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Contains additional details about the context of the request. Verified Permissions evaluates this information in an authorization request as part of the when and unless clauses in a policy.

This data type is used as a request parameter for the IsAuthorized, BatchIsAuthorized, and IsAuthorizedWithToken operations.

Example: "context":{"contextMap":{"<KeyName1>":{"boolean":true},"<KeyName2>":{"long":1234}}}



Optional arguments:


An list of attributes that are needed to successfully evaluate an authorization request. Each attribute in this array must include a map of a data type and its value.

Example: "contextMap":{"<KeyName1>":{"boolean":true},"<KeyName2>":{"long":1234}}

Queryable Attributes


An list of attributes that are needed to successfully evaluate an authorization request. Each attribute in this array must include a map of a data type and its value.

Example: "contextMap":{"<KeyName1>":{"boolean":true},"<KeyName2>":{"long":1234}}

Accessible with the following methods

Method Description
GET_CONTEXTMAP() Getter for CONTEXTMAP, with configurable default
ASK_CONTEXTMAP() Getter for CONTEXTMAP w/ exceptions if field has no value
HAS_CONTEXTMAP() Determine if CONTEXTMAP has a value