
class aws_cdk.aws_appconfig.ExtensibleBase(scope, resource_arn, resource_name=None)

Bases: object

This class is meant to be used by AWS AppConfig resources (application, configuration profile, environment) directly.

There is currently no use for this class outside of the AWS AppConfig construct implementation. It is intended to be used with the resources since there is currently no way to inherit from two classes (at least within JSII constraints).




# The code below shows an example of how to instantiate this type.
# The values are placeholders you should change.
from aws_cdk import aws_appconfig as appconfig

extensible_base = appconfig.ExtensibleBase(self, "resourceArn", "resourceName")
  • scope (Construct) –

  • resource_arn (str) –

  • resource_name (Optional[str]) –



Adds an extension association to the derived resource.


extension (IExtension) –

Return type:


on(action_point, event_destination, *, description=None, extension_name=None, latest_version_number=None, parameters=None)

Adds an extension defined by the action point and event destination and also creates an extension association to the derived resource.

  • action_point (ActionPoint) –

  • event_destination (IEventDestination) –

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the extension. Default: - No description.

  • extension_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the extension. Default: - A name is generated.

  • latest_version_number (Union[int, float, None]) – The latest version number of the extension. When you create a new version, specify the most recent current version number. For example, you create version 3, enter 2 for this field. Default: - None.

  • parameters (Optional[Sequence[Parameter]]) – The parameters accepted for the extension. Default: - None.

Return type:


on_deployment_baking(event_destination, *, description=None, extension_name=None, latest_version_number=None, parameters=None)

Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_BAKING extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to the derived resource.

  • event_destination (IEventDestination) –

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the extension. Default: - No description.

  • extension_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the extension. Default: - A name is generated.

  • latest_version_number (Union[int, float, None]) – The latest version number of the extension. When you create a new version, specify the most recent current version number. For example, you create version 3, enter 2 for this field. Default: - None.

  • parameters (Optional[Sequence[Parameter]]) – The parameters accepted for the extension. Default: - None.

Return type:


on_deployment_complete(event_destination, *, description=None, extension_name=None, latest_version_number=None, parameters=None)

Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_COMPLETE extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to the derived resource.

  • event_destination (IEventDestination) –

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the extension. Default: - No description.

  • extension_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the extension. Default: - A name is generated.

  • latest_version_number (Union[int, float, None]) – The latest version number of the extension. When you create a new version, specify the most recent current version number. For example, you create version 3, enter 2 for this field. Default: - None.

  • parameters (Optional[Sequence[Parameter]]) – The parameters accepted for the extension. Default: - None.

Return type:


on_deployment_rolled_back(event_destination, *, description=None, extension_name=None, latest_version_number=None, parameters=None)

Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_ROLLED_BACK extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to the derived resource.

  • event_destination (IEventDestination) –

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the extension. Default: - No description.

  • extension_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the extension. Default: - A name is generated.

  • latest_version_number (Union[int, float, None]) – The latest version number of the extension. When you create a new version, specify the most recent current version number. For example, you create version 3, enter 2 for this field. Default: - None.

  • parameters (Optional[Sequence[Parameter]]) – The parameters accepted for the extension. Default: - None.

Return type:


on_deployment_start(event_destination, *, description=None, extension_name=None, latest_version_number=None, parameters=None)

Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_START extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to the derived resource.

  • event_destination (IEventDestination) –

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the extension. Default: - No description.

  • extension_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the extension. Default: - A name is generated.

  • latest_version_number (Union[int, float, None]) – The latest version number of the extension. When you create a new version, specify the most recent current version number. For example, you create version 3, enter 2 for this field. Default: - None.

  • parameters (Optional[Sequence[Parameter]]) – The parameters accepted for the extension. Default: - None.

Return type:


on_deployment_step(event_destination, *, description=None, extension_name=None, latest_version_number=None, parameters=None)

Adds an ON_DEPLOYMENT_STEP extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to the derived resource.

  • event_destination (IEventDestination) –

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the extension. Default: - No description.

  • extension_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the extension. Default: - A name is generated.

  • latest_version_number (Union[int, float, None]) – The latest version number of the extension. When you create a new version, specify the most recent current version number. For example, you create version 3, enter 2 for this field. Default: - None.

  • parameters (Optional[Sequence[Parameter]]) – The parameters accepted for the extension. Default: - None.

Return type:


pre_create_hosted_configuration_version(event_destination, *, description=None, extension_name=None, latest_version_number=None, parameters=None)

Adds a PRE_CREATE_HOSTED_CONFIGURATION_VERSION extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to the derived resource.

  • event_destination (IEventDestination) –

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the extension. Default: - No description.

  • extension_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the extension. Default: - A name is generated.

  • latest_version_number (Union[int, float, None]) – The latest version number of the extension. When you create a new version, specify the most recent current version number. For example, you create version 3, enter 2 for this field. Default: - None.

  • parameters (Optional[Sequence[Parameter]]) – The parameters accepted for the extension. Default: - None.

Return type:


pre_start_deployment(event_destination, *, description=None, extension_name=None, latest_version_number=None, parameters=None)

Adds a PRE_START_DEPLOYMENT extension with the provided event destination and also creates an extension association to the derived resource.

  • event_destination (IEventDestination) –

  • description (Optional[str]) – A description of the extension. Default: - No description.

  • extension_name (Optional[str]) – The name of the extension. Default: - A name is generated.

  • latest_version_number (Union[int, float, None]) – The latest version number of the extension. When you create a new version, specify the most recent current version number. For example, you create version 3, enter 2 for this field. Default: - None.

  • parameters (Optional[Sequence[Parameter]]) – The parameters accepted for the extension. Default: - None.

Return type:
