Set up VPC links for HTTP APIs in API Gateway
VPC links enable you to create private integrations that connect your HTTP API routes to private resources in a VPC, such as Application Load Balancers or Amazon ECS container-based applications. To learn more about creating private integrations, see Create private integrations for HTTP APIs in API Gateway.
A private integration uses a VPC link to encapsulate connections between API Gateway and targeted VPC resources. You can reuse VPC links across different routes and APIs.
When you create a VPC link, API Gateway creates and manages elastic network
interfaces for the VPC link in your account. This process can take a few
minutes. When a VPC link is ready to use, its state transitions from PENDING
If no traffic is sent over the VPC link for 60 days, it becomes INACTIVE
When a VPC link is in an INACTIVE
state, API Gateway deletes all of the VPC
link’s network interfaces. This causes API requests that depend on the VPC link to fail.
If API requests resume, API Gateway reprovisions network interfaces. It can take a few minutes
to create the network interfaces and reactivate the VPC link. You can use the VPC link
status to monitor the state of your VPC link.
Create a VPC link by using the AWS CLI
To create a VPC link, all resources involved must be owned by the same AWS account. The following create-vpc-link command creates a VPC link:
aws apigatewayv2 create-vpc-link --name
\ --subnet-idssubnet-aaaa
\ --security-group-idssg1234
VPC links are immutable. After you create a VPC link, you can’t change its subnets or security groups.
Delete a VPC link by using the AWS CLI
The following delete-vpc-link command deletes a VPC link.
aws apigatewayv2 delete-vpc-link --vpc-link-id
Availability by Region
VPC links for HTTP APIs are supported in the following Regions and Availability Zones:
Region name | Region | Supported Availability Zones |
US East (Ohio) | us-east-2 |
use2-az1, use2-az2, use2-az3 |
US East (N. Virginia) | us-east-1 |
use1-az1, use1-az2, use1-az4, use1-az5, use1-az6 |
US West (N. California) | us-west-1 |
usw1-az1, usw1-az3 |
US West (Oregon) | us-west-2 |
usw2-az1, usw2-az2, usw2-az3, usw2-az4 |
Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) | ap-east-1 |
ape1-az2, ape1-az3 |
Asia Pacific (Mumbai) | ap-south-1 |
aps1-az1, aps1-az2, aps1-az3 |
Asia Pacific (Seoul) | ap-northeast-2 |
apne2-az1, apne2-az2, apne2-az3 |
Asia Pacific (Singapore) | ap-southeast-1 |
apse1-az1, apse1-az2, apse1-az3 |
Asia Pacific (Sydney) | ap-southeast-2 |
apse2-az1, apse2-az2, apse2-az3 |
Asia Pacific (Tokyo) | ap-northeast-1 |
apne1-az1, apne1-az2, apne1-az4 |
Canada (Central) | ca-central-1 |
cac1-az1, cac1-az2 |
Europe (Frankfurt) | eu-central-1 |
euc1-az1, euc1-az2, euc1-az3 |
Europe (Ireland) | eu-west-1 |
euw1-az1, euw1-az2, euw1-az3 |
Europe (London) | eu-west-2 |
euw2-az1, euw2-az2, euw2-az3 |
Europe (Paris) | eu-west-3 |
euw3-az1, euw3-az3 |
Europe (Spain) | eu-south-2 | eus2-az1, eus2-az2, eus2-az3 |
Europe (Stockholm) | eu-north-1 |
eun1-az1, eun1-az2, eun1-az3 |
Middle East (Bahrain) | me-south-1 |
mes1-az1, mes1-az2, mes1-az3 |
South America (São Paulo) | sa-east-1 |
sae1-az1, sae1-az2, sae1-az3 |
AWS GovCloud (US-West) | us-gov-west-1 |
usgw1-az1, usgw1-az2, usgw1-az3 |