When a Lambda function encounters an unrecoverable error, your Amazon MQ consumer stops processing records. Any
other consumers can continue processing, provided that they do not encounter the same error. To determine the
potential cause of a stopped consumer, check the StateTransitionReason
field in the return details of
your EventSourceMapping
for one of the following codes:
The event source mapping configuration is not valid.
Lambda failed to authenticate the event source.
Lambda does not have the required permissions to access the event source.
The function's configuration is not valid.
Records also go unprocessed if Lambda drops
them due to their size. The size limit for Lambda records is 6 MB. To
redeliver messages upon function error, you can use a dead-letter queue (DLQ). For more information, see Message Redelivery and
DLQ Handling
Lambda does not support custom redelivery policies. Instead, Lambda uses a policy with the default values from the Redelivery PolicymaximumRedeliveries
set to 6.