Updating the refund policy for your AMI-based product on AWS Marketplace - AWS Marketplace

Updating the refund policy for your AMI-based product on AWS Marketplace

As an AWS Marketplace seller, you can set the refund policy for your single Amazon Machine Image (AMI) product. If you want to change the refund policy for your product, you can use Update refund policy. The following procedure shows you how to update your refund policy.

To update the refund policy
  1. Open the AWS Marketplace Management Portal at https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace/management/tour/, and then sign in to your seller account.

  2. Go to the Server products page, on the Current server product tab, then select the product that you want to modify.

  3. From the Request changes dropdown, choose Update refund policy.

  4. The current refund policy details are provided in the text box for you to edit. Submitting the request overwrites the current refund policy.

  5. Choose Submit change request to submit your request for review.

  6. Verify that the Requests tab shows the Request status as Under review. When the request completes, the status becomes Succeeded.