下列範例會執行合併以更新 SALES 資料表。第一個範例使用較簡易的方法,就是從目標資料表刪除,然後從臨時資料表插入所有資料列。第二個範例需要更新目標資料表中的特定資料欄,因此包括額外的更新步驟。
合併範例 會使用名為 TICKIT 資料集的 Amazon Redshift 範例資料集。作為先決條件,您可以依照開始使用一般資料庫任務指南中的指示,設定 TICKIT 資料表和資料。有關範例資料集的更多詳細資訊,請參閱範例資料庫。
本節中的範例需要包括更新和插入的樣本資料來源。針對範例,我們將建立名為 SALES_UPDATE 的樣本資料表,其使用來自 SALES 資料表的資料。我們將以代表 12 月新銷售活動的隨機資料填入新的資料表。我們將使用 SALES_UPDATE 樣本資料表在以下的範例中建立臨時資料表。
-- Create a sample table as a copy of the SALES table.
create table tickit.sales_update as
select * from tickit.sales;
-- Change every fifth row to have updates.
update tickit.sales_update
set qtysold = qtysold*2,
pricepaid = pricepaid*0.8,
commission = commission*1.1
where saletime > '2008-11-30'
and mod(sellerid, 5) = 0;
-- Add some new rows to have inserts.
-- This example creates a duplicate of every fourth row.
insert into tickit.sales_update
select (salesid + 172456) as salesid, listid, sellerid, buyerid, eventid, dateid, qtysold, pricepaid, commission, getdate() as saletime
from tickit.sales_update
where saletime > '2008-11-30'
and mod(sellerid, 4) = 0;
下列指令碼使用 SALES_UPDATE 資料表在 SALES 資料表上執行與 12 月銷售活動新資料的合併操作。此範例會在有更新的 SALES 資料表中取代資料列。針對此範例,我們將會更新 qtysold 和 pricepaid 資料欄,但將 commission 和 saletime 維持不變。
MERGE into tickit.sales
USING tickit.sales_update sales_update
on ( sales.salesid = sales_update.salesid
and sales.listid = sales_update.listid
and sales_update.saletime > '2008-11-30'
and (sales.qtysold != sales_update.qtysold
or sales.pricepaid != sales_update.pricepaid))
update SET qtysold = sales_update.qtysold,
pricepaid = sales_update.pricepaid
INSERT (salesid, listid, sellerid, buyerid, eventid, dateid, qtysold , pricepaid, commission, saletime)
values (sales_update.salesid, sales_update.listid, sales_update.sellerid, sales_update.buyerid, sales_update.eventid,
sales_update.dateid, sales_update.qtysold , sales_update.pricepaid, sales_update.commission, sales_update.saletime);
-- Drop the staging table.
drop table tickit.sales_update;
-- Test to see that commission and salestime were not impacted.
SELECT sales.salesid, sales.commission, sales.salestime, sales_update.commission, sales_update.salestime
FROM tickit.sales
INNER JOIN tickit.sales_update sales_update
sales.salesid = sales_update.salesid
AND sales.listid = sales_update.listid
AND sales_update.saletime > '2008-11-30'
AND (sales.commission != sales_update.commission
OR sales.salestime != sales_update.salestime);
指定資料欄清單而不使用 MERGE 的合併範例
下列範例會執行合併操作,以 12 月銷售活動的新資料更新 SALES。我們需要包括更新和插入的樣本資料,以及沒有變更的資料列。針對此範例,我們想要更新 QTYSOLD 和 PRICEPAID 資料欄,例將 COMMISSION 和 SALETIME 維持不變。下列指令碼使用 SALES_UPDATE 資料表在 SALES 資料表上執行合併操作。
-- Create a staging table and populate it with rows from SALES_UPDATE for Dec
create temp table stagesales as select * from sales_update
where saletime > '2008-11-30';
-- Start a new transaction
begin transaction;
-- Update the target table using an inner join with the staging table
-- The join includes a redundant predicate to collocate on the distribution key –- A filter on saletime enables a range-restricted scan on SALES
update sales
set qtysold = stagesales.qtysold,
pricepaid = stagesales.pricepaid
from stagesales
where sales.salesid = stagesales.salesid
and sales.listid = stagesales.listid
and stagesales.saletime > '2008-11-30'
and (sales.qtysold != stagesales.qtysold
or sales.pricepaid != stagesales.pricepaid);
-- Delete matching rows from the staging table
-- using an inner join with the target table
delete from stagesales
using sales
where sales.salesid = stagesales.salesid
and sales.listid = stagesales.listid;
-- Insert the remaining rows from the staging table into the target table
insert into sales
select * from stagesales;
-- End transaction and commit
end transaction;
-- Drop the staging table
drop table stagesales;