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Use DescribeClusters
with an AWS SDK or CLI
The following code examples show how to use DescribeClusters
Action examples are code excerpts from larger programs and must be run in context. You can see this action in context in the following code example:
Get a Description of All ClustersThis example returns a description of all clusters for the account. By default, the output is in JSON format.Command:
aws redshift describe-clusters
{ "Clusters": [ { "NodeType": "dw.hs1.xlarge", "Endpoint": { "Port": 5439, "Address": "" }, "ClusterVersion": "1.0", "PubliclyAccessible": "true", "MasterUsername": "adminuser", "ClusterParameterGroups": [ { "ParameterApplyStatus": "in-sync", "ParameterGroupName": "default.redshift-1.0" } ], "ClusterSecurityGroups": [ { "Status": "active", "ClusterSecurityGroupName": "default" } ], "AllowVersionUpgrade": true, "VpcSecurityGroups": \[], "AvailabilityZone": "us-east-1a", "ClusterCreateTime": "2013-01-22T21:59:29.559Z", "PreferredMaintenanceWindow": "sat:03:30-sat:04:00", "AutomatedSnapshotRetentionPeriod": 1, "ClusterStatus": "available", "ClusterIdentifier": "mycluster", "DBName": "dev", "NumberOfNodes": 2, "PendingModifiedValues": {} } ], "ResponseMetadata": { "RequestId": "65b71cac-64df-11e2-8f5b-e90bd6c77476" } }
You can also obtain the same information in text format using the
--output text
option.Command:--output text
aws redshift describe-clusters --output text
dw.hs1.xlarge 1.0 true adminuser True us-east-1a 2013-01-22T21:59:29.559Z sat:03:30-sat:04:00 1 available mycluster dev 2 ENDPOINT 5439 in-sync default.redshift-1.0 active default PENDINGMODIFIEDVALUES RESPONSEMETADATA 934281a8-64df-11e2-b07c-f7fbdd006c67
For API details, see DescribeClusters
in AWS CLI Command Reference.