报告使用 Amazon SQS 触发器进行 Lambda 函数批处理项目失败 - AWS SDK 代码示例

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报告使用 Amazon SQS 触发器进行 Lambda 函数批处理项目失败

以下代码示例显示如何为接收来自 SQS 队列的事件的 Lambda 函数实现部分批处理响应。该函数在响应中报告批处理项目失败,并指示 Lambda 稍后重试这些消息。


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报告使用 .NET 进行 Lambda SQS 批处理项目失败。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 using Amazon.Lambda.Core; using Amazon.Lambda.SQSEvents; // Assembly attribute to enable the Lambda function's JSON input to be converted into a .NET class. [assembly: LambdaSerializer(typeof(Amazon.Lambda.Serialization.SystemTextJson.DefaultLambdaJsonSerializer))] namespace sqsSample; public class Function { public async Task<SQSBatchResponse> FunctionHandler(SQSEvent evnt, ILambdaContext context) { List<SQSBatchResponse.BatchItemFailure> batchItemFailures = new List<SQSBatchResponse.BatchItemFailure>(); foreach(var message in evnt.Records) { try { //process your message await ProcessMessageAsync(message, context); } catch (System.Exception) { //Add failed message identifier to the batchItemFailures list batchItemFailures.Add(new SQSBatchResponse.BatchItemFailure{ItemIdentifier=message.MessageId}); } } return new SQSBatchResponse(batchItemFailures); } private async Task ProcessMessageAsync(SQSEvent.SQSMessage message, ILambdaContext context) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message.Body)) { throw new Exception("No Body in SQS Message."); } context.Logger.LogInformation($"Processed message {message.Body}"); // TODO: Do interesting work based on the new message await Task.CompletedTask; } }
适用于 Go V2 的 SDK

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报告使用 Go 进行 Lambda SQS 批处理项目失败。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package main import ( "context" "encoding/json" "fmt" "github.com/aws/aws-lambda-go/events" "github.com/aws/aws-lambda-go/lambda" ) func handler(ctx context.Context, sqsEvent events.SQSEvent) (map[string]interface{}, error) { batchItemFailures := []map[string]interface{}{} for _, message := range sqsEvent.Records { if /* Your message processing condition here */ { batchItemFailures = append(batchItemFailures, map[string]interface{}{"itemIdentifier": message.MessageId}) } } sqsBatchResponse := map[string]interface{}{ "batchItemFailures": batchItemFailures, } return sqsBatchResponse, nil } func main() { lambda.Start(handler) }
适用于 Java 的 SDK 2.x

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报告使用 Java 进行 Lambda SQS 批处理项目失败。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.Context; import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.RequestHandler; import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.SQSEvent; import com.amazonaws.services.lambda.runtime.events.SQSBatchResponse; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; public class ProcessSQSMessageBatch implements RequestHandler<SQSEvent, SQSBatchResponse> { @Override public SQSBatchResponse handleRequest(SQSEvent sqsEvent, Context context) { List<SQSBatchResponse.BatchItemFailure> batchItemFailures = new ArrayList<SQSBatchResponse.BatchItemFailure>(); String messageId = ""; for (SQSEvent.SQSMessage message : sqsEvent.getRecords()) { try { //process your message messageId = message.getMessageId(); } catch (Exception e) { //Add failed message identifier to the batchItemFailures list batchItemFailures.add(new SQSBatchResponse.BatchItemFailure(messageId)); } } return new SQSBatchResponse(batchItemFailures); } }
适用于 JavaScript (v3) 的软件开发工具包

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使用报告 Lambda JavaScript 的 SQS 批处理项目失败。

// Node.js 20.x Lambda runtime, AWS SDK for Javascript V3 export const handler = async (event, context) => { const batchItemFailures = []; for (const record of event.Records) { try { await processMessageAsync(record, context); } catch (error) { batchItemFailures.push({ itemIdentifier: record.messageId }); } } return { batchItemFailures }; }; async function processMessageAsync(record, context) { if (record.body && record.body.includes("error")) { throw new Error("There is an error in the SQS Message."); } console.log(`Processed message: ${record.body}`); }

使用报告 Lambda TypeScript 的 SQS 批处理项目失败。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 import { SQSEvent, SQSBatchResponse, Context, SQSBatchItemFailure, SQSRecord } from 'aws-lambda'; export const handler = async (event: SQSEvent, context: Context): Promise<SQSBatchResponse> => { const batchItemFailures: SQSBatchItemFailure[] = []; for (const record of event.Records) { try { await processMessageAsync(record); } catch (error) { batchItemFailures.push({ itemIdentifier: record.messageId }); } } return {batchItemFailures: batchItemFailures}; }; async function processMessageAsync(record: SQSRecord): Promise<void> { if (record.body && record.body.includes("error")) { throw new Error('There is an error in the SQS Message.'); } console.log(`Processed message ${record.body}`); }
适用于 PHP 的 SDK

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报告使用 PHP 进行 Lambda SQS 批处理项目失败。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 <?php use Bref\Context\Context; use Bref\Event\Sqs\SqsEvent; use Bref\Event\Sqs\SqsHandler; use Bref\Logger\StderrLogger; require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; class Handler extends SqsHandler { private StderrLogger $logger; public function __construct(StderrLogger $logger) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * @throws JsonException * @throws \Bref\Event\InvalidLambdaEvent */ public function handleSqs(SqsEvent $event, Context $context): void { $this->logger->info("Processing SQS records"); $records = $event->getRecords(); foreach ($records as $record) { try { // Assuming the SQS message is in JSON format $message = json_decode($record->getBody(), true); $this->logger->info(json_encode($message)); // TODO: Implement your custom processing logic here } catch (Exception $e) { $this->logger->error($e->getMessage()); // failed processing the record $this->markAsFailed($record); } } $totalRecords = count($records); $this->logger->info("Successfully processed $totalRecords SQS records"); } } $logger = new StderrLogger(); return new Handler($logger);
适用于 Python 的 SDK(Boto3)

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报告使用 Python 进行 Lambda SQS 批处理项目失败。

# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 def lambda_handler(event, context): if event: batch_item_failures = [] sqs_batch_response = {} for record in event["Records"]: try: # process message except Exception as e: batch_item_failures.append({"itemIdentifier": record['messageId']}) sqs_batch_response["batchItemFailures"] = batch_item_failures return sqs_batch_response
适用于 Ruby 的 SDK

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报告使用 Ruby 进行 Lambda SQS 批处理项目失败。

# Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. # SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 require 'json' def lambda_handler(event:, context:) if event batch_item_failures = [] sqs_batch_response = {} event["Records"].each do |record| begin # process message rescue StandardError => e batch_item_failures << {"itemIdentifier" => record['messageId']} end end sqs_batch_response["batchItemFailures"] = batch_item_failures return sqs_batch_response end end
适用于 Rust 的 SDK

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报告使用 Rust 进行 Lambda SQS 批处理项目失败。

// Copyright Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 use aws_lambda_events::{ event::sqs::{SqsBatchResponse, SqsEvent}, sqs::{BatchItemFailure, SqsMessage}, }; use lambda_runtime::{run, service_fn, Error, LambdaEvent}; async fn process_record(_: &SqsMessage) -> Result<(), Error> { Err(Error::from("Error processing message")) } async fn function_handler(event: LambdaEvent<SqsEvent>) -> Result<SqsBatchResponse, Error> { let mut batch_item_failures = Vec::new(); for record in event.payload.records { match process_record(&record).await { Ok(_) => (), Err(_) => batch_item_failures.push(BatchItemFailure { item_identifier: record.message_id.unwrap(), }), } } Ok(SqsBatchResponse { batch_item_failures, }) } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<(), Error> { run(service_fn(function_handler)).await }