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Exemple de masquage end-to-end dynamique de données
L' end-to-endexemple suivant montre comment créer et associer des politiques de masquage à une colonne. Ces règles permettent aux utilisateurs d’accéder à une colonne et de voir différentes valeurs, en fonction du degré de masquage des politiques associées à leurs rôles. Vous devez être un super-utilisateur ou avoir le rôle sys:secadmin
requis pour exécuter cet exemple.
Création d’une politique de masquage
D’abord, créez une table et remplissez-la avec les valeurs des cartes de crédit.
--create the table CREATE TABLE credit_cards ( customer_id INT, credit_card TEXT ); --populate the table with sample values INSERT INTO credit_cards VALUES (100, '4532993817514842'), (100, '4716002041425888'), (102, '5243112427642649'), (102, '6011720771834675'), (102, '6011378662059710'), (103, '373611968625635') ; --run GRANT to grant permission to use the SELECT statement on the table GRANT SELECT ON credit_cards TO PUBLIC; --create two users CREATE USER regular_user WITH PASSWORD '1234Test!'; CREATE USER analytics_user WITH PASSWORD '1234Test!'; --create the analytics_role role and grant it to analytics_user --regular_user does not have a role CREATE ROLE analytics_role; GRANT ROLE analytics_role TO analytics_user;
Créez ensuite une politique de masquage à appliquer au rôle d’analyse.
--create a masking policy that fully masks the credit card number CREATE MASKING POLICY mask_credit_card_full WITH (credit_card VARCHAR(256)) USING ('000000XXXX0000'::TEXT); --create a user-defined function that partially obfuscates credit card data CREATE FUNCTION REDACT_CREDIT_CARD (credit_card TEXT) RETURNS TEXT IMMUTABLE AS $$ import re regexp = re.compile("^([0-9]{6})[0-9]{5,6}([0-9]{4})") match = regexp.search(credit_card) if match != None: first = match.group(1) last = match.group(2) else: first = "000000" last = "0000" return "{}XXXXX{}".format(first, last) $$ LANGUAGE plpythonu; --create a masking policy that applies the REDACT_CREDIT_CARD function CREATE MASKING POLICY mask_credit_card_partial WITH (credit_card VARCHAR(256)) USING (REDACT_CREDIT_CARD(credit_card)); --confirm the masking policies using the associated system views SELECT * FROM svv_masking_policy; SELECT * FROM svv_attached_masking_policy;
Attachement d’une politique de masquage
Attachez les politiques de masquage à la table des cartes de crédit.
--attach mask_credit_card_full to the credit card table as the default policy --all users will see this masking policy unless a higher priority masking policy is attached to them or their role ATTACH MASKING POLICY mask_credit_card_full ON credit_cards(credit_card) TO PUBLIC; --attach mask_credit_card_partial to the analytics role --users with the analytics role can see partial credit card information ATTACH MASKING POLICY mask_credit_card_partial ON credit_cards(credit_card) TO ROLE analytics_role PRIORITY 10; --confirm the masking policies are applied to the table and role in the associated system view SELECT * FROM svv_attached_masking_policy; --confirm the full masking policy is in place for normal users by selecting from the credit card table as regular_user SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION regular_user; SELECT * FROM credit_cards; --confirm the partial masking policy is in place for users with the analytics role by selecting from the credit card table as analytics_user SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION analytics_user; SELECT * FROM credit_cards;
Modification d’une politique de masquage
La section suivante montre comment modifier une politique de masquage dynamique des données.
--reset session authorization to the default RESET SESSION AUTHORIZATION; --alter the mask_credit_card_full policy ALTER MASKING POLICY mask_credit_card_full USING ('00000000000000'::TEXT); --confirm the full masking policy is in place after altering the policy, and that results are altered from '000000XXXX0000' to '00000000000000' SELECT * FROM credit_cards;
Détachement et suppression d’une politique de masquage
La section suivante explique comment détacher et supprimer les politiques de masquage en supprimant toutes les politiques de masquage dynamique des données de la table.
--reset session authorization to the default RESET SESSION AUTHORIZATION; --detach both masking policies from the credit_cards table DETACH MASKING POLICY mask_credit_card_full ON credit_cards(credit_card) FROM PUBLIC; DETACH MASKING POLICY mask_credit_card_partial ON credit_cards(credit_card) FROM ROLE analytics_role; --drop both masking policies DROP MASKING POLICY mask_credit_card_full; DROP MASKING POLICY mask_credit_card_partial;