Delete an EC2 Fleet request and the instances in the fleet - Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud

Delete an EC2 Fleet request and the instances in the fleet

If you no longer require an EC2 Fleet request, you can delete it. After you delete a fleet request, all Spot requests associated with the fleet are canceled, so that no new Spot Instances are launched.

When you delete an EC2 Fleet request, you must also specify if you want to terminate all of its instances. These include both On-Demand Instances and Spot Instances. For instant fleets, EC2 Fleet must terminate the instances when the fleet is deleted. A deleted instant fleet with running instances is not supported.

If you specify that the instances must be terminated when the fleet request is deleted, the fleet request enters the deleted_terminating state. Otherwise, it enters the deleted_running state, and the instances continue to run until they are interrupted or you terminate them manually.

  • You can delete up to 25 fleets of type instant in a single operation.

  • You can delete up to 100 fleets of type maintain or request in a single operation.

  • You can delete up to 125 fleets in a single operation, provided you do not exceed the quota for each fleet type, as specified above.

  • If you exceed the specified number of fleets to delete, no fleets are deleted.

  • A deleted instant fleet with running instances is not supported. When you delete an instant fleet, Amazon EC2 automatically terminates all its instances. For instant fleets with more than 1000 instances, the deletion request might fail. If your fleet has more than 1000 instances, first terminate most of the instances manually, leaving 1000 or fewer. Then delete the fleet, and the remaining instances will be terminated automatically.

To delete an EC2 Fleet request and terminate its instances

Use the delete-fleets command and the --terminate-instances parameter to delete the specified EC2 Fleet request and terminate its associated instances.

aws ec2 delete-fleets \ --fleet-ids fleet-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE \ --terminate-instances

Example output

{ "UnsuccessfulFleetDeletions": [], "SuccessfulFleetDeletions": [ { "CurrentFleetState": "deleted_terminating", "PreviousFleetState": "active", "FleetId": "fleet-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE" } ] }
To delete an EC2 Fleet request without terminating its instances

You can modify the previous command using the --no-terminate-instances parameter to delete the specified EC2 Fleet request without terminating its associated instances.


--no-terminate-instances is not supported for instant fleets.

aws ec2 delete-fleets \ --fleet-ids fleet-73fbd2ce-aa30-494c-8788-1cee4EXAMPLE \ --no-terminate-instances

Example output

{ "UnsuccessfulFleetDeletions": [], "SuccessfulFleetDeletions": [ { "CurrentFleetState": "deleted_running", "PreviousFleetState": "active", "FleetId": "fleet-4b8aaae8-dfb5-436d-a4c6-3dafa4c6b7dcEXAMPLE" } ] }

Troubleshoot when a fleet fails to delete

If an EC2 Fleet request fails to delete, UnsuccessfulFleetDeletions in the output returns the ID of the EC2 Fleet request, an error code, and an error message.

The error codes are:

  • ExceededInstantFleetNumForDeletion

  • fleetIdDoesNotExist

  • fleetIdMalformed

  • fleetNotInDeletableState

  • NoTerminateInstancesNotSupported

  • UnauthorizedOperation

  • unexpectedError

Troubleshoot ExceededInstantFleetNumForDeletion

If you try to delete more than 25 instant fleets in a single request, the ExceededInstantFleetNumForDeletion error is returned. The following is example output for this error.

{ "UnsuccessfulFleetDeletions": [ { "FleetId": " fleet-5d130460-0c26-bfd9-2c32-0100a098f625", "Error": { "Message": "Can’t delete more than 25 instant fleets in a single request.", "Code": "ExceededInstantFleetNumForDeletion" } }, { "FleetId": "fleet-9a941b23-0286-5bf4-2430-03a029a07e31", "Error": { "Message": "Can’t delete more than 25 instant fleets in a single request.", "Code": "ExceededInstantFleetNumForDeletion" } } . . . ], "SuccessfulFleetDeletions": [] }
Troubleshoot NoTerminateInstancesNotSupported

If you specify that the instances in an instant fleet must not be terminated when you delete the fleet, the NoTerminateInstancesNotSupported error is returned. --no-terminate-instances is not supported for instant fleets. The following is example output for this error.

{ "UnsuccessfulFleetDeletions": [ { "FleetId": "fleet-5d130460-0c26-bfd9-2c32-0100a098f625", "Error": { "Message": "NoTerminateInstances option is not supported for instant fleet", "Code": "NoTerminateInstancesNotSupported" } } ], "SuccessfulFleetDeletions": []
Troubleshoot UnauthorizedOperation

If you do not have permission to terminate instances, you get the UnauthorizedOperation error when deleting a fleet that must terminate its instances. The following is the error response.

<Response><Errors><Error><Code>UnauthorizedOperation</Code><Message>You are not authorized to perform this operation. Encoded authorization failure message: VvuncIxj7Z_CPGNYXWqnuFV-YjByeAU66Q9752NtQ-I3-qnDLWs6JLFd KnSMMiq5s6cGqjjPtEDpsnGHzzyHasFHOaRYJpaDVravoW25azn6KNkUQQlFwhJyujt2dtNCdduJfrqcFYAjlEiRMkfDHt7N63SKlweKUl BHturzDK6A560Y2nDSUiMmAB1y9UNtqaZJ9SNe5sNxKMqZaqKtjRbk02RZu5V2vn9VMk6fm2aMVHbY9JhLvGypLcMUjtJ76H9ytg2zRlje VPiU5v2s-UgZ7h0p2yth6ysUdhlONg6dBYu8_y_HtEI54invCj4CoK0qawqzMNe6rcmCQHvtCxtXsbkgyaEbcwmrm2m01-EMhekLFZeJLr DtYOpYcEl4_nWFX1wtQDCnNNCmxnJZAoJvb3VMDYpDTsxjQv1PxODZuqWHs23YXWVywzgnLtHeRf2o4lUhGBw17mXsS07k7XAfdPMP_brO PT9vrHtQiILor5VVTsjSPWg7edj__1rsnXhwPSu8gI48ZLRGrPQqFq0RmKO_QIE8N8s6NWzCK4yoX-9gDcheurOGpkprPIC9YPGMLK9tug </Message></Error></Errors><RequestID>89b1215c-7814-40ae-a8db-41761f43f2b0</RequestID></Response>

To resolve the error, you must add the ec2:TerminateInstances action to the IAM policy, as shown in the following example.

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "DeleteFleetsAndTerminateInstances", "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:DeleteFleets" "ec2:TerminateInstances" ], "Resource": "*" } ] }