributes


An array of entities that are needed to successfully evaluate an authorization request. Each entity in this array must include an identifier for the entity, the attributes of the entity, and a list of any parent entities.

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_ENTITYLIST() Getter for ENTITYLIST, with configurable default
ASK_ENTITYLIST() Getter for ENTITYLIST w/ exceptions if field has no value
HAS_ENTITYLIST() Determine if ENTITYLIST has a value