
class aws_cdk.aws_lambda_nodejs.BundlingOptions(*, command=None, entrypoint=None, environment=None, network=None, platform=None, security_opt=None, user=None, volumes=None, volumes_from=None, working_directory=None, asset_hash=None, banner=None, build_args=None, bundle_aws_sdk=None, bundling_file_access=None, charset=None, command_hooks=None, define=None, docker_image=None, esbuild_args=None, esbuild_version=None, external_modules=None, footer=None, force_docker_bundling=None, format=None, inject=None, keep_names=None, loader=None, log_level=None, main_fields=None, metafile=None, minify=None, node_modules=None, pre_compilation=None, source_map=None, source_map_mode=None, sources_content=None, target=None, tsconfig=None)

Bases: DockerRunOptions

Bundling options.

  • command (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – The command to run in the container. Default: - run the command defined in the image

  • entrypoint (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – The entrypoint to run in the container. Default: - run the entrypoint defined in the image

  • environment (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) – The environment variables to pass to the container. Default: - no environment variables.

  • network (Optional[str]) – Docker Networking options. Default: - no networking options

  • platform (Optional[str]) – Set platform if server is multi-platform capable. Requires Docker Engine API v1.38+. Example value: linux/amd64 Default: - no platform specified

  • security_opt (Optional[str]) – Security configuration when running the docker container. Default: - no security options

  • user (Optional[str]) – The user to use when running the container. Default: - root or image default

  • volumes (Optional[Sequence[Union[DockerVolume, Dict[str, Any]]]]) – Docker volumes to mount. Default: - no volumes are mounted

  • volumes_from (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – Where to mount the specified volumes from. Default: - no containers are specified to mount volumes from

  • working_directory (Optional[str]) – Working directory inside the container. Default: - image default

  • asset_hash (Optional[str]) – Specify a custom hash for this asset. For consistency, this custom hash will be SHA256 hashed and encoded as hex. The resulting hash will be the asset hash. NOTE: the hash is used in order to identify a specific revision of the asset, and used for optimizing and caching deployment activities related to this asset such as packaging, uploading to Amazon S3, etc. If you chose to customize the hash, you will need to make sure it is updated every time the asset changes, or otherwise it is possible that some deployments will not be invalidated. Default: - asset hash is calculated based on the bundled output

  • banner (Optional[str]) – Use this to insert an arbitrary string at the beginning of generated JavaScript files. This is similar to footer which inserts at the end instead of the beginning. This is commonly used to insert comments: Default: - no comments are passed

  • build_args (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) – Build arguments to pass when building the bundling image. Default: - no build arguments are passed

  • bundle_aws_sdk (Optional[bool]) – Includes AWS SDK in the bundle asset. Default: - false if true the aws-sdk will be included in the asset bundle and not be resolved to the Lambda provided sdk.

  • bundling_file_access (Optional[BundlingFileAccess]) – Which option to use to copy the source files to the docker container and output files back. Default: - BundlingFileAccess.BIND_MOUNT

  • charset (Optional[Charset]) – The charset to use for esbuild’s output. By default esbuild’s output is ASCII-only. Any non-ASCII characters are escaped using backslash escape sequences. Using escape sequences makes the generated output slightly bigger, and also makes it harder to read. If you would like for esbuild to print the original characters without using escape sequences, use Charset.UTF8. Default: Charset.ASCII

  • command_hooks (Optional[ICommandHooks]) – Command hooks. Default: - do not run additional commands

  • define (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) – Replace global identifiers with constant expressions. For example, { 'process.env.DEBUG': 'true' }. Another example, { 'process.env.API_KEY': JSON.stringify('xxx-xxxx-xxx') }. Default: - no replacements are made

  • docker_image (Optional[DockerImage]) – A custom bundling Docker image. This image should have esbuild installed globally. If you plan to use nodeModules it should also have npm, yarn or pnpm depending on the lock file you’re using. See https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/blob/main/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs/lib/Dockerfile for the default image provided by aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs. Default: - use the Docker image provided by aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs

  • esbuild_args (Optional[Mapping[str, Union[str, bool]]]) – Build arguments to pass into esbuild. For example, to add the –log-limit flag:: new NodejsFunction(scope, id, { … bundling: { esbuildArgs: { “–log-limit”: “0”, } } }); Default: - no additional esbuild arguments are passed

  • esbuild_version (Optional[str]) – The version of esbuild to use when running in a Docker container. Default: - latest v0

  • external_modules (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – A list of modules that should be considered as externals (already available in the runtime). Default: - no replacements are made

  • footer (Optional[str]) – Use this to insert an arbitrary string at the end of generated JavaScript files. This is similar to banner which inserts at the beginning instead of the end. This is commonly used to insert comments Default: - no comments are passed

  • force_docker_bundling (Optional[bool]) – Force bundling in a Docker container even if local bundling is possible. This is useful if your function relies on node modules that should be installed (nodeModules) in a Lambda compatible environment. Default: false

  • format (Optional[OutputFormat]) – Output format for the generated JavaScript files. Default: OutputFormat.CJS

  • inject (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – This option allows you to automatically replace a global variable with an import from another file. Default: - no code is injected

  • keep_names (Optional[bool]) – Whether to preserve the original name values even in minified code. In JavaScript the name property on functions and classes defaults to a nearby identifier in the source code. However, minification renames symbols to reduce code size and bundling sometimes need to rename symbols to avoid collisions. That changes value of the name property for many of these cases. This is usually fine because the name property is normally only used for debugging. However, some frameworks rely on the name property for registration and binding purposes. If this is the case, you can enable this option to preserve the original name values even in minified code. Default: false

  • loader (Optional[Mapping[str, str]]) – Use loaders to change how a given input file is interpreted. Configuring a loader for a given file type lets you load that file type with an import statement or a require call. For example, { '.png': 'dataurl' }. Default: - use esbuild default loaders

  • log_level (Optional[LogLevel]) – Log level for esbuild. This is also propagated to the package manager and applies to its specific install command. Default: LogLevel.WARNING

  • main_fields (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – How to determine the entry point for modules. Try [‘module’, ‘main’] to default to ES module versions. Default: []

  • metafile (Optional[bool]) – This option tells esbuild to write out a JSON file relative to output directory with metadata about the build. The metadata in this JSON file follows this schema (specified using TypeScript syntax):: { outputs: { [path: string]: { bytes: number inputs: { [path: string]: { bytesInOutput: number } } imports: { path: string }[] exports: string[] } } } This data can then be analyzed by other tools. For example, bundle buddy can consume esbuild’s metadata format and generates a treemap visualization of the modules in your bundle and how much space each one takes up. Default: false

  • minify (Optional[bool]) – Whether to minify files when bundling. Default: false

  • node_modules (Optional[Sequence[str]]) – A list of modules that should be installed instead of bundled. Modules are installed in a Lambda compatible environment only when bundling runs in Docker. Default: - all modules are bundled

  • pre_compilation (Optional[bool]) – Run compilation using tsc before running file through bundling step. This usually is not required unless you are using new experimental features that are only supported by typescript’s tsc compiler. One example of such feature is emitDecoratorMetadata. Default: false

  • source_map (Optional[bool]) – Whether to include source maps when bundling. Default: false

  • source_map_mode (Optional[SourceMapMode]) – Source map mode to be used when bundling. Default: SourceMapMode.DEFAULT

  • sources_content (Optional[bool]) – Whether to include original source code in source maps when bundling. Default: true

  • target (Optional[str]) – Target environment for the generated JavaScript code. Default: - the node version of the runtime

  • tsconfig (Optional[str]) – Normally the esbuild automatically discovers tsconfig.json files and reads their contents during a build. However, you can also configure a custom tsconfig.json file to use instead. This is similar to entry path, you need to provide path to your custom tsconfig.json. This can be useful if you need to do multiple builds of the same code with different settings. For example, { 'tsconfig': 'path/custom.tsconfig.json' }. Default: - automatically discovered by esbuild




nodejs.NodejsFunction(self, "my-handler",



Specify a custom hash for this asset.

For consistency, this custom hash will be SHA256 hashed and encoded as hex. The resulting hash will be the asset hash.

NOTE: the hash is used in order to identify a specific revision of the asset, and used for optimizing and caching deployment activities related to this asset such as packaging, uploading to Amazon S3, etc. If you chose to customize the hash, you will need to make sure it is updated every time the asset changes, or otherwise it is possible that some deployments will not be invalidated.

  • asset hash is calculated based on the bundled output


Use this to insert an arbitrary string at the beginning of generated JavaScript files.

This is similar to footer which inserts at the end instead of the beginning.

This is commonly used to insert comments:

  • no comments are passed


Build arguments to pass when building the bundling image.

  • no build arguments are passed


Includes AWS SDK in the bundle asset.


  • false

if true the aws-sdk will be included in the asset bundle and not be resolved to the Lambda provided sdk.


Which option to use to copy the source files to the docker container and output files back.

  • BundlingFileAccess.BIND_MOUNT


The charset to use for esbuild’s output.

By default esbuild’s output is ASCII-only. Any non-ASCII characters are escaped using backslash escape sequences. Using escape sequences makes the generated output slightly bigger, and also makes it harder to read. If you would like for esbuild to print the original characters without using escape sequences, use Charset.UTF8.






The command to run in the container.

  • run the command defined in the image


Command hooks.

  • do not run additional commands


Replace global identifiers with constant expressions.

For example, { 'process.env.DEBUG': 'true' }.

Another example, { 'process.env.API_KEY': JSON.stringify('xxx-xxxx-xxx') }.

  • no replacements are made


A custom bundling Docker image.

This image should have esbuild installed globally. If you plan to use nodeModules it should also have npm, yarn or pnpm depending on the lock file you’re using.

See https://github.com/aws/aws-cdk/blob/main/packages/aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs/lib/Dockerfile for the default image provided by aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs.

  • use the Docker image provided by aws-cdk-lib/aws-lambda-nodejs


The entrypoint to run in the container.

  • run the entrypoint defined in the image


The environment variables to pass to the container.

  • no environment variables.


Build arguments to pass into esbuild.

For example, to add the –log-limit flag:

new NodejsFunction(scope, id, {
  bundling: {
    esbuildArgs: {
      "--log-limit": "0",
  • no additional esbuild arguments are passed


The version of esbuild to use when running in a Docker container.

  • latest v0


A list of modules that should be considered as externals (already available in the runtime).

  • no replacements are made


Use this to insert an arbitrary string at the end of generated JavaScript files.

This is similar to banner which inserts at the beginning instead of the end.

This is commonly used to insert comments

  • no comments are passed


Force bundling in a Docker container even if local bundling is possible.

This is useful if your function relies on node modules that should be installed (nodeModules) in a Lambda compatible environment.




Output format for the generated JavaScript files.




This option allows you to automatically replace a global variable with an import from another file.

  • no code is injected




Whether to preserve the original name values even in minified code.

In JavaScript the name property on functions and classes defaults to a nearby identifier in the source code.

However, minification renames symbols to reduce code size and bundling sometimes need to rename symbols to avoid collisions. That changes value of the name property for many of these cases. This is usually fine because the name property is normally only used for debugging. However, some frameworks rely on the name property for registration and binding purposes. If this is the case, you can enable this option to preserve the original name values even in minified code.




Use loaders to change how a given input file is interpreted.

Configuring a loader for a given file type lets you load that file type with an import statement or a require call.

For example, { '.png': 'dataurl' }.

  • use esbuild default loaders




Log level for esbuild.

This is also propagated to the package manager and applies to its specific install command.




How to determine the entry point for modules.

Try [‘module’, ‘main’] to default to ES module versions.




This option tells esbuild to write out a JSON file relative to output directory with metadata about the build.

The metadata in this JSON file follows this schema (specified using TypeScript syntax):

  outputs: {
    [path: string]: {
      bytes: number
      inputs: {
        [path: string]: { bytesInOutput: number }
      imports: { path: string }[]
      exports: string[]

This data can then be analyzed by other tools. For example, bundle buddy can consume esbuild’s metadata format and generates a treemap visualization of the modules in your bundle and how much space each one takes up.






Whether to minify files when bundling.





  • no networking options


Docker `Networking options <https


A list of modules that should be installed instead of bundled.

Modules are installed in a Lambda compatible environment only when bundling runs in Docker.

  • all modules are bundled


Set platform if server is multi-platform capable. Requires Docker Engine API v1.38+.

Example value: linux/amd64

  • no platform specified


Run compilation using tsc before running file through bundling step.

This usually is not required unless you are using new experimental features that are only supported by typescript’s tsc compiler. One example of such feature is emitDecoratorMetadata.




//docs.docker.com/engine/reference/run/#security-configuration>`_ when running the docker container.

  • no security options


`Security configuration <https


Whether to include source maps when bundling.




Source map mode to be used when bundling.






Whether to include original source code in source maps when bundling.






Target environment for the generated JavaScript code.

  • the node version of the runtime




Normally the esbuild automatically discovers tsconfig.json files and reads their contents during a build.

However, you can also configure a custom tsconfig.json file to use instead.

This is similar to entry path, you need to provide path to your custom tsconfig.json.

This can be useful if you need to do multiple builds of the same code with different settings.

For example, { 'tsconfig': 'path/custom.tsconfig.json' }.

  • automatically discovered by esbuild


The user to use when running the container.

  • root or image default


Docker volumes to mount.

  • no volumes are mounted


Where to mount the specified volumes from.

  • no containers are specified to mount volumes from




Working directory inside the container.

  • image default