Creating an Amazon EMR Security Configuration for Apache Ranger
Before you launch an Amazon EMR cluster integrated with Apache Ranger, create a security configuration.
To create a security configuration that specifies the AWS Ranger integration option
In the Amazon EMR console, select Security configurations, then Create.
Type a Name for the security configuration. You use this name to specify the security configuration when you create a cluster.
Under AWS Ranger Integration, select Enable fine-grained access control managed by Apache Ranger.
Select your IAM role for Apache Ranger to apply. For more information, see IAM roles for native integration with Apache Ranger.
Select your IAM role for other AWS services to apply.
Configure the plugins to connect to the Ranger Admin server by entering the Secrets Manager ARN for the Admin server and the address.
Select the applications to configure Ranger plugins. Enter the Secrets Manager ARN that contains the private TLS certificate for the plugin.
If you do not configure Apache Spark or Apache Hive, and they are selected as an application for your cluster, the request fails.
Set up other security configuration options as appropriate and choose Create. You must enable Kerberos authentication using the cluster-dedicated or external KDC.
You cannot currently use the console to create a security configuration that specifies the AWS Ranger integration option in the AWS GovCloud (US) Region. Security configuration can be done using the CLI.
Configure Additional Security Features
To securely integrate Amazon EMR with Apache Ranger, configure the following EMR security features:
Enable Kerberos authentication using the cluster-dedicated or external KDC. For instructions, see Use Kerberos for authentication with Amazon EMR.
(Optional) Enable encryption in transit or at rest. For more information, see Encryption options for Amazon EMR.
For more information, see Security in Amazon EMR.