enum LustreAutoImportPolicy
Language | Type name |
.NET | Amazon.CDK.AWS.FSx.LustreAutoImportPolicy |
Go | github.com/aws/aws-cdk-go/awscdk/v2/awsfsx#LustreAutoImportPolicy |
Java | software.amazon.awscdk.services.fsx.LustreAutoImportPolicy |
Python | aws_cdk.aws_fsx.LustreAutoImportPolicy |
TypeScript (source) | aws-cdk-lib » aws_fsx » LustreAutoImportPolicy |
The different auto import policies which are allowed.
import { aws_s3 as s3 } from 'aws-cdk-lib';
declare const vpc: ec2.Vpc;
declare const bucket: s3.Bucket;
const lustreConfiguration = {
deploymentType: fsx.LustreDeploymentType.SCRATCH_2,
exportPath: bucket.s3UrlForObject(),
importPath: bucket.s3UrlForObject(),
autoImportPolicy: fsx.LustreAutoImportPolicy.NEW_CHANGED_DELETED,
const fs = new fsx.LustreFileSystem(this, "FsxLustreFileSystem", {
vpc: vpc,
vpcSubnet: vpc.privateSubnets[0],
storageCapacityGiB: 1200,
Name | Description |
NONE | AutoImport is off. |
NEW | AutoImport is on. |
NEW_CHANGED | AutoImport is on. |
NEW_CHANGED_DELETED | AutoImport is on. |
AutoImport is off.
Amazon FSx only updates file and directory listings from the linked S3 bucket when the file system is created. FSx does not update file and directory listings for any new or changed objects after choosing this option.
AutoImport is on.
Amazon FSx automatically imports directory listings of any new objects added to the linked S3 bucket that do not currently exist in the FSx file system.
AutoImport is on.
Amazon FSx automatically imports file and directory listings of any new objects added to the S3 bucket and any existing objects that are changed in the S3 bucket after you choose this option.
AutoImport is on.
Amazon FSx automatically imports file and directory listings of any new objects added to the S3 bucket, any existing objects that are changed in the S3 bucket, and any objects that were deleted in the S3 bucket.