As an AWS Marketplace seller, if you have any issues with the services provided by Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A (APE), you can submit a complaint. If you have any issues with the services provided by Amazon Payments Europe (APE), let us know. Your feedback helps us create a better experience for you and all of our buyers and sellers. The following sections provide you with details about the specific steps needed to submit complaints related to Amazon Payments Europe (APE) according to our complaints policy. This topic also provides you with information about the complaints policy for Amazon Payments Europe (APE), including resolution time frames and complaint escalation.
Only complaints specific to AWS Marketplace will be addressed through the following procedure. Services provided by Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A. include, among others, processing of payment transactions, verifying the errors that may appear in the fee charges, and disbursements of funds.
Submitting a complaint
If you have an AWS Marketplace account with Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A., your complaint will be handled by Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A.
To submit a complaint
Sign in to your AWS Marketplace
Seller account. -
Go to Contact Us.
Select Commercial Marketplace, Seller Account, Registration.
Provide details about your complaint and choose Submit.
Amazon Payments Europe Complaint resolution time
Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A. (APE) will respond with an update to your complaint within 15 business days following the day on which it received your complaint. In exceptional circumstances beyond the control of APE, the resolution of the complaint may be extended up to 35 business days, following the day on which APE first received that complaint.
Complaint escalation
If you aren't satisfied with our response, you may choose to escalate your complaint by contacting the following:
Amazon Payments Europe senior management
Submit your complaints by sending an email message to senior management at
. We will consider your comments carefully and respond within 15 business days following the day on which senior management received your complaint. In exceptional circumstances beyond the control of Amazon Payment Europe, the resolution of the complaint may be extended up to 35 business days, following the day on which senior management first received the complaint. -
Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier (CSSF)
The CSSF is the authority responsible for the prudential supervision of companies in the financial sector in Luxembourg. You can contact the CSSF at 110 Route d’Arlon L-2991 Luxembourg or use the Contact page at:
. To obtain further information regarding the CSSF and how to contact them, see Customer complaints on the CSSF website. -
Online Dispute Resolution
If you opened your account online in the EU, you may also have the option to refer your complaint to the CSSF by using the Online Dispute Resolution platform. This option is available because Amazon Payments Europe S.C.A. provides financial services and the CSSF is the authority responsible for its licence. For more information, see the Online Dispute Resolution
platform on the European Commission website.