If plugins are configured for your Amazon Q Business application environment you can add these to a Amazon Q Apps you're creating. Once you add a plugin to your Q Apps, your app users will be able to perform plugin actions from within your Q Apps.
All plugins (new and legacy built-in plugins, and custom plugins) configured in the Amazon Q Business console will be available for Q App creators to use.
You can add only one action per plugin card.
The following section outlines how to add plugins to your Q Apps using both the AWS Management Console and the AWS CLI.
Prerequisites for adding
Before your web experience users can create and use plugins, the web experience IAM role for your application environment must have the correct permissions to perform the necessary actions. We recommend updating your web experience IAM policy following the steps outlined in Prerequisites for configuring Amazon Q Business built-in plugins.
Adding plugins in Amazon Q Apps
To add a plugin to your Q App you can use either the AWS Management Console or the CreateQApp API operation. The following tabs provide a procedure for the console and code examples for the AWS CLI.
You can also add a plugin to your Q App through your Amazon Q Business web experience URL.
To add a plugin card to an Q App
Sign in to the AWS Management Console and open the Amazon Q Business console.
In Applications, select the name of your application environment from the list of applications.
From the left navigation menu, choose Enhancements, and then choose Amazon Q Apps.
In the Amazon Q Apps in library section, choose the Q Apps that you want to add a plugin card to, and then select the web experience URL for that Q Apps.
From the Q Apps App library navigate to your app and select Open.
On the Q App page that opens, select Add card, and then select Actions.
From the Actions menu that opens up on the right, do the following:
For Title – Add a title for the card.
For Plugin – Select the plugin you want to add. Then, choose the actions you want your plugin to be able to perform.
You can only add one action per plugin card.
For Prompt – In the prompt section, you get a dropdown of actions for the plugin you select. Once you select an action in the dropdown, your prompt will be populated with a recommended template that you can use for configuration. We recommend that Q App creators follow the generated prompt when writing their own prompts to achieve better results.
Select Save.
Using plugins in Amazon Q Apps
To use a plugin within a Q App you can use either the Amazon Q Business web experience URL or the StartQAppSession API operation. The following tabs provide a procedure for the console and code examples for the AWS CLI.
To use a plugin in an Q App
From your Q App with plugins, select Run.
A window will open up asking you to log in to your third party plugin account.
After you login, Q Apps displays a dialog box asking you to grant your Q App permission to access your third party plugin account. From the box, select Allow.
If there are multiple plugins configured for a Q App, the authentication flow for the second app occurs after the first one.
After a successful connection, your plugin card will display a form where you can fill in the details for the action you are taking.
After filling in the details needed, select Create.
Your plugin card displays a success message when your action completes successfully.