Tagging resources - Amazon Q Business

Tagging resources

Manage your Amazon Q Business applications and data sources by assigning tags. You can use tags to categorize your Amazon Q Business resources in various ways. For example, you could categorize by purpose, owner, or application, or any combination. Each tag consists of a key and a value, both of which you define.

Tags help you to do the following:

  • Identify and organize your AWS resources – Many AWS services support tagging, so you can assign the same tag to resources in different services to indicate that the resources are related. For example, you can tag an Amazon Kendra retriever and the Amazon Q Business web experience that uses the retriever with the same tag.

  • Allocate costs – You activate tags on the AWS Billing and Cost Management dashboard. AWS uses tags to categorize your costs and deliver a monthly cost allocation report to you. For more information, see Cost Allocation and Tagging in the AWS Billing User Guide.

  • Control access to your resources – You can use tags in AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies that control access to Amazon Q Business resources. To activate tag-based access control, you can attach these policies to an IAM role or IAM user. For more information, see Authorization based on tags.

You can create and manage tags using the AWS Management Console, the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI), or the Amazon Q Business API.

Using tags

If you're using the console, you can tag resources when you create them or add them later. You can also use the console to update or remove tags.

If you're using the AWS CLI or the Amazon Q Business API, use the following operations to manage tags for your resources:

Tag restrictions

The following restrictions apply to tags on Amazon Q Business resources:

  • Maximum number of tags – 50

  • Maximum key length – 128 characters

  • Maximum value length – 256 characters

  • Valid characters for key and value – a–z, A–Z, space, and the following characters: _ . : / = + - and @

  • Keys and values are case sensitive

  • Don't use aws: as a prefix for keys; it's reserved for AWS use