Ending a session or query - Amazon Aurora

Ending a session or query

The following stored procedures end a session or query.


Ends a connection to the MySQL server.


CALL mysql.rds_kill(processID);



The identity of the connection thread to be ended.

Usage notes

Each connection to the MySQL server runs in a separate thread. To end a connection, use the mysql.rds_kill procedure and pass in the thread ID of that connection. To obtain the thread ID, use the MySQL SHOW PROCESSLIST command.


The following example ends a connection with a thread ID of 4243:

CALL mysql.rds_kill(4243);


Ends a query running against the MySQL server.


CALL mysql.rds_kill_query(processID);



The identity of the process or thread that is running the query to be ended.

Usage notes

To stop a query running against the MySQL server, use the mysql_rds_kill_query procedure and pass in the connection ID of the thread that is running the query. The procedure then terminates the connection.

To obtain the ID, query the MySQL INFORMATION_SCHEMA PROCESSLIST table or use the MySQL SHOW PROCESSLIST command. The value in the ID column from SHOW PROCESSLIST or SELECT * FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.PROCESSLIST is the processID.


The following example stops a query with a query thread ID of 230040:

CALL mysql.rds_kill_query(230040);