Set up a gateway response for a REST API using the API Gateway console - Amazon API Gateway

Set up a gateway response for a REST API using the API Gateway console

The following example shows how to set up a gateway response for a REST API using the API Gateway console

To customize a gateway response using the API Gateway console
  1. Sign in to the API Gateway console at

  2. Choose a REST API.

  3. In the main navigation pane, choose Gateway responses.

  4. Choose a response type, and then choose Edit. In this walkthrough, we use Missing authentication token as an example.

  5. You can change the API Gateway-generated Status code to return a different status code that meets your API's requirements. In this example, the customization changes the status code from the default (403) to 404 because this error message occurs when a client calls an unsupported or invalid resource that can be thought of as not found.

  6. To return custom headers, choose Add response header under Response headers. For illustration purposes, we add the following custom headers:

    Access-Control-Allow-Origin:'a.b.c' x-request-id:method.request.header.x-amzn-RequestId x-request-path:method.request.path.petId x-request-query:method.request.querystring.q

    In the preceding header mappings, a static domain name ('a.b.c') is mapped to the Allow-Control-Allow-Origin header to allow CORS access to the API; the input request header of x-amzn-RequestId is mapped to request-id in the response; the petId path variable of the incoming request is mapped to the request-path header in the response; and the q query parameter of the original request is mapped to the request-query header of the response.

  7. Under Response templates, keep application/json for Content Type and enter the following body mapping template in the Template body editor:

    { "message":"$context.error.messageString", "type": "$context.error.responseType", "statusCode": "'404'", "stage": "$context.stage", "resourcePath": "$context.resourcePath", "stageVariables.a": "$stageVariables.a" }

    This example shows how to map $context and $stageVariables properties to properties of the gateway response body.

  8. Choose Save changes.

  9. Deploy the API to a new or existing stage.

Test your gateway response by calling the following CURL command, assuming the corresponding API method's invoke URL is{petId}:

curl -v -H 'x-amzn-RequestId:123344566'

Because the extra query string parameter q=1 isn't compatible with the API, an error is returned from the specified gateway response. You should get a gateway response similar to the following:

> GET /custErr/pets/5?q=1 HTTP/1.1 Host: User-Agent: curl/7.51.0 Accept: */* HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Content-Type: application/json Content-Length: 334 Connection: keep-alive Date: Tue, 02 May 2017 03:15:47 GMT x-amzn-RequestId: 123344566 Access-Control-Allow-Origin: a.b.c x-amzn-ErrorType: MissingAuthenticationTokenException header-1: static x-request-query: 1 x-request-path: 5 X-Cache: Error from cloudfront Via: 1.1 (CloudFront) X-Amz-Cf-Id: nNDR-fX4csbRoAgtQJ16u0rTDz9FZWT-Mk93KgoxnfzDlTUh3flmzA== { "message":"Missing Authentication Token", "type": MISSING_AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN, "statusCode": '404', "stage": custErr, "resourcePath": /pets/{petId}, "stageVariables.a": a }

The preceding example assumes that the API backend is Pet Store and the API has a stage variable, a, defined.